Typically we Right-Wingers know the most about our own country and think that our own country has it the worst. But I as a German, when looking at the facts and our resistance, can tell you that I do not consider my country the most cucked.
Here are the reasons why. First let's look at the competition: England:
France: France is going to show us, what the civcuck way of integrating Muslims really means. Preperare for a Grand Imam of France.
Why is this important? Why is not "based Poland", who just needs to stay mildly cuckservative and pre4vent immigration to stop their demographic problem not in here? Why not Denmark, which is so based? Making muslim kids speak Danish in danish kindergartens? DAMN, SO BASED. Solving demographic suicide by turning muslims into danes! based!
Because history has always been about the major Powers. The EU is not going to reform without Germany. Austria alone can't do it. Hungary alone can't do it.
The EU is never going to reform user except by reducing the impact of individual nations and their unique characteristics even further….
You know they're going to build a land bridge between Malta, Sicily and Libya at some point to make it easier for "migrants" to come and replace you. The EU needs to be torn apart because it prevents nations and their volk from acting in their own best interest and creates a grey/brown homogenised degenerate slush of a culture across the entire continent.
Jason Allen
This has to be the highest quality shitting-on-other-countries thread I've seen in this place, well done OP.
Carter Morgan
Blake King
I am of the same opinion. Britain and France have been marred with niggers and other shitskins for centuries, they brought it to themselves. Germans are not beyond saving. Sweden also isn't, believe it or not. Those two still have a solution without bloodshed available. In France, the bloodshed has already begun. Britain seems fucked beyond repair.
Daniel Roberts
t. hasn't lived with germans
I spent over four years with germans. I ate with them, slept with them, conversed with them, and drank with them, and I can assure you that they are some of the most demoralised people on earth. Imagine a group of people so mind fucked that they don't care about anything and literally wanna self-suicide by turks. It's hard to describe but they're now almost hardwired into cuckoldry and self-harm. The English are also massive faggots and will burn in hell along with them but the german conformist attitude and religious attitude towards leftism makes them especially extra gay. I really hate them. Not who they are essentially but what they've become. Your instinct is to grab them and shake them like a small, retarded child that keeps fucking up. The english just make you wanna blow your brains out, at least if you're anglo. Wiemar on turbosteroids.
Nathan Nelson
As of right this second France is clearly the most likely to uncuck itself as it has a wide-scale protests that are becoming increasingly extreme and exposing the participants to increasingly more 'Zig Forums ideas'. What started off for many as irritation with a leader and anger over financial policies has quickly evolved into an out-right hatred of politicians and banks and a more general belief that they are foreign overlords seeking to defile France. They are far more likely to cross the Rubicon than any other nation on the planet right now. Only a couple of steps need to be taken from where they are now, to absolute Zig Forums-tier.
Britain is significantly more likely than Germany to free itself. The entire country is bitterly divided, with over half seeing their politicians as the puppets of foreign overlords. Whilst a good number consider their enemies to be Germans as opposed to Jews; the fact remains that they are hateful of the status quo, have attempted to free themselves from the tentacle of the parasite with Brexit, and have conducted large scale civil unrest numerous times in reference to immigration, islam, the EU, free speech and betrayal from the government and police. They aren't quite where the French are, but it is very conceivable that a mishandled Brexit could lead to uprisings, and attitudes are increasingly hateful towards a media proven to be siding with foreigners over the natives. Again I want to stress there has already been a lot of unrest and violence, and there are a lot of events that are likely to cause more that are coming in the near future.
I don't want to demoralise the Germans, but they have nothing like France or Britain going on. Their politicians are more cucked than Farage and Le Pen, their people are more brainwashed, their nation is infested with American military bases, the people are largely content at least relative to what we see in France, Britain, Italy, Hungary, Spain; even Sweden.
I also just noticed you asserted that AFD aren't civic nationalists. You're just a Germanaboo. I wish the Germans all the luck in the world, but what you're asserting is not based in reality.
Sebastian James
are you sure, because french always love to have a violent protest then go back to getting blacked. they've been doing that for countless years. it's the same cycle, rinse repeat.
Thomas Sullivan
AfD nationalism is like homosexual republicanism with extra jew worship involved. Horrible shit.
Nolan Rodriguez
Everyone knows what they really mean. Stop spreading lies. We aren't civic nationalist. That isn't a concept here.
there's virtually no proof that this is true. and every debate i've ever had with afd fags is them going, "but brooo they're secretly faschy". it's the same style of argument trumpsters use, you know, the 4d chess kind. of course, we can't actually ever see the 4d chess plays and we can't because they're 4d, but it's right because trump just must be baste. i mean, he even retweeted a pepe!!!
Because we only shit on our own countries and say how it's the worst ever.
I posted some evidence for that. Also stop comparing us to Americans. We don't have a concept of "whiteness". Cultural Marxists won a great victory, when they managed to make Europeans move out of their ethnic neighbourhoods in the US and become rootless, cosmopolitan "whites".
Camden Allen
no, there is nothing you can point to that afd is more than faggotry. if it was even WN, it'd be shutdown tomorrow and they'd all be imprisoned because germany is a communist police state. that's proof alone that you can not produce anything that shows they're baste. this is 4d chess argumentation.
Levi Ward
I'm not saying this just to be rude. It's a fact I've observed over 65 years of life. Every non jew pedophile I've ever known, and the most weird openly sex obsessed lusting for toddlers pedophile I've ever known has been a German. I'm not sure why. But nothing puts that evil gleam in their eye and gets them licking their chops like a hungry wolf as the sight of a little girl younger than 12.
Now I'm not saying that they're all like that but for some reason the Pedo Force is strong with the squareheads.
I grew up across the street from this guy, Freddy, and his older brother Gerte. My mother was coffee drinking friends with their mother so I became de facto friends with Freddy a year older than me starting when I was 5. When I was in grade 7 I ran into him and he invited me over to their new house. There was this little 3 or 4 year old girl across the street, Crystal. Her parents had put a little Shell Oil plastic play teepee in the yard for her and her little brother to play in. Freddy and Gerte were obsessed with this scenario and kept obsessively going on about Crystal. Eventually I finally tuned into the fact that they were going into that teepee on the sly to get her out of her panties. Very bad scene. I got the hell out of there and never returned.
And then there was this guy down on the drydock I worked with. A fairly big German guy that would alternate between bonhommie and sly bullying. I'd told him to fuck off to his face several times over this. He had this golf cart to zip around the huge site. I didn't say anything about this until this chink supply salesman complained in front of me to the big boss that German buddy there was trying to extort bribes out of the chink for buying his supplies. Then the boss fired the fucker the next day; he'd been spying on him and found him half a mile away at a playground park with the company golf cart showing it off to toddlers and giving them rides. The boss was unshakeable in his assertion that the fucker was a total pedo freak. A German.
And then there was this other german from work I was friends with. We'd go hiking and shit, stop in some snack bar on the way back. The first time I gave him a pass, he perhaps wanted to have children of his own and admired them. The second time jesus, what an evil fuck. 10 year old blonds that looked like Disney's Alice from Alice in Wonderland seemed to be the trigger. Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde. A german.
Then there was the jew criminal that slyly bribed welfare mothers to offload their 11 and 12 year old brats on him while they went off on $6500 holidays.. He became their de facto "uncle".
He was informed on and the result was that the police told him it would be wise for him to move out of town and lay low for a while because things were getting a bit warm for him in the city. Which he did. He was worth around $80 million.
Thomas Ortiz
and if you claim to have proof, this is basically implying that the entire german gov and alphabets don't have it, which makes no sense as they have way more intelligence and resources than you and jail people for innocent facebook posts. you're basically reductio ad absurdiuming yourself.
Xavier Hughes
We don't want white nationalism in Germany. We don't want to accept Poles, Italians, Slavs, Balkan Peoples and turn them into Germans. We are content with German Nationalism.
Fuck off.
Jonathan Adams
i mean ethnonationalism or nationalism for germans. WN is just an easy umbrella term.
Joshua Wood
Do I really have to spell it out for you? This is a National Socialist board, we are neither (((right))) wingers nor (((left))) wingers, nigger.
Mason Jenkins
This. AFD is controlled opposition. Lock stock. The woman heading the group was a former Goldman Sachs banker.
Reminder that Germany is still under enemy occupation; as Obama stated Germany will forever be under our rule.
Central goal of white nationalism: the will for white folks to be nationalists. That is, not a promotion of mixture betwixt European folks.
Henry Bennett
You're still naive to what is about to happen and blind to what has been done to you. The creation of israel was the biggest crime in human history, the cause for both world wars and everything that happens afterwards. Germany was entirely innocence in any of this and was used as a scapegoat to hide the treasonous collaboration of the British Empire, Russia and the United States, to commit unspeakable war crimes on the behest of jewish bankers. israel was their main goal and everything else was just collateral. Hitler came to existence purely based on the German will to defend themselves. And jewish subversion tricked and blackmailed the entire world against an innocent nation defending itself. Hitler was crushed, and the jewish involvement in all of this was hidden behind the conspiracy of their persecution. What Hitler achieved was to fight the jewish genocide machine back into the shadows, where they schemed to strike back not only against Germany, but against the entire world. Fast forward and they managed to divide every race against each other, stole all the wealth from them, bringing their economies to the point of total collapse, and orchestrated a mass invasion against entire Europe, Canada, Australia, Japan, and the USA, while funneling all the money into israel and their proxies Russia and China. All the internal security of these countries either works to protect jewish citizens or to keep the locals from interfering with their own destruction. Every institution of power was severely weakened by strategical use of feminism and racism to replace locals. You have no military defense, no political representation, no rights to speak or act up against anything, and no rights to assemble in any way.
While all this is happening the jewish usury crime of debt is at the end of it's mission and will soon end the western monetary system and instantaneously collapse all of those countries into starvation and violence. Then we have the Muslim problem. israel and the Caliphate have a deal to use muslim terrorists to conquer the western world, which is supplemented by jewish media radicalizing the young, the Saudi human trafficking rings bringing in the terror cells, and mossad delivering weapons into the newly build mosques, which are safely protected by sharia law zones. And let's not forget the blacks. Since the days of slavery the jews have created out of them a bio weapon that spreads violence and poverty at a faster rate than anything else on this planet. Did I mention that the (((EU))) is in the process of dumping all of Africa into your countries? Sidenote; Africa was btw used by the jews to breed poverty and make a racket of newer ending exploitation out of it. World poverty is a jewish weapon.
So yeah..you better get your ass in gear for an all out war of survival or come to the realization that all this can only be survived by mankind if they collectively liberate the cradle of God (Jerusalem) from the synagogue of Satan. Enjoy your future, user.
You've been with the wrong Germans then. Sure, a lot of them are demoralised. But remember, you only need 10% to turn things around. FAR MORE than 10% of Germans hate what's happening with their country.
Colton Evans
funny, i've never met a german that wasn't a pushover faggot – but, if you say so…
Brody Turner
Who? You mean Sellner and his buttpirates? The fuck outta here nigger.
Nathaniel Kelly
The plural of anecdote isn't evidence grandpa
Nicholas Robinson
Those 10% need to have an avenue from which they can launch their revolution though. In France the opportunity is already there, the fire is well and truly blazing; the yellow vest protests, even if they aren't getting to the root of the problem right this moment; are easily capable of becoming that.
Britain has Brexit, it has myriad large scale groups with political power that are fighting islam, the mainstream media, political correctness and those opposing freedom of speech. Whilst they aren't where the French are yet, it is very easy to see a mishandled Brexit giving the over 10% of Brits who hate what is happening in their country the ability to change things. There are also those marches and protests against islam, political correctness, for Tommy Robinson and all the rest. Whilst significantly smaller opportunities than Brexit, these too could be the opportunity that the 10% need.
What opportunities does Germany have? I do hope they find one, but as far as I see they are in a far worse position than Britain, who in turn are in a far worse position than France. Now obviously the fact that these opportunities are there does not mean that either France or Britain will take them; Italy certainly did not take its chance when it had it just recently. But the opportunity is there. For people to think that Germany has the best chance to make it, as of right now, is to be a fool. There are a lot of steps that the Germans need to take to be in a position like France or Britain. These posts stink of frustrated Germans who wish their country was better, or moronic Amerikrauts who worship Germany and believe it to be something it is not.
Zig Forums is not about glorifying your nation, or your favourite foreign nations; we should be looking practically at what can be done to save our people. Frogs should be seeking to use the Yellow Vest Protests to get their way. Bongs should be seeking to use Brexit to get their way. Germans need to be creating an opportunity like those that the protests and Brexit provide for themselves.
Benjamin Rogers
Two things.
One, I love Germany, and I love all the European countries, and I dearly hope all of you succeed and join hands. But nobody needs you. The world kept turning after Rome fell, and if God forbid Germany, France, Poland, or any other country should fall, it will keep turning.
Two, the EU does not need reform. The EU needs to be destroyed.
That's like saying the world does not need white people. It absolutely does, because a future run by Muslims or chinks won't last long.
Christopher Thomas
Sellner, Volkslehrer, Hagen Grell, …
they are all for repatriation
Nicholas Sanders
The UK is actually save, because the crown made a deal with the jews to spare the kingdom (not the citizens tho, they're still going to be replaced). I have not the foggiest as to what the deal is, but the public Windsor bloodline destruction by a nigger marriage was the price the Queen had to pay for it.
Brayden Barnes
It doesn't.
A world run by Chinks(Because it would be Chinks) would be a horrible, miserable place to be if the smoked-out hellhole they currently call home is any indication… but it would function. Even a world run by sandniggers, though it would be full of constant, senseless violence and women being punished for being raped… would function.
The world would be a horrible place without us, but at the same time, the world does not need us.
Remember that the jewish endgame goes hand in hand with the destruction of the jewish race. By destroying all other races they are openly defiling nature itself, which equals suicide. The damage they've already caused to this earths biosphere cannot be salvaged by us anymore. Mankind is dying out and has no future on this earth anymore. It's all downhill from here on out. The pollution of air, soil and water is just too severe to sustain the parasites within.
Joshua Campbell
Your beliefs are what paint the future. The power of money is a good marker for the power of belief.
Not understand what spics are capable of doing to little girls. It's lies at this point.
James Gray
You fail to grasp the most fundamental variable that will decide how things will go: economy. To think that the masses will abandon panem et circenses willingly in favor of political activism and getting their country back is straight delusional. In either of those countries, things will not change as long as the masses are fed and entertained. And if we are talking about this possibility, France, as it already happened, is the one of the three whose economy seems to give more trouble to the peasants. Italy itself turned to a lukewarm right wing consensus largely due to recession. Germany of these is the least likely to reach anything remotely weimar-tier in terms of economy at the moment. No revolution of any significance ever happened without blood, hunger and sweat, and until you reach favorable conditions inertia will rule.
Hunter Richardson
Why do guys like you never listen? The usury debt ceiling has been reached quite some time ago and the jews are keeping a finger on the trigger to crash the global economy with it (which was intended from the beginning). They are waiting for all their other schemes to get in position (mass migration, taxing the middle class to death, racism, feminism, accumulating of all gold reserves, funneling as much money as possible into israel, make up as many laws as possible to keep the citizens down, directing law enforcement towards the protection of jews etc.)
When they finally pull the trigger it's starvation and war time, which means big business for jews, and afterwards they let the Russians or Chinese roll in to "liberate" the scene by enforcing a cash-less currency, universal income and a social credit system. That is also called slavery. The facts are all there, you just have to open your eyes to see them.
Justin Turner
Hunter White
where did I say anything against that? learn to read I'm stating a simple fact: the mass man, your beloved average joe, will not magically get redpilled and start gassing jews as long as he is well fed and has its little material toys to play with, it won't happen. Average joe is a rootless cosmopolitan "individual" that cannot see beyond his stomach, lives in the present and has no memory or past or future beyond his ego. This is the de facto situation in the west. A few higher spirited individuals who are able to look beyond their own nose and think about the future of their folk won't alter things much. We are a minority even among our own. You better hope jews fuck up their plan and things get out of their control if you want to have any hope to win back the masses of your own folk from their current cosmopolitan masters. Paradigm shifts happen during turbulent times. The last one was fucking WWII, the single event from which the masses derive all their myths and liturgies and rights and wrongs. At this point, you are probably going to need something comparable for a change.
Hunter Bennett
Probably as scattered resistance yes. In the long term they have much better odds then England or France.
Joseph Lopez
only former East Germany is based, they should form a secessionist movement
Nicholas Reed
Wyatt Taylor
Your country is far too gone, Germonycuck. You have to realize nothing can save you or your people at this point. Just being honest.
Slavic countries like Poland or Hungary are the best hope for Europoors. Take care, stay safe.
Blake Diaz
Unless Germany provokes pissrael into sampson to nuke degenerate Berlin it is hopeless.
Benjamin Campbell
Hitler wrote that only a new "weltanschaung" can motivate the masses to break out of their stupor, because when the war starts they are all going to panic or stand still like a deer in a headlight, while looking for the first beacon of hope to cling to. The jews know this and will be there with the food packages to promise them help…for the small fee of enslavement.
This is one of the biggest Achilles heels mankind has; the false belief to be an individual. When you look at our history you can count the true individuals of mankind at one hand. All the rest are only kept alive by history books. The truth is that natural law dictates that only a strong and healthy collective can create the freedom that is necessary for an individual to emerge. Yet nearly all of us are wasting their lives on being individual and chasing the dream to be someone special. That will statistically never happen, but is such an easy weakness to exploit. It's the jews who had enough time and practice to understand this and force their entire existence into working towards the collective, while using individuality to enslave the rest.
Jonathan Martin
I got that vibe too. Like robots, you don't need science fiction movies, just go to Germany. I also spent three years in France, took time to learn about what the political climate was over there. I didn't get it all, it's hard to know, but I don't think anything will come from this place. It's just as rotten. Anti-racism is a religion just as strong as the holohoax. I remember a pic on these boards that described the polsituation here and it is quite what I smelled. There are more shades of left in France than there are orphan shoes and sullied pants in Madonna's private mansion.
It could cool off but the ideas could grow. Gob will prolly pass more laws. On the other side of the sea, a big issue in UK is the lack of gun ownership. Farage and LePen are damned weak. When you're pol/tier you don't give two shits about racism, you welcome it! These faggots keep kvetching about anti-white racism but who gives? We don't want to be friends with non-whites. Their racism is good news! Racism on all sides increases the tensions. Anti-racism is pro-miscegenation, no matter how you look at it. It buys time for ZOG. They're not anti-yids or anti-nogs, they're just selling the same jeebus shit of international love. from a different angle You get it? "Wawawaaaa anti-white racism is bad." …?… NO! It's fucking good mate! We need more of that! You don't segregate with love ffs!
Jayden Green
Who said white nationalism meant local identities had to be wrecked? You just make up that dividing argument.
Was a pretty based post until that shit. Then I realized I was reading a christard/shlomo again calling for Whites to go waste their lives defending a shithole city like during the days of the extra-european crusades. Auf Wiedersehen Jerusalem.
Daniel Walker
Ayden Martinez
Shut up and die weenie.
Robert Cruz
Crusades, aside from the last one, were of great use to Europe. They were so useful, in fact, that the last one was out of pure greed, and had God's hand guiding it to failure. You don't see Muslims whine about their conquests, racial or otherwise. Crusades were no different. I think Lebanese are still white thanks to the crusades.
William Hernandez
Have we really destroyed the planet with plastic bags? I mean, I know some form of life can mutate, adapt, survive, but are we past the tipping point for 100% biological natural humans to thrive ?
I know the boomers dont care. I cant even get my parents to put in a bit of effort to recycle some plastics.
It feels like we all deep down, even the normies, know that we are all giving ourselves cancer and disease and that it is a fine trade off to have an iphone in your pocket wih 5g wifi connectivity.
Joseph Brown
Well they have a better chance then Afrance but thats not saying much.
I feel sorry for the germans all around, hitler was basically their last hope but nah england has to come in and involve the u.s and france and the (((banks))) and kiles wouldn't allow one nation to have whites with a strong spirit.
Elijah Brown
Well they've had nationalist gatherings recently and even small-scale riots. Besides, they have nothing like France or Britain… until they do. A lot can change within the course of a couple years. Even the British and French phenomenon you're so excited about are relatively recent. Also consider that we've had "right wing" (alt-right) movements, marches, and demonstrations in the USA but it also tapered off. Don't be surprised to see some of the European movements blow over and resurge a few times, coming in waves. I wouldn't count ANY of the major European peoples at this point. Expect changes at breakneck speeds, a tipping point. And once it "happens" in one country or region, it could easily have a domino effect.
Lebanese, white. lol Also please also define the usefulness of these crusades. Inside of Europe, they mostly hunted down pagans and heretics. Outside, they wasted our genepool to defend the cesspool known as Jerusalem.
thefederalistpapers.org/us/map-least-racist-countries-notice-anything-strange The "racist map" actually reveals which European countries have been the most exposed to miscegenation. Although not explained that way, it must be understood that this map actually measures the reactive racism. Which explains why Russia for example, despite the open racism of Russians when they go in Germany, Italy, France, Britain, etc., looks blue here because Russians are not as threatened as Western Europeans are. Same in America since the real threat is not exactly miscegenation (that's used on TV to mentally weaken our racial instincts for preservation) but pure and simple invasion and displacement through demographics. Whole states in America are still extremely white. Considering the western propaganda, I was quite surprised to see that the French (including niggers, sandniggers and ricefeeders) were still "that" racist but I thought it would be useful to point it out in this thread considering what's going on in that country.
Not only France is the place in the EU with the highest concentration of camps kikes but it's likely the first nation to blow up because of sizzling racial tensions.
Kant Wait.
Bentley Edwards
It's not about religion or the city itself, it's about symbolism and power to keep the masses in balance. Humanity is largely shaped by fake faith, and until you have something better to replace it with, it will be the dominating sense that consciously gives humans the freedom to move on and be productive. Of course this is all based on natural law around blood and race, but good look selling that to humans. They rather worship their false idols. So yeah it's predestined and important to humanities harmony/balance that the cross and the star clash for the cradle of god.
Tyler Morales
I shit in plastic bags. I also put people's parts in them too.
Thomas Fisher
If America would ever stop occupying Germany, it would rise again to glory
Michael Brown
You don't get it. We don't have to liberate that place. And it certainly is not the cradle of God!
Ask them nicely. After all, it only took something like +20K Frei Korps to liberate Bavaria alone after a small communistic inroad. (oh shi– edition '19, B-sides)
Jordan Taylor
The leader of Germany's nationalist party is a woman? Ahahahaha
Joseph James
Damn why'd you have to throw it all away at the end with an ad for "civic nationalism: the religion"
Nature cannot sustain humans any longer and is in the process of either destroying earth or purging us from it.
Massive scam. No matter in which container you put your trash, it has to be segregated at the recycling place, because there could be a battery in between the paper. It's all a multi layered racket to extort money from you and push in new laws to restrict your freedom.
As for the real culprits…jews pushing industrialization without remorse and jews breeding world poverty as a weapon and a means of endless extortion.
Sebastian Richardson
… dient der "Integration".
"Integration" ist das Codewort für Vermischung(*)!
Carter Reyes
Sellner is not only a civnat cuck, he is also a danger to anyone right of the Identitarians. His stated goal is to first unite the entire right to gain political clout and then "purge" the "Nazis"
Cooper Williams
It's one thing to be realistic about where Germany is and what it needs to do to get where it has to be. But don't pretend like you can predict the future at such a fine degree of granularity. There's also some value to "past behavior is the best indicator of future action". You absolutely should not be counting out the Germans based on that alone.
Carter Bailey
Opening up Mediterranean sea for Europeans to use helped spread knowledge and prosperity, silk road was no longer Muslim only, viking slave raids were ended, muslim slave raids were greatly diminished, rendering Muslims to breed only with their own cousins and the occasional negro slave.
If all of humanity is wiped out there will still be cockroaches. Odd thing to smugpost about. We're not here to discuss bare minimum function. We're here to discuss excellence.
Alexander Cruz
If my nation wants to kill itself, how can I stop it? Only Swedes know how to practice mitosis, else they'd have died to homosexuality ages ago.
Asher Russell
Why would you call someone standing up for their own people a cuck? Maybe you're not acting out of good faith toward other Europeans trying to save their own people. You should also be careful about getting too high and mighty about your own positions. Poland has a lot of promise but their Christian/Catholic foundations leave a massive hole to exploit as we've already seen with recent Flip, Pajeet, and Gook immigrations. It's also stuck between major powers and will have to deal with possibly a faltering Germany and/or Russia, which may have increasing muslim influence and a legacy weapons stockpile to play with especially in the case of Russia. Hungary shows a lot of promise but they are also caught in the middle of all this shit. It will not be easy to just shake off more than a millennia of world powers around them to rise above and take over. And even if they rise up, there are issues to contend with. Do they wall off the west and become an eastern empire? If they become an empire, how do they deal with absorbing the mixed non-European populations on either side? Or do they go isolationist when they are largely land-locked? We've got to look beyond clashing egos to survive this, there will have to be a certain amount of cooperation or at least mutual support, either material or at least in spirit.
Guys, I wrote about the false sense of individuality earlier and atheism is the epitome of nihilistic self destruction. It doesn't matter if you believe in God, what matters is that the majority of mankind believes in the symbolism and power of religions, especially jews. They are not religious at all, but they use religion to self indoctrinate for protection and they absolutely understand the power of symbolism. This is why they use circumcision to strengthen themselves against temptation, and why they spread the hasidic jews across the globe, while keeping them low caste. this is religious fundamentalism used to create a security net to fall back to if the gentiles take down the upper echelon. Then just like hundreds of times before the jew will be the religiously persecuted goofball nobody bets an eye on. jews don't give a shit about Israel, they don't have a culture to cultivate, they don't have blood ties to uphold, they are not bound by race. But israel is the symbolical cradle of God that represents the power to rule the world. Thousands of years of religions made us adept subconsciously that this statement is proper. That good and evil need to be balanced, that freedom can only be restored this way.
When you use common sense all this shit is absolutely wrong and evil and stupid, but this is what humanity has evolved into. And no matter how you explain it to them, they will not just drop this part of themselves.
Isaac Miller
Yep, that's why the jews destroyed all the books about race realism. They are deliberately defiling nature to destroy all races. And it isn't even really their fault either, because after thousands of years of nomadic lifestyle, full of inbreeding, race mixing and every degeneracy known to men, they've never learned what being a race feels like and how important it is to sustain humanity. Well, they're gonna find out in the end when they rule their radioactive, desert planet.
Noah Harris
Well you don't have to be atheist if you're not christian. There is spirituality with basis in history, and also racial brotherhood and manifest destiny. There's no path forward with christianity specifically, it promotes racemixing, puts "God" above our racial existence (end result is a mixed people, deadend), and places the jews as a central figure within it giving them the perfect foothold to undermine us at every turn. Of course it's easier to criticize than to provide direct alternatives but at the same time christianity has utterly failed to adapt to a world where we have constant and easy constant with the other races. It was only able to function so well when European peoples were relatively isolated from the brown hordes. Now the cracks are shining through and a rotten base is exposed more than ever.
Those bases are for the great uncuckening. Just watch.
Jace Parker
It's just totally corrupted by jews. The new testament has no right to exist. The Catholic church was solely created to combat jews. Now it hosts pedophiles and sodomites. Ignore all of this. The only thing that matters is God, the cross and the will to uphold morality. Understanding this principle is key to survival of the human race. Following Hitler under the Swastika to fight for freedom falls under this as much as following jewish money under the star to overthrow the world.
Brayden Watson
Good luck with your path, user. Every christian both individual and institutional (pastor, minister, priest) I've talked to is in favor of racemixing and would rather their daughter marry a christian nigger than an agnostic white man. It's rotten to the core. People can make up their own minds at this point, the evidence is laid bare.
Sebastian Brooks
The Britcucks will build it right at Gibraltar, it makes the most sense geographically. Spain will complain as it gets flooded and the EU will shout it down.
Eli Sanchez
I told you the institutions don't matter, it's about the idea behind it and the symbolism associated with it. Take the cross and preach real morality and mankind will remember instantly. All the larping movements always come up with new symbols to march under, without realizing that the whole principle is a religious one. The bible even warned you about worshiping false idols, and atheists do this all the time without realizing the religious origins of their behavior. Like using the symbol of pornography, to worship your dick by masturbating. You can apply this to anything, but it originated from religions, and the biggest one is Christianity, especially if you realize that Islam was created from it. Allah/God same shit , different name. If humanity wants to live then it needs to take the strongest symbol (cross) to follow the biggest leader (God) to reclaim the symbol of world peace/power (Jerusalem). It works, you just have to see above the religious aspects of it.
Kevin Reed
the cross, God and jerusalem are pozzed symbols that would only carry with them their rotting carcass we need to return to the eagle, the Imperium and Rome
Russia is outside the EU and is a multicultural Empire. Italy with its "based new right-wing" goverment is just holding a gun to the EU to leech off it.
How can he be a civcuck, if he openly talks about Repatriation of all foreigners? That idea doesn't make sense, if you are a civcuck.
Bentley Brown
The past cannot be resurrected, user. You have to use the best the present has to offer to create a better future. Carry the cross into Jerusalem and you can put an eagle on top of it. The masses will follow you all the way. March under the eagle and they will mock you, and merely accepted it if you succeed, which you won't because you need their help.
Chase Reyes
Rome wasn't exactly known for its rejection of degeneracy.
Oliver Howard
Useless memes so far as the people who sent their men to die are concerned. You're counting the genocide of the pagans as a "crusade"? You'd be one of the few people who think of spilling the blood of the Saxon men that way. Most people just think of it as the campaign of Charlemagne. Perhaps it's considered a crusade. I guess any military campaign waged by a Christian for any vaguely Christian reason could be considered a crusade. The Pope may even have told him to do it, I don't recall. Those were still happening in post-colonial America so I can't imagine how impactful you think the crusades were in this regard. Furthermore you can stop slave raids with a functioning navy, you don't need to wage an expensive foreign war. Again, useless memes.
Nice skeleton, though.
Wyatt Johnson
Sure you do. Any German can look at a black and see that his people are distinctly different from your own. And even the most jingoistic German understands that he shares more in common with a Frenchman, an Englishman, a Dane or (dare I say it) a Pole than some dead eyed piece of filth that waddled in from Turkey. That's racial consciousness.
Hunter Rivera
Sure, but never use the "white" word. We just say Europeans, Abendland (occident), Christian Europe Culture, etc. We only say white in the context about talking about america.
And we don't want to be White Nationalists. We don't want to just accept millions of Poles, Slavs, etc. We want to be pure Germanic.
Nathaniel Allen
Mid-week D&C? Yep.
Lincoln Price
Fair enough. It also led to the collapse of the Byzantine Empire and the destruction of far more knowledge.
For a brief time, yes. Of course, by that logic, the Mongol invasion of Russia was also good because it accomplished the same thing except a lot better.
Vikings weren't so bad. They were mostly traders and craftsmen. Also, viking raids were falling out of fashion long before the first crusades against Europeans.
Except that the crusades wouldn't have anything to do with that. It was the strengthening of European nations that solved that problem.
Here's another good thing the crusades did; it killed a lot of jews while also killing off the most derainged, blood crazed Christian zealots in failed attacks. Win win.
Angel Edwards
White, European. Same thing. Kikes hate us all.
But I agree with you, Germany is for Germans. Not Poles, French, and Italians. I envy your rootedness but as an American I need to work with what I have. We'll develop a culture eventually.
Ryder Cook
we are talking about primordial symbols here and it entirely depends on what period of Rome you consider anyway, what passes as "christian" today is not exactly as pious as a christian from the 11th century either the early austere and utmost pious Romans of the early Republic are not the same as some degenerate easternized kid fiddling Greek speaking "Romans" from the 3rd century AD
hate to break it to you but the territory known as "germany" is part of a secret treaty that was signed at the end of the war i think there's another 130 years left on it. and it isn't just america occupying germany it is a number of nations.
Charles Flores
Certainly, I agree with you. Nonetheless the Germans as of right now look the least likely of any nation to uncuck themselves. That doesn't mean they won't manage it, it doesn't even mean they won't be the first; but considering the OP is essentially putting the French and British down; it needs to be pointed out for what it is. Germany is not some beacon of greatness for the rest of Europe; it is in fact a warning sign of just how bad things can get. When a foreign leader threatens to have his migrants take over your nation if you don't appease him (Erdogan and Turkey threatening to get the Turks in Germany to cause civil unrest); you know there are serious problems. AFD somehow manages to be more cucked than people like Trump, Farage, Wilders and Le Pen. Germans themselves seem, at least relative to other European nations, remarkably passive as well.
I will re-emphasise that I want the best for Germany and I hope they do uncuck themselves. Nonetheless the OP stinks of petty favouritism, sort of like a sports fan gloating about how their team is the best; even when all evidence indicates otherwise.
Ian Martinez
This. I know too many Germans, to the point where I think OP is living in some bizarre bubble. Germans in general are the most pozzed people I know of. They were successfully neutralised a long time ago.
Luis Scott
That's not fucking true. HOW THE FUCK can you say that?
Civcuck, who actively prevents his party from rebranding as an anti-immigration, british nationalist party
Literally only talks about stopping illegal immigration, wants more legal immigration
very socialist, woman and probably not strong enough to start the process of making France French again
I said this in the OP. My very first sentence was about that. And I am not a third world nationalist, who just thinks his country is the best, even if it's a shithole. I don't think we are at our best right now. I could talk about very negative qualities of Germans as well, but they are different and don't really affect this conversation as much and they will just confuse you people into thinking that everything is fucked no matter what.
Sorry to break it to you, but Farage is a pro-immigration cuck, that actively sabotages UKIP.
Ryan Fisher
You realize that we are not some amorphous blob, right? 20% of Germans in the polls support the Green Party, which is a nightmare. Of course we have very bad examples too.
But you have to differenatiate between different social classes and regional sub German identities. Were you just in Berlin? In Bavaria? NRW? Who did you talk to? Just expats?
We are the biggest Nation in Europe. Of course there is diversity in how Germans think. There is a big North-South and West-East Divide. We are not Americans, who all pretend to be middle-class, even if they are lower-class and are all the same.
Dylan Richardson
Is this a troll? Some serious self-awareness on display if not.
James Ross
Fuck off pussy.
Michael Lopez
Germany has been occupied by the United States since World War II. They aren't going to do anything except elect childless old hags to import niggers into Europe.