In case you didn't check the news, the media reported yesterday that Newsom was going to kill California's high speed rail project. This isn't true and he himself "clarified" (read: corrected) his position after the speech after multiple members of his own party yelled at him over it, but the damage was done regardless. He's proven himself to be a total fucking moron, because all he had to do was say he supported the project.
Anyway, what got everyone tripped was his comments about building the trunk of the system through the Central Valley first which was always the plan. The only change Newsom made was that he was going to wait for both the Pacheco Pass and Tehachapi Pass EIRs to be done before he commits money to constructing either of them, this is done to pit San Jose against Los Angeles and a way to push LA to begin Metrolink modernization like SJ began Caltrain modernization (which Trump funded, over his own party's objections). In the meantime the current entity that runs CV rail service (the SJJPA) is working on moving existing San Joaquin service onto the new tracks, which gives CHSRA revenue which they can use to get bank loans from the private sector.
If you ever required hard proof that Newsom isn't the one writing his speeches, this is it. And if you never needed proof that Democrats are incompetent, this is also it because all Newsom's speechwriter had to do was say he supported the project. He's now rightfully pissed off half his party by doing this.
On a side note, you might be wondering why CAHSR's CP 1-4 costs are so inflated, this is because the tracks are adjacent Union Pacific RR property and UP demanded California install a crash/sound wall between the new and old tracks. Or in other words, California built a wall logner than the unwalled parts of the US border over the past year. This should give everyone pause for thought when anyone bitches about the cost of the border wall.
So you think its just mistakes by Newsom and not some deeper party corruption? (((Dems))) are always willing to throw fellow Democrats away for something that they really want.
Elijah Williams
For as much as the CA Dems like to huff and puff about how they own California and racism is in the dustbin of history and #fuckrethuglicans etc etc they all know that CA could easily become purple and fuck up all their plans. Grey Davis's recall for Arnold was/is proof of it. They're not arrogant about their position, it's why Newsom himself made a point about saying how the "train to nowhere" comments is an insult for people who live in Fresno and Bakersfield. That's pretty much the party's official line and is why construction began outside of Fresno and not in LA or SF like hardcore transit supporters wanted.
They all know how fickle voters are, especially when California's redistricting commission is bipartisan (per law) so they can't just rub Republicans out. They also need a 2/3rds majority to raise taxes, which usually requires at least some Republicans coming over (last time it was Sen. Cannella). This is particularly relevant for CAHSR because it still lacks a dedicated funding source, which Newsom will need at least one (plausibly two) Republicans to vote for. Hence why he spends so much time pretending like he cares about the inland parts, because those people got him by the balls.
Thomas White
CA is the state where they're spending 250,000 dollars per housing for homeless individuals. This guy makes a good point. With all of the experience the NGOs have with African refugee camps, we should be able to build them in CA.
Chase White
user, you mis-spelled African rape camp you spelled it refugee and it should read rape
Julian Martinez
CA is over a Trillion in debt, maybe it is worse than we know? . Why would he cancel the Dem gravy train? Hurts Donors, hurts all the CA politicians that bought property along route and whose Husbands are building the gravy train, etc.? Owes the fed 3.5 Billion. . Major electricity utility needs a bailout, no water, infrastructure failing on catastrophic levels, sanctuary, Illegals, homeless, etc. costing Billions, etc. . Maybe it is Bankruptcy avoidance. . Wonder if the Taxpayers will get back the Billions? lol
CAHSR will probably be budget-neutral after it's built, and will use it's own farebox to pay for itself. The main problem is that CA overbuilt it's freeways in the 60s due to free federal money, most will end up being tolled because certain (((people))) like Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio cannot fathom publicly owned infrastructure and want to export the toll road model used in Texas and Florida to California. That's where all this leads, 10-20 years from now.
It's also why the CA Dems are so squeamish over Kevin McCarthy, because he's the type of person able to take on Newsom in 2022, if he wanted. Denham too, hence why they blew half their marketing budget to get him out, because had he stayed then he would have kept his chair positions and the wall fight/shutdown wouldn't be happening since Republicans would have had just enough committee votes to force it under Pelosi. It's also why Newman's recall is such a huge deal, because Newsom doesn't want that happening to CV Dems that were just elected.
Landon Thompson
How much of a faggot is ths guy? Refugee? Are you fucking retarded?
Camden Cruz
CA will require all vehicles to have GPS and then Tax and Fee each Vehicle individually for miles driven and on what roads. . Toll roads only work IF there is no other alternative route. Once in place, never go away, just like Taxes and Fees. . Yep, CA is F'd in the A.
It already exists on Pier 80, what do you think all the tents out there are for?
Juan Carter
illegal aliens/ non US citizens.
Austin Russell
It's explicitly setup for homeless people, it's the official place where the SFPD takes people who shit on the subway. They can't force them to stay there (yet) since SF's prosecutors are all cucks who let them all out of jail, this is why Wiener introduced a bill to make it so the state can more easily force retarded people to accept medical treatment (and ban all vaccination exemptions in the process).
Josiah Peterson
So Hitler 2.0 is a shoe-in, then.
Isaac Roberts
On new vehicles, though unconstitutional. Libertarian paradise. Commies will never support it. Imagine all the mexicans voting to be charged a fee for every road or street they travel on. Lel. No.
Nathaniel Wood
Should just referb all the rusting out chinese made conex boxes from the ports.
Justin Lee
Why not just fix up Amtrak? It seems so simple. Get rid of the Bombardier trains and buy some Spanish Acelas. The train doesn't even have to go fast just be comfortable, roomy and modern. Why are Californians so retarded?
Kayden Roberts
When cars drive themselves, there will be no moving violation tickets, where are the cities, counties, states, etc. going to get the BILLIONS in lost revenue? Road "use" fee and taxes. (maybe it will start small with annual inspection of your mileage per year with fee/tax lumped into registration, but big lump sums garner ppl complaining, like when CA doubled registration fees) . FYI, your cellular telephone/smart telephone was REQUIRED by Law to have a GPS tracker by year 2000, so… . Many toll roads now just take a picture of the driver and the license plate and send a bill, so… pic related
Because the railways were built and maintained and paid for first for and by the military for transport logistics and second for and by hauling businesses to facilitate long distance commerce. Just like air travel and every other form of modern civillian non commercial transport, it started as military defense infrastructure and was later expanded and supported by mass commerce, only once it was up and running did it become feasible to tack a couple extra cars on the end for human passengers to ride along with the cargo. There are very very few areas in the USA where population density is high enough to make the economy of scale great enough to where the cost per person per mile is within the ballpark where people will be willing to pay out of pocket to use it. Otherwise like with Amtrak you've got the problem of a enterprise which would operate at a strict loss and so has to make all sorts of compromises (like giving way to all conflicting commercial transport) to be able to piggyback on existing infrastructure. This allows it to be cheap enough that the target audience can afford the tickets, but the tradeoff is the rate of travel is so slow and scheduling so inconsistent that nobody but trainfag autists actually use it for anything but holiday dinner trips and extended vacations where they can afford to spend 4 days riding a train to get to a destination they could have driven in one 18 hour run in a car, or flown in 5 including security and time to and from the airports.
The crux of the issue is infrastructure. Your only choices at this point are keep prices reasonable by piggybacking on existing rail and be at the whim of the companies that actually pay for the expansion and maintenance of that rail, or sink hundreds of billions into fresh infrastructure using subpar materials imported from overseas since we don't have near the domestic steel production capabilities necessary for a project of the sizes promoted by coastalfags since we're a service not a production based economy after all.
Cars are driving themselves now. It will probably start with long haul trucking, with a minimum wage human observer at first, then onto the public. . Officer; "Wonder why I pulled you over?" Human Observer; "Maybe you should be asking the Computer" Officer; "hur derr" . Pic related is a car thief
"Driving themselves" is irrelevant. I can make a trivial line following robot that will drive itself until the battery runs out. When it comes to "driving themselves" in the real world with infinite number of potential scenarios/interactions/failure modes/etc., it's really more about "how long until it crashes" and kills a shit load of people.
Nathaniel Gonzalez
Phones don't have GPS trackers because they're too high-power. You're thinking of phones reporting their location in general via the cell network - this only works if the phone has a SiM card in it and there's three cell towers nearby.
I know this because one time I had to call 911 from a rural place (broke my legs while fucking with a snowboard) with only one cell tower and the police legit couldn't figure out my location. It's all about location and if you know where the cell towers are/aren't you can completely break it.
……….as it pertains to CAHSR notice how quickly Amtrak had the attempts to disrupt services after the Oskar Grant trial shut down. This is because they had Union Pacific shut down all the cell towers on their property in Oakland and had the towers give the protesters' locations to their private police force which quickly moved in to arrest them. Trains were only delayed about 15 minutes meanwhile I-80 was shut down for about two hours before the CHP cleared it.
Joshua Morris
Wireless Communications and Public Safety Act; Required all mobile phones created after the year 2000 to have GPS tracking capabilities. Yep, that is what I meant. Why not on Automobiles by year WXYZ? . CA is Broke (a Trillion in debt). Finding new ways to Tax and Fee is all failed CA can do, unless they get rid of Prop 13 with a "save the state" bill, then watch the mass exodus even more than the current mass exodus. . Cars are the obvious choice, as CA has tried and succeeded many times in the past to generate more revenue from cars. "California Bill Would Tie Traffic Fines To Violator’s Income" Bill after Bill after Bill to tax and fee automobiles. . pic related; Chatsworth courthouse, had such a large line outside with people paying tickets, news crews on scene, someone finally asked, "Mommy what is that AVN across the street"; 9400 Penfield Ave, Chatsworth, CA 91311 Tickets are a Billion dollar industry, and that does not include the additional money connected businesses, traffic schools, attorneys, impound yards, towing , etc. generates for the state.
Public transportation in a state like commiefornia is impossible thanks to diversity. It's also fucking stupid because the destination fees the rail is laid on by air is ridiculously cheap even compared to an amtrack or the future HSPR which will need significant funds just to maintain not to mention build. Cheaper to just subsidise air tickets.
>California has been developing a high speed rail system for the state since the 1990s. Voters approved a $10 billion bond to begin funding it in 2008. The latest projections suggest it will cost at least $77 billion to complete.
They're broke and the price is astronomical. Doesn't add in maintenance, doesn't mention the ride fare will be barely competitive to air, doesn't mention horrible horrible people take public transport there. Checking airline websites SF to LA/Sac/Diego are super cheap and that's not even counting the even smaller local micro-airlines. It would have been cheaper for them to pay for people's ride by air to these places and it would be way faster too.
Brody Rodriguez
Actually, it's projected to cost almost a HUNDRED BILLION. Not even joking.
Dig at the list and the reason the politicians in California are so hot and bothered about the rail is because of embezzlement and nepotism for them and benefactors.
Ian Clark
Seeing as how they ripped up all of the freight rail lines running through the san fernando valley in order to build bus roads, your argument is bullshit.
Cops can't use railroads as their own private highways.
Alexander Hill
Because Scott Walker (the guy who gave a billion dollars and several ED'd homes to Foxconn) chased Talgo out of America by killing WIHSR and backing out of their contract. Talgo sued them for breach of contract and won. The two built Wisconsin Talgo units were auctioned off between Michigan and Washington, sold to the latter. Illinois is considering importing them for their new HSR service between Chicago and Saint Louis, but nothing has been decided yet and Bombarider is probably going to make a better offer.
For whatever it is worth, Chicago's HSR service will also improve the 3-day/wk Texas Eagle service. This is notable because the Texas Eagle's existence prohibits the new Texas Shinkhansen from going between Dallas and Austin via it's route, because the government subsidy sucks away too many customers.