Our Gal? on Tucker defends biological reality
Our Gal? on Tucker defends biological reality
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What is this petty jewish smokescreen shit?
There is no harmony between leftist factions
Getting close to more perfect examples of why entertaining the imaginary tranny nonsense is a complete joke.
Hahaha she deserve this.
>>>Zig Forums
Fucking based lesbo FTW
kill yourself jew; the left destroying itself is entertaining and worth a thread
kind of a funny kind of turf war
this shit is so retarded
watching the video
i recently learned 'terf' stands for 'tranny exclusive radical feminist'
Faggots are not our friends user.
I unironically support trans rights as long as wymyns rights is a thing
As long as you came legally, I'm ok
No nigger, TERF
Kill yourself kikefy.
Woman or kike, which are you?
I'm so sorry.
I had no idea what "TERF" stood for as I am not as fluid in homosexual jargon as you are.
As pointed out, I stand corrected. I have never used this acronym before and I am glad that someone like you, a person quite knowledgeable about this type of lifestyle and its terminology, is around to correct me.
Have a great day and enjoy the sunshine!
Not meant to be a pun.
Nothing wrong with a fag who gets redpilled if they understand how disgusting they were. Based lesbo is an oxymoron
Nah, I don't think this is planned, any more than the mudslime sperging out on the JQ the other day. They aren't omnipotent, and they fuck up occasionally. The Kikes are just losing control of their golems again - I'm more concerned that they're gonna pull the old Esau gambit and try to cozy up to the Right as the Left devour each other. Suddenly feeling victorious, all the Trumpniggers and the like will go happily back to sleep. The Kikes can then have all the time they need to bring their Leftist and Muslim golems back in line. Let's try to prevent that.
You need to spend more time sewing D&C on the Left user. Know thy enemy. It's a good time to be had, the TERFs vs Trannies fight is just one of many (pic related). They're increasingly volatile & a few nudges in the right places can tip them right over the edge. Need a good op to disrupt the kikes Evangelical support too though.
Even this cuck faggot playing pretend would be a better president than the Donald.
Feminism has really almost gone full circle now. It's a far cry from back in the 80s when I read a feminist rag calling for weather underground terrorist bombings of skyscapers in nyc and worldwide because men supposedly build skyscapers not to house people or do business but as phallic monuments to look down from and oppress women.
Picture updated.
heh, wait until the lefties and their sexually devient sandwitch club find out what their new friends the muslims like to do with homosexuals. we need some effeminate flamer to post on the brother fucking congresswomans page about how much you support her hating others and encourage her to pozz their zionest negholes. I cant wait til that fight starts its going to be weapons grade meme awesome.
i was referring to this jew not you, wrong reply
Well you are forgiven.
She's one of those broads that became a lesbo because no decent guys were interested in her ugly ass.
I lived in this apartment coop for many years and there was this old witch downstairs a real nasty dyke. She looked like the witch in Disney's Sword in the Stone. Her "wife" looked like a young Princess Diana. She openly bullied her wife about and the passive Diana accepted this with total timidity. I tried to woo her away, she liked me but nothing doing. She was a fully converted dyke.
What a waste of a beautiful woman.
The world has gone mad.
TERFs are the most disgusting types of feminists. They hate men so much and treat their female privilege as so sacred that they don't want anyone else near it.
Then you have dumbass Steven Crowder-level conservatives who think they are somehow based.
Yeah, this is a cuckservative and TERF talking point, anything remotely having to do with women like a fucking bathroom has to be treated like a shrine. If women wanted janitorial jobs, they would make sure that all janitors were fired lest they walk in on a woman doing her fucking makeup.
What is TERF? Seen that before.
Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist.
Read the thread
Our based carpet muncher also went on about trannies in wymens sports like weight lifting. She was bitching that wymen are not equal to pretend wymen with dicks and such.
t. watched the segement
I bet there were decent guys interested in her, she just turned them away cause she thought she could do better, to the point they all gave up on her.
Same situation with roasties, juts accelerated.
Also, if you or anyone else can stand it, listen to a TERF speak on this issue, and not just to a conservative audience where she is careful with her words.
Here is Lierre Keith talking about it. Their position is that being a woman is so traumatic and has such oppressed status that a man pretending to be a woman can never come near it, so it is a travesty that they regard themselves as women.
It's so ridiculous it's funny. You can say whatever you want about trannies, but the one thing you have to give them is that they did not get an easy path in life, especially the ones who look like freaks. And that's even in comparison with men in the modern day. Contrast that with women, who get life on easy mode.
Holy kek I came here just to post this. Ty based user.
I knew there was a reason why the entire alt-kike jerks off to this guy. Daily reminder that anyone working in key positions in the MSM is a literal CIAnigger.
You should sue the Jew who sold you that mask. Not going to work here.
your reading comprehension sucks
I think it's more a case of them fearing getting their pristine pussies plowed open with the demonic baby batter.
You kikes never shut the fuck up
They just don't know how loyal their offspring would be yet.
user, they're both real. We all know mental illnesses are real.
none of these guests nor tucker take any of this seriously, they're just trolling ziocuckboomers for ratings and adbux but most people who watch tucker are retards and haven't caught on to the act yet nor likely ever will