The Fool - The ultimate Russian demotivation / black pill movie

The Fool - The ultimate Russian demotivation / black pill movie

An engineering student discovers two massive cracks in a decaying housing project. He wants to get the building evacuated and warns the major - bypassing his corrupt superior. The major and her corrupt government official friends realize that an evacuation of this scale would cause a financial review and reveal years of embezzlement.

They decide to suicide two officials as scapegoats and the engineering student narrowly escapes being suicided as well.

He wants to redpill the normies on the impending collapse but is beaten to death by them because they distrust his motives to get them out of the building.

Other urls found in this thread: New Guinea&place_id=ChIJr54Ov6_oWWgRehKcjg3l8No&checkin=2019-03-05&checkout=2019-03-31&adults=1&guests=1&price_min=8160&refinement_paths[]=/homes&allow_override[]=&s_tag=zD309EDx

Full movie.

I watched it while flying Aeroflot and just thought the (((oligarchs))) sure as hell know how to black pill their population.

Such is life being a redpilled Russian. You warn friends of the Jewish rats, but instead they call you either a Nazi, hohol or a combo of the two.

Note, I don't have problems with ukrainians, just that most people here dismiss you as one if you're jew wise

He is right.

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looks pretty kino. anywhere we can find English subtitles?

Sorry that one has no subtitles. This one has English subs.

Anyone seeing cracks would loose their shit

It reminded me of the cracked apartments in Queensland. The government allowed this to occur until the damages appears and endangered the people lives. They were very lucky they leave immediately as the apartment buildings can’t handle the weights anymore. The traitorous government is in for money so don’t trust them.


Chinglish user?

Bamp for good movie that shows how jews blackpill people.

Everybody is corrupt goyim! Nobody will help the rightous goyim! Drink yourself to death already goyim!


it's a tiny citystate and they know their own kind…

My DACA arrived, who wants to see it??

My DACA arrived, who wants to see it?

Whoa quads!!!

cool premise, im am curious about what makes this person a fool….

usually their are warnings, did this guy not know he would be beaten.

Its quite obvious who you can and cannot save

-follow Jesus to a point
Maybe the movie should be called the saint , as he was aware it was a self sacrifice

Sorry I suck at the English. They were evicted twice but many Aussies knew better so won’t go back. If they did then apartments is likely to collapse even with the supports.

Here you go my Aryan brother!

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Jesus can go further along that path than anybody else. That's why most men fail. Jesus gave himself. He wasn't sacrificed. He chose to let them crucify him. There's no record of any other Christos spirits choosing such a thing, which is why Jesus set the example.

Cute. My passport say United States on the cover.

I wish Zig Forums or Trump gives me citizenship so I can travel to Europe without fear of getting (((deported))), you know?

You can buy citizenships from other nations.

Nah, in Russia he's a fool, not a saint. The only reason Russia hasn't collapsed yet is because some people still choose to live in shithole cracking apartments, getting 200 dollar monthly salary to work for medical / fire teams / teaching, and do all they can, so a rotting carcass of a Russian Empire can still be animated by oil magicks.
Sometimes I wish that it dies already, or balkanizes, so we could at least try to start anew - but alas, it still lives.

sad, sounds like jewmerica


You asked then yourself? They think I am crazy and odd. The only people calling me a fool are you guys here.

I prefer the white foreigners to stay in Papua New Guinea illegally and undeportablely. The white foreigners can do whatever they like because the png government is too corrupt to care.

Tell me how

That sounds like my kind of place

Because Russia was the testing plant of everything the Jews would unleash on you now. Look into us and see your future.
I'd say Jewmerica has two options of being a Jewish bitch - either Republican version of British Empire golem or burned wasteland of starving White slaves the Soviet Democrat one.

Then the Soviet slave conditioning kicks in

Okay hang on I am writing now.

I'm also on DACA


Even though I'm an immigrant, I feel loyalty and respect for the United States.

Don't forget 911 or the USS Liberty.

Even though I'm an immigrant, I feel loyalty and respect for the United States.

Don't forget 911 or the USS Liberty. :3

How I get the cheapest one way ticket?

Buy the cheapest one way ticket by writing “plane to papua new guinea”. The picture is related to this question.

What can I do to make myself undeportable?

Go to embassy and denounce your citizenship but you may have to pay a fee to process the denounces.

Do not ever work for Papuans. They are not reliable to rely on so either buy or sublet the property and rent it out to the tourists to earn the profits but keep yourself a secret from the government because the rent tax is quite high! New Guinea&place_id=ChIJr54Ov6_oWWgRehKcjg3l8No&checkin=2019-03-05&checkout=2019-03-31&adults=1&guests=1&price_min=8160&refinement_paths[]=/homes&allow_override[]=&s_tag=zD309EDx

I forgot to post a picture. Here you go.

Attached: FFE7B8E8-6FFD-47A0-8758-47EA98093CA7.jpeg (1536x1969, 391.59K)

What country are you from?

Not him, but I'm from Peru

Song is Cпокойная Hочь - Kино
Silent Night - Kino

dude it's a fucking movie, what do you expect?

Are you Spaniard?

You forgot the part when
He is the Fool after all. LARPing Jesus so hard for absolute degenerates he never knew in his life before that, which led to his wife on the run with no money no children no home no youth and him converting to Islam.
I think Dost once wrote a book about such an Idiot LARPing as Jesus too hard.

OP, thank you.

First poster, thanks for posting the full movie

Top flight thread.

Therein lies the contradiction. Since it was pre-ordained, there's no fault to anyone involved in him being put to death.

Except the curse jews put on themselves.

There was also the desire to kill God among the jews, and among the jews only. It definitely is sinful behavior. God simply subverted it for His own gain.

Its population is actually a diverse mix of different faiths and ethnicities, which is the main reason they have such draconian laws. Gotta keep order or the whole thing falls apart like a house of cards.

Wrong. This is a movie meant for the masses to learn not to kill the messenger.

8/pol/ is and has always been a DACApede board. Welcome back brother, and sorry for the shills back in 2016.

Thanks for giving away the ending you jew fuck

Sometimes russian students in my town talk loudly on the phone in locker room. I want to learn what they are saying to report them to csis.

You mean like how England was always negro and viking?

The avarege russian is similar to the avarege nazi russian with the diference that one of them will make fun of the mass rape of Berlin and the other will be butthurt about that.

lt's based on real events.

it is not hard to blackpill russians, there is an inate blackpilledness to the russian soul.

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This is all very interesting and new to me. I'm a blackpilled European white ex-yu Slav, will the little pygmy coons accept me? You know of anybody who's doing this there now?

This movie is amazing, portrays the eternal struggle of the free-spirited against the 'natural order of things in society'.

There are two main groups - the sheep and the wolfs - the controlled and prayed upon and those in power. But then there is that very slim layer of society that deeply understands the injustice of this order and also the fact that it'd be so easy to turn things around and get rid of that injustice, if only a significant portion of those sheep realised how much force they were yielding in comparison to the wolfs.

The movie portrays brilliantly that idealistic endeavour via 2-3 main characters. And also that fundamental flaw of human nature that get from our animal beginnings to save ourselves at the expense of the wellbeing of the group. This flick shows what strength of character can mean even in the environment where only brute force seems to matter. And then it shows just how hard it is for the good to organise and act for the greater good. How society demolishes those few that raise their heads to go against injustice.

I recommend this movie to everyone over 30 or who has grown over the age of viewing this as an action movie. This is a very accurate portrayal of our society even if the setup is different in terms of decorations.

Shills are offering your Nazi ass to flee to a poor cultureless bumfuck island of black cannibals with no job no house no rights prospects. Use your brains instead of guns for a change, Vladan.

I know it sounds like a death trap at first glance, but it's not that far from Australia and if in theory you could make it work, it sounds like a pretty good idea of unplugging yourself out of the global kike web. Hence why I'm asking him for more info.

So I take it this isn't a Frank Capra movie then?

Yes and no. You are white so you are automatically rich to them and that puts you at risk of being robbed by them. It’s better if you stay away from. There are thousands white guys in png so you should try to befriend with them However there are sjwism going on.

Most white foreigners just segregated themselves away from them and start their own businesses.

took me some time to dig up the movie with English subs

Geez, after years i finally know the name of this movie, and also after watching russian cinema occasionally.
Always thought the movie was swedish or something due to one of the characters having an uncanny resemblance to Jonas Hellborg.

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