Same people think that the first wave feminist the, Oldschool feminists, actually cared about women, and that the current feminists care about only for power, contrarily to Oldschool feminists.
My answer:
That's not true. When you deny the immobile immutable hard pillars of absolute Moral Law and the Absolute Truths of the bible, then, you enter in moral relativism, meaning that you enter in quicksands, meaning that you may start with a somewhat modest relativism, but you'll end up going deeper and deeper in the quicksand, going deeper and deeper in moral relativism, and thus you end up with the crazy ideologies we have now, where "men and women are social constructs".
It's true for absolutely everything. If you don't conform yourself to the absolute immutable established pillar Moral Law and Absolute Truth by God, the ORDER of the universe, LOGOS, then you'll enter in those quicksands of relativism, trying to be your own God, and you'll sink deeper and deeper into CHAOS, ANTI-LOGOS.
It's like everything really, if you deny that sexual intercourse should exclusively be done inside of the marriage and open to procreation like in good Catholic fashion, then, you'll enter in sexual relativism, beginning with sex for "recreation" with your wife, then followed with contraception with your wife, then with the sexual liberation, then with homosexual acceptance (logical consequence of the contraception for heterosexuals, since you use contraception to deny the purpose of sex which is procreation, and that you use it to have sex in a sterile (and transient way with the advent of sexual liberation and heterosexual hookup culture), then, homosexual acceptance is the only logical consequence of that, because homosexuality is just that, sterile and transient "sex" with sodomy, which can't create children, just like heterosexual sex with a preservative or the pill), then with gay marriage (logical consequence, when you have heterosexual sex inside of marriage in a sterile way…) and you sink deeper and deeper and deeper and you'll end-up with a situation of absolute moral relativism, where NOTHING is true, ALL is relative.
So no, oldschool feminists did not care about women, but about power, wanting to create their own rules, to be their own God. If they cared for women, they would encourage them to submit to the Absolute Catholic Moral Law and tell them to NEVER tempt to rebel against this Absolute Moral Law and Order (LOGOS), even though we have a natural tendency to want to rebel against the Logos of the universe, the Absolute Order of the universe, because of our fallen nature because of the original sin of Adam & Eve (and not Adam & Steve as could claim moral relativists).