Looks like Bibi tried to delete it this morning, but luckily we managed to archive it. What do you think the purpose of this was to do? Did he slip up or was this his way of trying to do "A B" testing by seeing what the reactions would be?
Other urls found in this thread:
So does Trump.
Thats what Zionists want.
War with Iran.
Why did you kill a thread to tell us shit we already know?
The kikes usually aren't that direct with their desire for war. This is thread-worthy.
I'd be more than happy if they got into the war on their own and got themselves nuked out of existence, but fuck bringing us along.
If you think Israel is going to war without U.S. involvement, you are retarded.
This is the end goal. Trump has been tooting the anti-Iran horn since he became president.
Little Benny is feeling 10 feet tall now that he commands the American mongrel forces by proxy.
Israel cannot maintain troop mobilization Without fucking up their economy
that's why the USA is going to do it for them, like always, dummy
We want the US to go to war with Iran for us then pay us to watch them suffer and die! - jews
Trump was elected to polish up america before the great war. America is going to be the great partner of Israel
As long as it's Muslims and Jews vs slightly different Muslims, I'm okay with it.
Assuming we don't get any refugees.
I'm for staying out of it. Luckily the US is not involved in such talks.
user I…
Good catch, OP.
This is what cuckchan poster looks like
they changed the wording
Don't even have the intellectual capability to put the archive on the picture?
Sunnies are a mistake on the face of Islam.
So that's it. The (((usual suspects))) are finally extremely open about their desire to puppet the US into another war for Israel. History dictates that during or after a war that country's citizens don't want, but still get because of their corrupt government, there is a period of internal strife. Will some user with great willpower be able to make a move? Will someone else unrelated be able to do so? Will the U.S. retreat into full Weimar and degenerate into Communism?
Jews seem intent on making very rash moves - perhaps someone out there that isn't on their radar could start building themselves up. Much like a certain someone did not that long ago. It'll be a fun fifty years to see.
I was doing it but with the original URL
No, they actually are. This is why so many of us are incredulous that it seems to be such a struggle to get normal people to under that it's the jews, stupid!
What other arab countries are gonna side with the kikes?
all the sunni dogs, prolly.
none at this point, no one wants to be caught with shit on their hands.
Unless… oh can they do it? A bunch of stinkies play nice only to turn on the rats finally and devour them whole? Do jews really trust any of their neighbors enough to expose their throat?
Get ready to die for israel again, Goyim.
yes, they are
March 24th, 1933
Saudi Arabia and their foot soldiers (al CIAda), Egypt if sisi is paid enough ? just to name a few…
bump for visibility
Nice try
Iran is lying about the range of their cruise missile BTW. They CAN REACH ISRAEL. I'm sure the jews will find out the hard way very soon.
I support Israel, fuck iran and fuck sandniggers
Iranians aren't arabs, dipshit. Unlike the mind-numbingly stupid towlheads, Iranians are smart which is why they have their own indigenous military industries, while arabs need to buy Russian and Western hardware….they're too dumb to make their own.
You're in the wrong hood motherfucker.
5 more wrong posts and you're getting the rope, shlomo.
your tears are apparent, schlomo
Mutual assured destruction for both houses of the semitic kikes. NOTHING on this planet could be better.
nothing? are you sure.. nothing? nothing could better than this? I mean, sure its hard to top but nothing? the 3rd world dying out from biowarfare would be better I think. Perhaps glassing the entire middle east and its Abrahamic proxies in Europe would be better too.
Or better yet, colonizing mars and leaving the non-white sub 100IQ earthniggers behind to die from an 'accidental' asteroid crash. That would be best.
You know nothing about genetics. Don't post again.
why even live goyim
I hate to break it to you user but you may in fact be retarded. I am so sorry that you had to find out like this. I understand it can be shocking and difficult at first but rest assured, there are plenty of programs out there to assist with your disability. You brave man.
Mueller report may come out soon which could
(1) Implicate Israels in elecrtion interference
(2) Weaken Trump/Bolton to the point where they wouldn't be able to authorize or convince anyone of an attack on Israel.
(3) Provide a useful distraction for anyone implicated in the report.
The timing is perfect. Be vigilant anons. Hopefully it is just some shitty cyber attack.
Correction to point (2). Attack on Iran. Also the (((Lobby)) is under trmendous pressure now and needs a distraction to remind us who our greatest ally is.
What else is new? He's been screaming about them for decades now and his warnings and predictions always turn out to be lies.
Don't defend yourself. You are making yourself look worse.
Hes been saying it for years. Only difference is hes pushing america into it vs outright saying it.
"Muslims, could you kill other muslims so we would be free to kill you next?"
If i didnt know the rest is ruled by cryptokikes i would be surprised.
רה"מ נתניהו: "מכאן אני הולך למפגש עם 60 שרי חוץ ונציגים של מדינות בעולם נגד איראן. מה שחשוב זה המפגש, ומפגש לא בסתר ולא בהיחבא, כי כאלו יש הרבה. זהו למעשה מפגש גלוי עם נציגים של מדינות ערביות מובילות שיושבות יחד עם ישראל כדי לקדם את האינטרס המשותף של מלחמה באיראן".
PM Netanyahu: "From here I am going to a meeting with 60 foreign ministers and representatives of countries around the world against Iran. What is important is the encounter, and a meeting not secretly or secretly, because there are many. This is in fact an open meeting with representatives of leading Arab countries that sit with Israel to advance the common interest of a war in Iran. "
Trump will tell the Jews to fuck off if they attack Iran and ask for help.
This will end well. kek
jews are the eternal optimists.
Mueller report may come out soon which could:
(1) Implicate Israel in election interference
(2) Weaken Trump/Bolton to the point where they wouldn't be able to authorize or convince anyone of an attack on Iran.
(3) Provide a useful distraction for anyone implicated in the report. Make a deal with ZOG.
(4) The (((Lobby))) is currently under scrutiny and needs to remind everyone who our greatest ally is.
The timing is perfect. Be vigilant anons. Hopefully it is just some shitty cyber attack.
your brain is dog shit mate.
As an aside, that second infograph was obviously made by a shitskin.
I thought all the trumptards and qlarpers on Zig Forums were down with War on Iran. Trump's agenda has been pushing for war with Iran for like a year from this very site.
Fuck off yid.
Nations dont want this, ZOG wants this. They have the same amount of say in it like webdo.
Goddamn I swear we'll get revenge for Assange one day. He was humanity's greatest hero of the age.
Fuck off shitskin.
Hate to burst your bubble user, but it's gonna take a (((terrorist attack))) with casualties a magnitude greater than 9/11 for the American public to support war with Iran.
Good news, it doesn't take the American public for a jewish controlled government to go to war with Iran. What providence!
Why did they bother with 9/11 then?
Did you repost this?
Jews will eventually claim a 2nd Holocaust happened regardless, so we may as well let it.
I think you confused that other user, me too by the way.
well shit, there has been a build up for the last few months if not years, shit i wish that i didn't get burned out already.
this is all so tiresome
Saudi Arabia, Qatar, possibly Iraq
Yup, it's years.
Killary in 2008… wsws.org
And Killary in 2015
Egypt, Qatar and FSA for sure. The thing is, Russia would have to sell out Iran for anything to occur, BUT taking into account the demonization of Russia over the past couple years, it seems likely we will approach without their permission and engulf the region from the western border of Iran to the Mediterranean Sea engulfing Syria and naturally Iraq, Iraq will be the main field of war imo, since it is already split between Shia and Sunni it will work out nicely for USA and Israel. If Russia violates air space it will be WWIII.
True, Egypt, Iraq and even Libya have been brought to heel in the last few years, now well and truly in the grip of the Zionists. Israel also has Lebanon firmly in its sights, so I'd imagine they will try and tie Iran to Hezbollah, potentially with a few false flags, accusations of chemical attacks thrown in for good measure.
Kike OP. Non-kiked 1st post. Another lefty raid thread. How do I know?
Trump slide comments are what, 1/3 of the content? Pass. I shouldn't have clicked on this. The left have no ideas. Just #resisting and shilling for their masters.
I would have been better served by clicking on the "laugh at the right" thread over in Zig Forums.
Sad that current moderation is such that the only heat on Zig Forums is surface friction from commies rubbing the front of their pants.
I have several bunkers. Don't relish the idea of using them. Free speech retreating further from the mainstream.
Why always (((6 million)))?
What would an Iranian false flag look like? Dirty bomb? Bio weapon? If they went for 9/11 redux, it'd be flying a plane into Trump Tower, but I don't think Trump would let that slide like a USS Liberty.
Yup, basically its the greater israel thing, war with iran would just be an excuse to completely rewrite the borders and nations of the area, splitting the bounty between the FSA, Israel and USA
I can envisage 1 of 2 scenarios
1st is per Syria. "Oy vey Iran is using chemical weapons against itsown people. To arms goyim!"
2nd is that Israel gets into Lebanon, fires a missile from Lebanon, hits something in Israel, probably an american asset, possibly involving children. Blames Hezbollah and Iran in one go
What do you reckon Erdogan will do?
I think Erdogan (and probably Russia for that matter) will sit on the fence with the rest of the EU to the best of their abilities and will spend their time defending swarths of their border from the Kurds.
But i also see the USA Israel alliance trying to expand the conflict and draw in both nato and russia, turkey would be in a bind in that case and will have to choose a side.
when will the world learn?
Working-class whites voted for Trump because they believed he would improve their economic prospects, not because they believed he might put them in harm's way.
You'll have a chance to clean toilets there someday.
You're an idiot
Go back to reddit, it's the best "bunker" for you
I wonder if Erdogan will play off both sides and take monies from each for favours, access, land, intel etc. I think Russia will be in with Iran regardless, given trade relations:
You can also add Britain to that USA Israel alliance, they'll act independently of the EU who will likely be more sanguine
I think Egypt is solidly in the pocket for the USA / Israel. Also I agree, both Britain and France are as well, in fact this may just cause an unrepairable rift and split in the EU something I didnt think of before and youre right, Iran has STRONG trade ties with Russia, China and India. I've seen that article, the world is definitely planning for the end of the American Era. Many in the west forget Iran isnt a rag tag dictatorship anymore and that any action would completely destabilize the world markets for at least 10 years (so the rich have to have all their hedge funds in place). Unfortunately we have some really unhinged neo cons in the cabinet right now and we can all be assured the boys in Israel are telling each other 'its now or never time' with trump in office
Pic fucking related shitskin.
kill yourself
Reminds me of vid related.
Very interesting that they just relocated the embassy. That's what they'd go for.
Germany should be added on the list.
Ok there might be a few things, like seeing God reach down and put all semites out of the misery they have caused this planet to endure through a massive extermination. But few things could be better.
Iran is not /ourpeople/ user. Too much fucking niggers when the Islamic slave trade happened. We have nothing in common with them, they are as 'white' as hispanics are 'white'…by which I mean, NOT AT ALL.
As we all know, the original "6 million" never happened. They wanna make it true.