Should I be jumping ship and heading to one of the remaining European countries that aren't full of Somali rapists living in trash huts on the side of the road? The US went from 90% white to 60% white in less than a century and it's projected to keep going down, there are a few states that are still very predominantly white like New Hampshire or the central northwest but I have to wonder how long they'll last. A lot of the small rural towns are being destroyed by opioids and dependence on corporations.
The other matter that concerns me is national identity. White American children grow up feeling confused in terms of national identity, hence why 23andme/ancestry/etc. is so popular here - the reality is that most of us feel disconnected from this society and from any kind of "American" identity that may exist. We'll latch onto anything else that can give us a sense of belonging to the world, even if it's just some text about what kind of cells are contained in our saliva.
I personally am pretty deeply attached to my home state, but I have to wonder if my children would be better off growing up in a more homogeneous culture.
No you fool. Our job is to draw down this monstrosity and cut its throat so that our brothers in Europe can break their shackles without NATO bombs raining down upon their heads!
Jordan Cook
Aren't Somalis the worst, fellow White people? Nothing suspicious about the timing or particular ethnicity I'm using in my example! Never mind the 40 million nominal Christian niggers and their 100+ years of low level terrorism.
Landon Edwards
THIS!! Only the people of the USA a vast army, the largest on the planet, can cut the head off the kike snake and free our people globally from the grasping hands of the bankers and 'fake kike nobility' and their representatives 'the alt-kike' ashkenazi e-celeb menace. WE ARE GOING TO DELIVER THE DEATH BLOW TO THE SERPENT! GET READY TO RUMBLE…THIS IS IT…WE NEED TO DELIVER THE DEATH BLOW SOON!
(That video) Seriously, the schools (college level) are INUNDATED with hate of Hitler. In the first week of class, I KID YOU THE FUCK NOT, Hitler being 'the most evil person who ever lived' was mentioned 3 different times in three different classes…independently. I mean they are HAMMERING this home because they are so afraid that we are coming to destroy them. We KNOW we are the largest army on the planet and we KNOW that it is OUR JOB ALONE to utterly decimate them completely so that not even one of their descendants survives on this planet. There is no one else…If we will not act, Life and the planet will fall. This is our destiny.
I sometimes tell people; Isn't it weird how our entire civilization is based upon the passionate hatred of one man? Wouldn't you think it odd if every single education establishment and media corporation and Hollywood production churned out nonstop propaganda about how Napoleon Bonaparte was the most evil man to ever exist? Wouldn't it be strange if everyone who praised Napoleon in Europe were arrested? Wouldn't it be weird if there were numerous organizations in America with billions of dollars dedicated to destroying the lives of any person who praised Napoleon?
YES! All White Nationalists, National Socialists, Nazbols and Antifas should report to the current Nazi base under Antarctica called Neuschwabenland. Waiting will be Commander Ernst Rohn and his associates to teach you all the John Wayne Gacy handcuff trick
Dominic Sanchez
Careful where you tread, you might step on something hallowed, my fine corpse
Leo Lopez
Running away never solved anything
Blake Brown
Your Jew skull?
Charles Perry
Our work? :) I think we have a little bit more work to do user. Most of it being the type of hard work that makes you sigh, but it must get done, repulsive or not.
Yep, they are scared to death. Soon user. Very soon… You'd think people would notice but I am afraid most of them are too inured to really contemplate their own genocide at kike hands. I suspect they know, but being sheep there is little they can do to act in their own defense and simply run in fear with the wolves because they have never known anything else.
Angel Gomez
(checked) Glad to contribute. I was once talking with a WW2 veteran about the war. I asked him, "Say, why did Britain declare war on Germany?" "From doing what?" "So, WW2 was about preserving Polish independence and freedom?" "So… after the war, was Poland independent and free?"
Parker Price
No, MY work. You can work however long you want to. As soon as people have the drumbeat of war in their soul I can sit back and watch the fireworks. I'm getting too old for this shit.
Hitler amassed great support in Germany because he said out loud what everyone was thinking but too afraid to say. Everyone knew about the fucking jews. When Hitler stood up and articulated what they all thought in secret, suddenly the fear evaporated and the (((emperor))) had no clothes. People say that all hope is lost because everyone's a lemming, but you know, a lot more people than you'd think understand that jews run Hollywood and the media corporations. Just yesterday I was chatting with my neighbor. A democrat and anti-Trumper, he prattled on and on about Trump until I interjected and brought up IsraHell and the billions of dollars they get while Trump isn't even allowed to build a wall to protect us. I asked him why he thought this was and he responded, "maybe it's 'cuz of all the jews in the media"
I smiled. Exactly.
Bentley Wood
You can always shift the demographics of other races by ending certain entitlement programs leaving open space for whites to reclimb the % ladder but it's hard to guess cause it takes so long to see the results of. I'd just stay where your at OP.
Xavier Price
make a plan for water, food, shelter, and survival in general. learn about establishing governance. we're going to need men that know how to build a new government once the current establishment falls… and it will.
Nathan Peterson
And you Stormtards keep promoting it for the Jews.
Hitler was bad…for a 100 million Whites and good for Jews.
Thomas Evans
I'd rather not. Europe is muddy enough as is. Adding 200 million racially ambiguous "maybe they're pure maybe they're not who knows" people to the mix isn't going to help. Europe has lots of records on births and parents and ethnicity, America does not. Americans stay in America, defend your fucking country, or take the L like a faggot.
Camden Taylor
Sure. Hitler was worst maniac ever. That is basicly basic moral compas they teach us from school. I understand why people think it. If you show them only half of history and turn working camps to torture camps, you have story about evil Hitler.
But than you start talking about it with and you see what bullshit they belive. Like Antifa was reaction to nazis. Ok. But do you know about German Revolution of 1918–19? Holodomor in Ukraine? Assasination of Tzar? Rotschilds?
Nope. They know nothing. Nothing about Dresden bombings. All they know that Germans for no reason decided to torture 6 000 000 jews and take over world. They know nothing about hyper inflation. I didn't know much about it too. But because half of my family was from Germany, i allways tried to learn more. If they show you all that "holocaust" and you have German blood, you want to know truth. My grandmother never said that Germans were bad. She also told me about bombings. Official story is have brave RAF saved as from nazis. And than your grandmother tell you they destroyed factories and railway station in your city.
WW2 doesn't realy make much sense, if you know about it only from movies and school. Why would single European country attack whole world? It is insane lie.
So for my it is revenge. For all these soldiers who died and than jews lied about them. All these civilians. Raped and killed because jews are satanic rats. Lie so big that is unbelivable.
Levi White
I wanna see what you look like when the boot comes off your neck. Show me your war face faggot
Yeah, it's time for the European man to return home to Europe where we can get organized and become a collective again.
We are wasting our time here, balkanization and a white ethnostate from it is a pipe dream. Let's return home and help Europe return to greatness.
Ryder Sanders
You should be a fuck of a lot more careful where you shill, child
Blake Taylor
lie so big (and repeated enough), that it's believable
Jacob Hill
USA is jewish project. Jews have to be exposed in USA like they were exposed in Weimar republic. Once that hapen, holocaust spell will not work anymore.
It is even believable? I understand people could not found truth 30 - 50 years ago. All you got is what they give you. But now we have internet. My parents don't know there was some civil war in germany after WW1. They look at me like if i was talking about UFOs. It is strange jews can almost erase something from history. Without internet, we would never know about it. This is why we have a chance to destroy jews for first time.
Carter Anderson
kek Man the cannons user. You are never too old for love and war. hahaha…jk
That is because he had jewish sympathy. I feel no such sympathy, I am cold as a fucking ice cube, and a holy fucking terror; there is work to be done [video is for you], we need some soil enrichment in the USA, our soil is becoming depleted.
IKR I explained the variability between generations and hyperinflation today to a young person…explaining house prices and salaries and how those two would have to correlate for them to be the equivalent to the boomer in salary in their era…("your first house would have to either be $10,000" OR 'You would have to earn $600,000 a year in equivalent salary as the boomer to 'make the same pay') it is sinking in, they walked away with a very serious frown on their face as they began to think through the hyperinflation, theft and open robbery we have endured at kike hands. It was interesting to watch their face as things began to sink in and they began to process the criminal behavior that our nation has endured with patience and forbearing.
James Turner
USA gets dismantled bit by bit until nothing is left. If you want to save it. Now is the time but the people are too weak and divided which is the smartest way to bring a country to its knees. In a few years when man is not man anymore and women not women, then will be everything to late. We may have Trump but he will go away and after that what is coming? Fatsos cannot run or fight and gays either. Feminists will be dropping like flies when the violence starts. We are already at war but nobody gets this. This is a hidden war but getting hotter each day. Boiling a frog until he cannot jump anymore. Thinking leaving? The right answer or a question rather is where you go or can go? I can assure you, we here cannot go anywhere. We have to either stay and fight hard or die trying. Anything else is prolonged death. Nothing new under the sun! To all of you, good luck!
Caleb Roberts
You coward. The creator offers you a noble death and you want to run off to safety? Fuck out of here with that filth. Be glad to have been offered a warriors path. Easy is for the beasts and kikes.
Austin Stewart
it's due to total and complete indoctrination. even on the internet, its not like the truth is on the front page of Google. You have to dig for it. And most people are not going to dig into finding the truth about something that's been the foundation of what they know of good and evil since they were born. Plus there's the whole social suicide factor.
The only way is IRL. Set an example, be better than others, then slowly redpill them. If user is an intelligent, fit, and successful man, but also an open Nazi, can Nazis really be that bad? Make them question it. If you're viewed as an ideal man, but then found out to be a nazi, it makes people question everything.
Andrew Gonzalez
Worst reaction i get is… You know. You can change it so don't think about it. Because if they admit where is problem, they would have to deal with it. It is not hard to find someone who thinks there is something wrong with the world. But if you explain them how banks works, WW1 - WW2 - middle east, 9/11, white genocide etc, than it all make sense. Now they can't blame some Illuminati, cabal, unknown enemy. And Pedogate, satanism, YHWH, black cube, flood etc are even worst pills to eat. But you just can't unload 15 years of research in 15 minut conversation.
Connor Bennett
Dig in, faggot
Austin Hughes
Why would they dig for truth? They have no reason. But at least information exist today. 15 years back i discovered some backmasking stuff. So i speand months searching for truth. I know about jews but i simply couldn't accept it it is simply jews. That freemasons, cabal, illuminati, etc are just cover ops.
Ironicly we have to fight against neo nazi idiots. And go back to real national socialism. Family, nation, future. Best part is i can say openly that i am national socialist. People don't even know what it is.
This is the most difficult part, lots of people on here that don't understand what it really means to be Nat Soc anymore…they think it means fucking asians or having Ashkenazi e-celebs 'rule over us', or taking teenage brides like the shitskins but I have determined that we better have some fucking standards and that means mandatory DNA tests while understanding that if you want to fuck a ladyboy Thai massage transgender POS you better plan on becoming a citizen of Thailand because you aren't going to be bringing that mongrel shit into our nation. The only thing that really interests me is genuine Nat Socialism…not that Ukraine neo-nazi ashkenazi bullshit…I'd like to pop every last one of those faggots heads with a tactical rifle. NO MORE FOREIGNERS RULING OVER US.
John Moore
Should genuine Nat. Soc. be Nationaler Sozialismus?
Jonathan Rivera
Aaron Hill
Anthony Wood
I already bought a house in Honduras.
Blake Torres
kys kike
Hudson Murphy
These colors don't run. my forefathers won our independence from British, we can win it again from the Jews.
Kevin Ward
No need to escape. Live in a strategically beneficial innawoods area. Woods + Snow = Massive advantage. City = Kike advantage There are millions of potential spots throughout the country and not hard to set up a community. Shitlibs call it "living sustainably" when what they actually mean is "not within 200 miles of gimmegroids". Its hilarious to watch their mental gymnastics when trying and rationalize something whites have been doing for hundreds of years.
Logan James
I've been planning my exit for years, I'm going to be in south east Asia by 2022
National Socia-litmus…just add the 't' instead…NONE SHALL PASS. :)
They should be punished appropriately for what they have done here, though user. They are sayanim in our nation and have worked to destroy us from the inside. For every one injured of our own, twenty of them must die in the penalty. I am calculating them at 100 million thus far…so we need to enact the holohaox several times over, just to be even steven. Levi-athan must be slaughtered completely.
If you aren't 8-year-old girls I hope you both get ebola and die in agony.
Eli Rogers
Not gonna lie, I got IT certifications and then I bailed with my wife to start a family in a rural village in Hungary. It would be one thing if organized resistance groups were available to join in the US, but none exist.
You can call me a deserter all you'd like, but I'm happy to come back if anyone here has an actual sound strategy to actually winning against the Jews. And no, going full Bowers is not going to save my country, even if what he did was heroic and just.
Elijah Myers
I'm 28
Kayden Price
any certs you recommend right now. looking at ccna. is it worth it?
Austin Phillips
Someone is jelly they don't have an escape plan. I bet you voted for Trump because he was going to fix everything
Gavin Howard
Is your wife Hungarian?
Cameron Ortiz
More like Honduran.
Sebastian Scott
I can respect bit edgy stuff like Azov if it is for soldiers. Ironic that they use Black Sun and have kikes like Clitcho in goverment. For youth movement R.A.M. is great example. For adult i say family guy like Tucker or Salvini. I know Salvini made his trip to Israel. But to be fair he said it before election: you can't do politics and be at least neutral to Israel.
What i don't like is kiked nationalism like Anglin, Rebel Media, Tommy Robinstein or MILO. Spencer at least wear suit. He spit some retarted shit sometimes. Trump is disaster.
Unfortunatly swastika should stay in past for some time. It triggers kikes but it also attract neo nazi groups. If we talk about nazi, we should see someone like Smith from Man in High Castle. Not some Romper Stromper gang.
My previous job paid for all my cert classes, so I just got all the main ones that employers look for.
Nah, my wife and I are both Amerimutts. Hungarians are beautiful, but both my wife and I are midwest German/Polish/Nordic mutts.
I was fortunate enough to land an English speaking job. Knowing the native language never hurts, but many here can speak Hungarian because other Europeans find it so difficult to learn, and thus English is a good way for Hungarians to talk to other Europeans.
Angel Thomas
We don't have over 1 BILLION fucking niggers about to completely collapse our food system mein nigger. You do understand that we are heading into Solar Minimum AND they are geoengineering the living fuck out of the sky to make it colder, right? This last year alone we are looking at 40-50% reduction (in many fruit and nut TREES, those don't grow back overnight, it takes years) and crop loss to a 100% reduction and complete failure in many places of staple foods…
China is hoarding food. The kikes stole all of Russia's grain and put it all in Egypt…
Niggers won't know about that because they can't read so NBD…This coming year there simply isn't going to be enough food to go around 'Zig Forums coward' and you are sitting in the hot seat, I am afraid. There aren't enough bullets to kill that many niggers in all of Europe and I told you all that you need to use chemical and biologicals on them, but you are all too soft to consider it…and they are already in your nations and active in your governments which is only going to increase the speed of the collapse and their unwillingness to see bio/chem used on their own people. See pict? That is going to stand between you and over 1 BILLION STARVING NIGGERS…
Isn't it kind of LATE for you to be up on a work night? {cough cough} since you are in Hungary and all?
Levi Torres
And America is somehow save from this? You still don't understand that worst places in Europe looks still better than ordinary American cities?
Henry Thompson
{cough cough} FAGGOT
Brody Morgan
No faggot. Our cities were purposefully engineered for bottlenecking people and keeping them from leaving. They are full of niggers and more than likely anyone still stupid enough to be caught in one will simply be eaten by the feral niggers as they cannibalize whole regions and disease sweeps through them. We learned from the Black Death and our government knows quite well that the only viable solution in a civil uprising is to seal off the cities and let the niggers rage, burn cannibalize and slaughter in them (see the Superdome during Katrina and that was only niggers stuck in one place for a few days). We have done extensive infrastructure work over the last 20 years to ensure that those are the kill zones on a massive scale. This was done to preserve the food supplies for the 'parasitic elite' themselves since food will be a commodity that is more valuable than gold soon. This nation planned for the purge of niggers a long time ago. Anyone moving around the perimeter is going to be or trying to escape that slaughter zones will be killed. Do you think it is 'going down like that in European cities'?
I think not.
Noah Price
I know it's pill hard to swallow but America is a sinking ship.
Get out while you can.
Colton Campbell
God we can only hope you inherit all the shitty mouth breathing cowards/cattle. Have fun with them.
Justin Ross
lol do you actually think Trump is building a wall
Ethan White
JIDF overtime pay
Easton Wood
Only one of us is defending Zog, I'm on my way out of it
Hudson Lopez
As long as you learn their language, their way of living, how their society operates, everything about their culture, whilst fully integrating into their society 110%. And you have to have a very good portion, or at least SOME, of their blood in yours in order to be considered ethnic; you must also be white. Also, don't bring any nigger, gook, or spic genes with you to their homeland (I.E; that 0.2% Sub-Saharan African bullshit). Genetic purity is a privilege.
In short: try not to be a typical uncultured mutt leech like the rest of ameri-blowlards.
Yeah, it is late. Welcome to having a newborn, you don't get sleep
Dominic Howard
First you live in Wiemarica. They plan to exterminate you. Second be that kind and don't call me faggot. Yes Europe is not full of guns like America. But that also mean that our sandniggers would have to use knifes and sticks to fight. In USA and EU biggest enemy is govement and police. We could exterminate or deport muslims without problem. But EU care more about Kalegari plan. In America jews don't fear nothing. They have balls to go to streets with slogans like jews vote for this or that. That would not work here.
Adam Johnson
Defending Zog by saying we need to slaughter them? Sure, sounds just like I am 'defending zog'…look everyone knows about the kikes Eurasia plan…I am simply opting out because I think we can exterminate our shitskins, spics niggers and jews and THEN DOMINATE THE FUCKING GLOBE while you inherit all the weak cowards and mouth breathers. I just don't feel like being farmed by khazarian half niggers as their new found cattle…do what you like though. Nobody stopping you from becoming a slave to half niggers.
Gabriel Rogers
Are you a gamer mom? Interesting.
Aiden Ramirez
Looks a lot more secure than the Zog-emperors slats
Eli Mitchell
I'm a man. And no, video games are for manchildren
Zachary Thomas
Do you really? I use to but gave up when I realized the majority of Trumps supporters actually believe the Democrats are the real racists, I can't see any possible way foreword for the US or the entire western world.
Samuel Lee
You have lost your fucking mind, they are as well equipped as any army on the planet. They have EVERYTHING from rocket launchers to anti tank weapons. They are fully stocked with grenades and automatic weapons. It is going to be a fucking slaughter. These kikes made this video years ago where they went undercover in the shitskin neighborhoods because shitskins can't tell the difference between kikes and their own kind (they are all semitic trash part niggers) and they found that the shitskins in Europe were better equipped than most armies. They showed them all the European caches and everything, I saw it all…then they pulled the video and scrubbed it off the entire web. If you are ACTUALLY EUROPEAN, you burn those fucks to the ground the second you get a breath of war, UNDERSTAND? Burn the entire fucking ghetto to the ground and kill anyone who tries to escape? COMPRENDE?
Alexander Harris
Oh well, I was going to stop calling you a pussy since there was a legitimate reason that you are a pussy but since you are a man I will keep referring to you as a pussy.
Austin Sullivan
I really think we can. But it will take people like me who are genuine monsters to enact that plan…they might kill us all and leave you to the slaughter, but then we might prevail as well instead, there is a lot riding on our success, (sort of on a cosmic level) so there is incentive to see that we live and do not die. But yes, I think the subhuman extermination on Earth will start in the USA and as people really understand the benefits of a true Ethnoglobe it will spread through the entire planet.
Yes jew, you should. Won't do any good but you should at least try.
Aaron Williams
LMFAO…took me a second. Too funny user.
Gabriel Wood
No more running away. Red pilling saves lives, the more lives we save the more souls will be around later when it really matters. If it makes sense for you to personally go live innawoods in some European country due to circumstance of relationships and it makes more sense to live in Europe than USA, fine, but that's different than a policy of abandonment for an entire country. America has a framework that still upholds your freedom to bear arms in most areas, freedom of speech, vast lands sparsely populated and full of resources to utilize later. Historically, Whites have abandoned areas, only to have to move away again for the same reasons. Whites fled Europe, Whites fled urban centers, it doesn't fix much unless you live innawoods, then there is just the wait until the freedoms you saw in that country are dismantled and some commies take away your property for reallocation to the state or some niggers, Zimbabwe style. None of this is black pilling, or it shouldn't be, try and find what works best for different anons in their situations, find what works best that allows your family be provided for and for you to act towards victory. Basically this
I seen some of these photos too. But ISIS is done. Your goverment don't support them anymore. So they don't have unlimited weapons. Yes it will be slaughter. European jews are all askenazi trash. They kind a look like shitskins but they not same.
I know west Europe would be in deep shit. France is fucked up. UK and Sweden too. You know i would load any non white to truck and shot everyone who would refuse. But i don't run EU. Every European under 40 should get some kind a weapon. Fucking bow at least. Important part is that nobody realy welcome more migrants. This shit is over. People are angry. When boomers die out, we will have very much only two sides. Only these old cunts waiting for sheckels keep us in peace.
And we have few place where it could start. South Africa, America and West Europe. If Americans would like to do it, they already should. In Europe year 2015 was breaking point. After that nobody think we can continue like that. South Africa is close. Non whites will chimp out when you start killing some niggers anywhere.
Americans should do everything to expose jews. America is jewish stronghold with Israel HQ.
Caleb Lopez
But that was action of Israel Secret Inteligence Service.
Jacob Nguyen
Only a nation with nukes can save Euro-Aryans. If America is abandoned only France and the UK are left… if you know French go to France with weapons and start the revolution there nya~
Amerikkka rise again. You have the means, what will be the last straw for you take arms for yourself instead of Israel? Save us from our plight. You have the nukes, the armed civilians and a highly experienced and trained military. Just do it!
Elijah Rivera
Sure flee to one of those European countries who’s nationalism hinges on the whims of democracy. Great idea. No personally