With AIPAC in the news it's time to launch a campaign to educate the masses on the extent of its control in Washington DC. I put together this flyer. Thoughts?
AIPAC Awareness Campaign
Other urls found in this thread:
First learn to make a detailed OP, and second tell me more.
Good idea. Here's OP's pastebin for memetic output:
Back to r/the_donald you go, Kushner shill
are you retarded?
Obvious shill/bait thread. Saged.
What's wrong with using a QR code and tinyurl in this context? A flyer such as this would obviously be for mass consumption. No one is going to bother to type out or remember a long, complicated URL.
OP is a fucking kike.
Creates a shitty thread and runs.
Only post is in the OP by him.
He is a jew.
Obviously make it more leftwing, add bad orange man, "treason", "Mueller", "lock him up" etc.
This one should prove quite eye opening if put in context.
Connect the dots.
OP is one and done.
The thread can't be saved, BUT the idea might be. We can't get hosting for our websites. We can't spread our ideas because our sites can be blocked in certain countries.
But what if we stored our redpills in URLs themselves?
This website lets you type a block of text and then save it algorithmically IN A URL, which is then rendered into a webpage by any browser. The mere act of sharing the URL shares the data itself, since there's no hosting and no censorship POSSIBLE. And if it's short enough, it can be turned into a QR code, which becomes the same thing. Here's an example:
How about this?
Open Your Eyes
Why would a Jew wish to educate normalfags on the nature of AIPAC?
The fact that normalfags were discussing it all on their own shows it's way past time to talk about it. AIPAC directly names the jew. This opportunity can't be passed up.
fuckin A, man
good idea OP
Show everyone this epic series
Obviously, go with something like this.
Don't worry about defaming Trump - he's used to it. "Everyone always blames me for everything" ( youtu.be/1ptNXSN7T6I )
Big fucking campaign with social media you could actually shift the needle. Not just posters. Posters are for something like IOTBW, that you can't usually say. Fire up your leftist social media accounts
You just act randomly
That's how you defeat and enemy with multiple faces.
I actually like Trump and I approve of this.
Would get Dems looking into AIPAC after their star said something. Could redpill a few Libs. We need to reach out to them too.
Plus it KILLS their party. Their voters see Israel as a White colonial power oppressing brownies. Their donors are 50% Jews.
It's a YUGE wedge.
And of course the jew hides his link.
This has nothing to do with IOTBW. Suggesting so means you think Zig Forums can only focus on one IRL propaganda effort for the rest of time.
Yes nothing at all, just steals from it in its entirety, jew.
You really have no fucking idea who I am, do you.
No one is going to type out the actual URL. And it's case sensitive which complicates matters.
How so? It's use of black text on a white background? Something which all flyers which are designed for mass distribution have?
It's just imkikey. Ignore him.
Go fuck yourself kike. You have tried to push failed forced meme after failed forced meme all with the same A E S T H E T I C nonsense. That you lowjew? I can't wait to watch you kill yourself.
The kike fucks were run off and their pitiful fucking egos can't handle it so they continue to shit on Zig Forums every day. Time to dox these fucks.
You're either incredibly stupid or you're a shill who's terrified at the ability for us to collectively organize mass propaganda efforts.
The average person has never heard of "tinyurl" and thus know nothing of any possible risks in visiting such a url. Did I really need to explain this to you? Again including the actual archive URL would be needlessly complicated for its target audience.
Read the normalfag comments on social media. It's so beautiful, there's absolutely no way to ignore the overwhelmingly obvious kike conspiracy anymore after everyone witnessed it first hand and live.
You know, after happened, this flyer has some great meme potential, especially if you include that somewhere in it. Gotta share it while the presses are hot. ;^)
Doesn't matter if you like trump or not the system is not gonna change which is what some Zig Forumsacks need to understand, which is why we have to wake many people as much as possible and tell them that (((democracy))) is a lie.
Maybe he's a jew that's retarded enough to think we'd give him a pass for helping us. Like FrameGameRadio or PSAsitch.
This thread getting shit up by, "You're doing it wrong" saging shills is a good sign. Protip: if an "user" is constantly asking you to change things but also wants the topic or operation to not proceed, that's a shill.
This goes back to the jewish trick of inventing new conditions so that they're never satisfied. The idea is to bog down their target in little insignificant things so that momentum drags to a crawl - make non-issues issues. Just ignore and move on. Only listen to feedback from pro-active people.
Put the names of all politicians who received funds from aipec. Autist level research was done on this subject: archive.fo