Lyndon LaRouche – man, myth, legend – has died at 96.
==Good night, sweet prince==
Locked up by Bush 1 in the early 90s, wrote some books in prison. One of the more obvious political prisoners in U.S. history.
Slightly weird material TBH, definitely has a culty feel to it, speakers generally have that weird sparkle in their eyes. But still, they're closer to the truth than 90% of organizations.
His worldview revolves around the WW2 timeframe - FDR-Truman-Bush"eisenhower". Rightly hates Truman & his administration full of communists. Weirdly thinks FDR was great, which I don't understand at all, with his bullshit "2nd bill of rights". Maybe FDR was slightly less compromised than Truman - probably FDR would have listened to the military leaders and not nuked the Japs - which is probably why he died.
Larouche is basically just a Jacksonian worldview. "Fuck the British, fuck the banks".
Zero evidence for "anti-semitism" - same bullshit charge that the ADL puts on anyone they don't like.
No more will the United States fight World Wars to save the British Empire in any shape or guise. No more will the United States tolerate the British system, whether colonial or neo-colonial. No more will the United States tolerate the economics of Adam Smith in any part of the world. We are going to take this aching, poor, hungry world and we're going to transform it with American methods. We're going to transform it through the export and development of high technology, we're going to have Manhattan Projects and NASA projects and every dirigiste, Federally-directed, scientific crazed program that we deem necessary.
— Lyndon LaRouche, at the opening of the National Democratic Policy Committee, 1979.
May he burn in hell with his hero FDR.
obvious shill is obvious
Also a reminder, Anton Chaitkin is the history editor for LaRouche, and his dad was the legal counsel and strategist for the jews' boycott on NS Germany.
Some of their stuff about the ADL is decent, but they're all traitors, firmly in the pocket of the traditional enemy.
You can't fit this guy in any of the politics we know of today. I would almost put him like a Stefan Molyneux, except government power takes over from Stefans naive "free market power" - he genuinely thought the world can be fixed by "american methods" - we can free the poor browns in the shackles of imperialism. JFK was a bit like this also. There's a place for some of this, but we must hold onto more a little more realism than Stefan or Larouche IMO.
If nothing else I will always be grateful to him for his amazing series of historical interviews with Colonel Fletcher Prouty.
Don't care, I want that blonde girls name.
Who? Fuck off yid.
Get back to us when you're old enough to shave.
She's White you idiot.
Sounds like a homo.
LaRouche was being interviewed on the radio during 911 , he instantly called it a False Flag Operation by the Bush Administration.
LaRouche isn’t just responsible for a “number of conspiracy theories” (coincidence analysis) he is the Daddy , Grand Daddy or Great Grand Daddy of almost all of them
I used to be a full-time member of the LaRouche organisation.
I never really bought into their ideology. I only hung around because I was an idiot teenager and was romantically involved with a chick who was in the movement.
I left around a decade ago so I don't know the latest news, but I was deep in the cult for years and saw the LaRouche cult of personality first hand.
How close to 1488 were they really?
his nuclear war scenario was mildly entertaining some years ago (ought twelve) when I was wandering around in the dark still
They're basically leftards. On the nature versus nurture issue they're with nature 100%. They're also pro-socialism and want to nationalise the entire financial sector. They think that nationalising all the banks will create a socialist utopia in the west.
LaRouche used to say a lot of bad things about economists and international bankers which lead the ADL to launch a smear campaign against him back in the day. The allegations that he is an antisemite, however, are 100% false. The entire organisation from LaRouche down is run by Jews. Almost all of the older members of the organisation (i.e. almost all of the higher ranking members) are Jewish. Just look at the list of names on the inside cover of a copy of EIR.
I spoke to a LaRouche person in the subway once and made the mistake of giving them my phone number. Now they're constantly calling me trying to convince me to go to their meetings. I got creeped out by their cultish behavior and their naive, unworkable, utopian ideology so I started ignoring the calls.
So almost like a different flavor of what the B'nai Birchers?
sounds Nazbol tbqh.
the likelihood of jews being involved is probably due in part to LaRouche being a former Trotskyist.
Larouchies have produced some useful material over the years but they're kind-of cringey boomers who go out of their way to be Jew-blind, blame everything on some new British Empire, scaremonger about the ebil nahtzees and calls the international gangster elite "fascists". They did put out an okay book about the ADL in the early 90s, and some of their old EIR newsletters are worth reading to dig up obscure information about recent historical intrigues (use the searchbar at