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Other urls found in this thread:,


>This is the board of, a racist and counter-semitic French website which has grown in popularity these past few months, and faces censorship from the jewish government and social media.

This site is hosted on US DoD servers, right?

American exceptionalism being useful for once.

Zig Forums gonna be blocked in Europe.

Haha, French law. A classic meme.

That will not protect us from the vicious likes of Macron.

Attached: macron what is being said here.jpg (432x291, 67K)


Fuck the jews. Support the yellow vests. Viva la France!

If legit, it could be interesting. Exposing Zig Forums to global attention would be a double-edged sword for everyone.

Zig Forums:
< Newfags and shills that will blend in

< Redpilled people that will otherwise never know redpills from Zig Forums will do what they can to bypass censorship and spread the wealth of knowledge

If jews are truly desperate, they will come down hard on Zig Forums no matter the cost. It should be expected that this will happen eventually.

Why does the naked black guy look like wet rubber


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i know right. they cant even raise the white flag on their own if they wanted. filthy cucks. i almost hate them as much as jews.

Sure you do, Rabbi.

That's just some anti-fa nigger false-flagging.

We're waiting for you, kikes.

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pic very much related

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Who do you think is making the good posts and threads?

Dont you enjoy that every evening we get the same Zognald arguments and christcuck roundabouts?!

Australians of course

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Good, good. :)


Attached: Screenshot 2019-02-14 at 6.29.57 AM - Edited (1)

Nah the French as a people are slandered by kikes like you, but a French government's unquestionable unwavering authority has often been the subject of beheadings in the past and seemingly may be again with /ourguy/ the absolute self-defeating retard Macron in power.

Are you kidding? LMAO they are both sweating profusely…look at that cum hither look that Macron is giving the nigger with his faggot kike nose-face…he is practically screaming, "Pound me in the ass with your nigger cock!" with that look…I saved it because I was paging through picts and I was like, "so that is why he has a thing for flooding france with niggers."


They have no power here.

Tell them to hand over or execute the rapist pedophile they're hiding from justice Roman Polanski.

Euro power hour: Discussions on National-Socialism, culture, political ideology, Indo-European religions, philosophy, history, science, genuine movements, how to effectively fight the Jews

American power hour: Zognald spam, (((party))) politics of whatever village they live in, BURR DA WURR :DDD /NO BURR DA WURR :((( , e-celebs, being disappointed that an obvious plant is an obvious plant, Alex-Jonestein tier conspiracies, christcuckery, being good goyim

More infos to make you realize how crazy the situation is here…


We need to step up our game brothers

Attached: tfw juden raus.gif (523x323, 14.7M)

Reply with a

"We have gone through all content posted on /dempart/ during the last three months and have not discovered any cases of such material you speak of. Please understand that any attempt to disrupt peaceful interstate communications counts as an act of war and we will respond as thus.

- regards, admin.

I think the situation in uk is worse.

There's more strategic value in trying to subvert Zig Forums than demanding to shut it down, so I don't see that happening. If anything they just want to neutralize Zig Forums. They'd be focused on trying to shut down smaller boards which have a more specific political goal in mind.

Lol, not bad indeed. But at least you don't have anti-revisionist law about muh Holohoax, which means one of our most prominent revisionists, Vincent Reynouard, can be exiled safely - for now - in London. But the situation in the UK is quite crazy too, yeah.

It's funny that they don't even prove their claims. They just say it's bad, because they say it's bad.

obscure work camps for the jews during ww2
the trauma is eternal to have been forced to work by fellow zionists
it's just typical JDL shit
btw democratie participative is another joke, way too blatantly and grossly antisemitic not to be a jewish false flag
so btw what you have here is jews playfighting jews to hurt the goyim once again

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t. newfag

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why would they? they have all powers in France.

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IDK guys…a whole 7 people follow this AAGD group and another whole 7 people 'liked' them on facebook. They might be a real threat to us based on their popularity.

there's a lot of (((associations))) like this in France, with no popular support, which get subsidized by the state to "fight antisemitism".

Jim should send them a Voltaire quote, or three

[The Jewish nation] dares spread an irreconcilable hatred against all nations; it revolts against all its masters. Always superstitious, always avid of the well-being enjoyed by others, always barbarous, crawling in misfortune, and insolent in prosperity. —Voltaire, Essai sur les mœurs (1756) Tome 1, page 186''

You have surpassed all nations in impertinent fables, in bad conduct and in barbarism. You deserve to be punished, for this is your destiny.' —Voltaire

“The Jews are an ignorant and barbarous people, who have long united the most sordid avarice with the most detestable superstition and the most invincible hatred for every people by whom they are tolerated by and enriched.”― Voltaire

australians call them wet-suits for a reason

This, they regularly indoctrinate students with their BS… for instance a bunch of these state-supported jewish associations sent my class to Auschwitz when I was in high school. I saw the wooden doors…

this kek

You were one of the lucky few that escaped that terrible deathcampTM.

Did you get gassed 6 gorillion times?

"Democratic Participation?" How horrible!!! Only evil people don't think and do exactly as they're told!!!
In any case, why do these pukes think you recognize their "authority" in anything at all?
And how many anti-white activities do these same pukes engage in? Been an awful lot of that going around, in every white western country, these days.

If they launched it all tomorrow, and incinerated every major city on Earth, I'd laugh my ass off.
In the end, all their money means nothing compared to an axe in the face.

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missed the best word
recoils implies an insect or a machine
reculer just means moving back

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Lol, and they don't even tell you most of this crap is Soviet post-war reconstruction. They rather ask you to "imagine" how terrible it was…

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France is the european capital of jewry at present, they have been since ww2. There are 950,000 of there.
10+ million in the US, world capital of jewry, second to that is israel with 6-8 million.
UK has 260,000.
Spain has 15,000 or so. When you look up the bare statistics, it helps to understand how things work.
Another thing to look up is immigration statistics by religion. Then elements such as the switch from russian to the US as their base of operations, from 1900 to 1950. US jew population went from tens of thousands to 5 million.
The current stream is from europe/US to china and other asian countries, they are setting up foundations for takeover there, leaving skeleton crews behind in their previously infected countries.
Shanghai for example has a growing number of "jewish centres". It was set out in the kalergi plan, first europe, then asia would follow. No homogenous countries permitted.
Japan is the major flashing target for the moment, it has been under attack for several yaers, partially resisting, but massive, escalating pressure on several fronts.
Would be nice to know how to stop them.

i've been to ten fucking prisons now and not one of them had any of this shit

jfc i want these filthy lying kikes to be destroyed

Awesome user, lol. Did you laugh or were you too young to understand the bakery and industrial bread kitchen system at the time?

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I still remember the terrible deathcamps, all my family were killed there. Only me, my uncles, aunts, parents, brothers and sisters and cousins escaped with their lives. We, the survivors, have to remember for those who weren't so lucky. The millions who survived must remember those who didn't. We must also be regularly paid for documentaries, books, newspaper interviews and anything else that we can sequester funds for.
It was real, in my mind.

Hot damn user…you are a certified criminal mastermind (or maybe not if you keep getting caught) anywhoooo…yes, I suppose regular prisons should 'keep up with the kikes' in terms of their recreational offerings…just one more reason to hate those feckless bastards.

I served 15 months in prison (counting extradition) on a bullshit, politically motivated computer crime charge.

The criminal terrorist feds didn't like me so they moved me around the country and put me in solitary a lot so I would be miserable and people couldn't write me letters of support or send books

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Macron , pute juive,

France is going to defeat a system invented by the American war machine to insure the free-flow of communications after a global thermonuclear war.


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How did it change you.

My whole family was turned into soap!

Attached: JewSoap.jpg (954x1024, 86.11K)

I honestly was a good goy and believed all that. The kikes even gave me a prize because I wrote an essay about dem joos, still have it to this day.
However I was in a culturally enriched high school, and the Africans from my group did an absolute mess when they visited. Polish guardians already had complaints about new-French being noisy and trying to degrade things.
So I was kind of Jew-sympathetic because I believed in the best allies and shiet against Arabs.

Moving testimony, user. Surely another proof of the genocide.
My grandmother was almost killed, but the Nazis ran out of gas.

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I'm a dead man walking and only bide my time for the moment I can take my final revenge on the ZOG machine

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yeah i know boris lelay
but i went to the website
and i listened to some podcasts and i know my culture
you do not go full GTKRWN in french language without being a jewish plant/agent of the jews

by "going gtkrwn" i mean being grossly antisemitic in a blatant, braggy way
the cultural environment permits antisemitism à la soral (his anti kike rants are genuine and are what such rants do sound like when you're immersed in french culture) but it does not conduce to acting like a fartjoker who says antikike things like they're funny

they're farters, not genuine french people concerned with jewish influence
hard to explain really
as for proofs i'd go straight to tracing those people's backgrounds, the public one, no need to dox

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Do you know Henry De Lesquen?
(English subtitles)

This: is much more serious analytic level than the anti-racist Soral.
Fuck off shill.

Tell us your story user


it's participative democracy
which is ironic considering what modern democracy is (commie jewry tyranny of the wealthy who can influence public opinion)

it was only for the nazi guards you bad bad goy

no it went down from 500K to 400K in recent years which made us lose our third world rank (after usa and israel) to the likes of canada

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you can watch "Troll Inc" now available on various digital video platforms. or you can watch "The Hacker Wars" for free on Youtube. Troll Inc is the better of the two films, but is not available for free.

reminder: no one can live in peace with Jews.

as if we didn't know…

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good video, well informed guy being interviewed.

Why did Hitler and co. allow this?

(( ( they) )) really should be afraid your time is fucking up kikes

Zig Forums is a honeypot why would they be afraid?

oh hi weev

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the wikipedia table isn't accurate.
US jews are 10+ million, with "non-religious" jews estimated at up to 20 million, aka enlarged population.

sex keeps men pacified

checked trips

greentext time

the internet is designed to be censored user
rather all the effort has been put toward that end since it became commercial at least
it's not even the states, it's the big tech companies whom are doing it
google has strongly influenced the 2016 election for instance

a little bit yeah because he was director of my favorite radio station for a bunch of years, radio courtoisie
lol the jew on the left around 0:30 is frederic haziza, abundantly mocked by soral and dieudo's movement
i just looked up the club de l'horloge which he founded with other guys to answer your question
it's pretty cryptic, it would take being almost a scholar of that movement to give a fair assessment of de lesquen
anyway from a cursory look at de lesquen he's fairly out of touch although he's trolling the political class very well within his means
his issue is he's easy to discredit as being an out of touch aristocratic old white right wing guy
so he'll never get any real political traction, he'll remain a personality cherished by his crowd, the right wing christian high-middle class

excellent rundown of their agenda in the first two entences, thx
fits their tone very well indeed.
there's just no way their constant use of high school tier slurs is not a red flag of kikery but thanks for confirming
i'm not asking you to trust me on this, just giving my opinion as a french dude who rants daily against the kikes to his jewish friend
that tone is caricatural and non genuine

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You will never win kike, not today and not in 1 year or 10 years. How does it feel to have the brakes slapped off your shit so hard you feel it on the other side of the world?

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Look how sweaty and 'gf close' (the protective embrace and arm of his bf) he is to his nigger boyfriend…he is clinging on that nigger like a bitch who just got worked hard and put away wet.

Attached: macron get gf close to his nigger buddies.jpg (1423x726, 207.19K)

8ch does more to keep Jews duped and loyal than any other sight on Earth.

Why not just bomb the shit out of those cucks instead?

If lord jesus christ himself and their own fellow jews can't wake them up with the docs they make like video related then what hope do gentiles?

Look like the jews are angry on cuckchan too.

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You don't get what I said.
Jewish leadership depend on hatred of Jews to cement their own people together.
This is why they use their shekels to commit atrocities against whites, because they know the backlash will be hatred of Jews, in general.
This creates the "them vs. us" mentality necessary to insure the continued support of the average Jew for his leadership.

Who is harmed by flooding Europe with Jew-hating Arabs? Certainly the whites are, but what about the Jews in Europe?
Thrown under the bus, as whites see who is pushing this invasion, and start hating all Jews. This dupes the Jew into hating whites, instead of hating his own leadership, which was the cause of his problem in this matter, in the first place.

Jews need to feel cornered and hated, to keep them in the Jew corral.
Jews do the same thing with blacks, and every other group they want to control.
But it's Jewish leadership that creates all these situations, in the first place.

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Difficult to feel upset when you have been systematically exterminated. You and I both know that there is nothing good, not one good soul among them, so no loss for anyone if they are gone forever.

He didn’t want the Jews to have gay sex. A brothel I guess is a lesser evil.

The only way critique of Jews and promoting pro White ideas works is


Nadzee, White Nationalist larping.


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The Jews will never shut down their Nazi Stormtard boards as they serve them well.

Lol, you obviously know nothing about the sanctions DP already faced in France after the Nuremberg trials 2.0.

It's 2019 faggot, the Nazi shit does not work.

Hi friends !
In dempart we also defend the real ECOLOGY !

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Damn it feels good to be a gangstar.

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Way back in the last century I had boys social living course taught by Mr Morgan who ran a carnival during the summer.
He posed the exact same question and answered it like this, he held up a piece of paper licked his finger then wiped it on the paper. You could not see where the paper was wet then he licked his finger walked over to the black board yes we actually had slate black boards and wetted the surface and immediately you could see the wet surface as glaring from the dry portion.
So this is how he explained to us why niggers seem to always be sweaty.