How do you reach these types of American uber-patriotards who put Israel first? There are a lot of them out there. They are generally low IQ, but also seem sincere.
This guy is a good example, he's practically frothing at the mouth because Ilhan Omar dare bring up AIPAC. In his simple mind, attacking AIPAC means attacking Israel, and Israel is the ally of America, hence it's an attack on America.
If he was one moron, no one would care, but he is about 97% thumbs up on 96k views. There are millions of Americans just like him.
You don't. America is done, it's over. And that's a good thing because America has been a golem for the last century, the best possible scenario is the eradication of every American.
How do you reach a communist tranny? You don't. You simply accept that some people are beyond hope and can't be reached, and even if they could be reached, it probably wouldn't be wise to do so. Unless you want them to pervert and twist the spirit of your worldview. They may be white, but they're not Aryan; they have the souls of niggers and jews.
Hudson Murphy
Cooper Price
Liam Morgan
You tell them the truth showing facts and history that israel isn't a great ally and is traitorous and fights zero wars with US but the other is that they're misled Evangelicals and in that case you tell them what Jesus had to say about their evil kind.
Bentley Ramirez
With a bayonette in hand
Christian Sanders
Funny, I was going to post Wild Bill as an example.
They are such sincere simpletons, it's a different experience than arguing with most people online. I'm sure it can be done.
Have any Palestinians had much luck deflating Zio-Christianity?
Ayden Hernandez
You don't. Might as well try to convince a fish to stop swimming. These people are irredeemable and can only be put down. But if you're going to try anyway, ridicule is probably your best bet.
Ethan Jones
The types are hopeless. When the time finally comes to round up the jews, they'll be guarding synagogues on their motor scooters.
The aut-kike meme that Kikebart readers are all right on the cusp of being redpilled because they're "right-wing" needs to die.
Landon Lewis
This. Best way to change their minds is with a bullet.
Julian Scott
It doesn't matter. Right now semite shills from both the satanic sand faiths are shilling the board demanding we pick one of them over the other when we don't like or want either of them. This is about a heart to heart talk about the history of Christians who were the first by to be persecuted by jews and Jesus Christ the day he called out the jews and whipped them out of the temple and correctly prophesying the destruction of the temple where they originally laughed at Jesus for thinking such a thing. Some can still be saved, I would know first hand and Revelation cannot be ignored but even Revelation says many cannot be saved. It is what it is and we should try our best.
Gavin Green
With a bullet. What? Did you think that the majority of whites in the US were salvageable?
Joshua Stewart
The problem is that they will fight for the enemy as they did in WWI, WWII, Serbia, and the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Because they are just golems who want a paycheck and do not respect what it means to be American as defined by the founding fathers (white and isolationist). So maybe the better question would be: how do we trick these whiteskins into fighting for Whites?
Lincoln Foster
With a high caliber. QTDDTOT, nigger.
Luke Kelly
Violence is easy but I think you guys should try first. Don't lie for a second you guys didn't once believe some level of kosher lies.
Why not at least try having them watch this documentary?
Christianity has been subjugated. We've had multiple threads that discuss this in-depth. The problem is he represents far too many of the common Republican/Conservative voter; Goyim, (((God))) and Government.
Caleb Scott
To everyone saying "just shoot them lol"
Are you personally going to go kill millions of white men who are capable of returning fire? If you were going to do that, John Rambo, you would have an easier time just holocausting the Jews yourself and ending the problem. No, these people must be tricked with some sort of magical comic book story because reality doesn't impress upon them. First they must be tricked into defeating the Jews, or at least into indifference towards Jewry, and then into self-genocide so that racially-aware whites can reassert themselves.
Elijah Lopez
detox them from christcuckery.
Benjamin Gray
You can't. They have to be exterminated.
Andrew Roberts
But this was foretold in Revelations, we should try saving those who have even the slightest hope. The politicians may have sold their souls to Mammon but the American people can still find salvation if people can keep faith and warn as Christ did about the synagogue of satan.
Jacob Bell
If you haven't been paying attention, they've been progressively less successful in all of them.
Owen Mitchell
It's like Yuri said; some people are just demoralized and you can't help them. Their condition is permanent and irreversible. You put them under quarantine before they can do any more harm and you try to eliminate the source of the problem before other people can also become infected.
Jaxson Scott
Violence is inevitable, history knows and the times show the horrible calm before the storm, even if France started a bit early. That doc is great tho, thanks.
This user is right, you can't win them over with reason. What I've found effective on highly illogical people is argue from a point of fundamentalist appeal shouting with wedges into their beliefs. Insist the Judaizers are Satanic, endlessly quote from the bible and Christian Saints on (((them))), and that they'll burn in Hell forever unless they listen to their God's warnings.
I don't think it's all Christianity. With ones like Wild Bill, yes, but the guy in OP is a True Believer in America #1. I did a quick search on him and found this bit of retardation:
And how would you do that? Hell, you'd also have to detox them from liberal-democracy and capitalism. You'd basically have to change their entire Weltanschauung - the very way they filter information around them. It's just not possible.
I think the problem that many people on Zig Forums have is that they see that a lot of these patriotard-types have minor social beliefs (anti-sodomite marriage, pro-second amendment, etc) that may overlap with their own, so they get it in their heads that the patriotard is just the larval form of a Zig Forumslock who can be redpilled and grow out of their patriotardness, but they fail to realize that at their core the patriotard's Weltanschauung is so fundamentally different that you might as well be dealing with an alien. They can't be helped, because at their very core they're garbage people, and because of that, they hold garbage beliefs; they're not good people who just so happen to have bad beliefs.
Don't forget to accuse anyone who support israel as being traitors worse than jonathan pollard, traitors to the US and not putting America first (fact). List all crimes and betrayals of the israelis against America and how awful they treat US soldiers.
Yikes. I wish they wouldn't live up to the cartoonish stereotypes so easily.
Ryan Mitchell
That and some other recent comments were excellent, upvoted.
Many of us are aware they cannot all be saved but even one more is worth trying. If they truly love Jesus Christ or America from the bottom of their hearts, they would be outraged these rats with dual loyalties, which is to say they have none whatsoever to the United States of America, infesting and destroying the country in favor first and foremost to their pariah state.
Jordan Howard
Pretty much exactly this. These people don't think. They hold those beliefs because that's what the program says to hold and it's too difficult for them to break it. They're not thinking people. There is no quest for knowledge. There is a difference between someone who wants to validate their understanding of reality by observing and measuring reality itself and those who simply want to be validated.
Why the fuck did I watch that? What's wrong with me. Interesting piece of information though: Starting to notice this pattern with these type of whites. Evey conservatard now has a family member who was saving the jews from the Nazis.
Austin Walker
The irony is that all of the "death camps" were liberated by the Soviets, as far as I know. Americans only liberated the ones that were solely concentration camps.
Brandon Turner
I HAD THE FIRST POST ANONS. IT READ: "everyone posting in this thread is an anti-semite"
Ethan Morales
I feel bad for the guy in the video. He is well intentioned and smart on a number of issues but he is giving his loyalty to the jewish community who are not giving him anything in return. It's pathetic. And he is a strong guy, he is just being snookered.
You don't. They think kikes in Israel are mandatory for king kike to make his second coming. Their minds are pollute by the Scofield Bible and they can only be saved through death.
Jose Hall
First post D&C kike post.
Ryder Sanchez
It's a big problem, the jews are going to try to meme the US into accepting itself as a sub-state of israel. The only way to go about it is to divide the US from IS. You can have allegiance to only one
Hunter Phillips
Gavin Ross
Fix religion. Repeatedly explain that the literalist interpretation of the Bible was a Roman state-church heresy.
The fucking Romans had 3 wars against slaves. The servile wars. Watch Spartacus.
They literally created literalist Christianity as a response with a slave-God and to tell the slaves to be good slaves or they wouldn't go to heaven.
The early non-Roman "church fathers" - sainted - knew that it was all allegorical. It's astrotheology, just like the European pagan religions - just like Rome itself before Christianity - just like Greece.
This is what the Roman church has "hidden" for nearly 2 millenia, and the Internet has allowed us to pick up the pieces.
You won't defeat those boomer morons by telling them they're "christcucks". You might get through to a few of them when you show them their religion is CLEARLY talking about the solar system.
This is why Christmas is at the Winter solstice and Easter and Passover are at the Spring equinox.
Atheistfags need not reply. Your ways don't fix this problem.
jesus =/= horus. it's sun worship, not strictly horus
Parker Collins
At 300m with .308
Angel King
Since just before the first World War.
Cameron Martinez
Jews Woodrow Wilson League of Nations Globalization Hello??? Globalization of banking system Great Depression Germany breaks away from global banking Bankers pissed Then, you got the rest
Brody James
Dudes a cop too.
Yet "The Lobby - USA" still only has 12k views. I don't know what to make of it anymore.
Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence (I conjure you to believe me, fellow-citizens) the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake, since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of republican government. But that jealousy to be useful must be impartial; else it becomes the instrument of the very influence to be avoided, instead of a defense against it. Excessive partiality for one foreign nation and excessive dislike of another cause those whom they actuate to see danger only on one side, and serve to veil and even second the arts of influence on the other. Real patriots who may resist the intrigues of the favorite are liable to become suspected and odious, while its tools and dupes usurp the applause and confidence of the people, to surrender their interests.
Insert George Washington "If you only knew how bad things are" meme
Grayson Gray
I hear ya. First impressions with seeing people like this it to be feel with raged and laugh at them but that is how they got their in the first place. The ZOG divide and conquer system is designed to to give you the illusion you are fighting a just fight and he fell for the "LEFT/RIGHT" false dichotomy.
Maybe a fag for saying it, but compassion is the only way to bring these people back to reality.
Josiah Cook
Saving that.
Julian Anderson
they've paid a shitload of larpers
if Donald's admin took the money they pay all these larpers and just did the right thing instead it probably would have cost less
James Price
Actually this is classic "Stockholm Syndrome" as people are subconsciously rationalizes bowing down to their captors to justify giving up their rights.
Parts of them understand this as they secretly FEAR Israel and think they are all powerful while the US is weak and Israel is protecting the US. Of course, this was by design.
Christian Nelson
ask them if America has gotten better or worse since modern Israel was established. ask them why we should fight their wars, and point out that isis never even tries to attack Israel. if they can't figure out the correct answer, fuck em, they're probably a lost cause.
Daniel Cruz
Yep. I guess George Washington himself would consider us "true patriots". Too bad he's dead and we are running out of options.
John Butler
Limitations force you to be creative, it's our time now.
Andrew Davis
The set of 4 videos on Electronic Intifada has about 54k on the first one.
Unfortunately, they blocked comments. There may be some advantage to having a shorter video that seems less daunting. It will pull you in to eventually watch the others.
Still, no matter what, this is probably the most important video for anyone to get out there now. "The Lobby - USA" should have 20 million views.
Juan Clark
Jason Bailey
You don't. These types are completely impotent. No matter how much evidence is presented to them that Israel is an enemy of America they'll plug their ears and call you a nazi which instantly wins the argument in their mind, then they shut off.
Oliver Stewart
All White men are secret Jews goy
Carson Moore
you pretty much won't reach pro-israel boomers because they've been indoctrinated their entire lives which goes back to the pre-internet era. this shit is etched into their psyche. at best, the cuckservatives like this guy will be useful idiots in a civil war setting.
seriously, the only cross-over we have with people like this is gun ownership. they're about the same as leftists when it comes to everything else. these are the people who watch ben shapiro and agree with him that the browning of america is fine as long as the browns vote republican. and we're not republicans. we worked on memeing trump into office for other purposes, not because we like trump and not because we like republicans.
Caleb Foster
Look. Your never going to reach them anonymously, on-line, or through (((arguing and fighting))). That is the ZOG front and way, hence (((alt-right celebrities))). This needs to be an organic and faithful rebellion in which you need to be the replacement of (((celebrities, media))).
Go out and speak to people personally. People who know and trust you. Ease them into the issues and convince them. AIPAC for instance or the tax payer money going to Israel. Pick a battle. Something easy, specific, obvious and convincing. You now become their voice. You have to be true to them and your intentions pure. NEXT. Begin drafting petitions/letters to Congressmen, doing interviews with local media or other types of movements that make changes or influence opinion or policy AT A LOCAL LEVEL. Have them simply sign their names.
Why do you think anti-BDS laws started at a state level instead of using their grasp on congress to just start out with a Federal law. They knew this would be the only way to pass something that unconstitutional. This is also how this movement needs to go.
Remember. ZOG will eat you if you do it alone which is why it needs to keep people divided and united in their circles. However, no one is going to dare to call you anti-semetic if your doctor, neighbor, co-worker, boss, or other reputable people who are not (((edgy kids))) or agent provocateurs.
The truth is that there is a small percentage (10%) of people who actually will lead in moments of need. The rest will follow. One person writes the letter, the rest sign. This is just human nature. However, they will only follow you if you are worth following.
If your not a leader and don't speak to people, find your strong point and find a way to use it to reach people. You all have one.
Dylan Adams
The problem today is that there are no True leaders and the void is usually filled by evil people or the useful tools.
This guy in the video is the perfect example. He probably truly means well but instead of following something true, he follows the only (((authority))) he knows as know one tried otherwise. Convince him personally, show him Truth, and he will become your most dangerous weapon.
William Hall
The dude will be doing a meet and greet in Pensacola, Florida on February 16th, 2019.
Any veteran or anyone in the area who thinks they can gently sow a seed of doubt (truth) into his mind should attend.
Juan Perez
You need to first, RELATE WITH HIM, find common ground to engage a discussion and not get into an argument. This is why it would be good for a veteran to go speak with this guy, BS first and then ease into something simple you disagree with.
Henry Adams
america has close ties to israel but not europe jason, niko is gay, lmao
Owen Barnes
He doesn't deserve redemption. Someone should just shoot the cocksucker.
Matthew Butler
Aaron Price
Probably touched by a priest and it was the best sex he ever had. There's some really retarded, White niggers in America. Let them be cannon fodder when the great chimp out takes place.
Austin Nguyen
Christkikes only respond to pathos. By the time you reach them, they're typically far too old to be reconditioned. Leave these dark souls to die.
Jeremiah Gomez
Only a USS Liberty veteran or a CIAnigger like Michael Scheuer can talk sense into him now.
Jeremiah Flores
When they do that, they have jewish blood. They're known as Ashkenazis and are European bred, you idiot.
Kayden Torres
I worked as a carpenters apprentice. The guy explicitly said he didn't want to train lacks and mexicans.He only wanted to work with young white men, because he thought they needed the skills. I thought to myself, this is my guy. We'd shoot, sail, fix cars we talk race. The man was far from stupid, but surely emotional. He would rant about white genocide but whenever I brought up Isreal, he'd shudder away or when I brought up jewish influences behind white genicide or race mixing, porn and Hollywood, AIPAC ect.. whatever he'd shut down and just say " It's not right for you to say that man " . This is a dude that despised niggers, spics and fags someone far more extreme than me. But even he was so mind fucked over the 6 million. I was astounded.
Dominic Lee
literal jesus fucking christ. literal bashed brain retarded vet. he will never understand all hes done has been in the name of a lie there are hordes of people exactly like this guy
Nicholas Ramirez
James 1:26 (KJV)
If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is vain.
It's not enough to believe and attend fellowship, one needs read their Bible. And I'm willing to bet many of these youtubers don't, haven't and wouldn't know where to begin.
Our religion teaches compassion but also teaches us not to be outright fools.
Julian Gutierrez
Incorrect You couldn't even begin to understand
Joseph Wood
My favorite Israel First type is the one who premises their support with “God will bless those who bless Israel. And curse those who curse Israel.” Because it’s easy to shut down their boasting by asking how the apostate Jews did not and do not curse themselves by cursing and murdering God the Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, and then refusing to repent of their crime by not accepting the Lord Jesus as their one and only way to salvation. If they do try to deflect, I beat them over the head with their own premise until they concede or get tired and walk away. I don’t know if I ever changed anyone’s mind, but it’s not surprising if I have not. As America is a lot like Israel during Moses’ day. Meaning, America would rather be a wealthy slave to foreigners than a free man with little more than the essentials. But still, Americans must be warned at least once, and only once.
Oliver Morgan
I've found it's best to just keep hammering away at central points they won't back down on.
Their motives are generally sincere but they're a weird mix of intentional living up to stereotypes while also decrying the media that creates them.
The problem with that sincerity is it's not one that actually follows the national interest. Like the parasites they are, jews are adept at hijacking drive. An actual love of the US is no longer the principle drive, it's an outgrowth of the problem now.
Wyatt Wood
Set up a separate Federal Reserve for a separate country and pay him to read non-retarded shit.
Colton Gray
Dont? Why are you always trying to white-man's-burden everything? Make a place for you and yours on the escape vessel, then maybe lend a hand to others who already found the way up. Leave the cattle to burn in their slaughterhouses and stop wasting your time trying to save the anchors from drowning.
Angel Walker
This. America must be turned into a pile of ash and every American, just like every Frenchmen, who is not explicitly supporting the other remaining civilized race of Europe must and will get the rope.
Noah Diaz
Everything that ever came out of the Middle East is garbage and destructive to decent people. That's the fucking bottom line, and it all has to be destroyed.
I have similar experiences with a coworker. Really sums it up nicely. It's like a lot of these types have a new-age white man's burden to protect Israel wherein they can claim empathy for their preferred oppressed people while still maintaining antipathy toward whatever other groups they choose. My buddy always falls back on that old tired trope that jews are hardworking and the victims of historical jealousy. Slowly I think I've began to get through to him though. First major eye-opener I think that clicked with him was when I explained medieval usury laws and court jews, and what it did for them economically over time. The other day when we had some time with just the two of us he asked me if my disdain for Judaism was specifically targeted at the upper echelon of media/finance execs etc. or if it extended to all jewish people, I can tell he wanted it to be the first by the way he phrased it, and I infer he's beginning to think that way and was maybe looking for a politically/ethically correct threshold to stop at together. I continued to calmly point out even a common jew's double nature "fellow white/oppressed jew" identity swapping shtick and so on. I believe as long as your friend leaves every conversation you share with a new idea or fact in their head that isn't immediately thought-policed out than you're getting somewhere. Don't let up out there!
You don't. You focus on the people who aren't mentally retarded. Eventually these kinds of retards will realize they are out of the loop and either join the communists that they really are, or snap out of the mental conditioning and lemming into one side or the other. You can't know what they will do, even if you think you've convinced them, because they are traitors. They may say they were wrong, and join your side, only to say they've woken up and join the communists later.
Cameron Thomas
Wanna know how I know you're not white?
Asher Thomas
God bless this hotblooded American and God bless the states!
Justin Ramirez
I'm actually really good at talking to Israel first Patriotards. Try this phrase:
"Israel is our greatest role-model."
When they ask what you mean give examples. Here are mine.
I have a friend who works as a foreign worker there. She can't apply for citizenship, and they hold a portion of her check till she leaves, but they treat her great. She comes back all the time. We should use that policy.
I read they pay illegal alien Eritreans to leave. It's generous and causes less trouble. Gets them gone, without any cruelty.
That wall sure is effective. Suicide bombings went from 300 per year to 2 per year as soon as it went up. Imagine the Cartel gangs we could stop. It'll bankrupt the gangs in Mexico and give them a chance to become a tourist spot again.
We could learn a LOT from their successful policies.
The only solution for Anti-Christ loving Christians is Christian Identity. I discovered what so many have starting in 1978 - that Jesus taught that Joos are the children of the devil, John 8:44. I am a follower of Christ, and like Him, I hate the synagogue of satan Rev 2:9 and 3:9. Jews are not, and never have been, any thing other than Canaanites, which God told our fathers to exterminate. Most people are not playing with a full deck, thus worship the Canaanite Zionistas.
Nathan Carter
Stay away from these people. This guy clearly has brain damage. They'll wind up doing more harm then good no matter what belief system they're attached too. That man has lost all of his European roots. He is a soulless bug creature. He is….dare I say it…an Amerimutt.
Best part of this is John and Revelation are written by John who was Born and raised an Orthodox Jew.
Was he being anti-Semitic? What motive would he have to lie?
Google "Reconstructionist Judaism" and tell me John wasn't right to call these people a synagogue of Satan.
These scum we see today are not real Jews as recorded in the Bible. They don't even believe in God.
John Peterson
You don't, the vast majority of them are boomers at the end of their lives, or at the very least well past middle age, and they're so far up their own asses they absolutely refuse to consider maybe funneling money to a foreign country isn't patriotic or beneficial to America. Not to mention these are the same people who will shed tears about the hoax, and then cheer on the chosen as they mercilessly slaughter palestinians, so their level of doublethink is borderline tumblrina tier.
Jeremiah Butler
if showing them all the things our greatest allies have done to the US doesn't work, it's not worth the time anymore. this is the kind of guy that would go door to door killing whites for hate speech if you told them they were "da ebul natsees". if this guy found a genie in a bottle, his wishes would be to go back in time and kill Hitler, for a black BASTE MUHHHREEEEN to kill Obama, and his favorite niggerball team to win the next superbonobowl. i'm all ears though if people have other methods.
Lincoln Miller
Checked and Blessed. Our Brothers and Sisters in Christ have been misled by the devil. We should offer the Lord's words and give them a chance to repent and should they reject Christ as the Jews reject Jesus is the Messiah, if they cannot be saved despite our best efforts, let the fires of hell engulf them. Amen.