BREAKING: Mitch McConnell says Trump will sign spending deal and declare a national emergency
BREAKING: Mitch McConnell says Trump will sign spending deal and declare a national emergency
BREAKING: Mitch McConnell says Trump will sign spending deal and declare a national emergency
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Orange faggot is beyond redeemable at this point.
Talk is cheap. Show me action or fuck off.
Trump is a retarded Kike puppet prove me wrong.
"I just had an opportunity to speak with President Trump and he’s prepared to sign the bill," McConnell, R-Ky., said on the Senate floor. "He will also be signing a national emergency declaration at the same time."
Bump because you can't hide this.
And I'm voting for him in 2020 and so is everyone else no matter how hard your tranny ass larps
article archive
I miss the good old days when Foxworth was just a sperg obsessed with a shitty anime.
Let's break down what is supposed to happen.
Um, what?
So you just told them how to stop the emergency from happening?
Oh for fucks sake.
Why would he even bother signing the stupid funding bill if he was actually going to declare and emergency? Just declare a state of emergency blowhard orange faggot.
Just more song and dance.
Probably needs the government to not be shut down when he declares the state of emergency.
Sure, and we're gonna deport 30 million illegals too because we have to, we have no choice, folks. Right?
I'm waiting with bells on
It's 60,000,000.
Jews gonna Jew.
Just accept it at face value, goyim.
I guess he's going to do something that requires it to be open.
if they don't pass the bill the government will be shut down
head of the Senate Republican Majority.
Let's be fair, McConnell is single party republican, bought and sold
Fun listening to MSNBC and my roommate lose their shit tho.
What? Do you not comprehend that your premise is completely faulty and that he's a jew shill who has no fucking clue what the constitution tells him to do?
Yes, but McConnell just telegraphed the play giving them ample time to prepare a counter. This is a show. Courts will attempt an injunction and Trump will throw his hand up and go "well I tried, but the courts…", and everyone will go "grr those dang courts" and nothing will change.
when did /pol get comped?
The 9th circus can try to block it, but it wont work. Too much precedence for the Supreme Court to ignore.
Face it, leftist, you got BTFO.
The wall is getting built.
I'll believe that when there is a wall.
trump uses executive order to declare emergency and builds wall anyway.
look in pentagon funding
red castle green castle
< It also prohibits the use of a concrete wall or other Trump prototypes and specifies that only "existing technologies" for fencing and barriers can be used.
does it mean the wall can be made of stone?
Surprised we made it this far dudes tbh
He will claim Congress signed off on it. The public is stupid.
Good move on his part really. Hitler had his Reichstag's fire, but the Reichstag still signed off on it, out of session.
That's what I don't get. Why is that rat fink boomer fuck McConnell opening his mouth? Straight up sabotage.
This is obviously great news. But I do hope that Trump doesnt finish the wall too quikcly as he is known to do with some of his other building projects.
We need 'finish the wall' as a campaign slogan in 2020. Once its built we cant really use that as a campaign tool.
Because Trump asked him to do it. Trump gave McConnell's wife a cushy job, now McConnell does what Trump asks. If Trump needs someone to take the fall for this so Trump can keep his hands clean then it is McConnell.
yeah, don't worry. the wall won't be finished by then
Hitler had his Berlin wall. Trump has his border wall.
Need I say any more?
I do hate reddit with a fiery passion.
you don't speak for me, I am definitely not voting him or anyone in 2020
When Discord starting allowing ironic weebs/trannys to organize into secret invite-only circlejerks, and the mods can't be fucking bothered to stop their raiding and astroturfing. They've successfully killed the board because the mods won't do jack shit to stop them.
Trump is a proven liar and media whore.
Until there are bulldozers and cranes along the border I am not buying any of this shit.
Why would you want another 4 years of a (((republican))) who hasn't completed his promises, hasn't stopped white decline in any manner, and has Jewish grandchildren?
It was this Communist filth who set the fire, you jew narrative swallowing piece of shit.
Good. I love it when a plan comes together.
commies eternally BTFO
This is a shit thread but it’s been confirmed by Sarah Sanders. Someone make a new, non shit tier thread
Yes, goy, its the communists who are against our gole- I mean, our president!
It certainly could not be white men who are against our shabbos goy leader of Weimerica. Lets vote in 2020 to keep him in office, that sounds like fun, don't it, goy?
Yea, don't worry he won't even start it.
That was jewish propaganda you fucking retard.
It needs to be made out of beaner eviscerating horizontal windmills that run on white power.
You lefties aren't even trying to hide anymore, uh? Not even the hardest nevertrumper ever used that retarded CNN lingo.
The bill would provide $1.375 billion for 55 miles of pedestrian and levee fencing in the Rio Grande Valley, significantly less than Trump's $5.7 billion request. It also prohibits the use of a concrete wall or other Trump prototypes and specifies that only "existing technologies" for fencing and barriers can be used.
D-Don't attack my favorite shabbos goy!
This isn't your website. It has never been.
Not voting = dem shill
I didn't tell anyone else what to do, that's what I'm doing, since voting did fuck all
Because it sticks it to the Dems. They don’t want the declaration of national emergency. But if the Dems in Senate block their House bill, they’ll look like idiot obstructionists.
President doesn't need votes to declare state of emergency, WALL IS GETTING BUILT, FUCK THE KIKES NIGGERS AND SPICS WOOO
If you aren't already prepped for the happening, time is running out.
Calling him orange is not attacking him, its just repeating CNN shit. The orange meme comes from the mainstream media intentionally fucking with the color balance any time they show him to make him look orange. Sort of like how spics magically turn white when they show up on CNN.
Why haven't you killed yourself already when you got cucked so many times?
ya you get to pick which controlled opposition senator you want too and house member, awesome! Shit you can even pick which kike approved governor you get, gonna run right out there, it worked so well the last two times
Shills on a rampage rn
Yes, goy, keep defending him and getting outraged on (((our))) behalf! Tell those bad goy all about how much you know about (((our))) mainstream media! Ya really in the loop, at this rate ya might even get an extra shekel!
keep telling yourself that kike, but its painfully obvious the idea of a southern wall being built bothers you deeply.
all of you kikes glow because youre unable to hide your rage, even in small anonymous posts.
that's just an opinion until you have proof. we're all entitled to believe in whatever the summation of our experiences and available information conclude. some people will be wrong. but we won't know who's wrong until we see how this shakes out–probably until we see whether he wins re-election or not realistically. you don't get to claim you're correct until all of the relevant information has been revealed.
Mistake to sign the deal. Should just declare a NE
There was no defense made you worthless retard.
Oy vey! Ya really showing that bad goy what for now! Tell 'em all about Trumpstein and how great he is now, that'll really put him on the ropes!
Trump has really red-pilled me on how big the white bell-curve actually is. Some whites are actually as retarded as niggers.
Cue the spam from reddit for the next 12 hours until this shit collapses again and they slink away waiting for the next opportunity to act like retards.
Shes right you know.
If he signs the bill it makes it illegal to build the wall.
anyone declaring they know the future at this point is a moron. that includes ann coulter who's obviously in the same camp you are due to repeated disappointments leading to despair. it's a predictable response really.
he's declaring the emergency. let's see what happens.
Been obvious over a year ago when he started caving to the kikes.
and yet ann coulter was one of the first public figures to predict Trump would win, I'd say she's batting better than all the other public figures.
Speak for yourself, loser.
Yeah man, let's see where this goes!
This. All of you fucking boomer faggots who still support the chessmaster need to gas yourself.
Her legal analysis is correct. No emergency order can be upheld now that any challenger can show this piece of legislation Trump signed clearly showing he did not believe there was any emergency. This guarantees an emergency declaration will get an injunction and then be shot down, and there is no other way to build the wall as building any wall is now prohibited in the bill.
This actually means open borders permanently.
yup, bread circus, like always
it was 57d chess all along i knew it
cant stop winning
Well nevertheless, she had the balls (probably literally) to say it. This country was fucked before Trump, it'll be just as fucked after Trump.
Hes literally tying his little orange hands behind his back. Then hes going to flop around like a fish and blame the democrats that he can't get anything done. His solution will be to elect more
in 2020. They want you engaged in voting. Its gives them legitimacy. They want you perpetually thinking about and engaging within structured framework they have created for you to exist within politically.
Just stop voting.
Stop playing the game by their rules.
You are never going to win the game they created if you play it by their rules.
Its designed so they always win.
I never even thought of this, good damn I hate trumpberg
Its so funny how this is the Trumpnigger defense every time he throats a cock.
Checked for nope, it'll be MORE fucked after Trump, because he keeps importing fucktons of mud.