Dear Zig Forums
I would like to be your "Congressional Legislative Interest Tracking" user. CLIT-user for short.
You can call me anything you want though. Faggot works for me too. Stupid Nigger has been used quite often and I am comfortable with you using that too. Only in here though.
What I propose is a thread dedicated to the tracking and commenting on Congressional Actions so that we may watch what is going on with a keener eye. Something to be updated daily, or close to it.
This thread will never get stickied or made a cyclical thread because: 1.) As Zig Forums is a Global Board, Codemonkey (Ron Watkins, Jim's son) will not allow it to become a Sticky, and 2.) Making it a cyclical thread will cause data to be lost.
Already, a month-old piece of Legislation has been overlooked (Namely H.R. 672 on 14 Jan 2019) by many on Zig Forums because the Mainstream Media does not give it attention. It is hidden - hidden in plain sight for all to see on the website.
Any and all postings by me will have
1.) link to legislation
2.) link to .pdf file
3.) summary of said legislation from
4.) a screenshot of the legislation from, which may or may not show the entire legislation, but must show the header at a minimum, and,
5.) the .pdf file attached to the posting.
I would start every posting session at -
- which pulls up current Legislation.
Somebody has to do it.
If anyone has any other suggestions to add, please post in here.
"Congressional Legislative Interest Tracking" user
Other urls found in this thread:
In addition, I would not provide comment in each report.
I'd read that.
Show us what you can do clitfag. Not a half bad idea.
That's a new one.
Summary: H.J.Res.37 — 116th Congress (2019-2020)
Introduced in House (01/30/2019)
This joint resolution directs the President to remove U.S. Armed Forces from hostilities in or affecting Yemen within 30 days unless Congress authorizes a later withdrawal date, issues a declaration of war, or specifically authorizes the use of the Armed Forces. Prohibited activites include providing in-flight fueling for non-U.S. aircraft conducting missions as part of the conflict in Yemen. This joint resolution shall not affect any military operations directed at Al Qaeda.
The President must submit to Congress, within 90 days, reports assessing the risks that would be posed (1) if the United States were to cease supporting operations with respect to the conflict in Yemen, and (2) if Saudi Arabia were to cease sharing Yemen-related intelligence with the United States.
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This was the amendment regarding israel that was voted on yesterday
Those were college clits. A lot of them.
Pretty lazy on your part not to include the anti-semitism bit they threw in with that one.
I see you've taken on the name that was proposed. Now go forth and make us proud, young clitfag.
its in the legislation and there was a thread about it yesterday
I'm just presenting format at this pint for your approval.
I will make a separate commentary post if need be.
Keep up the good work, user. Will be watching with great interest
Fuck off back to kikechan.
Actually, I will use these search parameters:
This searches within legislation for "israel, jew, jewish, andsemitic"
*and semitic
Where do I find this CLIT?
Summary: S.2292 — 108th Congress (2003-2004)
Public Law No: 108-332 (10/16/2004)
(This measure has not been amended since it was passed by the House on October 8, 2004. The summary of that version is repeated here.)
Global Anti-Semitism Review Act of 2004 - (Sec. 3) Expresses the sense of Congress that: (1) the United States should continue to support efforts to combat anti-Semitism worldwide through bilateral relationships and interaction with international organizations such as the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE); and (2) the Department of State should thoroughly document acts of anti-Semitism that occur around the world.
(Sec. 4) Directs the Secretary of State to report by November 15, 2004, on acts of anti-Semitism around the world, including a description of: (1) acts of physical violence against, or harassment of, Jewish people, and acts of violence against, or vandalism of, Jewish community institutions; (2) governmental responses to such actions, including enactment and enforcement of laws protecting the right to religious freedom of Jewish people, and efforts to promote anti-bias and tolerance education; and (3) governmental and nongovernmental media that attempts to justify or promote violence against Jewish people.
(Sec. 5) Amends the State Department Basic Authorities Act of 1956 to direct the Secretary to establish within the Department an Office to Monitor and Combat anti-Semitism, to be headed by a Special Envoy for Monitoring and Combating anti-Semitism.
States that the Office shall assume primary responsibility for: (1) monitoring and combating foreign acts of anti-Semitism and anti-Semitic incitement; and (2) coordinating and assisting in the preparation of that portion of the reports relating to acts of anti-Semitism and anti-Semitic incitement for inclusion in the annual Country Reports on Human Rights Practices and in the Annual Report on International Religious Freedom.
(Sec. 6) Amends the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 and the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998, respectively, to include in Department of State annual human rights and religious freedom reports information concerning acts of anti-Semitism and anti-Semitic incitement and governmental responses.
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Summary: S.1635 — 114th Congress (2015-2016)
Shown Here:
Public Law No: 114-323 (12/16/2016)
Department of State Authorities Act, Fiscal Year 2017
Subtitle A–Review and Planning Requirements
(Sec. 101) This bill amends the Omnibus Diplomatic Security and Antiterrorism Act of 1986 to direct the Department of State to: (1) submit a list to Congress of diplomatic and consular posts designated as high risk, high threat posts; (2) determine if a post should be so designated before its opening or reopening; (3) regularly review existing diplomatic and consular posts to determine if any such post should be designated as a high risk, high threat post; and (4) provide to Congress monthly briefings on any plans to open or reopen a high risk, high threat post and emergency notification of a decision to open or reopen such a post in less than 30 days.
(Sec. 102) The Secure Embassy Construction and Counterterrorism Act of 1999 is amended to require: (1) U.S. diplomatic mission emergency action plans to include the threat from complex attacks, and (2) rapid response procedures to include options for deployment of additional military resources, including deployment at high risk, high threat posts.
(Sec. 103) The Diplomatic Security Act is amended to require an accountability review board to recommend investigatory or disciplinary action if an individual's misconduct or unsatisfactory performance significantly contributed to serious injury, loss of life, significant property destruction, or a serious security breach at or related to a U.S. government mission abroad.
Subtitle B–Physical Security and Personnel Requirements
(Sec. 111) It is the sense of Congress that the Capital Security Cost Sharing Program should prioritize the construction of new facilities and the maintenance of existing facilities at high risk, high threat posts.
The bill prohibits a U.S. diplomatic facility construction project from including office space or other accommodations for a federal employee if the employee's department or agency has not provided the State Department with the full amount of required funding.
(Sec. 112) The Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1990 and 1991 is amended to authorize the State Department to award local guard contracts for a Foreign Service building on the basis of best value (as determined by a cost-technical trade off analysis).
(Sec. 113) The Foreign Service Buildings Act, 1926 is amended to authorize the State Department to transfer certain FY2018 appropriations if necessary to implement the recommendations of the Benghazi Accountability Review Board or to prevent or respond to security situations and requirements.
(Sec. 114) The State Department Basic Authorities Act of 1956 is amended to authorize the State Department to provide physical security enhancements at overseas educational facilities established for the children of U.S. government employees.
(Sec. 115) A determination to use procedures other than competitive procedures to meet emergency security requirements, including physical security upgrades, protective equipment, and other immediate threat mitigation projects, shall not be subject to certain challenges.
(Sec. 116) It is the sense of Congress that: (1) the Overseas Security Policy Board's security standards for facilities should apply to all facilities, and (2) such facilities should comply with waiver or exception requirements if in the U.S. national interest.
(Sec. 117) The State Department shall station key personnel for sustained periods of time at high risk, high threat posts in order to: (1) establish institutional knowledge and situational awareness that would allow for a fuller familiarization with the local political and security environment, and (2) ensure that necessary security procedures are implemented.
(Sec. 118) The State Department shall submit to Congress a comprehensive report regarding ongoing embassy construction projects and major embassy security upgrade projects.
(Sec. 119) The State Department may improve or construct facilities overseas for other federal agencies on an advance-of-funds or reimbursable basis if such advances or reimbursements are credited to the Embassy Security, Construction, and Maintenance account and remain available until expended.
Subtitle C–Security Training
(Sec. 121) The bill requires that personnel and senior and mid-level officials serving in high risk, high threat posts receive specified security training.
(Sec. 122) It is the sense of Congress that diplomatic security personnel assigned permanently to, or who are in long-term temporary duty status at, a high risk, high threat post should receive appropriate language training.
what my text search pulled out
> Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism of the Office to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism of the Department shall provide to the appropriate congressional committees a briefing on United States support to, and opportunities to coordinate with, American and European Jewish and other civil society organizations, focusing on youth, to combat anti-Semitism and other forms of religious, ethnic, or racial intolerance in Europe.
Summary: H.R.672 — 115th Congress (2017-2018)
Shown Here:
Passed House amended (05/17/2017)
Combating European Anti-Semitism Act of 2017
(Sec. 3) This bill expresses the sense of Congress that: (1) it is in the U.S. national interest to combat anti-Semitism at home and abroad; (2) there is a need to ensure the security of European Jewish communities, including synagogues, schools, and cemeteries; (3) the United States should continue to emphasize the importance of combating anti-Semitism in multilateral bodies; and (4) the Department of State should continue to document acts of anti-Semitism and anti-Semitic incitement and encourage adoption by national government institutions and multilateral institutions of a working definition of anti-Semitism similar to the one adopted in the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance context.
(Sec. 4) The International Religious Freedom Act of 1998 is amended to require the State Department's Annual Report on International Religious Freedom to include, for each European country in which threats or attacks against Jewish persons, schools, and religious institutions are particularly significant, a description of:
the security challenges and needs of European Jewish communities and European law enforcement agencies;
U.S. efforts to partner with European law enforcement agencies and civil society groups to combat anti-Semitic incidents;
educational programming and public awareness initiatives that impart values of pluralism and tolerance, showcase the positive contributions of Jews, and pay special attention to population segments that exhibit a high degree of anti-Semitic animus; and
efforts by European governments to adopt and apply a working definition of anti-Semitism.
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that's it from me tonight
All three of these bills were signed into law.
(16 Oct 2004)
(16 Dec 2016) - the long "summary"
(president signed today)
All three of these are related to israel, jew, jewish, or semitism.
Get over the egotistical faggotry and post as an user. Alternatively, fuck off back to reddit or twitter.
Legislation Link from Newest to Oldest:
Of Interest
H.R.1288 - To ensure due process protections of individuals in the United States against unlawful detention based solely on a protected characteristic.
H.R.1292 - To amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to require border community stakeholder consultation before the Secretary of Homeland Security may construct, install, deploy, operate, or maintain additional physical barriers, tactical infrastructure, or technology between ports of entry along the land border with Mexico, and for other purposes.
H.R.1293 - To prohibit the use of amounts appropriated for military construction or the Army Corps of Engineers for the construction of barriers, land acquisition, or any other associated activities on the southern border without specific statutory authorization from Congress.
All three of these seem to be border related. There is no text or a pdf available yet. Will re-post in full format when available.
H.R.4174 — 115th Congress (2017-2018)
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Shown Here:
Introduced in House (10/31/2017)
Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2017
This bill requires departments and agencies identified in the Chief Financial Officers Act to submit annually to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and Congress a plan for identifying and addressing policy questions relevant to the programs, policies, and regulations of such departments and agencies.The plan must include: (1) a list of policy-relevant questions for developing evidence to support policymaking, and (2) a list of data for facilitating the use of evidence in policymaking.
The OMB shall consolidate such plans into a unified evidence building plan.
The bill establishes an Interagency Council on Evaluation Policy to assist the OMB in supporting government-wide evaluation activities and policies. The bill defines "evaluation" to mean an assessment using systematic data collection and analysis of one or more programs, policies, and organizations intended to assess their effectiveness and efficiency.
Each department or agency shall designate a Chief Evaluation Officer to coordinate evidence-building activities and an official with statistical expertise to advise on statistical policy, techniques, and procedures.
The OMB shall establish an Advisory Committee on Data for Evidence Building to advise on expanding access to and use of federal data for evidence building.
Open, Public, Electronic, and Necessary Government Data Act or the OPEN Government Data Act
This bill requires open government data assets to be published as machine-readable data.
Each agency shall: (1) develop and maintain a comprehensive data inventory for all data assets created by or collected by the agency, and (2) designate a Chief Data Officer who shall be responsible for lifecycle data management and other specified functions.
The bill establishes in the OMB a Chief Data Officer Council for establishing government-wide best practices for the use, protection, dissemination, and generation of data and for promoting data sharing agreements among agencies.
Confidential Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act of 2017
This bill codifies provisions relating to confidential information protection and statistical efficiency.
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*Note - What I think is important in this is, “SUBCHAPTER II—FEDERAL EVIDENCE-BUILDING ACTIVITIES, § 315. Advisory Committee on Data for Evidence Building"
I think this is a sub-document for something bigger regarding USC 44, Chap 35, —
As I peruse through legislation
I run across things like this:
H.R.7213 — 115th Congress (2017-2018)
Shown Here:
Public Law No: 115-387 (12/21/2018)
Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Act of 2018
(Sec. 2) This bill amends the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to establish in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) a Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Office, headed by an Assistant Secretary. The Assistant Secretary shall serve as the principal advisor to DHS on weapons of mass destruction matters and strategies, and on coordinating efforts to counter weapons of mass destruction.
The office shall coordinate DHS strategy and policy to plan, detect, and protect against the importation, possession, storage, transportation, development, or use of unauthorized chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear materials, devices, or agents.
The Assistant Secretary shall establish the Securing the Cities program to detect and prevent terrorist attacks and other high consequence events utilizing nuclear or other radiological materials that pose a high risk to homeland security in high-risk urban areas.
The bill establishes in the office a Chief Medical Officer who shall serve as the principal advisor to DHS on medical and public health issues.
DHS shall transfer to the office all personnel, budget authority, and assets of the Domestic Nuclear Detection Office and the Office of Health Affairs.
I want to believe.
Ask your mom, she kept screaming about it last night.
What narrative? He's posting whatever ZOG is passing right now
You have no power here.
Aw look it learned how to use "meme arrows."
Good thread OP, I'll be watching it.
This is why we can't have nice things.
Who are you?
Someone who has power here.
I doubt that.
Your parents might.
Good work clitfag
You did alright today Zig Forums
H. RES. 72 (Bill introduced in house 23 Jan 2019)
Rejecting anti-Israel and anti-Semitic hatred in the United States and around the world.
Rejecting anti-Israel and anti-Semitic hatred in the United States and around the world.
Whereas, in 2018, Minister Louis Farrakhan said, “So when they talk about Farrakhan, call me a hater, you do what they do, call me an anti-Semite. Stop it, I’m anti-Termite”;
Whereas, in 2018, Farrakhan said, “Satanic Jews have infected the whole world with poison and deceit”;
Whereas, on March 11, 1984, Farrakhan said about Adolf Hitler of Nazi Germany who was responsible for murdering 6 million Jewish people and millions of others, “He was a very great man”;
Whereas activist Tamika Mallory called Minister Louis Farrakhan the “greatest of all time”, and her fellow organizer, Linda Sarsour said, “Only Jews . . . are ones that condone violence against Arabs and are cool with mosques being attacked”;
Whereas throughout the years, current Members of Congress have met with, posed for pictures with, and have otherwise embraced Farrakhan;
Whereas Representative Rashida Tlaib, who supports the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement, has been asked by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), a Jewish nongovernmental organization that fights hate crimes, to explain why she invited Abbas Hamideh to attend her swearing in events, who said in 2016, “Israel does not have a right to exist. The terrorist entity is illegal and has no basis to exist other than a delusional ISIS-like ideology”;
Whereas Abbas Hamideh also stated in 2019, “I’m willing to go back to my country #Palestine if the Zionist terrorists go back to Poland. Deal? Let’s get that ball rolling ASAP. Get off Twitter and let’s make that happen”;
Whereas Representative Tlaib, who stated on January 6, 2019, of Americans who support Israel, “They forgot what country they represent”;
Whereas, on November 16, 2012, Representative Ilhan Omar, who also supports the BDS movement, tweeted, “Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel”;
Whereas it is the policy of the United States to oppose restrictive trade practices or boycotts fostered or imposed by any foreign country against other countries friendly to the United States or against any United States person;
Whereas Omar Barghouti, founder of the BDS movement, said, “We are witnessing the rapid demise of Zionism, and nothing can be done to save it, for Zionism is intent on killing itself. I, for one, support euthanasia,” and also stated, “Many of the methods of collective and individual ‘punishment’ meted out to Palestinian civilians at the hands of young, racist, often sadistic and ever impervious Israeli soldiers . . . are reminiscent of common Nazi practices against the Jews”;
Whereas, as a result of the BDS movement, Jewish students on college campuses across America have been exposed to rampant anti-Semitism, for example, at New York University, after the student government passed a resolution supporting BDS, the Bronfman Center for Jewish Life was temporarily closed in response to threatening Twitter posts by a student who expressed “a desire for Zionists to die”;
Whereas other examples of anti-Semitism on college campuses include a University of Michigan professor who refused to write a letter of recommendation for a qualified student solely because she was seeking to study abroad in Israel, a Students for Justice in Palestine cofounder and University of California, Berkeley, professor spoke at a national conference and shared an anti-Semitic meme of an Orthodox Jewish person in his presentation, at Warren Wilson College, an invited speaker stated, “Jews are doing the same thing to the Palestinians as the Nazis did to the Jews”, a Yik Yak posting at the University of California read, “Gas them, burn them, and dismantle their power structure. Humanity cannot progress with the parasitic Jew”, and more globally, University of Durban in South Africa called for the expulsion of Jewish students who did not support BDS at the University;
Whereas, on August 12, 2017, White supremacist Richard Spencer led a rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, where hundreds of his followers chanted, “Jews will not replace us”, and this extremist demonstration turned violent when a neo-Nazi sympathizer drove a vehicle into a crowd, which resulted in the death of one peaceful demonstrator, and two Virginia State police officers died in the line of duty that day as well;
H. RES. 138
Expressing support for addressing the Arab-Israeli conflict in a concurrent track with the Israeli-Palestinian peace process and commending Arab and Muslim-majority states that have improved bilateral relations with Israel.
February 19, 2019
Mr. Hastings (for himself, Mr. Schweikert, Mr. Woodall, and Mr. Engel) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs
Expressing support for addressing the Arab-Israeli conflict in a concurrent track with the Israeli-Palestinian peace process and commending Arab and Muslim-majority states that have improved bilateral relations with Israel.
Whereas a lasting two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is essential to achieving long-term peace and security in the Middle East;
Whereas it is the long-standing policy of the United States that a peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will only come through direct negotiations between the Government of Israel and the Palestinian Authority;
Whereas successive United States Presidential administrations have pursued peace agreements between the parties for over 30 years, including the 1982 Reagan Plan for Middle East Peace, the 1991 Madrid Peace Conference, the 1993 Oslo Accords, the 1995 Wye River Memorandum, the 2000 Camp David Summit, the 2000 Clinton Parameters, the 2001 Sharm El-Sheikh Fact-Finding Committee Report, the 2003 Roadmap for Peace in the Middle East, the 2005 Agreement on Movement and Access, the 2007 Annapolis Conference, and efforts to restart the peace process under the Obama Administration;
Whereas these efforts to encourage direct and bilateral negotiations between the two parties have presently been unsuccessful at ending the Israeli-Palestinian conflict;
Whereas the inability to achieve a two-state solution threatens the State of Israel’s security and identity as the democratic homeland of the Jewish people;
Whereas the inability to achieve a two-state solution impedes the well-being and self-determination of the Palestinian people;
Whereas reports indicate that Arab and Muslim-majority states have taken steps to improve bilateral relations with the State of Israel and are seeking new ways to advance strategic cooperative initiatives; and
Whereas recent strategic trends in the region suggest that an integrated regional approach, defined by concurrent bilateral negotiations between the Government of Israel and the Palestinian Authority and conversations between the Government of Israel and regional Arab and Muslim-majority states, could result in new progress in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process: Now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the House of Representatives—
(1) reaffirms that it is the policy of the United States to support a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict negotiated between the State of Israel and the Palestinian Authority, and resulting in two states for two peoples, living side-by-side in peace, security, and mutual recognition;
(2) commends the State of Israel’s ongoing efforts to improve bilateral relations with Arab and Muslim-majority states in the region;
(3) commends Arab and Muslim-majority states that have taken steps to improve bilateral relations with the State of Israel;
(4) urges the Palestinian Authority and regional Arab and Muslim-majority states to engage in bilateral and multilateral negotiations with the State of Israel to advance the Israeli-Palestinian peace process and support the normalization of bilateral relations; and
(5) urges the resumption of bilateral negotiations between the State of Israel and the Palestinian Authority, including piecemeal approaches to advance the ultimate goal of a final-status agreement between the parties.
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>the inability to achieve a two-state solution threatens the State of Israel’s security and identity as the democratic homeland of the Jewish people
makes me fucking sick
WAIT wtf, the driver of the car is being labeled a nazi? LOL WOW they really are desperate for dirt they made this shit up to put in the bill.
Goddamn I love pol
Ok, here's something from NJ
S1500 ScaScaSa (3R) Requires disclosure by independent expenditure committees; raises certain campaign contribution limits.
Passed State Senate and voted into NJ State Law 31 to 9 (9 not voting)
From what I understand, this new New Jersey Law (actually an amendment to an existing law) requires that there are no more (((anonymous))) donations to politicians. It won't be illegal to make (((contributions))) but there will be a 'paper-trail' now, noting how much and by whom or what organization had made these (((donations)))
All you lawyer-anons can go over this with a fine-tooth comb and pick it apart to see if there are any loopholes, which I am sure there are.
I think this law kicks in after the new calendar year starts (not the fiscal year)
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Don't ask me why I know this. What I will say, is that I know someone. No, I'm not a faggot insider larp-user. Just a regular Zig Forumsack.
One thing I do want to do though, is to get in my Senator's office as well as my Congressman's office
Washington D.C.
On the Senate Floor on February 21, 2019
116th Congress (2019-2020)
There is no floor activity data to show for this day.
Irak 2:Syrian Boogaloo.
This state fucking sucks.
I don't live there anymore - I'm just reporting what my friend told me
You can't vote your way out of this problem.
my thoughts today
saging for off topic
I posted this on Zig Forums to see what they have to say about this
>>>Zig Forums652704
H. R. 8
To require a background check for every firearm sale.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
SECTION 1. Short title.
This Act may be cited as the “Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2019”.
SEC. 2. Purpose.
The purpose of this Act is to utilize the current background checks process in the United States to ensure individuals prohibited from gun possession are not able to obtain firearms.
SEC. 3. Firearms transfers.
Section 922 of title 18, United States Code, is amended—
(1) by striking subsection (s);
(2) by redesignating subsection (t) as subsection (s); and
(3) by inserting after subsection (s), as redesignated, the following:
“(t) (1) (A) It shall be unlawful for any person who is not a licensed importer, licensed manufacturer, or licensed dealer to transfer a firearm to any other person who is not so licensed, unless a licensed importer, licensed manufacturer, or licensed dealer has first taken possession of the firearm for the purpose of complying with subsection (s).
“(B) Upon taking possession of a firearm under subparagraph (A), a licensee shall comply with all requirements of this chapter as if the licensee were transferring the firearm from the inventory of the licensee to the unlicensed transferee.
“(C) If a transfer of a firearm described in subparagraph (A) will not be completed for any reason after a licensee takes possession of the firearm (including because the transfer of the firearm to, or receipt of the firearm by, the transferee would violate this chapter), the return of the firearm to the transferor by the licensee shall not constitute the transfer of a firearm for purposes of this chapter.
“(2) Paragraph (1) shall not apply to—
“(A) a law enforcement agency or any law enforcement officer, armed private security professional, or member of the armed forces, to the extent the officer, professional, or member is acting within the course and scope of employment and official duties;
“(B) a transfer that is a loan or bona fide gift between spouses, between domestic partners, between parents and their children, including step-parents and their step-children, between siblings, between aunts or uncles and their nieces or nephews, or between grandparents and their grandchildren, if the transferor has no reason to believe that the transferee will use or intends to use the firearm in a crime or is prohibited from possessing firearms under State or Federal law;
“(C) a transfer to an executor, administrator, trustee, or personal representative of an estate or a trust that occurs by operation of law upon the death of another person;
“(D) a temporary transfer that is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm, including harm to self, family, household members, or others, if the possession by the transferee lasts only as long as immediately necessary to prevent the imminent death or great bodily harm, including the harm of domestic violence, dating partner violence, sexual assault, stalking, and domestic abuse;
“(E) a transfer that is approved by the Attorney General under section 5812 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986; or
“(F) a temporary transfer if the transferor has no reason to believe that the transferee will use or intends to use the firearm in a crime or is prohibited from possessing firearms under State or Federal law, and the transfer takes place and the transferee’s possession of the firearm is exclusively—
“(i) at a shooting range or in a shooting gallery or other area designated for the purpose of target shooting;
“(ii) while reasonably necessary for the purposes of hunting, trapping, or fishing, if the transferor—
“(I) has no reason to believe that the transferee intends to use the firearm in a place where it is illegal; and
“(II) has reason to believe that the transferee will comply with all licensing and permit requirements for such hunting, trapping, or fishing; or
“(iii) while in the presence of the transferor.
“(3) (A) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the Attorney General may implement this subsection with regulations.
“(B) Regulations promulgated under this paragraph may not include any provision requiring licensees to facilitate transfers in accordance with paragraph (1).
“(C) Regulations promulgated under this paragraph may not include any provision requiring persons not licensed under this chapter to keep records of background checks or firearms transfers.
“(D) Regulations promulgated under this paragraph may not include any provision placing a cap on the fee licensees may charge to facilitate transfers in accordance with paragraph (1).
“(E) Regulations promulgated under this paragraph shall include, in the case of a background check conducted by the national instant criminal background check system in response to a contact from a licensed importer, licensed manufacturer, or licensed dealer, which background check indicates that the receipt of a firearm by a person would violate subsection (g)(5), a requirement that the system notify U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
“(4) It shall be unlawful for a licensed importer, licensed manufacturer, or licensed dealer to transfer possession of, or title to, a firearm to another person who is not so licensed unless the importer, manufacturer, or dealer has provided such other person with a notice of the prohibition under paragraph (1), and such other person has certified that such other person has been provided with this notice on a form prescribed by the Attorney General.”.
SEC. 4. Technical and conforming amendments.
(a) Section 922.—Section 922(y)(2) of title 18, United States Code, is amended in the matter preceding subparagraph (A) by striking “, (g)(5)(B), and (s)(3)(B)(v)(II)” and inserting “and (g)(5)(B)”.
(b) Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2012.—Section 511 of title V of division B of the Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2012 (18 U.S.C. 922 note) is amended by striking “subsection 922(t)” each place it appears and inserting “subsection (s) or (t) of section 922”.
SEC. 5. Rule of construction.
Nothing in this Act, or any amendment made by this Act, shall be construed to—
(1) authorize the establishment, directly or indirectly, of a national firearms registry; or
(2) interfere with the authority of a State, under section 927 of title 18, United States Code, to enact a law on the same subject matter as this Act.
SEC. 6. Effective date.
The amendments made by this Act shall take effect 210 days after the date of the enactment of this Act.
Passed the House of Representatives February 27, 2019.
Yeas Nays PRES NV
Democratic 232 2 1
Republican 8 188 1
TOTALS 240 190 2
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Date - 02/28/2019
Chamber - Senate
Action - Received in the Senate. Read the first time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under Read the First Time.
H.Res.41 - Rejecting White nationalism and White supremacy.
H. Res. 41
In the House of Representatives, U. S.,
January 15, 2019.
Whereas, on January 10, 2019, Representative Steve King was quoted as asking, “White nationalist, white supremacist, Western civilization—how did that language become offensive?”;
Whereas a 2006 Federal Bureau of Intelligence (FBI) assessment defined a White supremacist as follows: “White supremacists believe that the white race is superior to all other races and was created to rule them. They view non-whites as subhuman and usually refer to them in derogatory terms”;
Whereas the same 2006 FBI intelligence assessment defined a White nationalist as follows: “To be a white nationalist is to be pro-white. The domestic white nationalist movement seeks to promote, honor, and defend the white race. They believe the white race is under attack from Jewish interests that dominate the government (referred to as the Zionist Occupied Government, or ZOG), the media, banking, and entertainment industries and act to the detriment of the white race. White nationalists view multiculturalism, diversity, and illegal immigration as direct assaults on the white race and race-mixing as akin to white genocide. They hope to appeal to mainstream whites, believing that the majority of white people do not understand the imminent or long-term threat to their race. Many contend that a race war, often referred to as RAHOWA, or Racial Holy War, is a certainty”;
Whereas White supremacy and White nationalism are contrary to the ideals of the United States of America, which was established according to the principle stated in the Declaration of Independence that all men are created equal, a principle that was updated in 1848 in Seneca Falls, New York, to include all people;
Whereas while our country has often fallen short of these ideals, patriotic Americans have sought to form a more perfect Union by rejecting White nationalism and White supremacy, embracing inclusive patriotism, and welcoming immigrants from across the globe who have continuously enriched our Nation;
Whereas Abraham Lincoln in an 1858 speech said of the Founders, “Wise statesmen as they were, they knew the tendency of prosperity to breed tyrants, and so they established these great self-evident truths, that when in the distant future some man, some faction, some interest, should set up the doctrine that none but rich men, or none but white men, were entitled to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness, their posterity might look up again to the Declaration of Independence and take courage to renew the battle which their fathers began—so that truth, and justice, and mercy, and all the humane and Christian virtues might not be extinguished from the land; so that no man would hereafter dare to limit and circumscribe the great principles on which the temple of liberty was being built”;
Whereas Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., while recognizing that “no other nation can mean to us what our nation means”, condemned “nationalism perverted into chauvinism and isolationism” as “preached by * * * the advocators of white supremacy” and asked, “Will we continue to serve the false god of racial prejudice or will we serve the God who made of one blood all men to dwell upon the face of the earth?”;
Whereas President Reagan observed in a 1988 speech, “Anyone, from any corner of the Earth, can come to live in America and become an American * * * This, I believe, is one of the most important sources of America's greatness. We lead the world because, unique among nations, we draw our people—our strength—from every country and every corner of the world. And by doing so we continuously renew and enrich our nation. While other countries cling to the stale past, here in America we breathe life into dreams. We create the future, and the world follows us into tomorrow. Thanks to each wave of new arrivals to this land of opportunity, we’re a nation forever young, forever bursting with energy and new ideas, and always on the cutting edge, always leading the world to the next frontier. This quality is vital to our future as a nation. If we ever closed the door to new Americans, our leadership in the world would soon be lost”;
Whereas according to FBI statistics, hate crimes nationwide increased in 2015, 2016, and 2017, the three most recent years for which data is available;
Whereas the perpetrator of the shooting that killed 9 African-American worshippers at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina, on June 17, 2015, was motivated by White supremacy and White nationalism to carry out this act of terrorism, and stated that he would “be rescued by white nationalists after they took over the government”;
Whereas the perpetrator of the shooting that killed 11 Jewish worshippers at Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on October 27, 2018, accused Jews of “waging a propaganda war against Western civilization” and “committing genocide” against Whites by promoting immigration and refugee resettlement, and accused the President of being “a globalist, not a nationalist” because of the “infestation” of Jews; and
Whereas Public Law 115–58, a joint resolution signed into law on September 14, 2017, rejects “white nationalism, white supremacists, the Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazis, and other hate groups”: Now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the House of Representatives once again rejects White nationalism and White supremacy as hateful expressions of intolerance that are contradictory to the values that define the people of the United States.
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