So your kids were into Frozen huh?

So your kids were into Frozen huh?
Well guess what.

The main character is voiced by a coal-burning jewess who married a Jewish man and might BE a Jewish man.
Can guess what her character is? I'll give you a hint.

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You want your daughter to eat gash, man?

Or will we see the first Disney princess to get BLACKED?

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Look. If something idiotic is going on like a Chinese plot to destroy the West by promoting antisemitism, quit screwing around and kick off the nuclear war already. It’s less of an x-risk than Chinese dominance in a world with a credible doom of global warming. And while I don’t believe this either - if somehow climate change is a big hoax, nuclear war has STILL got a preferable x-risk profile than permitting the survival of a society with dishonesty going to the top like that.

The world we have now doesn’t look like it can handle real issues.

For one thing, present day leadership detachment from public mores is so complete I expect they think I mean I would pull the trigger on nuclear weapons… I mean, after all, it’s not like China is literally doing anything like that, or any other fascistic cultural manipulation for that matter…

And this is why Tangled will forever be the only actually wholesome Disney movie made after the year 2,000.

Bots breaking down again?

Until they make another one with their kids being faggots or something.

Frozen II will have an OVERT dyke relationship between the girls. Mark my words. They set it up in the last one.

It wasn't popular enough to get a sequel.
The villain was a thieving kikess and the good guys were nature, family, and whites.

Weird, she was speaking human, not rat language. They just mimic it, so no worries.

Tangled is so much fucking better than Frozen and it still suffers from plot problems. A girl trapped in a tower for 18 years is going to be CRIPPLED both physically and psychologically. She could be relatively healthy, but not fit. She couldn't walk or certainly not run for any meaningful amount of time. And psychologically she couldn't operate in any social setting at all. She wouldn't have a clue what a man is or how they think and behave (we see a LITTLE of this when she takes on a bar full of thugs without understanding the risk, but that was nothing more than an accident on the part of the screenwriters). Otherwise she should have been stuttering out of fear and slurring words because her voice wouldn't be practiced.
t. have been alone for seven years and have only spoken to three people in that time so I know what psychological isolation is actually like

Incest is the newest subject in Jewish Tolerance Industry(tm). I guess its too early to hit society with the pedophiles angle.

Checking those dubs.

Over/under of the White male character being emasculated by both the females and the nigger?

Ah, well, that explains it.

If Nazi Germany existed today, they’d get nuked. Believing that is part of having faith in humanity’s cultural advancement. But China already has concentration camps… Brazil and Italy are being raped by fascists… Everyone in the first world increasingly hates everyone in the first world. It’s taboo to say things are okay and it’s taboo to say they’re wrong and it’s taboo to be honest and it’s taboo to lie.



We should nuke Nazis again

In the country that can’t advance anything without help, because none of them are trustworthy at all if not watched absolutely. In the nation that enshrines omnipotent leadership who barely cling to power at all, so absolute is the minimum sufficient loyalty to pursue them. A nation whose culture is so degraded it innovates only in suffering should not be purchasing the culture of other nations

I would say the biggest accident they made was making the villain have a thieving, greedy disposition, a big hook nose, and curly black hair, obsessed with stealing the youth from the innocent.

so. the sister is 14 words faggot. and it's not the character. Who goes for the nordic man. nigggggger

I truly hate dykes and dyke propaganda for girls. The female mind is so easily conditioned it only takes a little repeated exposure to turn it into their new identity that makes them feel special and not just a boring heterosexual. The kikes who make this degeneracy know exactly what they are doing to the development of girls down to a science.

Well it was also a normative narrative, with only mild emasculation.
It was a feministo story, with a strong independent woman going on an adventure and being the more competent in almost all cases than a man in her company.
But there was no faggotry angle. Thats what you need to appeal to the adult child audience these days. Look at Adventure Time and that one about then(((gem people))). Include a faggotry narrative, and adult children will watch your shit, it seems.

This is kike shit, the facial animations are basically soft core pornography.

Well, yeah. No one in Tangled was (((brave))).

Its quite Gross, yes. Very Semitic.
I'm curious to see how far Disney is going to go.

An implied interracial trist combined with revelation of dyke faggotry? Or will they just go the faggot route and only threw in some nigger so they wouldn't have muds nagging them about it being 'too White'.

Why you so mad? You wanted that second asshole.

Yes, it is quite grotesque.


Doesn't exist. GTFO shill.

Mobilize massive lynch mobs all around the country, against jews and their leftist supporters for this.
Weaponize children. Make the masses attack and kill jews and leftists on sight, for fear of having their children indoctrinated.

No. We will kill all jews and leftists instead. you won't escape us.

If only.

Progress in society is progress towards the truth that enables mercy. Not the liar’s shadowed pretense of mercy, nor the illuminated mercilessness of the woke who have swallowed hateful lies unquestioned, but the mercy that reaches towards peace and eternity.

We live in a society where, if we can hold back the existential threats (climate collapse, state surveillance, epidemics, and nuclear war) for even three more decades, we will have the tools to keep people alive nearly indefinitely. Senolytics, cancer cures, cell rejuvenation… People under fifty today and even a few who are older might be healthy body and mind for a long damned time to come if we step back society’s biggest threats.

To get there, people who believe they can get through everything defying the people who they believe just can’t be honest, will need to step it back. Antivaxxers - not an x-risk, but a humiliating reminder of a psychology producing an x-risk. Hackers - not an x-risk, but a humiliating reminder of a psychology producing an x-risk. Con artists - not an x-risk, but a humiliating reminder of a psychology producing x-risks. Bigots - not an x-risk, but a humiliating reminder of a psychology producing x-risks. Each of these things is symptomatic of flaws in human judgement which could kill us all if they go sufficiently wrong at sufficiently high levels. Survival as a species requires that people obsessed with making others submit (by invasion, by lies, by aggression, or even by sheer spiteful defiance) learn to back down. That will require ceasing to treat pacifistic advocacy of peaceful ends as a geopolitical threat.

State surveillance has the highest odds of destroying humanity IMO. Forced stability isn’t stable at all. If a gigantic nuclear armed nation with troubling extremists in many corners that is incessantly involved in manufacturing grievances among the population by which means potential leaders get traumatized into unreason should ever be so insistent on surveillance that it collapses outright… you see what I am jetting at, don’t you? That’s before considering the psychotic game theoretic and cultural manipulation objectives often associated with and empowered by surveillance, by which damage is inflicted globally!

I don’t actually want nuclear weapons flying anywhere, but Jews are not even faintly an actual problem facing society. Not because there’s no such thing as a bad person among Jews, but because they’re not in any as-a-class bad. Whereas China uses unethical and lawless means to oppress the Chinese people who it regards as rightfully owned by their primitively arrogant and uninnovative state. That government reaches out into the world not to aid the Chinese people but to destroy them in the name of a dishonest pretense of a greater good to which they themselves are the biggest threat.

People who value integrity cannot use surveillance without becoming hypocrites. For integrity may be openly evaluated, and surveillance systems cannot be.

Anyone honest will admit that nuclear war is a game without winners.

Climate collapses and epidemics can be technologically averted if people are honest enough and society has sufficient levels of trust.

Therefore, I believe that the answer to all existential risks that I am aware of (excepting the giant asteroid scenario) is to hold integrity as the highest value.

I actually hold pacifism as the highest value, and integrity comes second to me; fortunately, I am just someone’s wife, and not an actual world leader.

the first one was really good

Do you have the slightest clue where you are?
Tits or GTFO.

As a connossouir of western animation, i can confirm that indeed, tangled was the last gasp of classic disney. It was all downhill with a dick up your ass after that.

I never saw this shit movie.


Not surprised.

Psychological isolation leads to psychosis without you realizing it.
You need to ask someone for help even it’s uncomfortable.


It's (((Disney))) so it's judeo-mason drek.

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Quit smoking shatter and dabs for one, two get some fresh air. You're just shy. Go for a long walk in the country.

I'm noticing that, yeah. I don't really care about people anymore, though. The only people who matter are the ones who tell the truth, and you only find them on fewer than half a dozen websites on the Internet. No one in my city supports whites or traditionalism in any form, so I'm totally isolated even if I TRIED to reenter society. I'd rather be right than happy, but I am bothered by the fact that my life has no purpose, meaning, and I'll never have kids.

Thanks for the insight. Surely you know more than we do.

Remember all the time you shilled against anime? That's because our kids don't actually come in contact with pozzed kike media.

No, the last gasp was Black Cauldron and maybe Treasure Island in space. Didn't tangled end with her getting a butch lesbian cut with brown hair instead of blonde? That set off alarm bells for me.

Try again.

fucking hell you don't half talk some shit
I thought it was the russians?

Why do you blabber about things that you know nothing about, whore?

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I saw it against my will when I was at the mental hospital



Goy vey!

Already happened in the commercial with Anna taking and using his sword

I mean, you could pirate it, watch it, and decide for yourself without giving Mr. Mouse a single dime.

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Elsa seems like she'd be more likely to have full bush. She's the queen after all, and wouldn't care what her sex slaves thought about her hairy twat

Seems that dude is larping as a perfect shaven, perfect lip having woman.

I detect a trap.


She can punish me later for that.

The guy cut her magic hair rather than let her continue to be used by the jewess,and her non-magic cut hair was brown. And then the emasculated man talked about how she asked him to marry her.

I swear to God, Tumblr dykes are a fucking abomination.

Makes sense.


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Checked for truth.

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And of course the one they want to be Elsa's muff diver is some beige, ethnically ambiguous looking mutt. Naturally. What else.

Give it time, look how long it took Incredibles to get a sequel. Tangled is doing just fine with "The Series" spinoff building up the timeline between the film and the subsequent wedding short.

Psychologically crippled, I agree, having a pet iguana and daily visits from the kidnapper witch you think is your mom would only provide so much company. I assume she must've had books to read to help cope with the isolation and developed a personality similar to Bell.

As for physical fitness, I disagree. She clearly leaps around the place barefoot and does pullups using her hair, she's probably the most physically fit Disney Princess. She could probably kick Mulan and Moana's asses combined.

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Your attitude may be why no one likes you.


Actually, you're more like me about ten years ago than now. Nope, Wiemar conditions need Wiemar solutions.

Goons hate anime because goons use and produce actual child porn, user. I've busted a few "Sprigs of Acacia" members.

Thats the face of a psycho.

This is the same thing that happens on TV, series comes out, does very well, second season actors, producers, directors, studios all out power trip push SJW agenda onto captive audience, series does meh, canceled after third or fourth season because of contracts. (remember seasons are only 10-12 episodes now, so really cancelled after less seasons.
Looking at you WestWorld and Rick and Morty, etc.

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This is like when they took over NatGeo.
It was a trusted and well established source of information but now it spews tranny identity politics to children.
Once little white girls everywhere got into Frozen, they knew it was time to subvert it. The ol' bait n switch.

Fucking kikes. They really don't want people to respect them.

spain and italy used to be pure white nations.

is that how history is going to look back on us? we used to be totally white, but men gave up on the war and of course the women were never on our side.