The far right hates you, the far left hates you, and the minority of people who still don't is growing smaller every day. You trump worshiping retards need to fuck off and die. He sold you out, he's a coward. Before you go I just want to thank you for the laughs. Even with the 90 iq shitskin mods permabanning anyone who disagrees with you, you still lost.
Zog faggots btfo
Other urls found in this thread:
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. It's hilarious to watch Trump crash and burn like this. But seriously, we can't let this guy get his hands on the wall codes.
I have a question before this thread is shoah'd. If a rule for Vols,
Global and Local, states exactly this:
Then why the fuck are mods banning and deleting threads?
Because they want to control the narrative.
Thats what you get when you compromise on Zionism.
Because of 2 and 3 cum-chugger. Shitposts and low quality threads are spam. You want that crap go the fuck back to kikechan.
how organic. this tranny spam is more forced than the 56% psyop.
trump is going to make 56% a reality. and he won't stop there.
If you HRT withdrawing cunts want to attention whore around here you need to put some fucking effort into it and not spam the same shit repeatedly.
you reek of newfag. fuck back off to whever you came from then kill yourself.
Nigger I've been here since day one.
But they're not, you stupid kike supporting faggot. Spam is spam. You're just mad because this thread is "anti semitic". Cry about it more.
But they are and have been. This isn't half.
Fuck semites, fuck jews, fuck niggers, fuck the rest of you shitskins. That cover it pilpuling kike faggots?
This isn't different than halfchan, dipshit. The same kike agenda shit posted over there is everywhere on 8thousandZionists.
Hey lowjew you have your dick cut off yet? kek
If you lurked 2 fucking years you would know better jew.
Can we stop talking about this? I'm sick of seeing "discord tranny" shit on every imageboard, you're helping normalize it and there isn't that many of them, more than half is in your mind only.
I'm sick of you tranny fucks shitting up every image board. Stop breathing, I'll stop mentioning it.
You talk shit like you've been here a long time, yet deny all the kikery that's been going on forever. And you're the tranny cloaca memer. What a genuine piece of shit.
Who's trolling? I make my offer in good faith unlike the jews.
Drink all the jew tears you want.
I don't defend trannies. I'm saying your randomly accusing anons to be trannies is shit. Here. Eat something before looking at this.
Yes you do. Posts don't lie.
Posts don't lie. That's why this is what was said:
But then, you're a child trolling, making shit up because you're clearly bored. Attack one user. It's something to do, right?
It is but it's literally within every thread on here and halfchan. So much easier to blame some external imaginary boogeyman than to consider your own people might be flawed and are getting subverted into hating you also.
Perhaps you should go for another round of ESL Ari.
True. I think the problem with these young shits is their brains haven't finished developing myelin. They're all impulse and no logic. Logic in their minds has partially developed, convincing them we're right, but they can't stop this petty attack everyone shit. Watch. I'll probably be called a boomer or some such bullshit.
Now that discord is all jewed up where you fucks even organizing now? Tumblr gone, gab spinning its dreidel, yidder betrayed you, leddit in it's final death spasms, is there anything left? Back to lording over eggdrops on IRC? kek
Isn't redshit in it's death spasms bad for you? When it dies, there's no more hugbox at your favorite place ever.
a more accurate term would be discord furry pedos tbh
Agreed. Even the staff and people who made it are dogfucking degenerates.
That's the funny part.
Mind giving out arguements as to why any of us are wrong?
I do not think you know what LARP means.
Videos were made of the whole process.
None of that is of my own account
A tranny loving faggot claiming to be le notzee? yeah I do.
Usually when we get shilled like this it means the kikes are trying to distract us for something huge about to happen.
This of course being Trump's state of Emergency declaration tomorrow.
< discord tranny discord tranny discord tranny
There are trannies here afterall, but they're not against zog emperor trump and from their camp.
Is this just another classic case of (((projecting)))?
I said, not a dog.
It seems my job here is pretty much done tbh. This is the point where the shilling pays off, you see. We defeated you the moment we divided you. It is over. My work here is done.
*teleports into outer-space*
Divided me? You didn't do that. My family did.
That's what you get when you trust anyone who sides with Israel.
The Boers and Afrikaners made the same mistake.
All the shills on 8/pol/ is spam stormtrash, nadzee.
No u… U hurt mAh feelings! Now I'm gonna lash out!
"Anti-Zionists" are literal fucking retards, speaking in cliches from 2016, not an original thought in their head. Consumed by Trump and barely able to string together a coherent worldview.
Good luck fighting the Chinese with retarded spic, niggers and what's left of white Russia.
Fuck off kike.
Which one is the shill?
Ask yourselves how you can differentiate between the shill and non-shill. Or are they both shills, trying to sow discord between brothers? HAHA! You see, you people really don't know what happens. Oh, if you only knew- BUT REALLY knew…
You still mad faggots?
But all the winning tho
"Fuck off, Kike" would be great 2020 slogan. Non-retards will have to be less anti-social in order to get somewhere.
I am the good one
We just need more shill threads to manipulate our retarded board invaders that can't read the bill. It'll be so organic. It sucks being better than almost everyone else sometimes, you guys will attain powers of legal literacy one day. Long after it matters and you've been led to forget all of this. The restrictions on the border invaders apply to funds obtained by fees derived from practices prohibited by the bill for the money being appropriated. The restrictions on the wall's design apply to the funds being appropriated by this bill only. Are any of you >130 IQ anymore or am I just that much more exceptional now?
3rd pic would be kinda hot if I didn't see the fucking shag carpeting poking out of the jacket
Looks like the Kushner shills are back in force. I believe threads are also being deleted which are critical of Amnesty Trump.
Just confirmed. There was a thread about Trump's treason with hundreds of replies last night that was deleted by the FAGMODs. Looks like we're getting the r/The_Donald treatment by our (((Overlords))), lads.
It had 250+ replies and was the main thread for criticism of Trump. It was completely disappeared for daring to criticize Orange Man.
its just a diversion from the literal hordes of jews whos jobs and sole purposes are to lie, shill and shit all over the internet.
Double Dubs confirm.
There is a jew somewhere crying hitting someone.
is kushners pay that good? is he hiring?
Suppose I fucking hate the amount of money we send towards Israel. How we send money, to a nation that isn't developing, doesn't need it, has fucking attacked our ship, and has is part of the reason we will have endless wars –
What are your solutions?
Vote left wing? The democrat options share nothing in common with me.
Vote some nominal third party? I don't identify as Republican myself and only voted for Trump because I hated Hillary having had to work with her directly in my chain of command so normally I would but when the left puts out more and more shitty candidates the sad truth of first past the post is that someone like me can't really vote for the candidate they want to when shit is on the line.
So I am stuck with Trump to vote for unless he bows out.
As for other options besides voting, I don't think discussing that here is the best decision because anything out on here will be discovered by the opposition.
Never supported Trump, Hildawg all the way.
Nuclear War with Russia sounds really good right about now. Trump was a fucking mistake.
Shut the fuck up you glow in the dark double niggers.