As a Jew...

As a Jew, I am so happy that with Zig Forums I finally found a right-wing board that is not anti-Semitic and supports Trump! Trump is as a Zionist with Jewish family members the best choice for Israel! Hail Trump, hail Israel, hail Zig Forums, hail the chosen, Jewish people!

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Posting in a discord tranny thread

The historic rise in immigration will make jewSA greater than ever.

Nice shitpost and same fagging.

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Why is that a shitpost? It's true Trump is a Zionist with Jewish family members and he has only represented the interests of the Jews, you fucking kike!


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These kikes really have nothing better to do but subvert. Fucking meme race of rodents.


You can at least try next time with a better O.P. Enjoy your self fufilling egotism of being "God's Chosen" to shitpost on an imageboard.

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Trump is a Zionist with Jewish family members, what he has already said publicly 1000 times and you stupid piece of shit seriously think that he is a National Socialist, who represents the white race in the US?

Still not mad.

If you kikes want to shill on Zig Forums, you should at least have a few arguments.

Told you, I am not a dog.

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Hey guys new thread is over here!

Shabbat Shalom.

JIDF here, i absolutely approve OP for supporting Trump
Think about it /pol, with Rothschild and Adelson's support, we can do everything

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Why be powerless, when you could be powerful?
Do you NeetSoc schizo-incels seriously consider to reject the saviour of G-D chosen people?

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Stay mad.

You are right, brother Amschel!
The white goys on Zig Forums shoud vote for Trump again and together we can destroy these anti-Zionist leftists and Muslims!

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My view at this very moment.

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