As a Jew, I am so happy that with Zig Forums I finally found a right-wing board that is not anti-Semitic and supports Trump! Trump is as a Zionist with Jewish family members the best choice for Israel! Hail Trump, hail Israel, hail Zig Forums, hail the chosen, Jewish people!
As a Jew...
Posting in a discord tranny thread
The historic rise in immigration will make jewSA greater than ever.
Nice shitpost and same fagging.
Why is that a shitpost? It's true Trump is a Zionist with Jewish family members and he has only represented the interests of the Jews, you fucking kike!
These kikes really have nothing better to do but subvert. Fucking meme race of rodents.
You can at least try next time with a better O.P. Enjoy your self fufilling egotism of being "God's Chosen" to shitpost on an imageboard.
Trump is a Zionist with Jewish family members, what he has already said publicly 1000 times and you stupid piece of shit seriously think that he is a National Socialist, who represents the white race in the US?
Still not mad.
If you kikes want to shill on Zig Forums, you should at least have a few arguments.
Told you, I am not a dog.
Hey guys new thread is over here!
Shabbat Shalom.
JIDF here, i absolutely approve OP for supporting Trump
Think about it /pol, with Rothschild and Adelson's support, we can do everything
Why be powerless, when you could be powerful?
Do you NeetSoc schizo-incels seriously consider to reject the saviour of G-D chosen people?
Stay mad.
You are right, brother Amschel!
The white goys on Zig Forums shoud vote for Trump again and together we can destroy these anti-Zionist leftists and Muslims!
My view at this very moment.