At this point christfag moralfaggots are worse than jews, because not only do they defend them but worship them as their saivor. No kike has ever contributed anything to humanity, this includes jesus of Nazereth, Palestine who died on a cross and was not resurrected. Had the Jews not tried to coup the Roman government or march on Egypt, they wouldn't have been exiled where they extremists could spread their christian cult. Piliate should have just exterminated them from the start, this is the task Hitler tried to finish but was cut down because christfaggots in America turned on western civilization.
If I have to choose between shooting a traitor and shooting a jew I'd shoot the traitor every time.
daily reminder christcucks are just another iteration of jew and will be removed from this planet along with the rest of the abrahamites and niggers bugs juden etc also, why not both? get rid of traitors and juden in one fell swoop
Easton Morris
Traitors are more poisonous than jews, since the rot is internal with them. You can't punch someone if your arm has wasted away from gangrene and drugs. Jews themselves are small in number and, as Hitler showed, a quick clean up once traitors are removed and society organized.
Adam Morales
Jewish people are fighters, many haters have come and gone but still we are here. America or any western nation in the present form would not exist if not for the Jewish people. We are wealth generators and whites are useless whiners.
Juan Lee
If you shoot the jew there is no one to offer 30 silver shekels. It is wishful thinking your entire family is strong, they are not. You have to be strong for those that can not make it on their own. The love i feel for my people is many times greater than any hatred i feel for kikes.
Dylan Bailey
Uncle Adolf unfortunately was not able to get rid of the yid down to a gene. He fucked up by not getting them ALL the jew is the enemy, traitorism springs from judism , it is the head that needs cut off first.
Adam Powell
kill yourself abe
Parker Torres
Reminder that CM wants this sort of content on Zig Forums.
Gavin Rodriguez
Come on. Jews are natural cowards. Even in fucking videogames jews act like cowards. You are not fighter. You are merchants who love money. I know enough jews to know it is true.
Oliver Rogers
he was trying to export them via the transfer agreement, not toexterminate them
I didn't think like this until I interacted with "nationalist" christians. These people are worse than normalfags. At least normalfags being anti-white have the excuse of being brainwashed by the system, the christcuck hates everything European and wishes to replace it with cancerous universalism.
Translation: We have subverted and destroyed your nation, creating the disgusting mess you see before you. Translation: We steal from your people via usury, speculation, charity scams, gambling, and tax syphoning. You complain about this.
Austin Lopez
Jesus was a jew kys
Leo Robinson
Allegedly, but the crucifixion was another jewish racket.
Isaac Roberts
Jesus was a canaanite. Jews aren't even semites you soulless mongoloid
Colton Collins
he wuz a BASED jew though who din du nuffin, tryina fix his neighbor n sheit
What if I told you the same spirit that was Jesus was also Hitler and has returned and will return until the task is complete. Christianity is so faggy because of those who ruined it after Christ was no longer around to correct them specifically jews and romans who made it into a mish mash best suited to keeping people subservient/weak. Humanity is one of many "intergalactic jew species" of parasites that would destroy countless things if the powers that be didn't contain them to their playpen. Humanity will never know the true nature of God or join the evolved lifeforms and be given access to interdimensional travel/allowed to colonize off their home planet until we have purged all the undesirables from out species. Do any of you think any evolved lifeforms millions of years ahead of humanity would tolerate even the slightest possibility of a say a Jew or Somalian ruining any other planet than this one.
Nicholas Bailey
Do you not realize that they hijacked the term "antisemite"? Palestinians are actual semites, jews are not. Jews are antisemites. You must have Planck length IQ to not see why they did this
Jason Thompson
alot of chrsitfags don't realize the jews killed him to control his message, alot of what's in the bible is not what Jesus really would of lived.
Asher Powell
yoshua is a popular jew name, I think some rebel sandnigger with that name and with his special snowflake version of judaism may as well have existed in that rebellious shithole of Roman judea
Ayden Carter
Correct all jews, dravidians, negroids, and self serving traitors or humanity will go extinct along with half of the life on this planet; Gods work is saving the rest of the lives on this planet from those groups.
Liam Price
Reminder that pagans are niggers. The only reason you hate 'moralfags' is that Chad stuffed you in the locker for being a huge faggot and trying to suck his cock.
OP doesn't understand Cynicism, which is a distinctly western philosophy that is at the heart of Christianity.
Christ was a Cynic. Anons are Cynics, even if they don't know it.
People forget the ancient traditions of their people. Christ worshipped the jewish god only because he was born in an area dominated by them. That was the tradition in those days. Maria/Mary is a GREEK name, not a jewish one, whereas Joseph, her husband, was literally cucked by God in Christian mythology, meaning Christ explicitly rejected his jewish heritage.
Carson Collins
You are technically right but I'll blow your argument the fuck out, with one simple question?
Do you find potential non-whore wifes at a local church or at a degenerate tryhard Odin gathering?
Kevin Phillips
Meant a simple dot at the end of my first sentence, not a question mark. sage for double posting
Jace Rodriguez
Jesus hated everything that the modern churches and christians stand for. Jesus hated racemixing too, all his followers just ignore him. Esoteric as fuck.
Christianity actually was created by some judeans after they got their ass kicked by a group from Iran whose cult was based on the idea that once dead you would go either to heaven or hell. They thought "if God allowed them to beat us, then either we do not worship God like we should do, or their God is more powerful than ours." and they mixed their religion with the cult. The real Jesus was just one of the guys spreading this new religion, he never claimed to be God's son or God himself or any of this shit, he was not born on 25 dec, he did not have 12 friends, he was not killed on a cross and he did not come back from the deads, all this shit was made up 320 years after and inspired from a very old legend which had nothing to do with Jesus nor christianity nor even judeans. It's funny and ironical that Jesus in Coran is way more close to the real Jesus than the Jesus from the fake Bible.
Aaron James
The Jews are wrong about everything.
Except Christianity, that's the one thing I agree with them on.
Jacob Bell
From Mein Kampf:
Nature generally takes certain measures to correct the effect which racial inter-breeding produces. She is not much in favour of the mongrel.
Not only are they deprived of the higher qualities that belonged to the parents who participated in the first crossing, but they also lack definite will-power and vigorous vital energies, owing to the lack of harmony in the quality of their blood.
At all critical moments in which a person of pure racial blood makes correct decisions, that is to say, decisions that are coherent and uniform, the person of mixed blood will become confused and take half-measures.
Hence we see that a person of mixed blood is not only relatively inferior to a person of pure blood, but is also doomed to become extinct more rapidly.
From Mein Kampf:
One can breed a herd of animals, but from a mixture of this kind, men such as have created and founded civilisations would not be produced. The mission of humanity might then be considered at an end.
Those who do not wish that the earth should fall into such a condition must realise that it is the task of the Germanic States in particular to see to it that the process of bastardization is brought to a stop.
Our contemporary generation of weaklings will naturally decry such a policy and whine and complain about it as an encroachment on the most sacred of human rights.
But there is only one right that is sacrosanct and that right is at the same time a most sacred duty, namely, to protect the racial purity so that the best types of human beings may be preserved and thus render possible a more noble development of humanity itself.
A völkisch State ought, in the first place, to raise matrimony above the level of continual racial adulteration. The State should consecrate it as an institution for the procreation of creatures made in the likeness of God Himself and not of monsters that are a mixture of man and ape.
The protest which is put forward in the name of humanity does not befit the mouth of a generation that makes it possible for the most depraved degenerates to propagate their kind, thereby imposing unspeakable suffering on their own products and on their contemporaries, while, on the other hand, contraceptives, are permitted and sold in every drug store and even by street hawkers, so that babies should not be born to the healthiest of our people.
In this present State of ours, whose function it is to be the guardian of law and order, our national bourgeoisie looks upon it as a crime to make procreation impossible for syphilitics and those who suffer from tuberculosis or hereditary diseases, and also for cripples and imbeciles.
But the practical prevention of procreation among millions of our very best people is not considered an evil, nor does it offend against the moral code of this hypocritical class, but rather suits their short-sightedness and mental lethargy, for otherwise they would have to rack their brains to find an answer to the question of how to create conditions for the feeding and maintaining of those yet unborn beings who will be the healthy representatives of our nation and will, in their turn, have to perform the same task for the generation that is to follow them.
How devoid of ideals and how ignoble is the whole contemporary system! No effort is being made to perfect the breed for the future, but things are simply allowed to slide.
The fact that the churches join in condoning this sin against the image of God, even though they continue to emphasise the dignity of that image, is quite in keeping with their present activities.
They talk about the Spirit, but they allow man, as the embodiment of the Spirit, to degenerate to the proletarian level. Then they gape with amazement when they realise how small is the influence of the Christian Faith in their own country and how depraved and ungodly is this riff-raff which is physically degenerate and therefore morally degenerate also. To balance this state of affairs they try to convert the Hottentots, the Zulus and the Kaffirs and to bestow on them the blessings of the Church.
While our European people, God be praised and thanked, are left to become the victims of moral depravity, the pious missionary goes out to Central Africa and establishes mission-stations for Negroes.
Only a fucking kike would say such an idiot thing.
Jeremiah Ross
Thread is distraction from Amnesty Bill.
Asher Clark
Gavin Collins
Most (by a large margin) Christians are non-white. "God" is supposed to come before even family according to the religion. The only race who would abide by such a doctrine are whites, while non-whites would continue to pursue tribal interest, thus Christianity is poison to whites.
Furthermore interpretations of Christianity are as numerous as its members, and there will never be unity of vision, so not even all white Christians can consider each other allies. The loyalty to unique renderings of the word of "God" spoils even racially pure Christendom. Christians have no loyalty to Christians, because "not real Christianity", and no loyalty to whites, because "God first".
If you don't put our people first, and don't identify the Jew as the prime concern, then you are part of an enemy faction.
Julian Garcia
Were it not for Christianity, you’d still be screwing your sisters and sacrificing random people on rocks. Atheism is degeneracy and it was the first step to demoralizing the West.
Michael King
Hitler only really stayed Catholic because of the wishes of his dying mother, and I've heard that Degrelle started questioning his Catholic faith towards the end of his life.
Grayson Smith
Citations needed.
Joseph Long
Meant for you
Brody Wood
– Atlantis, Edda & Bible by Hermann Wieland , page 258, written by a german guy in like 1930ish
Carson Morris
The only time Christianity was even vaguely tolerable was when it served to unite Europe against the Arab and Turkish invaders.
Maybe the country was kiked from its very beginning. Certainly, things started fucking up already not long after the Bill of Rights came into effect in 1791.
Elijah Edwards
Then the 30 Years War happened and showed the world how unifying Christianity really is.
Jack Foster
How are you going to deal with the fact that white Christians outnumber you by the millions?
Humor them, but pay their religion no favor, promote racial consciousness, and let the religion rot away like biodegradable matter in a compost.
Oliver Brooks
They're a diminishing collection of irrational cultists at each other's throats while Mohomo'd comes for their daughters. And as knowledge about the untrue foundations of the religion continues to spread, it keeps losing popularity.
Sebastian Hughes
Speaking for myself, but the same way Hitler tried to deal with it. Any mass White political movement will have to be circumspect around Christianity by necessity, but we certainly don't have to make it the primary tenant of our cause, and after we take power we can work on replacing it with something better.
Hell, Trump is a good example, whatever else you want to say about him. The left tried to use his unChristian nature against him, and you can go find any number of articles with titles like "Why do devout Christians support a man who has had 3 wives." It never worked on him and it won't work on us either.
Cameron Bailey
Look at how quickly Christianity dies, it's not the important staple you think it is. No need to pander to them, not when the genetic threat is so visible.
Julian Hall
Don’t you people ever get bored of being fake nazis at the whim of people who hate you? I know you’re all big on not complying with anyone who might make your lives better in any way, but you’re as dreary as the leftists on whose strings you dance.
They people you hate don’t *want* you to be happy. The people you hate are in fact hateful, too. They want you where you are: pointless and ruined, obsessed with ruining others, just like they are. That’s why your opponents wade in only to pretend to be nazis too, and never wade in to point out flaws in any of your arguments. Anyone here who takes this stuff seriously is supposed to stay here, getting steadily broken, serving the agenda of the people so depraved they’ve learned the only way to bring about a truly depraved society is opposing the semblance of depravity.
A forum is a forum. It contains whatever you put onto it. Isn’t there some point where you want to summon up the reserve of joyous dignity to embody something other than the vapid psychosis of race? I know this place is called “incorrect”, and it’s true that there’s barely anything more incorrect than racism, but you’re allowed to be slightly incorrect, too. You don’t have to be so perfectly obedient to forum decorum that you never come up with anything new.
Michael Clark
What's your great proposal here? Nevermind I thought you were misguided but here in good faith. Kill yourself kike.
Hudson Adams
Lets hear your argument, faggot.
Lincoln Sanchez
Haven’t seen anything here about Christian Identity yet. Did the brown people take over Zig Forums?
Noah Edwards
A huge reason why we have the Bill of Rights is because of anti-Federalists like him, though.
Lucas Peterson
Imagine being this dumb and thinking your as smart as this guy thinks he is.
CI never made the jump to the internet as far as I can tell. They're definitively a part of white nationalism 1.0, but they never had a charismatic leader like Pierce or Rockwell to embody them for us. I'm sure a few of them still exist out in Idaho or wherever, but that's about the limit of them nowadays.
Jose Evans
Wonder what this will look like when the 2020 Census comes out?
Luis Green
Isn't that just fucking reverse Judaism lol?
Jaxon Adams
Pagans need to be burn on a cross. They lost to a far greater master-race religion!
Some of them did establish an Internet presence, but like you said, it never really materialized beyond WN 1.0
Noah Jackson
Perhaps he was projecting? I'm sadly unlearned on my own country's political history, but I'm fairly certain the Anti-federalists were right.
Jose Ross
Christian Identity is just old Christianity. The old Christians believed the Israelites were of white stock. Zionism is the idea that the jews are Israelites, which means the vast majority of modern Christians are zionists. Some just don’t take it to its logical conclusion which is jew worship.
Noah Morris
I miss the KKK members and Christian Identitarians. They taught me things my evil cucked parents hid from me.
Landon Turner
I knew the gentiles were only jealous of God's chosen people but I needed the confirmation.
Josiah Baker
That's only your stupid fucking American Christians, it's just another example of the virtuosity of American stupidity
Christian Powell
Another Christcuck attacking both his fellow Christians and whites. What a surprise.
Tyler Cruz
Oh yes your European Christianity is much better. Shit, what are the rates for active church attendance in western Europe, maybe a quarter of the population? Less?
You've only got a point if you're talking about eastern Europe, and your sickening sense of superiority does not strike me as an eastern Euro attitude.
Apropos of nothing, the King’s Disease is gout, most people are happy living normal lives, the left would be basically omnipotent if it could hold its least honest people in check, real conservatives mind their own business too much to have the faintest real presence on this forum, and notwithstanding the very real psychological defects that make people seek it, celebrity worship is largely indistinguishable from all forms of admiration directed at unknowable distant entities. Make your own art.
My favorite thing about celebrities is that to a celebrity all members of the public are indistinguishable, but they’re also indistinguishable to each other, clambering over and readily replacing one another. Meanwhile, random members of the public distinguish each other from one another just fine, and form fulfilling lifelong relationships; celebrities and their worshippers are just these comical knots of empathy deficit who never get to actually know other real people in their lives.
Landon Bennett
I'll attack Christians and whites when they need it. It's called tough love. If a white man is smoking meth and hurting his children, I will attack him.
And that's a large part of western Europe's problem.
Ian King
Josiah Edwards
Do you have a diagnosed psychiatric condition?
Carter Robinson
I think celebrities die of drug overdoses for the same reason coal miners do: they wreck their bodies with body-dependent work, and then discover their social life is so empty nobody cares about them as anything but a good worker bee.
Josiah Thomas
What did the Tarim Desert start looking like? Damn Zorastarcucks! They abstracted away everything it meant to be Aryan onto "all peoples" and in this abstraction the Aryan forgets he is different, mixes with another population and then ceases to be distinct. The same also happened in Indus some centuries after Tarim but the fools in Indus thought a "caste system" would prevent mixing but it didn't, same as in America. Living with the other has never worked.
The jewish problem just now adds so much more weight onto an already difficult situation. The difficulty of this situation is the same as back then in those two cases, it is not just a problem in fighting the enemy non-white or jew at the beginning, the Aryan in Tarim and Indus was so much more technologically advanced against his adversary. No, the real problem is somehow winning against ourselves by convincing those like us that there even is an other, of which they failed. Oh how I hope we fare better.
listen, christianity is fucking gay as fuck, and definitely fake bullshit, but thats not why we do it
we do it because women are simply too fucking stupid to exist without some sort of asinine fairy-tale belief: todays miscegenating whores supplant christ with wtichcraft, "crystal energy", SJW shit, etc.
so we need to stay christian so the subhumans we need to fuck white babies into stay docile.
Aiden Scott
bragging that christianity destroyed paganism is like bragging that you destroyed your own bloodline
Not all Christianity is Western but Protestantism a product of the West and therefore it is Western. When Westerns talk about Christianity, they're talking about Protestantism. So they're right, although, obviously Christianity itself is not Western in origin. What Western means essentially is the cultural tradition of Europe that has its roots in Helenas and Rome. Thus, Paganism is not Western per se. So it's just as bad, applying the logic. Of course, you probably meant Western European people.
They don't worship Jewish people. They see Christ as the Son of God and God is not of any race, but a being outside of our material existence. Therefore what they're worshipping essentially is the essence of God who revealed himself to us in a human form, (because that which is not material is not empirically observable) a person who belonged to a particular group. Therefore, they're not worshipping race. That's a strawman but also I guess from a Pagan worldview that is how it's seen.
Nothing wrong with the real god emperor but that really makes the post look like it was cut from a D&C template. You're basically just stuffing a sock in your underwear and thrusting your hips out. There's nothing more to this post than that.
Jacob Murphy
Reminder The Sadducee leader, the high priest, the forebearer of this kike, had the golden coin for the ferryman in his family tomb. They were idolaters.
If kikes are winning, your gods are the ones who sold you out.
Daily reminder that Jews don't fear fat keeping atheists pretending to worship Thor, they fear Christ, which is why they've done anything they can to neutralize his power on earth. If Christianity is fucked beyond saving, then so is the white race.
John Bailey
Jews find Christianity a useful subversion route into white countries. Pic related.
Daily reminder that Jehan Cauvin and Martin Luther enabled any subhuman with a copy of the bible to interpret it like a self-help book and not a testimony backed by historical data and to take verses out of context to create the hundreds of ‘’sects of Christianism’’ we see today despite Jesus saying there was only one truth, one church and not 9001 ones.
Leo Ramirez
Meant to complement this post
Adrian Parker
Reminder that you should kill yourself. Every letter, flyer, and announcement for kikes straight up promotes jeebuz for all the christkike zionists in jewmerica. This shit is literally your fault.
Easton Gray
Every time.
Jordan Mitchell
But by this point jesus is not a jew so now we must turn to scripture, and this is where it gets confusing, which book gets it right? matthew or luke? christcucks never answer
Thomas Torres
Philosemites should burn alongside their kike masters.