Ann Coulter is No Longer /ourgirl/
Fuck off jew Zig Forums doesn't give a fuck about ecelebs.
Iron Ebony Ann is not /our/ anything. However, everything she's criticizing is right-to-be criticized.
They're both loud-mouths, nothing more. Until they actually DO something.
Iron Ann has done more for the white race than Trump could ever dream of. All he does is stab us in the back while Ann calls him out on it every step of the way. Cuckservatives like Hannity and Carlson will continue to fellate Trump until he completely destroys or country.
She has more balls than him.
Tucker is plenty critical of Trump you gay faggot.
Look! Another MIGApede :o)
I wonder (((who))) could be behind this.
You really think someone would do that? Just go on the Internet and post Doland Drumpf funny faces?
OMG!!! You just literally exposed a (((shill)))
right, schlomo?
Weimerica needs to die.
She said the wants death squads if Amnesty is passed.
This Orange kike should be murdered, but not before his children and his kike son-in-law is mutilated before his traitorous eyes.
These. Trump is a retarded stooge of Zion while she actually cares about this nation rather than Israel (sadly probably not for the white race though).
Friendly reminder that we still have no official confirmation on whether or not the President signed the bill. It's likely he knows how much of a fuck up this is, and wants the media to chew on the oral declaration (whatever that means) of a national emergency until he can quietly sign away the USA to the limitless brown horde.
People like you are why catholics worship pieces of toast.
Sorry, imkikey, it's too late.
To be fair, Trump is making your cloaca hurt.
You can't hide this.
Where's the wall? Why are there still sanctuary cities? Where are the caravans upon caravans of illegals leaving the USA because of mass deportation? Why is the President silent whenever Democrats harm his voters, but he sucks off Israel whenever someone sneezes in the Chosen's direction?
It's reminiscent of kikefy spam. While he appeared for Trump when he had the reins, it was all part of the plan to shit the place up. He has always played both sides. Like that lowjew cunt.
Whites are America. Trump isn't saving the White race.
Miss the news? Funded and being built.
Weird. I thought the no duplicate images rule was still in effect for the entire board?
jesus you're fucking retarded, Trump could rape your kids in front of you and you would go "uhh it's 4d chess…just wait" fucking kill yourself you dumb MAGAnigger
medicalizing dissent
This is why you fucks are expected to lurk two years newfag.
Use your words user.
learn how this board works
Then where is it? And why are there still sanctuary cities? And masses of illegals still flooding into the USA? And radical Democrats freely harassing your fellow Trump voters while Trump gives all the protection in the world to Israel?
Take a chill pill, and read that post again. More slowly this time, user.
whoops sorry I'm heated right now lel
It's alright.
And filtered. You will never be white.
Yeah yeah I know about the one pixel thing but those pics are boomer tier humor so I didn't think they'd bother with that
you cock riders coordinate your damage control posts? Should I have said kek to fit in with your faggot brigade?
Ann Coulter went to the Oval office and told Trump he was a cuck to his face. That washes away whatever sins she has.
jews aren't creative. Unless a white man comes up with something else for them to steal that's what we're stuck with.
You faggots can spew all the low effort shit you want about what she did nearly 20 years ago all you want, Iron Ann is the best hope White America has at this point.
Trump will let in the people who will rape his kids >implying this fag could ever reproduce and he'll tell his crying daughter to calm down and to trust the plan because BASED Trump is about to tweet about how he's thinking of calling a meeting with a general to discuss putting together a task force to look into some rapes.
Yea, let's show how right wing we are by showing liberals just how liberal we are.
Seems like she struck a nerve. If he signs this bill say goodbye to America and holá Unidos Estados de Goysrael.
Trannys should stop wishing for the rapists to come in. They aren't coming in and if they manage to slip by the wall, they are going to rape whites, not trannys with a cloaca.
You keep spamming as though anyone supports you.
And (jew) keep thinking you speak for Zig Forums kill yourself.
user really nailed it with the cloaca thing. Haven't seen this much reeeeeing in ages.
Okay, shlomo.
We have ids here.
No shit.
I'm kind of jealous, honestly.
Sage for off-topic
Sadly I cannot take credit for the cloaca. An user came up with it a couple days ago at least like in that stupid fucking eceleb tranny bread about a rotting fake cunt.
Cheers cloaca user, you dun good.
Why is this obvious slide thread still up?
his shilling is relentless, almost like he is being paid to be so retarded
they are all coming in dipshit, your boss lets in 1+ million non-whites LEGALLY every year, is in full support of a bill that grants amnesty to child traffickers. People are not falling for the damage control, Trumpkike is fucked and you calling everyone a jew (the irony) who calls him out isn't going to fix it
What? I avoid rape by now being a tranny? Who would ha e ever guessed that.
Be honest. Those people wanted to get raped. Otherwise they wouldn't be living like degenerates.
I should go back to being a straight man and see what tries to rape me then.
If she's not making white babies, she's no better than ZOGnald.
Bump. You're completely powerless.
Kill yourself now
She's done nothing with her life other than have a muslim boyfriend
?pol/ shouldn't give a shit about any celebrities, but you're an idiot. By the same criteria Trump is an "eceleb".
Qushner shill; Purple user was right that fucking kike is astroturfing this board
This is a discord tranny thread.
noot noot
angry drumpfcuck detected
It's really starting to seem as if he's determined to lose the next election by a landslide.
The coal burner never was /ourgirl/, faggot.
1. Painting Ann Coulter as mentally ill and weird, even though he himself is portrayed as such in the media.
And she's not even talking about race that openly I think.
2. Ann was right, before she was right. A wall isn't going to save America and just MAYBE he might start the wall, before his reelection.
America is fucked, if you guys don't start drastic measures. You need to start ASAP, because you guys are a new world country.
Even if you stopped all legal and illegal immigration and Republicans only talk about stopping the latter, your country's demographics will be fucked up.
3. Why is Trump doing this?
Because he loves his children and he won't tarnish his name by doing too extreme policies, that might ruin the dynasty he wants to create.
He wants to give them the possibility to run as presidents after his death and he wants to keep the Establishment and Normie Republican Base happy.
PS: Everyone who says he drained the swamp to replace it with his own, doesn't know the extent of the swamp. These kind of statements are what happens, if you can't talk about "them" publically, because everyone has to beat around the bush.
Just watched it.
Btw why does everyone say that Ann is a coalburner? Is that true?
"off the reservation" like how republicans attack dems over blacks and plantations?
It's kike slander because she names the jew and hates their puppets.
I doubt she names the jew, if she doesn't even name race.
She said she had a muslim boyfriend in college
Was that her or Lauren Southern?
The latter had a mulatto boyfriend.
Trump and others have been saying that the liberals want to keep blacks on the voter plantation, Coulter criticizes trump and he's now yelling at Coulter for trying to leave the reservation.
It was definitely Ann, I recall hearing her say it in a webm posted here about a week ago. Found this from Googling.
Well she is childless anyway. Her bodyguard is her boyfriend, because she feels like she can't meet any other men anymore.
She is still just the at the edge of what you are allowed to be. She doesn't talk about race or the jq.
Forgot to mention, start at 7:10 (polite sage)
Oh, so she even had a recent muslim boyfriend?
Why do we worship these thots?
nice dubs
The nigger she "dates" is a paid failed actor beard she uses to deflect charges of racism and the fact she's a lipstick lesbian with really hot New York society girlfriends. Please try to keep up with the adults.
Here's Ann with her lesbian lover.
why are you attacking the messenger and not the message ?
Because Team Kushner is frantically working to slide and shoah extremely revealing threads about Jared's operations against message boards including this one.
don't blame ann, blame the tap water and chemtrails and poisoned food that have turned you into a numale. there aren't enough chads going around to fuck that cutie so someone has to. ann is just doing the job soymericans aren't willing to do.
Who said I'm attacking her; you dipshits are accusing her of being the lover of that DYNOMEYEEETE washed up old nigger comic actor ffs. a preposterous story. Everyone knows she's a lipstick lesbian. New York is crawling with them. Once women decide to become independent how will they manage their sex lives? Will they poison themselves with the pill? Will they do repeated abortions? Will they give up their freedom and independence to raise children? No they become lipstick lesbians.
Ann and her buddy there are lipstick lesbians. She wisely sees this kind of cosmopolitan independence for a professional woman like herself, a lawyer writer etc, will be curtailed or completely wiped out by a huge influx of primitive turd whirl lowlifes
I love her. I'm defending her from the stupid "coalburner" charges.
the thing is, she isn't president, Donald is, and Donald is a fraud
real shill operations get doxxed in two seconds
all I hear about kushner is smoke and mirrors so either hes the best and most smartest person that ever existed or somebody wants to be like the cool kids and pretend they have insider knowledge like wikileaks
lesbians pervert the sacred feminine and are just as bad as racemixers
She wants to take away women's right to vote which honestly is, hmmm, dare I– oh baby babby NIGGERGOODIES DARE I DAGGOT SKFKSOS FAGOT FAIT, sj
She's right because you don't attack her message.
Ann Coulter is our girl. She hates illegals and was banging the drum for a wall before Trump even entered the race. She's just wrong for blaming Trump for this shitty bill. It had veto-proof majorities in both houses. He couldn't stop it, so he did the best he could by announcing the emergency to get something. Blame Congress if you don't like the bill.
It's not that Trump is voluntarily jewing things up, it's that he's being raped into jewery. We need to help him. Wonder why he doesn't go full Obama and make executive orders though.
user, please kill yourself. Im not sure if you have the brain cells required to tie a rope so find a tall bridge to walk off of.