Trump's done. I don't want to spend the next year and half bitching about Trump. We need to start planning how to proceed. We need ideas, strategies, and nuclear autism. It's not about saving this shithole country anymore. It's about saving ourselves, our families, and the white race.
I've used my wood analogy before, but what do you do when wood is rotted out in a structure? You can either replace it with new wood in the old structure, you leave it there and try to buffer the structure, or you can let the structure rot and build something new.
I'd prefer to build something new, let the leftists have the rotting structure.
James Young
Gavin Flores
So set fire to the structure many of us are also in? May as well neck ourselves.
Carter Thompson
Start with building internationals private communities in the rural area. Every members are required to pay fortnightly for the maintenance of the private communities.
Isaiah Collins
This. I just started listening to an audiobook of the Turner Diaries and it really seems like violence is the only solution. Journalists, judges, activists, etc.
j/k silly fbi bois, Zig Forums is a board of peace
Brandon Sanders
Nah. Realize (((their))) plan hinges on deception and well-timed, slow movements. Expose the deception and force them to act out of turn … and you might just redpill the masses.
Brody Thompson
Anonymous networking. Think PIRA - it had leaders and a hierarchy, but nobody knew each other's names, only handles. Find likeminded people, let them know you're there, tell them to mobilize.
Chase Campbell
Move out of the cities, they will become megaslums. We all know this. Sitting in a major city that isn't completely red is a mistake, and even then it's a mistake. Welfare cities, white 'towns'. E.B.T vs. Farmers and Fabricators. Cops in the city will be !Judges! and payed by companies to keep their shiny buildings safe, cops in the countryside will be white militia because they can't get anyone else out there. Corporate and government hit squads and acts of terror on both sides because people will still want to play at Kings and Queens. What a bright future.
Michael Butler
Remember years ago some user here tried to buy a town somewhere where everyone could move to and just build it up from scratch? I never heard how that panned out. I don't know how feasible that would be.
Gabriel Hill
Those of us that are neet-soc: it's time for us to forge ourselves into proper-functioning men. A nation has the Jews it deserves. When the men of a nation are determined, with unwavering will, to toil and self-sacrifice for the future of their people, then no Jew will ever again make any inroad into the body of our nation. Quit your addictions. Study up on proper social behaviour. Start reading. Start lifting. Do everything that you can to make yourself a formidable and respectable man. Do not worry about the opinions of the women around you. Do not worry about what the normalfags are doing. They are followers. The new alpha authority is assembling.
I can do foundations and frame, plumbing, drywall, just about from the ground up. It isn't cheap to build a good durable house. For homesteading, an earthhome style house is possible, recycled materials. It would also mean giving up many of the conveniences of our modern life. That is very hard. Turn off your t.v or computer for a week and see how well you do. Give up caffiene and sugar at the same time. Water and power hookups are not cheap and have to be done right. Water access is huge. Water is life. Solar panels and wind turbines mean rationing power. Rationing means people must cooperate. Being dependant on the grid means you are wearing a collar. Co-operation and commitment are the biggest problems, the largest milestones. They require trust and humility. Living together in a town means dedication, hard work, organizing a workable living arrangment, not an absolute where you end up sentencing wrong thinkers to the pit. You can't create a place where all you do is eat each other.
Joshua Jones
What we need is a proper rebellion, not a "rebellion" by just boycotting like a passive faggot. But by a systematic pirate rebellion, hijacking the airways Max Headroom style, dropping propaganda pamphlets from gliders or helicopters, graffiti on walls in the streets and suburbs… and yes. You might just risk going to jail. It doesn't need to be violent, yet. But it does need to be extremist. We're good at MAKING propaganda but we just need to push it out on the general public more.
What I hate about the WN movement is that it has two extreme ends, either participate in the rotten kosher political red vs. blue fighting. Or what is essentially a fantastical retreat… "we tried it one way, now let's all just go innawoods and hangout out on federal lands and buy a bunch of guns and somehow hope the women and children will come along somehow…
And they're all psychos.
We aren't that bad off, but what we need is ACTION. We've been talking hypothetical uprising nonsense since the days of George Lincoln Rockwell.
Violence, you mean you want me to actually stand up?
Christopher Richardson
I move that we stop referring to our people as the White race. It sounds distant and makes us into an object. We ought to simply say "our People" or "Our Race" That brings it closer to home.
The structure is the System. We must burn it down.
Your next book must be the Brigade by Dr. Pierce's nemesis; Mr. Covington.
Owen Bennett
We do that here already quite a bit of the time. Thinking about it, I don't even know if we could work together as a cohesive group as much as we are a shotgun blast of individuals.
Angel James
What color is my skin?
Kevin Jenkins
Well if you say "our race" here, you'd get labeled a kike or shitskin for not saying white. I agree with you in principle, but that doesn't work here.
Jaxson Stewart
What color is my skin??
Isaiah Sanders
What color is my skin
Carter Perry
Don't let the shills dictate your language. People who scream "kike kike kike!" at everyone are either low IQ idiots whose opinions are worthless or they are anti-Whites themselves and deserve to die in agony.
There's an IRA poster above me. You know what the IRA used to say about their ethnic group? "We ourselves."
Jaxon Phillips
What color are my nipples?
Carter Brooks
Red and perky.
Michael Wright
Jaxson Green
The only working strategy at this point is to piss off the Lefties. - Trump may be working for the (((Left))). Make him prove that he's not. - Tweak the noses, dare them to respond. It's the same thing they are doing to the more conservative side. Call them out on their hypocrisy, then laugh at them without mercy. It's what they are doing to the likes of Zig Forums, so pull the same stunt on them. - Draw out Antifa, and make sure the Dems have to fully support their 'pet antics'. - Any way possible, get them to act. The ball truly is in their court now. Anything they want, they can get Trump to do, so call their bluffs, make them act out their dreams. When the law no longer serves the American people, when the corruption is this entrenched, it cannot be voted out. Accelerationism is the only answer.
I've been prepared for that, but that doesn't address long-term issues. I mean most of what you posted just looks horrendously trivial from my perspective. Maybe I've become too much of a big picture/long-term thinker at this point.
Ayden Thompson
We need to start gathering people now we don't have a decade or years, we need to fight back gather as much national socialist, a redpill spree and white nationalists as possible, we may not have enough time. Free speech is slowly being taken away and gun rights away.
Alexander Miller
Color of your skin is gay.
Evan Cox
Okay, let us create a Yellow Vest demands in America. I'll start: 1) Legislation against the taxation on carbon, oxygen, or any other organic compound either required for the accomplishment of productive work or involuntarily produced by the human body. This includes but is not limited to resources for transportation, raw unprepared foods, unpackaged water, bodily products (such as hair), and etc. Involuntary is defined as 2) A definition of U.S. Citizen that recognizes the material differences between those eligible to be called a part of the US's militia and those not, codified by amendment, such that the territories currently under the control and authority of the people of the US are to have a distinct criteria for being a US citizen and those not meeting it will be considered foreigners and, as foreigners, owed none of the rights or protections which the people of the United States reserve for themselves (i.e. the right to bear arms). 3) The immediate reversal of, and legislation passed outlawing the implementation of, foreign policy decisions which undermine or are demonstrably against the values outlined in the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights, including but not limited to the promotion of freedom of speech, the citizens' rights to the bearing of arms and the right to privacy and due process. 4) The immediate reversal of all legislation and statements or judgments officially passed by Congress which undermine or are demonstrably against the values outlined in the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights, including but not limited to the promotion of freedom of speech, the citizens' rights to the bearing of arms and the right to privacy and due process.
Mason Bell
When I mean fight back I don't necessairly mean blowing shit up, I mean start spreading information outside of twitter and Zig Forums, get people to watch the greatest story never told or hellstorm or who controls our government or the jews attack freespeech paper.
Brayden Miller
Is everything you see gay?
Xavier Cook
Funny, I am not that rude to you.
Asher Ross
Step 1) Seek out or create like-minded individuals Step 2) Get the fuck out and live inna woods Step 3) Wait for this whole thing to blow over Step 4) Clear out the local "wildlife" and recolonize the region
Elijah Bailey
You think the fucking control freaks will stop there?
Dylan Peterson
Trump was our last desperate chance at averting it. In the longer term: racewar. The nation will likely break into pieces, which will then fight among each other. It is the end of the United States as we have known it.
I don't know who will win, but we will face enemies both domestic and foreign. With both their domestic tools, and their foreign interests, they mean to stamp out the United States forever. We stand a chance only if the Left attacks first. Otherwise, any sense of humanity on this continent will be destroyed for the next thousand years.
Draw them out. Right now Accelerationism is the long term strategy.
Soft ideas: 1. Start a political action and awareness organization dedicated both in name and in action to naming the jew in a political sense. Example (off the top of my head): Americans for Non-Israeli Government.
Pros: Allows you to name the jew short of dispensing redpills that go throughout history. Allows you to name all of the politicians and their actions that serve jewish interests. Allows you to bring direct information to White American people that their government serves the jew. Cons: Doesn't directly name the jew in their most heinous of crimes now or throughout time - is limited to politics. Will be undoubtedly targeted in many untold ways.
2. Vote to buy time and resources. It's tiresome but the charade of voting in controlled opposition requires that the controlled opposition party (republicans) must in some way pretend to some degree do what they were voted in for. If you vote for the overtly jewish party, you get full speed ahead with jewish takeover. The failure of the controlled opposition places more people in the camp of wanting new direction. The "underdog" position of the controlled opposition party places unwarranted faith in them taking a turn. Voting in and seeing the controlled party opens White Americans up to new leaders outside of it.
Pros: It's only a tertiary goal. Doesn't require daily action since it's not the main goal. Cons: None. No really, even Zig Forumslacks back in 2015 were saying that voting is not the needed victory, just to stave off the designated winning party.
3. A redpill wiki. One of the ideas that GamerGate had that they abandoned after it fell apart was a curated repository of information that indisputably made their case for them. Self-explanatory. Why we don't have one already is still ludicrous.
Pros: If you ever needed to lookup an obscure fact that was essential to redpilling because it may have even redpilled you, this would be that place. Would be your one-stop place to prime yourself for debates. Cons: Shills. They would want to play wiki admin, cause drama, etc. Expect host shitflinging, etc.
Hard ideas: 1. Start indiscriminately killing all shitskins. Indiscriminately is as it means. You can't stop to make sure they're if they're a based shitskin, and if you still operate by that (((logic))), you are cucked. A shitskin always serves jews. You will be indirectly assisting votecucks, but more importantly you will be making White America safer.
Pros: [Legendary benefits of less shitskins] Less shitskins means less crime and less support for jews. By starting in areas where shitskins are rare, you can slowly make your ways to more densely infested areas. Starting in less populated areas secures territory and incurs less police presence. Whites will notice positive change even if they're afraid to admit it. Law enforcement has limited resources. More operators means strained resources.
Cons: Will sooner or later call attention. Whether the crime trails lead anywhere, jews will notice there's less "people" to vote for jews and jew puppets. You can stave this off by constantly changing areas to operate in. Densely populated areas that affect the most votes and because of states coincidentally shifting to make their votes away from the electoral college, if you really care about votecucks, you won't make much a difference there.
2. Start killing jews in media or in politics. This shouldn't need explanation. Jews are overly represented in government and in media and everyone else is a jewish puppet. They need their most competent not low-IQ semites and most traitorous but loyal puppets for anything to work. The absence of one severely impacts their operations. This applies to their puppets. Anyone on /thelist/.
Pros: Every dead jew and jew puppet is a major blow to their operations. They have limited ability to replace the dead. More operators = more dead jews = less jewish power. Cons: Expect at some point soon the jewnited states law enforcement and ABC agencies to find whodunnit. There are also tons of jew puppet handlers we don't know. The faces of the operation are still actors, but they're essential actors. Expect anti-semitism AnnudahShoah2019 bills. Media/government jews mainly operate in densely populated cities, self-explanatory. Expect martyrdom, etc.
I offer this range of ideas because I'm open to all ideas that have potential. Nothing should be off the table. Softly redpilling others is as applicable as violence.
I just finished reading Brigade but have not heard of Turner Diaries. How is it different from the Brigade and why do you call them enemies?
Zachary Ortiz
no let them kill first and they will, just be patient, they will
It's hard to argue with direct efficiency, but no. Again, any killing must come from the other side first.
Still, when you are prioritizing your targets, those with the lowest IQ should be the lowest on your list.
Kayden Parker
Turned into a let's convince somebody to an Breivik thread.
Ryder Clark
Realistically, it's coming to it, fast.
Xavier Price
Who's it?
Gavin Smith
The violence will come when the system falls apart, I mean without the welfare state the majority of the population becomes thieves/murderers to survive. It's already a forgone conclusion that this will happen IMO. I was hoping for more ideas along the lines of starting something new from scratch, but everyone seems to be stuck in the mindset that we have to try to hold on to what's already shit.
Christian Stewart
If the US spirals into a race war, russia, china, and the EU would get involved. We wouldn't be allowed to get rid of the niggers/spics/jews by the other countries.
Its gurrilla, lights-out, stay frosty shit from here on out. Nuclear information war and flaming the jews
Also all women are pshycos
Leo Nelson
What happened when Germany couldn't deport the Jews to Palestine or Madagascar? work camps
Angel Ortiz
John Nelson
the best of them are a little crazy
Jack Walker
They evidently won't. Have you even read one of their plans? The same one for Europe? They have to avoid mass killing, and their end goal is a mudrace.
They will kill only in situations like Ruby Ridge and Waco, or more recently in Oregon, but they want everyone else to racemix. The jewish plot is a slow but gradual death by racemixing. Stop spacing like a nigger texting on a phone. It doesn't help you make your case.
It will never happen. They will go as far as spreading poison in food, water, and healthcare products, but will not directly kill. The end goal is racemixing, a mud race. You're waiting for them to make first blood the same way a desperate poster makes a, "dude wait for hitler," argument.
More importantly, even if they do draw first blood, they will release a story making it sound like it was in self-defense. If your argument is based on the idea that people will be inspired to rise up after one of ours died, you're sorely mistaken.
They are, but most people aren't brave enough to go after the big targets.
The welfare state will never be gone because of two things, the welfare itself and the limitless supply of the federal reserve scam.
As long as you live inside the US borders, you can't start from scratch and expect the ZOG to not come down to your "compound," and pull a Waco on you.
If they don't kill us, then we can't kill them. That's a natural law. Don't mess with the Natural Laws. Still, the Left will resort to violence. It doesn't know self-restraint. You will get your chance to defend your Nation.
It doesn't matter how they spin it. No one believes the media anymore, not even Lefties. The only thing can do is Not report on some event, which they can't do.
matters not when the alternative is Hell on Earth Make a list, check it twice, gotta figure out who's naughty and nice.
I don't think you grasp how precarious is our society, and how far we have to fall before we can pick ourselves back up again. I was really hoping that Trump could stand up to the Left, so we could at least mitigate some of what's coming, but it seems that the President has the spine of a wet-noodle after all. There will be no welfare. There will only be chaos and starvation and sickness and violence. The value of the dollar will be somewhere akin to zilch. You will fight for your life. We all will.
Once the Dems retake the presidential office, they will try to confiscate the guns. That will precipitate a violent response.
I wish it were that easy. Instead, I'm preparing to die. So fuck you CIANIGGER, you can go fuck yourself forever.
Wow finally a thread that has an actual purpose. Boys I think the most important thing we can all do is try to save those we can in our personal lives and prepare them for what comes next.
Kayden Harris
We can't organize in groups. All attempts at white organization are instantly infiltrated and destroyed. We can't coordinate across distances. All internet communication of any meaningful content are monitored directly at the ISP, which will give the government the location of any used IP at any given time. We can only perform actions individually, disparately, and without constraint on location OR time. It should be obvious what our only course of action is. And no, I don't mean "lone wolf attacks." Those don't work.
Julian Young
yep like diesel fuel or gasoline
you should definitely neck yourself after you douse yourself in gasoline and light a match
checking those dubs
checked. fuckin gas them all
pic related prepare them for some good surfing user
Then we've already failed. That's the (((libertarian))) outlook, and it's the reason for civic nationalism. "Oy vey my entire city has been taken over by niggers, gooks, and dune coons, including my entire neighborhood, but as long as they don't set foot on MY property it's all okay!"
Cooper Russell
You're literally shilling for what Rockwell knew was jewish bullshit that wouldn't work.
we need more ranches where anons can live in legion. It is time to gather, everywhere, under the intention to live as a sovereign native racial collective, on someone's ancestral lands.
Daniel Wright
What exactly gives the kikes the ability to organize so well? Is it just their religion? What is the factor we are missing to come together?
Jaxon Wilson
Get the normies engaged. If/when they take out Trump, that's when the ball is in our court again. That's when we better have built up Zig Forums's personal army. That's when the fight really begins. It will be bloody.
Ethan Campbell
basically yeah in the halls of banks and synogags there is total cooperation and collusion. typical jewish tricks user
Mason King
What the fuck are you talking about?
Robert Perry
They waited for hundred years and slowly bribed their way into every hall of power, beginning by leveraging their money power acquired through usury and arbitrage. They first bribed the politicians to create the federal reserve and organized secret societies since then and the common element of Jewishness helped the Jew secret societies eat and destroy the goyim who were divided among one another and fought their brother.
But, mostly they are predisposed to in group preference through excessive in breeding, so they are weak and need unity. This allowed them to exploit the pride of the goyim and divide and conquer them, unless we awaken and the White Wizard awakens Theoden and He replies "Rohan will answer", and the Men of the West ride together again.
Camden Sullivan
The next economic downturn is inevitable, even by mainstream thinking, and if we're right in our thinking it will be massive. 2008 spurned the OWS movement which was rapidly co-opted by the neoliberals, remember the Project Veritas release that showed at least one of their main players forced his way into their leadership? The goal for the future should be preparing ourselves to immediately insert ourselves into the next OWS or Tea Party movement when it is still 100% organic and serve as the immune system against their planned subversion of the broadly white and angry message it carries.
We need to watch all the Yellow Vest footage we can and learn from it so that when the normies taste modern police tactics for the first time, we are the ones capable of leading the masses to avoid pitfalls and achieve victory. Prove yourself in the field in that moment and they will follow you regardless of whatever label they have been told by the lugenpresse to assign to your beliefs.
Parker Perry
They engage in full demographic replacement to gain and maintain political control. They ensure no group outside of their influence has representation.
Benjamin Johnson
I hope you aren't White, because you have the reading comprehension of a nigger. I'm not saying we participate in the kosher system by pretending to be good goys but "secretly" giving dog whistles and only "minimally compromising with jews" that GLR was talking about.
Either way, I respect the man but the American Nazi Party was a dismal failure… GLR never got 0.5% in a single election and his strategy… while better than dogwhistling. It only ended up attracting edgelords, IQ morons and the absolute bottom-of-the-barrel degenerates of White society.
Oversimplifying what's posted doesn't help make your case. This is usually used by shills who can't argue without misrepresenting what's posted. Well, it happened. This is the Zig Forums version of, "If you kill your enemies, they win," declaration.
You're trying to fight an enemy that doesn't abide by natural law, while pretending that only fighting when violently provoked is a natural law. When does this arbitrary self-defense-only rule apply? You don't count the millions of people who have died due to poison or tricks as first blood? What about Ruby Ridge and Waco? Are you waiting for a designated and decorated jewish agent to kill a white person while saying, "I hereby enact first blood. Let it be known to all and 0d7159 that 'us' has been 'kill'."
Pic related. If you don't have a grasp on logic you can't profess to understand Natural Law. Stop playing by an arbitrary set of rules and realize that rules are only enforced when everyone is playing by them. Jews don't play by any set of rules.
It resorted to violence with ANTIFA and it resulted in two deaths that weren't theirs. Again, where is your arbitrary first blood? Fantastic delusion. Millions of whites still believe the media. If they didn't, they'd be redpilled by now and preparing on their own. They might even be taking action. If they didn't believe the media there would be more demonstrations like at Charlottesville.
Great. You're babbling. This is what, "dude what for hitler," and Trudeau logic affords you.
You haven't done anything to disprove the points I made. The (((Federal Reserve))) is designed to print infinite fake money. There will always be welfare. Your babbling does nothing to change this fact.
Cognitive Dissonance. You expect them to take the guns while also waiting for them to kill, while also waiting for a violent response as they try to take guns. Are you expecting the white populace to go strangling everyone after being disarmed and after the arbitrary first blood that you only know what that will be? Maybe the 2nd amendment should have been, the right to strangle everyone. You shouldn't be talking about what's low IQ targets when you are demonstrating yourself to be low IQ.
Stop with that pussy ass mentality, you're deadly afraid to fight NOW, you're waiting for something to fall our the sky. Every White talks about waiting for "the shit to hit the fan", or "the collapse", or "the day of the rope" and other stalling tactics to cope, deserve to be executed for cowardice on the battlefield. The race war has already started, you white skinned nigger.
Christopher Morris
check'd Reestablish White tribal religions. In the case of Germanic Paganism (Asatru) the argument that "Asatru is a tribal religion, thus the vast majority of your ancestors had to have practiced Asatru or a closely related religion in the past" will prove useful. 99.999% of people who practiced Asatru were White. "Tribal Asatru." Hint: "Midgard" means "middle fortress" (as in keeping things out) and is only part of Earth (White homelands). Non-Whites are the children of Jotun. That does not make them "the enemy" necessarily, but it does make them "foreign and not-us." Ask and Embla were not the first humans, but rather the first Northern Whites. The Divine Creativity of the Aesir is the gift to their children, the People of Light, exclusively. Also, both free and noble men and women are described explicitly as being pale skinned. Develop a theological basis for opposing White genocide and securing the existence of White peoples. Promote traditional family structure, anti-degeneracy, "individuality in consonance with the Volk," high birth rates, industriousness, home ownership, freedom from debt, self sufficiency at every level, and similar values. Build exclusive religious communities. In the US at least, religious segregation is legal, while explicit racial segregation is not. "We are a RELIGIOUS community, not a racial community. Also, and completely separately, our tribal religion is for our blood tribes only." Something like that. Start with the Havamal, then the rest of the Eddas. Praise Godin. It would be a means to organize, encourage traditionalism, and build a theological foundation to oppose genocide, at least. We have our own Gods, and we are their chosen people. "We must remove Jotun from Midgard and secure the future of People of Light." (through peaceful separation, of course) A possibility, unfortunately.
See above "Our movement is a RELIGIOUS movement. Also, our religion is tribal, so you have to pass the blood tests and fully reject all foreign religions in order to join. It's the Will of the God's, so it can't be helped."
Religious communities.
It's their religion. They organize through their tribal religion. Hmmmmm……..
Aaron Hall
Total information control. They've had it for decades.
I'm not sure how it could be more clear.
That's not at all what you said, but sure.
Jaxson Thomas
Fuck off and kill yourselves, accelerationists.
Samuel Gutierrez
If I'm fighting, it's because they have first intended to fight me. I don't have to wait for the fight to come to me before I protect myself, but I do have to give the opposing side every opportunity to learn the error of their ways before I respond in kind. The Natural Laws don't make us gullible weaklings. They only help us to recognize the truly sanctified spiritual nature of all human life. Killing someone is a horrible action, horrible, horrible, and should only be undertaken when there is no other alternative.
I've been warning Zig Forums about this for years now: with what's coming, killing will be justified - as horrible as it is. Corrupt ideologues on the Left are starting a civil war. This is happening. You will get your chance to defend yourself and your family and friends and home and country. I say this not looking forward to to the DOTR, but almost in tears for what I can so clearly see and you can only guess at. This is not a game. Civil war is coming. It's not that far off anymore.
Adam Long
I said red pill your family and you started farting.
I have no idea how we would even achieve this but it's evidently a job someone has to do.
Gabriel Wright
Just to clarify my point, I consider victory in the field of non-lethal protesting to mean holding your group together through the day until it voluntarily disbands at a natural stopping point (mid-late evening before the hooligans come out to taint your message). Winning the day means maintaining the "offensive" versus the police/security forces who aim to box you into a small containment area and harass you until your group is thoroughly demoralized enough to leave and never come back (or at least most decent people won't come back as they see it as a futile effort).
First, make yourself into the kind of man that other men immedoately recognize as worthy of respect. Second, find other solid looking men in the crowd, the kind that you immediately pick out as both competent and commanding of the crowds respect and assign them to captain the sides (left, right, rear, and vangaurd in the center if you find 4). Position yourself as the forward captain and keep a general concept of advancement in mind (areas you want to move toward and stay within) and tell your other captains to keep the avenues of movement in their assigned direction open, tell them to probe any advancing/defensive police line for weakness at every opportunity and keep any breakthrough clear bit not dispersed unless forward momentum is broken.
Modern poloce tactics center around the concept of boxing masses into a confined and controlled area. They want your people to be restrained in their movement and to bear rhe brunt of their harassment (tear gas, pepper spray, batons) with no avenue of escape. If you can keep your mass moving, you keep them in a reactionary and distressed position while the morale of your group continues to grow as they see the police unable to contain them. You must maintain avenues for free movement open at all times to keep the momentum going.
We have a very long way to go before this becomes a hot civil war and we absolutely must learn from the lessons of 2016, 2017, and the Yellow Vests if we are to win the semi-peaceful war in the streets. Victory in that arena is essential to proving the righteousness of our cause and propelling us further into the greater battle that must be fought in order to preserve our people.
Adam Diaz
Zig Forums has a terminal case of martyrdom fetishism.
Luke Martin
This thread is long term planning for the next election season. Please use it.
Ryder Hernandez
Good job, you linked that thread to people who want to do the exact opposite of that thread and will probably move to destroy it.
James Carter
boomer farmer are the biggest gibs niggers there is. They are why there is a push for opopen borders.
Samuel Gutierrez
After seeing what hooknoses do with their money can you really blame them?
Gavin Diaz
that's the point. How can you fight what you can't see ? thread needs more jews tbh.
Leo Sanders
Remember that almost all of us were either passive normies, bluepilled reddit faggots, or outright leftists prior to 2014-ish. We all wound up here because the truth is on our side in so many arguments that there is a way for us to reach out to practically every man of merit by tapping into their distate of one issue or another. We are the third position and we carry within us the truth on at least one shared issue by the virtue of our rejection of the kiketacular dichotomy of mainstream politics. Know yiur audience and share the truth about whatever iasue they are beat primed to accept. Decry the evils of capitalism (just repeat Tucker's 3rd position points if you aren't creative in order to stay normie friendly) if you're surrounddd by white, economic leftists. Decry the influence of Israel and megacorps in our foreign policy of surrounded by peaceniks. Decry the rape of our health and nutrition by mega-ag and chemical/GMO lobbies if surrounded by granola crunchies. Decry the degeneration and baseness of our spiritual life if surrounded by new age believers.
We have an avenue to winning over the mind of every white man alive today as long as we understand which angle to approach their earnest discontent. That's the beauty of everything being absolutely fucked, we have everything just waiting for us to expose for the truth of what it truly is.
The key to this is noticing that every populist threat to the current power system is always overwhelmingly white. From the original and organic Tea Party, to the OWS movement, to the Yellow Vests. Do not be disheartened by the country's ddmographics as you can be assured that any upheaval will always be compromised of whites to a vast degree. As long as you adhere to the principles which are shared amongst all our people, you can sway that movement toward our ends even if it's not explicitly right wing from day one. It will move toward fhat direction and eventually spin off or influence explicitly right wing movements even if it fails as long as it is successful in the context of a certain, limited goal or limited time period.
Be the man you always knew you could be and we will win.
Liam Brooks
This is not a bad idea. In any scenario, fortifying white communities is paramount and explicitly white religions can be used as a basis for that.
You were doing okay up to this point. Have you ever heard of the jews? They have demonstrated collectively to do everything they can to ruin countries through schemes based on trickery all the way to violence. When you said that, you demonstrated you still have no practical idea of what jews are because you think they can learn, impyling fairness is applicable - jews do not play fair because they are perpetually attempting to trick others.
Confirmed for one-race-human-race level thinking. It's no wonder you wish to grant jews every opportunity to see the "error of their ways." I guess they're trying to err us into a mixed-race population. Will you celebrate then? It is always an option. It is ever moreso an option as jews continue to corrupt legal methods to avoid violence. Jews are not, "someone," it's way past time to recognize them for the objective and unambiguous enemies that they are.
Okay If this had been your posts in a nutshell you would be okay, but you still haven't accepted a practical mentality for the upcoming and inevitable violence. Non-whites must be rid of no matter the means, and jews are not going to see the, "error," of their ways because they are deliberate in their actions. What you naively ascribe to error is deliberate - stop affording the jews and their servants any benefit of the doubt and recognize them for the inherent threat that they are.
Logan Davis
Form connected, but not completely centralized, self sufficient enclaves. Get as much solar power and hydroponics going as you humanly fucking can. Basically, become amish, except you actually use technology.
William Gomez
lel. make sure you read brave new world and prepare for what the jew thinks returners will do
I can't be evil. Nope, just can't do it. And won't.
I know quite well that Jews have fucked over many of us here, some of personally, as well as our Nation. But not all Jews. I know quite well that immigrants are deliberately changing our society, and not always for the better. But I still can't hate them. I won't.
I want for Zig Forums to be awake, but I also want for it to be fair. Notwithstanding the newfags and larping teenagers and Lefties and FBI and everyone else who isn't just a straightforward Zig Forumsack, I want for this vivacious gyrating crazy bunch of folks to be prepared for what's to come, and perhaps to warn others about the depth of the insanity of the Left, and the corruption that it's fallen into.
How you deal with this is your responsibility.
Thomas Evans
You could of had civilized Ted Cruz but no! We need a fucking orange baby back bitch to make the calls!