Here's the simple truth (and I'll probably get banned for this because it flies in the face of everything that goes on on this and all the other boards on all the other chans and in all the social media) but here it is.
Far above what you call Democrat or Republican, far above what you call Nazi or Jew, far above what you call Left or Right there is the tip of a pyramid. It's not a real pyramid, of course, but it's a symbol of those very few people on Earth who are so wealthy, so powerful, who control so much through so many who they've bought and sold over the years that they're completely untouchable.
==Imagine a tiny group of people who're so wealthy and powerful that extremely few know they're even there or who they are ==f
But we know they're there by what happens on that level of politics where we can see what's going on and, as we view it, we all know instinctively and in the deepest parts of our guts that there's a whole lot more to what we're seeing and what we're seeing is just the tip of a vast iceberg and what it's all about is keeping us all fighting against each other so that we can remain weak and defenseless so that those who truly rule the world can forever keep us under their thumb and forever enslaved.
Cool, I'm open to the idea that the Rothschilds are low hanging fruit and there are more sinister groups higher up on the Jude chain. The fact is that they all need to go. So let's start with the most prominent ones and work our way up, see who the higher ups trot out next, then start over.
And by 'need to go' I obviously mean to Arby's, baka FBI-kun. They have the meats. I'd never advocate violence because Zig Forums is a board of peace.
Isaac Flores
Jews are still a Jew even as an ultra JEW, user. Why do you come here thinking none of us know about their weird little dynamics?
No it doesn't. That is the very face of Zig Forums and places like Zig Forums. Sage for trying to subvert people away from that which is Jewry. They're an international clique, user. That's why the entire deveolped world is in line with or being directed by the same agenda. It's no secret, you dumbass. It's well known by many and becoming known to many more. Are you scared? Becoming anxious? Getting nervous? You should be banned for being such a fucking idiot. It's like you read a book that conveys a specific message or idea only to turn around and claim you've discovered a hidden secret… When that "secret" is the intended message by the author of the book.
To help you out, I'll sum up what you're doing with a fucking meme.