As race realists, we must always tell the truth about race regardless of how uncomfortable it is. We are willing to say, for instance, that East Asians and Jews have higher average IQ than Whites. By extension, we must reject Western cultural baggage and follow logic and facts, thereby coming to the conclusion of Black supremacy.
We must remember that genetics isn't the only factor in success. History and geography also play a role. For instance, East Asians have similar IQ to Whites but stagnated in recent centuries due to political reasons, but made a comeback in the past decades due to economic growth and the coming to power of governments that favoured scientific development over feudalism. ( Similarly, Blacks have been held down by colonialism and the slave trade, as well as the difficulties of constructing successful civilization in the hostile, malaria-infested jungles and deserts of Africa. People like Musa demonstrate the potential of the Black race under more ideal circumstances.
A genetic explanation for Black superiority
The intellectual superiority of Black immigrants who were not subjected to slavery is well-established.
This is because in Africa's more hostile environment, adaptation was necessary. As humans left Africa, the more temperate environments they encountered necessitated less intelligence.
A common goal In the past, many black and white supremacists have been friends. This is because we have a common goal: ethnic self-determination with homelands for all.
SLIDE THREAD Ehh so what, seen hate blacks thread before. Ctrl F jews Yeah OP is a jewish rotten dildo
this is what slide threads look like
Gabriel Collins
Why do you think these slide threads are happening? What are they trying to achieve? Waste their time?
Ian Jones
The kangz meme exists because out of millions of blacks a handful were actual kings while everyone else was a dirt poor peasant or a stone age spearchucker. And yet every ghetto nigger is claiming royal descent today, and that's without taking the Egyptian larping into consideration. I don't mind the idea of a black ethnostate tho, as envisioned by Malcolm X or Elijah Muhammad (yeah yeah, tell me all about how they were fed plants).
Chase Bennett
Ethiopian Kike fuck off
Joseph Anderson
Blacks are actually superior at being piece of shit human beings. You literally cannot prove OP wrong on this.
Nicholas Davis
And yet you didn't sage, fucktard. I think properly organized they could be an ally against kikes yes.
They want you to fight with blacks. You can fight with ghetto niggers forever, and they will still exist. Meanwhile Jewish supremacists will keep making civilization destructive decisions on banking and Hollywood media. That's where the concentration needs to lie.
John Adams
A single video proves nothing. There are hundreds of videos of white people doing stupid shit, and that doesn't prove anything.
Honestly, race realism is a load of bullshit.The guys who said African IQ is 60-70 was a bunch of niggas who cherry picked data and were exposed for bad scholarship and shit methodology. African IQ isn't 60-70, it's 81, the same as Denmark in 1950. And it's only going to rise with better healthcare and fewer people having anemia.
We really wuz kangs and shiz, and we really will be, despite the jokes!
Michael Evans
can we stop giving niggers so much food aid and billions of dollars since you claim they are so smart? Are they finally smart enough to have functioning societies that fulfill niggers basic needs like water?
All the races should be roughly equal in terms of their genetic disposition towards intelligence. Intelligence is not easy to change genetically because it's so complex. Differences in intelligence across races are mainly due to environmental conditions. Many racial groups, from Kenyan children to Jews to Chinese, have experienced large leaps in IQ with improved nutrition. ( Daley et al. 2003 showed a large increase in the IQ of Kenyans (11.22-26.3 points) in just 14 years. Why? Because they were burdened less by environmental challenges like parasites that cause anemia.( Nobody is claiming that everybody has the same IQ right now. That's a complete and total strawman. We need aid to Africa to solve problems like illiteracy, malnutrition and diseases, which would in turn lead to higher IQ.
Bentley White
Whiteys don't know how to argue using facts and, seeing that a Black man has refuted their arguments, have resorted to using insults and scoffing. So sad!
Hudson Martin
Blacks have no natural right to being the top of the pecking order anywhere then their own racial homelands ie Africa and the subhuman tier control of the Caribbean by blacks should be purged. Black supremacy in Europeans homelands is jewish subversion and should be treated as such. Kys OP
Christian Richardson
Easton Collins
I could just as easily change it to
Sebastian Campbell
Lol nothing but ad hominem No ability to refute studies No ability to refute anything
Henry Morris
Why? IQ or General Intelligence has been shown to have direct correlations with certain genes, all more prevalent in Whites over Africans. IQ is estimated to be either 60 or 80% heredity, nature not nurture. Differences across races don't widen or diminish with social classes in America, nor do they in the same environment of adoption. >Many racial groups, from Kenyan children to Jews to Chinese, have experienced large leaps in IQ with improved nutrition. ( Yes, but this doesn't change the fact that the average is different. A rose and a daisy may wilt in bad soil but they are not the same plant. >Daley et al. 2003 showed a large increase in the IQ of Kenyans (11.22-26.3 points) in just 14 years. Why? Because they were burdened less by environmental challenges like parasites that cause anemia.( …because of white welfare and technologies being exported to them, thus lessening malnutrition, which chiefly decreases IQ. But the differences do not go away, even with the richest, not starving Africans. This is what has been happening for the last few decades, but they have not grown independent, they have only become yet more dependent. A very expensive population bomb is going to explode on Europe because of this altruistic mistake.
The proper response is to analyze the facts and engage honestly with the other side, not just saying "the fuck". I agree OP's post is kinda weird. I don't agree with OP I think Blacks aren't superior we are all equal But studies and experts from the APA task force agree that so-called race realism may not be real at all.
Intelligence is a complex trait. Not many are doing the research between race and IQ because it' too taboo at this point. We found correlations between genetics and school performance. Blacks on average have lower school performance and so it's implied they have different genes for motivation and several other genetic factors that determine overall intelligence.
Being able to (legally) emigrate to the west makes them already in the highest echelons of African society. What's shown by that statistic is that the blacks who come to the west (legally) are usually the most trained professionals able to afford to do so. Also: When there are policies in place specifically meant to make academic attainment easier for a demographic, one should acknowledge that it weakens the connection between IQ and academic attainment in such a case. Being able to abuse a resource in your nation for short-term gain in the way that Mansa Musa did =/= highly fulfilled potential. Arabia has much oil, but the nature of the Arabs hasn't changed so much as their wealth has.
Blacks are still (on average) less intelligent. The continued Brain Drain of africa (and much of the third world) is why African-born populations within western countries sometimes end up being almost entirely composed of those nation's higher classes (and thus, the highest echelons of intelligence.)