Did 8pol get spammed on cuckpol again? why are there so many Q-LARP tier and Kampfy-reeking threads up?
Respond if you're sentient enough to notice something is off, kikes stay out.
Did 8pol get spammed on cuckpol again? why are there so many Q-LARP tier and Kampfy-reeking threads up?
Respond if you're sentient enough to notice something is off, kikes stay out.
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It wouldn't stink so much if I could shower.
I wish the Goyim knew.
Find a clean river to wash in, pajeet
Silly OP, mods are for Zig Forums!
What color is my skin?
We invited r/the_donald because they are now BASED
When did you join?
Figures, soon this place won't be any different than cuckchan. Anons just never learn to follow rules 1&2
I don't live there.
Not a Jew though
Codemonkey banned all the natsoc mods between August and November of last year. Since then Zig Forums is /b/. Literally anything can be posted at any time, as long as it's not genuinely natsoc or useful in any way.
Muslim nazis did 9/11.
It was at that very moment that the kike, in a fit of rage, exposed his very weakness.
r_thedonald are going to cuckchan.
the userbaase is gone because cuckchan invaded. good threads die fast. just look at self improvement threads. cuckchan cant contribute so it dies.
no need to ban.
meanwhile umad whiteboi threads and ((("""genuine"""))) question or redpill me about x threads get replies and last.
The moderation as of late has been different. Ever since trump got exposed and lost the border they've been letting shills and kampfy clowns run wild
There is no weak one amongst the tribe. Diversity is our strength.
Escept people here keep shilling how we need to bring them aboard since yesterday.
Every thread until you learn it:
The owners of this site don't like Zig Forums.
It gets in the way of advertising and causes legal issues. It produces endless amounts of drama. They do not want Zig Forums to exist at all but they also know they can't outright delete it. So instead it gets left to rot. A distracted infighting Zig Forums is the next best thing, so they encourage schizo posters and constant d&c. Kikey was the first attempt at neutering the board but he got too uppity so he got thrown out. Now CM discourages all moderation whatsoever.
That too.
Eat shit.
hmm.. I wonder I wonder who could it be behind these posts?
I honestly don't understand it, they let baphomet commit terrorism and break the law but Jim since appointing kikey has had a stick up his ass about Zig Forums for no reason. Josh was right, this site was lost soon as hotwheels got fed to the pigs.
Plausible deniability. Baph stirs up a lot of shit but it's non-political shit.
Is that what you have?
I thought baph got shut down hard because of it, it's pretty much dead now (at least on here)
The cult still exists, unfortunately. They are fucking annoying.
the_donald are getting pissed at the bill did had you seen the melt down and mods went on a banning spree on that thread?
Well those people need to go to cuckchan too.
They need to go somewhere else.
Have you considered making a new Zig Forums?
They are around in the local area. Worship trannies and try to turn dudes into trannies.
Baph spun out of relevance because Benji (or whatever the old BO names was) got pinched by the feds and ratted a bunch of script kiddie minions he pre-doxxed under the legal bus to save his ass. Old baph is still alive on one of their onion sites.
Okay so somebody needs to route them there.
There's four or five other Zig Forumss with maybe 15 people on one each.
They have a thread on /b/ here going now.
No, try again.
Nah this place is still good, people like chodenigger thinks he has power, when in reality when things get way to hectic or bad we can always move to /polk/ /zenpol/ /sudpol/ /3rdpol/ or make one our selves.
I've been apart of our culture since before pol existed on cuckchan. Its futile to keep running. What we need is an actual fucking person to own an imageboard thats familar with the kikes tricks and also won't suffocate the userbase like kikey did. We almost had that with the original BO of this Zig Forums.
M8 they were doxxing politicians. 8ch got in the news several times because of it.
So say a sig user wants to be a BO or at least help to spot and control shill damage. I know, lurk most for 2 years, but I think if I bring it up at least, then people who have been lurking longer than myself, might. Take up the cause.
The idea is to get the fucking invaders to leave, nigger.
Maybe you should have thought about that before you paid fags from California to sete up?
Its preferable for the oldest of oldfags to do the moderating. A keen eye for actual kike posts can make a big difference in board quality.
Question is how do we take the board owner away from kikey, I mean looking at Zig Forums accomplishments anad due to chodenigger being a low iq shitkin we may fool him to give it to one of us, if Zig Forums can track flags from hwndu I am pretty sure were capable of becoming board owner/
The goal of Zig Forums's enemies is to cause confusion by mimicing regulars to the point where they're indistinguishable. They don't care if you think like them or believe the things they do. Their goal isn't to convert anyone. The whole point is to cuase a deadlock. They're sowing paranoia where nobody knows who's Zig Forums and who isn't. And when someone one does find them out they spit Zig Forums rehetoric at you so onlookers get confused about who is who.
There's more than one, obviously, so they flood threads often arguing with eachother which exponentially increases this effect.
Hwo do you combat this Zig Forums?
Kikeys not the BO anymore, but his shills still haunt this place. Anytime trump gets exposed is group of discord roachlets storm the board.
In 2018 a bunch of summerfags came but instead of leaving they just started yelling "muh isrial" and here we are a bunch of 500lbs non hackers making the same thread pretty much for the past half year
Then the trick would be not accidentally giving the board back to him.
We just need to make mass appeals to the monkey for one of us to be BO. That's part of what got kampfy booted in the first place. The same thing just needs to be done again to ge Zig Forums a proper BO again.
No thanks
Was that when their shit site kept going down because the chink doesn't know how to do server maintenance? I remember the refugee threads here but I didn't think they'll stay
Like this very thread itself?
How do you combat subversion you ask? Simple, stand by your traditions and embrace the chaos of argument. For every freedom a people obtains, an equal level of responsibility is too created.
Gas yourself, kikey
Teach us your ways user kun.
Zognald bots are up to it again, here is a general advice:
- Use the catalog
- Filter obvious shill ID's
- Sage shill threads (anything pertaining to e-celebs, mainstream politics, Alex Jonestein conspiracies, obvious bait threads etc)
- Bump quality discussions
- Teach people to filter through in-thread sliding (they post tons of garbage so people don't see the dangerous content)
It can get pretty bad, don't be discouraged by retarded kikes, poojeet spammers and poorly coded bots.
It's called ambition.
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National emergency is declared and right out of the blue there are tons of bait-tier threads. Cohencidence?
US government shutdown was a blessing.
Weird how kikes have been shilling for us to accept redditors after they manufactured an anti-trump consensus over there, and yet for some completely unrelated reason, more redditors seem to be showing up. Isn't that just fucking wacky?
The Kalergi plan has finally reached 8/pol/, we are being swamped by niggers.
All the normal people are asleep now. Only pedos on here.
This is one of the main issues. Many people here can't discern good posts from bad ones, or have the discipline not to reply to bait.
I think T_D has invaded
I am normal.
It's suicide weekend and the shills have no handlers, so they're just throwing shit at the wall.
Hey Moishe, you didn't get the memo where Trump is using seized Mexican drug funds.
Understatement. They are masons who, like kikes, play all sides. This side was the designaed "nazi" board, but some of us came here and started educating the goyim about the masonic capos, and this they likely "allowed" the garbage in here to reduce S:N.
Too bad.
Specific threads have dropped some very pertinent information the past 24 hours.
This. The board that's supposed to be in disinfo/BLOW UP THIS FEDERAL BUILDING/SuperLARP mode 24/7 is seeing some curious activity and someone is freaking the fuck out over it.
Posting this from cuckchan because they're noticing something in the air as well.
Change my fucking star
I thought was another LARP. Maybe not…
DHS agents trying to push Zig Forums ideologues back underground. That is all.
We've had multiple direct linking to reddit threads, low effort 'is x good or bad" threads, nonstop orange man threads, obvious bot/slide threads, e-celeb threads, basically anything that belongs on Zig Forums threads.
This board is now populated by cuckchannel cross posters and insufferable r/thedonald transplants. It is officially worse than cuckchan circa 2014. Mods do nothing about it… half the threads in the catalogue are shit that used to get anchored or deleted instantly. It started in 2016 and has gotten progressively worse, but Zig Forums has been absolute shit for about 2 months now.
Yes, it has been in decay for a while.
Hmm… That sure is a funny way of spelling 'redditor'.
you are part of the cancer
I have an idea, what if we directed all of the redditors to Zig Forums.
This thread is what they are sliding.
tl;dr Zognald Drumpf has great makeup artists and Qushner will be the next Kissinger.
OP is right, something is far off recently. Why have old shills from the election suddenly flooded back?
Because it's officially election season again. Trump's shilling companies have started up here again. Expect to see ads on the site which look identical to the pro-trump ads that ran for a literal fucking year here.
Its pretty obvious that thread was created just to slide, a trs thread next to 2 religious shit posting threads seems almost too obvious
Masons ARE kikes, there is barely any distinction.
We have a tendency of not doing what they expect us to. Normally, this place wouldn't be touched by any serious person, but we keep confusing shills by coming to this containment zone.
What are you talking about? This place has been tainted a while ago now. Now go and fuck off and stop sliding the good shit you plebian retard
Honestly anyone whining about Da Masons in 2019 is basically just admitting they are too pussy to name the jew
Shilling Season is here. Call out the kikes and their attempts to forcememe zog candidates (basically any candidate the media memes on a regular basis).
4chan was lost to the shills in 2015, don't make the same mistake here. No Quarter.
This. I've been to a couple lodges, it's fucking nothing.
oh like this place is any better with the autistic boomers who report/complain about every thread they don't like
Could you glow more in the dark Shlomo?
Could have went the whole 9 yards and blamed
Do you know what the Schumman Resonance is?
lol bump