I helped do the election AMA thread #2

Last thread hit limit; continuance in here please catch up on last thread to avoid asking a question that was already answered; thanks-


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Other urls found in this thread:


Did you really think that being a shabbos goy pays off in the long run? Do you plan to do something to get back at them?

If there is one thing that I like about kikes, it's that they don't make concessions. If we were nearly as pragmatic they would never be able to do anything to us.

You are protected user whether you believe in the Divine or not. So you mentioned a "French Revolution" like event, but do you know of any chatter to balkanize the U.S. instead of turning us into neo-Feudal serfs for Jews? Balkanization seems to be a hot meme in this neck of the woods and I recall reading that Vlad is pushing for it.

Wasn't woke to JQ when I got into this; I plan on making sure the jew never forgets because we will all forget the jews after their time has passed and that time is coming soon.

be gone

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I do want to inquire about your previous offer about asking around who the big bucks are in certain countries, tyrian patch.
Lately we've been getting a ton of violent immigrants and last week a group of women arrived from somewhere and started pushing the same crazy feminist movement that happened in Argentina that quickly escalated, here they started talking and softening people about gender violence.
North Mexico's the name of the turf

Lets Check Your Bits. Did the UFO's create mony?

No character that exists publicly yet and any who would will need a lot of help from his friends; especially avoiding death as telling the truth is a very dangerous thing. We need a person who has no fear who will not stop because he has the rage of a thousand thousand suns burning within him fueled by his love for his people and this planet along with hate for the people abusing them. This person would have to treat the people as his family not his subjects and politics like a cross between science and religion. His fire will be a torch that will light within others a spark that they can carry alone with themselves through the darkness. Fire begets fire but many people's inner lights have been dark for so long or have never even flicked it is going to take on hell of a flicker to jumpstart the engine of their minds. This person would have to view defeat as an opportunity and victory as a concept without compromise.

Vlad is indeed pushing it.

Take this as an inspiration pill lads

>Another LARP thread with no substantial evidence

FFS, really?

Sadly I think there's only bots and autistic spammers on right now.

And we need somebody devoted enough not to get sold out by Jew money like Trump and Sanders but not a fanatic who can't stop sperging out about gas the kikes race war now in public.

Speaking of that, what do you know about Bernie Sander's campaign? How much of that was pre-scripted and just for show? Sage for doubleposting.

El Norte?

They are trying to create a human trafficking pipeline through northern mexico like Turkey was used during beginning of refugee crisis if hot war breaks out in Venezuela. Most likely if you are experiencing these people they hope to use your town as a stoping point or logistics base.

Fuck off jew.


State of elite in Canada. Also how many people quote Trudeau's infamous line?
I don't really care if your a Larp or not, compared to that Q shit this is a breath of fresh air.

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Here is to hoping this is the apex of the never-Trump niggers half-ass attempt at a raid.

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The message is not hating jews it is hoping for a better world without them and their lackeys in our society. The jew needs to be named normies have a hunger in their soul eating away at them making them think it is their own fault for feeling so miserable/hopeless. We must wake them to the Jew. But ya can't call for any violence against them by the state until absolute control is achieved correct.

Sanders is the DNC version of Ron Paul; a true idealist

You know it compa.
Have heard highly questionable stuff in my city from cops (houses with caged people waiting to be sold, mostly criminals) so trafficking pipeline checks out, funny enough nothing about kids being sold or used, yet.
Who's in charge or sponsoring all the logistics regarding these guys who scoff at even being offered water? People were never really fond of immigrants and lately everyone hate their guts, so i think it's very obvious we are not part of the plan, stopping point checks out too.
Soros was a name that was very fashionable some months ago in our local radio and phone callers, but if anything i've learned he's just a facade/moneyfront for something bigger, all points Redshield but just wanted to ask. Read all the previous thread and wanted to thank you for passing by, regardless of origin.

Meaning zero chance of ever getting elected. So just to drum up some left wing populism away from Hilary since many of his voters went for Trump, I assume?

Thread to be continued I'm passing out soon.

California jews are huge financial sponsors of shit like this especially lawyer jews. Most of the human trafficking slush money flows through Soros but Soros is Soros because he is a primary avatar of the banking elite such as Rothschilds. Some money also flows along with the cartels who pay tax to the CIA to bring their drugs in and smuggle their people over.

Get some rest user you've done a service to whites and your country.

the Kike shits up this place without a care.

I was once a Jew, But I am White and light Eyed.

Sooner or later these Kikes will realize that in fact they are not Jews, it it the Men with beards who want to use them for Mating Rituals.
The Black hat Man wants to mate with ugly Jews indefinatly and use You White Woman.
Because You are the best Womn.


We'll be here.

The end product of Christianity.

We need Kalki, the purifier of filth.

What do you think about right wing ecelebs/celebs? Are most of them poison? Or useful idiots for the kikes who are mainly out to make a buck (off us)? Richard Spencer? Sam Hyde? Milo? Alex Jones?

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what is American Jews weaknesses that can be exploited?

What we need is mature subtlety

Do you have any ideas about Serbia? Will kikes keep milking Vucic or they will get someone to replace him? Will they start another war for the young men to die so they can unleash the rapefugees on women, children and the elderly?

I'm still kind of shocked that US glowniggers actually thinks history is real, and that they are more or less uninterested in memes and language.

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Glowniggers are stupid faggots that rek themselves with all of their psyches they don't utilize properly. You shouldn't be. Polite sage because this RP thread is valueless.

>Implying (((Sanders))) would have been good for us
This IP should have been bayonetted a thread and a half ago when he started bringing up /x/-tier ayy shit.

bump for interest

OP is not stupid, but he is certainly bluepilled on a lot of subjects. It's all about secret information, dirt and getting other to do your bidding, while the other ways people are controlled or motivated is not interesting.

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Is 'suicide weekend' where all the Qtards collectively off themselves after it's revealed it was a Kushner op?


This. I dipped my toe in trutherism because I knew that AMPS cellphones would lock out (due to the toll fraud programming) if they connected to more than one contiguious cell site, which they would if they were used in the air.

I went to college with a lot of these clowns. Bizknobs, we called them. They either had a corner office at Daddy's firm waiting or else they engaged the spooks. My best friend growing up is CSIS (although my mom is a clown, I'm freelance CSECish).

Nah he's pretty stupid, he thought I'd believe his bullshit. Absolute retard.


The No Such Agency types are also less backstabby IME. I think it's partially due to knowing the surveillance capabilities.

Sadly I have to agree with this from my own experiences in the upper middle class (fortunately my asshole is still intact).

So Vox Day, does this mean if Trump is re-elected he will pardon your Dad? Is this why you moved to Italy in P3 country? I don't blame you.

So which of the world leaders are zogged? I know for sure our PM Abe is a shady character and so are much of the Japanese parliament, but are there places that are majority white (or ethnically homogenous) and first world nation that there's a coordinated effort to undermine?

Also do you know much about the greater picture regarding Asia Pacific politics?

Sorry, let me repharse that, "So which of the world leaders are NOT zogged. It's probably a shorter list.

I think he was correct on the Kushner's shills army and that Trump think that he has Trump's base under control, because that was not really news for the ones that pay attention.

As for the rest, he might think it's true, or it could just be disinfo so he would be harder to track down. I still don't get the burger fascination for ancient aliens and Egypt, as I sure that is no accident.

At this point I don't care if you're LARPing or not, this is gold.

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Yeah they really like to attach a fat stack of bullshit to crap everyone knows for the sake of legitimacy. It's not his idea, so don't give him too much credit.

This here makes me wonder a whole lot more about how close Vox and The Kushman really are. Book publishing is a great laundry, especially (((digital sales))).

The Canadian yellow vest movement was kosher certified in under a month, much faster than Occupy. They're learning.

00150b in the last thread is a mason trying to see if OP is LARPing. It appears he isn't.

Even if was a psy-op or disinfo, that is interesting as well.

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were you fired or did you quit?

Let me guess. It was hierarchically organized?

Here. Fixed it for you.

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Larp thread at the top of the board.
Fuck this place, I'm going to halfchan.


I became familiar with him because he was opposing DUDE WEED LMAO (((ballot initiatives))). Turns out his casinos were taking a healthy vig laundering drug money.

It's even worse over there. There are a few good nuggets of information here.

Maybe for you, newfag.

They used Kikebook and the (((People's Party))) which is just all the (((entrepreneurs))) from the Libertarians. Do you need your roof fixed, fellow yellow vester? Well, we had a job cancel and we have this load of tar…

You bothered replying.

Oh boy it's another Q psyop. I'm voting for Donald Trump in 2020, go ahead and tell me not to shill niggers.

You discredit yourself by calling me that.

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What kind of actual real person puts "THIS IS THE TRUTH" in their thread picture?

vote for whoever you want fuckass
voting doesn't matter only violence matters

Why do burgers have the mentality that you should not speak to people?

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What about Krispy Kreme? He put Kushner's father in jail. Is he secretly /ourguy/?

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that fat fuck? his fingers are so fat he can't even type properly
my guess is heart attack in less than ten years good fuck man

Lol, anyone doing any sort of serious violence gives hundreds of thousands of votes to democrats. You're either a shill or mentally retarded.

I for one hopes the Zodiac Killer sticks around.

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yeah shills dont check ought quads and you're the mentally retarded one not me
violence, massive violence with lots and lots of fire is the only solution now dumbass
you must dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed

hey man I passed out last night reading all sorts of declassified NRO shit, whew no wonder that old dude laughed and pointed up and said yeah the space guys
you didn't answer my question on UFO/Skinwalker ranch in utah
some billionaire named Bigelow bought it and it has had NRO/DIA fuckers crawling all over it for over a decade now
you know anything about it?

Community standards vary from state to state, usually depending on the feather indian population (they all fuck early, and incest is a big problem, but they're retards who can't handle liquor).

(Note: In my parochial school, my Filipina friend was putting out at 12 to her high school boyfriend. We were 6th grade.)

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keep them talking, and record it all.

can confirm
feather niggers are awful "people" and their little shanty res neighborhoods are full of fat fucks, drugs, shootings, rape, incest, murder , all sorts of fucked up shit
It would have been more humane to just end them to a gene when we had the balls and the chance

She wasn't upper class, and neither was her BF?

Yeah, because that totally works when niggers do it.

Australia is a Commonwealth, just like Massachusetts or Pennsylvania. The Canadian Maritime provinces are similarly set up like this (the Canadian Dominion is middleware for lack of a better term). That means the constituent parts are the "state" (in North America styled as counties).

This means there iare a lot of things, like indentured servitude, which are (((legal))) but hidden.

In British Columbia the coast has pretty much fallen to the tongs, and the Calph of Al-Berta has the fastest growing Islamic population. Canada is treated as an overflow room for the once British Empire, and as long as they stay out of Quebec, I don't have an issue with it.

niggers can't into proper violence user, cmon you know this
chimpouts are a thing
when white men violence some shit actually gets accomplished

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This is a good thread.

The freemason codes in writing are still in operation. GamerGate was one example of it.

Also, ever wonder why they now call it No Deal Brexit instead of HArd Brexit? Ask the Tyrian.

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"Won't someone rid me of this troublesome priest?"

Here's another /x/-tier question that may or may not lie within the scope of your expertise, but maybe you heard some water-cooler talk and didn't know/realize what it was at the time. I'm getting some interesting effects in experiments I'm running in my free time, and wondering if/how it ties into ayyys and/or ancient/suppressed tech. Speaking generally enough as to not give anything away, but specific enough to convey the gist:
ELF/VLF carrier with GHz/THz DSB modulation.
Working on adding an harmonic sonic component.
On the right track?

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Homophobia as an anti-infiltration tactic. I like it.

This is my MO.

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How Q is a Kushner op if I know as a solid fact, Q did a lot of Thiel's influence ops, a lot of OSINT digging, and other shit. Doubtfully these guys are buddies.

do you speak english at all?

I am willing to buy your info. for 2200 XMR (approx. 100,000 USD)

post XMR wallet and pgp key if interested.

So you are telling is that rich people are too scared to lose their wealth to rock the boat.

That's not news either, and when pro-whites win, it would not be unfair to make the rich poor again. It's important to send a message to future generations to what happens to the rich when they betray white people.

I retract my offer and have been advised that this site is hosted on DoD servers.

And now you know what wearing purple means: the goyim know.

That movie gave a lot of great advice, even if Crispin Glover claims Spielberg was a podo.

The burger he's replying to (me) replied. Warhammer fags, I swear.

This is incidentally how I outed some contractors once. They had all the Shulgun books. (I have a checklist for spook and for coke dealer, various items seem to be common, like weapons.)

I'm not a burger, so this reference passed over my head.

WH40K is probably closer to the era before the the heliocentric worldview than a lot in our 'History'' books. That it's bong is not that strange, because bongs don't have to dig much to find out that something is wrong. Orwell, Tolkien, Lewis Carrol, etc, were all bongs.

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I knew it, if it's true.
Which race did it ?
Who are the 10,000 ?

My clown friend was shocked that I knew the VAB was a NOFORN zone and her husband had to stay out on a NASA tour for Twitter shills.

How much was the effectiveness of memes due to the mflops required to OCR a zillion different fonts to then automate the 'shut it down' process, let alone deal with esoteric or absurdist memes?

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Occultfags would likely want to wait until
