TRS thread

what are your favorite Sven parodies?

TRS thread
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TRS are fucking shills fuck these faggots. They espouse 0 action, they were completely silent about Pat little and Nehlan, they will never tell you who did 911. They are shills designed to catch you in a net. Fuck these losers

reported for d&c

What's one thing that these faggots have done other than circle jerk?

they're funny, talented and entertaining. Mike is good at explaining things and they bring new information about things no one is talking about.

we've known TRS is pozzed for over a year. Someone from the inside blew the whistle on them then began receiving death threats and were told to keep their mouth shut or be shoah'd.

TRS is literally run by Jews.



Yes he's great

He's also Norwegian

His wife is absolutely not jewish

Stop the d&c guys

Mike the Kike Enoch is married to a Jew

Why then did they completely ignore Pat little and Paul mehlans campaigns?

Even with the doxxing shit that happened with Nehlan they would promote a nationalist anti zog candidate…

Why have they never mentioned the over whelming amount of evidence about who did 911?


Amazing to see anons btfoing TRS faggots

Don't forget to sage

fuck off alt-kike cancer

Attached: TRS INFO.png (329x302 399.74 KB, 75.89K)

Pat Little is mentally ill or a fed

You know Enoch/Peinovich is married to a yid right?
He's 100% Scandinavian phenotype also.

Oh, an they are sodomites & trannyfaggots too.

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Their radio shows, true, but they do seem to be organizing irl networks and communities with their "poolparties" behind the radio shows, which also seem to be local and only loosely tied to TRS - but as I'm not involved with them, I don't know how legitimate or useful they are, still this seems on the surface as something that can have incredible potential and something many have bitched and moaned about lacking for many years now.

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daily reminder that this is a National Socialist board

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Attached: Mike Peinovich with half brother.jpg (2302x853, 1.05M)

Poor little jew guy.

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Okay, he's clearly being facetious in all of those.
Contrary to popular belief, TRS isn't shit due to homosexuality, they're shit due to a lack of ideological commitment (And their leader married a Jew)

JIDF in full force tonight

Interesting thread when you consider that most people saw how fooled they were about Trump once imkampfy was forced out. Unfortunately, you can't seem to see how played you were when it came to TRS doxxing.

I like Mike, he's insightful especially when he's not on TRS, but otherwise not a big fan of the show. Striker is a naive socialist, and everyone always interrupts each other thinking they are so funny.

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Are you angry because they failed to announce that Pat little and Nehlan are both jewish?

What's one thing you've done?

Mike was great when he confronted kikess loomer on Baked Alaska's podcast a few years ago. I like him on "Strike and Mike" and "Mike and the Mad Wop". Both shows give exhaustive counter-semitic narratives that you can't find anywhere. FTN is my favorite, though. Their jew exposing on weekly news is always spot on.

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So is this board and yet you're posting here so what does that make you?

Its a slider.

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this meme should have died 3 1/2 years ago

You must have time-traveled to make that post because you're fucking gay.

Yeah I know the guy, and one of the faggots in question in person.
TRS has been nothing but the political version of the RLM nerd crew parodies, played straight.
They do nothing, they teach nothing, they actively steer away from any meaningful discussion, while begging for gibs at every turn.
Low effort panhandlers.

This thread is a great example of their refusal to enter the darwinist arena of ideas, you cant question anything or they sperg and derail, because they simply can't, the only format their bullshit half-works in, is one where they spew bullshit at a wall and record it.
They cant survive questioning, so they avoid it like the plague, very kikey.
And aside from that, the shit they get up to behind that false purity, is beyond repulsive.
When you think monstergirls and a whole crew of HRT homunculi are the end of it, you get to sven ghoul and the rest.
These people are not what they say, big surprise, but it doesnt stop at kiking.

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Here's an idea of doing something: That's a 2x move since it's taking away that amount away from jews and shitskins at the same time building it for Whites.

im onto something a bit smaller scale
still working out the kinks though