And what will this mean? Oh yeah, that any public figure of the last couple of centuries that the left finds offensive will have their grave defaced as well.
They started that already with the Civil War statues.
What is optics? Normies will not understand this and think more poorly of the right. This gives normies the ability to equate the far-right (authentic right) with the animalistic left.
Fuck is his grave doing in London
Marx even knew himself that he was talking out bullshit
Violence is power.
You post a picture of Hitler while complaining about optics? Hitler attempted to incite a literal revolution in Munich.
You know nothing.
Fuck your optics, kike. Your Lord and Saviour had his grave desecrated by one of /ourguys/, probably from that thread from a few weeks ago.
Well done, mad lad
He died in London.
He lived, married, had children and died in London.
Shills moving unusually fast today. I always pictured you as obese diabetics, but you apparently have a work ethic.
This is evidence it genuinely hurts (((them))). Jews live in a world of illusions and semiotics, where insult is injury. Do more of this!
Are you going to tell me to read seej and worship AWD? They did well didn't they?
You havn't read Mein Kampf have you? What happen to the SA, his speeches to calm large businesses, the obsession on pictures and media control, etc. Look at this picture and tell me he wasn't thinking of optics. A revolution must be timed right, too early and the Beer Hall Putsch occurs. Too late and you have lost.
Destruction of monuments is wrong. This is 1984 erasure of history. If people don't know who marx is, they are doomed to repeat the evils he unleashed upon the world.
But the vandal was kind enough to turn it into a monument for the deaths of Bolshevism. He did nothing wrong.
Shut up pussy boy.
I think if Karl got one look at the types of people who gather around his name today, he'd nope out immediately.
You know this is a good idea with how many /leftycucks/ are flooding this thread.
Do you claim that the NSDAP never destroyed Marxist posters or disrupted Marxist meeting places?
Almost. He spelled Holodomor wrong.
The best response I got. If they had done it at the same time as the Confederate statues and it was obviously a response to that and a warning, that would have made a lot more sense.
Shut the fuck up, you faggot. Better get rid of that picture of Hitler then. The SA beating the shit out of commie thugs was bad optics, wasn't it?
66 million (A huge percentage being white Christians). It’s so crazy that in this clown world it is socially acceptable to praise Marx, while this actually happened. The communist Jew’s crimes get zero attention and the people behind these crimes are actually held up in high regards in “intellectual” circles and called progressives for wanting such things as “equality”, while Hitler is called a racist evil bigot for supposedly systematically killing “gods” chosen and it’s only this hoax of a tragedy that people learn about in school and what gets all media attention. How much movies are there on the atrocities committed by the communist’s?
The fact is even if Hitler did kill them, (he did not but should had) the Jews started the war, were systematically butchering German whites in Poland before Hitler had even done anything, and after the war killed 66 million whites in the communist camps and then used those bodies to make up the Holocaust narrative. In the end 100’s of millions of whites died and Jews control every aspect of our life and now people do not even care if their race dies because of how much white guilt they have for these fake crimes.
I am starting to realize why whites are a minority on Earth. This wasn’t the Jews 1st rodeo. They’ve been tricking us since the dawn of time to kill each other for their own gain.
Based and red pilled MAGAPEDES:
faggot ass OP.
Post a pic of the front of it too.
a pay toilet above his grave seems a karmic solution, though it will never bring back the hundred plus million who died because of the original goon
Some brave soul needs to go out there with about 25 lbs of ammonium nitrate/aluminum shavings and just blow the damn thing away.
This is why we don't like Marxism. We don't like ZOGmerican capitalism either. Stop trying to exterminate us.
Even if they were present in it like in every system, the difference is communists actually fought them.
Jews pls stop attacking everything.
You know he was a Jew, right? Rabbis love freaks and weirdos. The kind of scum who today gather around Marx's banner are exactly the kind of losers Marxism was invented to appeal to.
I can't wait until we collectively realize that for the left to win, it requires a certain level of our passivity. So far, we've chosen to sit by and let them build. It would be nice to see their precious statues, banks, schools, libraries etc. ripped down. The targets are too numerous to mention.
And when was this?
Hell, even IsraHell funded and sold secrets to the communist Chinese.
Apart from the recognition of Palestine (which is admirable), communist Goyim never dared laid their hands on God's Chosen People
Fascists on the otherhand have a much better track record of opposition to jews.
And again, modern communists are so (((politically correct))) that they're incapable of thinking ill of their jewish masters. Their hatred is only reserved for innocent White children.
I haven't been on here in a year because most of you are all jew shills but man this is funny had to come see the damage, fuck you commie dogs hah
The useful idiots scum and the fooled good ones sucked into subhumanity through the atomization concerted at them through everything in media etc.?
Karl Marx would love these tools.
I meant to reply to
vandalism of statues made for niggers and jews is acceptable.
They definitely started this one.
The eternal Anglo, releasing hell on earth since 1200.
What was erased here?
The (momentarily) untriggered status of pinko fucks.
It wansn’t real vandalism, if it truly was vandalism then the entire monument would have been destroyed.
Leftypol does not approve.
An of course the fucking BBC made sure not to show the whole message on the front.
What do you expect from the channel, that names itself after "big black cock"?
pissing in the wind. when the inevitable time comes the kike-concern of (((optics))) will be quite irrelevant.
So tired of jew niggers.
Fuck off, faggot.
Wrong country shitskin.