The White racial nationalist movement has completely wasted the past fifty years. It therefore is now no longer possible for the Aryan race to recapture the North American continent in its entirety. The only remaining option to secure the existence of our people and a future for White children is for the remnant of the racially conscious population of North America to relocate to the Pacific Northwest and establish our own sovereign nation.
What is at stake here is our survival as a race. There is no longer any alternative to the Northwest Migration plan. If this is not done, then the Aryan race will perish from the North American continent and most likely from the rest of the earth as well, since there will be no safe and racially homogenous haven in that our people may rest, regroup, and replenish our numbers. It is necessary to reduce the racial survival problem to manageable proportions, shrink it to dimensions wherein we can concentrate what few remaining resources we have into a smaller area, with shorter and closer interior lines of communication. On such a reduced scale, Aryan racial nationalism will be able to gain some political, social, and economic leverage on a local basis, sufficient to effect actual change.
Once in the Pacific Northwest, the incoming White refugees must engage in a vigorous and dynamic program of political action, propaganda and educational activity. Eventually there must be direct action to remove as much of the territory of the Northwest as possible from the jurisdiction and control of the United States and subsequently create an independent Aryan republic. This Republic will be restricted to persons of unmixed European, non-Semitic, Caucasian racial ancestry, and no non-White will be allowed to reside there under any circumstances.
If this is not done, then the White race will become extinct in North America by the year 2100. The consequences of such an extinction for human civilization and for the planet upon that we live would be horrific beyond the power of the imagination to encompass. Racial survival for Aryan man must override all considerations of personal welfare, personal agenda, physical safety, legality or individual interest. We have a job to do, assigned to us by history, and we must devote the remainder of our lives to it. It cannot be repeated often enough: the Northwest Imperative is above all driven by one single and decisive factor, that being the complete lack of any other realistic alternative plan to secure the existence of our people and a future for White children. We have frittered away the past fifty years. The clock has run out, and there is nothing else for us to do.
I plan to move to Oregon. How the fuck do I find roommates who aren't complete dipshits? I want a roommate for a shit while until I find a job. Everyone on craigslist are commie faggots.
Let's all just succeed our homes, land, military bases, nuclear testing facilities and police stations filled with automatic weapons to hordes of La-raza and ISIS agents crossing the border from Mexico BRILLIANT
I see the Midwest as the most likely area for some NatSoc grassroots movement to kick off. Their communities have been destroyed by drugs and abandoned by both parties. They have the least to lose and the most to gain. I don’t know much about the rural PNW. Is it similar?
Jason Morgan
Good luck finding 100% non-mixed Europeans to actually populate the PNW from a basket of Americans. I'm just bitter reading that shit because 300 years ago literal Pocahontas was the last non-white blood in my family.
Owen Hernandez
Nice trips but the word you're searching for is "cede" And your critique is not valid when the enemy already controls ALL homes, land, military bases, nuclear testing facilities and police stations filled with automatic weapons. OP is advocating seizing one small part back from the enemy.
One problem with a Midwest revolt is that the Midwest lacks strategic depth and geographic anchors. It's perfect for maneuver warfare but not very perfect for engaging in intense guerrilla warfare. The best place for intensive guerrilla warfare would be a region with forests, mountains, and farmland with several easily isolated cities.
Eli Lee
My family has been in /dixie/ before america was a country. If there can be a /dixie/ ethnostate we can be allies
Christian Bell
Obviously the best approach is for the PNW template to be used in various parts of the country, simultaneously. One in 'Cascadia', one in the midwest cornbelt, in New England, in the South. Why limit ourselves to one area? Why not instead designate multiple sections of the country to gather our forces, making us pretty much unstoppable, and gaining the ability to share resources? This is the only way it will work because many people will not move very far from their ancestral homes out of loyalty, and many more can't afford to.
OP, has your org ever positively ID'd a bad faith actor? Not the little shits who pop up in the general chat in your gateway, but actual, verifiable moles and double agents? Because you are visible enough to be on everyone's radar, and not having found anyone would indicate that you do in fact let just anyone in.
Your claim is essentially This is simply ludicrous. There is no logical reason to assume that White people cannot wage war due to the presence of a large non-White enclave.
Noah Bennett
How do i just randomly move to Montana pol
Levi Moore
You don't have to be a member to support and contribute to the goal of this movement
To men here that may have reservations about a becoming a Nazi because they haven't yet learned the truth, remember that the basis of this plan is not political in nature, first and foremost.
The goal is an ethnically homogenous homeland for white people of European descent.
All you need to do is migrate, comrades.
Andrew Myers
Get job, save money Pack your stuff, leave to new state Stay in motel for a couple weeks, while working a job get roommates for cheap living Get better job, live alone Get wife, have 8 kids
The biggest issue with these groups is their larpy nature concerning the future. While consolidating is not a bad idea, thinking that this organization is going to be able to lead white nationalists is silly. If there ever is going to be a successful movement, it will be lead by someone who was meant to lead. This is not something that can be forced, and trying to force it will make the rest of us look cringey and delusional. Op is cringe in saying that incoming whites must engage in certain programs, as if their group is going to actually be delegating anything. It’s no different than the commies larping that once they get their revolution they will get to be fucking military uniform designers and other various delusional bullshit. Northwest migration however, is not a bad idea. Like it or not, some parts of the country have been overrun, and whites in those areas would likely be better off moving to whiter areas. Yeah, it’s shit if you are leaving somewhere you love, but if you’re overrun by niggers and spics then what’s the point? Is that somewhere you want to raise your children? The PNW is whiter and overall less populated than other parts of the country, and there is still space for our people to buy land and work to become self-sufficient. At an individual level, this should be the primary goal, to be self-sufficient and not reliant on the system. The way consolidation could actually work is if whites begin to move into an area and become active in their communities. Find a wife, have babies, get to know your neighbors, your local farmers, get involved in homeschool groups, volunteer groups, etc, then run for a local office or start your own local organization. All the various pnw migration movements are larping, they have big plans for “if” and “when” instead of networking locally and running for local offices. It’s another way to “do something” without doing anything. So you move to the pnw and become a member of one of these groups, great, that does absolutely nothing but make you feel like you’ve done something. Instead whites should be migrating independently and establishing themselves in local communities.
Juan Torres
Pretty much this.
Not many organisations have a leader nowadays, and even if they do those people are not fit for it, and have the charisma of a plank of wood.
I completely agree with this. which is why i advocate for the idea of this movement. The more people we gain as a group, the higher the likelihood of finding the next leader. We need him soon.
Adrian Green
this is the end goal. New forms of governance come later.
Gavin Brooks
Its not possible to operate with a leader in the current environment, you need to be your own leader.
Ryan Diaz
Visas are easier to come by thanks to lax immigration. You will surely get amnesty if you overstay your visa as well. (Thanks to our spending bill all I have to do is speak the magic words "I sponsor him" and you're undeportable) Contact the New Awakening through their gateway and they'll have more in depth information for making your legal migration.
It can’t be the end goal, this has to be the first goal. If we can’t even gain the support of local communities how can we expect an entire region to take us seriously, let alone support us. And once we start gaining any traction the system will try to starve us out one way or another. We have to have both community support and some degree of self-sufficiency. These things should both be pursued first on an individual level. I’m not advocating individualism, but in the early stages of building white nationalism people will come and go, you have to be able to stand on your own. Plus, how are we going to help other whites if we can’t even support ourselves.
Exactly, and no one who isn’t their own leader will ever be good at leading others anyway. Even if a group claims they do not have a leader, that is never how things work. Being a part of a group like this makes people complacent because it diffuses responsibility. Be your own leader, and if you’re meant to lead then others will follow you
Nathaniel Martinez
you're correct, it would be the first goal. forming a new governance would be the end goal.
and individualism is just as important as collectivism. As stated in Mein Kampf , individualism is what makes the Arayan race superior in innovation. Ideas and inventions do not come from the group, but the individual man. then are adopted by the collective.
David Turner
no, my claim is essentially that nobody is ever going to do anything so nothing is ever going to happen
Adrian Sanchez
So you believe that jewish supremacy is inevitable? That everything your ancestors lived and fought and died for s doomed and our people will go extinct?
You are correct. While Covington's novels have been a source of inspiration, they have created an attitude that neglects immediate tasks in favor of endless speculation about the future.
However, there is still a lot of benefit in organizing early on, provided the group has its priorities straight. People already established in the PNW can help migrants move and secure employment. All this requires is a loose network where you can make contact.
Midwest is already too far gone. Cities are dominated by nigger culture. Even if you're in a white area chances are the vast majority of your peers of any economic class will enjoy rap music and basketball and all other aspects of it.
The Midwest is already dying. For decades significant numbers of midwesterners migrate out west or east. Just google "detroit diaspora". It happens in other cities just not to the same extent.
The PNW is an area to which many young white kids are moving to. It's like California or Colorado, cool and hip but not as expensive as either. Fact is that normies and far lefties are going to be the whitest groups and many of us once fit those descriptions. Simply put there's a fertile breeding ground there for a growing society and culture. Even without any ethnostate larping, the pacific northwest will continue to grow in population and prominence in North America in the next few decades
Ethan Young
this raises an interesting point. In theory, this would be the policy for European or South African illegal immigrants, correct?
Joseph James
How? Anyone doing this is making themselves vulnerable, those taking the help become vulnerable too. I don’t see how anyone could be helpful without risking their own exposure. If anyone has the potential to help employ and house whites they should already be doing it for local whites. That’s part of building community. It’s not easy to move, but with some determination it can be done, especially if you’re single. This organization might be more useful if it was more of a pnw media outlet for white nationalists. Monitoring relevant local happenings, local legislation, local elections, maybe even have a section for job postings. It’s a nice idea to help people move and find work, I wish it could be that easy, I’m just not sure how it could be done safely or if it’s necessary, working local is probably a better idea
Jose Gomez
Property owners could rent to migrants at a lower price. Business owners could get you an entry position to a competitive industry. A white nationalist sheriff could warn you about local antifa. Helping new people is the first step in community building.
You could say the same about any effort to make white nationalist communities. If that's the case, why are we pursuing an ethnostate in the first place? Because we are better off together than alone.
Are you even from the pnw? I’ve been here my whole life, and locals hate all the Californians and co who have been coming in to shit up everything. Now you want to give preference to people coming from out of state rather than helping the whites who are already here? That’s not how you get locals behind you. I’m not saying I don’t think people should migrate here, I think it’s a good idea, but you should be working to help those already here, that will be better in the long run as far as making the area a good place for other whites to come to. How are both renter and rentee going to ensure the other is genuine or safe? You’re talking about this as if whites helping each other is commonly accepted and not seen as muh holocaust II. Do you know any? They should already be selecting to hire whites already here. How is the applicant going to identify themselves without giving all their info? How do employers know they’re not talking to someone trying to dox white nationalist business owners? Really? Pnw antifa are a joke, they are 85% white kids who want to say “fuck you dad”, they’re not the same as they are in other places in the country because our nigger population is much lower. This is not the same as building white communities. Pursuing an ethnostate right now is putting the cart before the horse. We have no idea what’s going to happen in 2020, let alone the next 5-10 years, the whole point of consolidating in the pnw is to build white communities and have white children. We have no idea if/when balkanization will happen, or when an opportunity to form an ethnostate might arise. It certainly isn’t a bad idea to look at it as a possibility, but it’s more valuable to form strong communities and go from there. We all need to be working on improving ourselves, and thinking about where to raise a family is part of that. Nowhere is perfect, but it’s a lot better up here than in many other places. I’m not saying we should do nothing, but we need to be smart about it and not get caught up in our own fantasies
Jaxson Perry
Yes I am a local and I hate Californians just as much as anyone else here, but I realize that the projected growth for this region means people are coming whether we like it or not. The only thing we can control is what kinds of people move here.
If we start aggressively migrating whites, we keep the Californians out because our people take up the new jobs/homes. There might be some resentment from locals, but this WN block starts reversing liberal policies with their votes, even the most jaded conservative will support us. This is infinitely better than letting 56%ers ravage our home.
I'm just giving you some examples of how a support network might work. You really can think of zero ways having support from WN landlords, employers, and officials would aid migration?
You still want to reach a point where white nationalists know each other in communities. That involves security risks you mentioned. The fact that you still support white communities shows you still think they're worth the trouble.
Do you honestly believe anything meaningful can be achieved by participation in the system trying to exterminate you?
Elijah Gomez
actually a good post. I still think it would be more practical to do this in Northern New England because it's much smaller with a much smaller population that is much more white. PNW is huge and has a population of many millions, it is part of the 'left coast' and has urban metropolises that are major economic centers. Northern New England is just woods with some towns and a few relatively small cities
if a hundred thousand would move there and do as you described it might do something towards establishing the place as a hotbed of white nationalism. I still don't think any secession would be possible but realistically for consolidation and establishing a foothold in a region I think it is by far the most practical. NWF is insane. see
well this is retarded because all of that shit is already lost
consolidating to a region and seceding is good in principle and in theory but practically speaking it's impossible, and therefore a wishful cope-LARP. however, thinking you can somehow take the whole country back is next level retardation
Owen White
How do you figure Pacific Northwest? I went to Seattle a few years ago and it was over 50% chink.
Thomas Martinez
Because it's epic!
Easton Cook
Why not take over the rust belt where all the fresh water is and not the area that is dehydrating.
David White
apparently. the whole thing is just a coping LARP, everything is so obviously fucked so they fantasize about this dream scenario where everything just magically turns out okay
the US is already minority white and the majority of those whites are old, the actual under-40-whites demographic is a small percentage of the population (like what, 25%? seriously, what is it?) with no political or economic power. guess it's gonna take the results of the 2020 elections (i.e. (D) everything) and 2020 census ("YIPPIE whites now minority!!!" all over jewish media) for people to realize the gravity of the situation. who knows, maybe as it gets worse, the percentage of people that are awake will increase and of those that are awake many will radicalize and get motivated. but nothing good has happened for the years I've been redpilled so I'd be very surprised if anything good ever did happen, I think all is lost personally
insert Goebbels quote something like 'the world will plunge into eternal darkness if we lose this war'
Eli Adams
Luis Richardson
Jayden Gomez
>I don't agree with your post, therefore very intelligent reply
I’d love to do that, and maybe you know people with the resources, but I know I’m not able to aid this, I’m still working on getting myself established. Again, it’s great in theory but where are you going to find these migrants? From Zig Forums? And I don’t know what region you’re from, but housing is expensive near cities (jobs) especially if your idea is to have our people taking up all the new homes. How many people are you talking about? I’m not trying to demoralize, but it just seems unrealistic the way you are presenting it. You are not going to be able to move in enough white nationalists to outvote everyone already here, you have to get support from locals. Whites are already here, your focus should be on connecting with them. If you can build a base of people who are committed to the land then it will make more sense for other whites to move here. Again, cart before the horse. Local networking comes first. And you know this how? Be realistic. Obviously they’re worth the trouble, so why would I ignore the local ones around me to larp a mass migration?
I’ll admit I’m biased to the pnw because I’m already here, but resources are also a factor, the Cascadia area is touted as a bioregion which could be self sustaining. The cities here are also much smaller than east coast or Californian left coast cities. I have thought about moving to the northern New England area before, but it’s so close to all the massive population centers on the east coast. It seems like the best option is to build local communities in the best area you can manage. I don’t see any practical way to build an ethnostate at this point, maybe in the future, but it seems pretty ridiculous to larp about something unrealistic instead of actually taking steps to help other whites and raise white children
Oliver Sanders
Paid shill confirmed.
Robert Adams
feasibility as a theoreticaly state is practically irrelevant to the (nonexistent) potential for it becoming one in the first place the future will only get worse I agree see while there's nothing wrong with the "moar white babbies!!11 xdd" sentiment, it's not going to make any difference in the long run. immigration outnumbers births, so even if the white birthrate increased a little, whites would still be rapidly decreasing as a percentage of the population each generation. and moreover, there is miscegenation, so there will be an increasing number of 'white-presenting' non-whites that will be much more likely to mix with the pure whites, because they aren't perceived as 'alien'. the super-blackpilled part of the back of my brain almost thinks that dragging more white people into the world just as we're being torturously wiped out is cruel. in the end, what difference will it make but give them more white flesh to rape?
don't see where you're coming from with that, you might have autism well I've never seen us win so why expect anything different? deporting on the basis of race would require control of the government which is impossible to achieve because elections are rigged theatrics between various controlled actors. and any kind of "revolution" LARP scenario will never happen because 99% of people don't know/care and the remaining 1% doesn't do anything anyway again, never seen it happen, so why would it? not really what I'm saying, I'm just expressing how I feel the phrase that killed this board
Hunter Hughes
Fuck off with your honeypot, glowniggers.
Brandon Barnes
New awakening honeypot master plan:
Thanks for the insight, these are clearly CIA agents Remember, we need to sit on Zig Forums all day and do nothing, any action at all is a honeypot
Nicholas Williams
Why are you here?
I understand what you're feeling by the way. I often despair myself at the sheer power of the monstrosity of the system that we must overcome. But I do not give in to my despair because I know that jewish power is based upon illusion and leverage. The System is not as powerful as it looks from afar. It is predicated upon constant economic growth to compensate for the immense inefficiency of their unnatural Regime. Their power seems indomitable yet it is built upon a house of cards. Blow on it too hard and the entire structure will collapse.
Obviously not on a federal level, but we could do a lot of good with state and local politics.
Of course you are in a position to help. You live in the PNW. You are familiar with the area. At the very least, you could offer advice, which is a whole lot better then leaving people to fend for themselves.
There are people just like you who have a mutual interest in forming communities in the PNW, and you are doing nothing to help them. That is not a good indicator of your efforts "redpilling" natives.
Everything I said is possible. Maybe not perfectly guaranteed, but still possible. All it takes is a little organization.
Why would an FBI agent use Tor? Here's something that might help your post quality: Actually think about what you typed before posting it
Parker Bailey
Yes I mean after it gets worse come on, your ancestors’ blood survived all the terrors of this world and you’re just going to let that all go? Remember your people, remember where you come from
I’m not a neet but I don’t even have my own housing and employment figured out yet, so don’t see how much I could help others with theirs How do you propose I do that? I appreciate your enthusiasm but I see no realistic steps forward to what you are proposing
Hudson Butler
You are not looking at enough variables to get a complete picture.
Sure the Northeast might have small populations (Except Massachusetts) and be very white, but do states like New Hampshire have the ability to hold hundreds of thousands of new people? Absolutely not. The whole northeast is projected to stagnate. That means no new jobs or homes for white migrants.
The PNW has plenty of landmass and loads of economic growth to work with.
A large white population is important, but we don't need perfection, just a clear majority. PNW states are no less than 79% white.
Seattle is 66% white. You were just hanging around the tourists.
After watching all of this, being an ultra lsupportive trump guy. I think its time we being out the Biological weapons. Lets show the world of how it feels like when a combined Oil and dna make love. I think its time to let loose. combine oil and DNA and begin.
P.S. You all remember Veroniga? the Nigger who said a pizza place was rasis? Well here is a reminder. This is veroniga4 not 1 two or
So you are unemployed and living with your parents, and your plan is to convince only normies who know you're unemployed and living with your parents that white nationalism is the way to go.
Seems like you're full of excuses to sit on your ass.
1. You're not an official spokes person of that group 2. You're trying to associate that group with Nazism 3. The group specifically doesn't want to be associated with Nazism 4. Fuck off shill
Jace Howard
Faggs want to make it so, do something, Say something when You see it. You have to ask Yourself, is Whites only Right only?
tor was created by and for intelligence agencies, dumbass
the current situation is far worse than any before
of course not, but these "hundreds of thousands of new people" do not exist. and to be clear, I'm talking about Northern New England- VT, NH, and ME- not Taxajewsetts, Connecticuck or Chode ISIS. there are way too many spics in those states already
it's not a group, nor an organization, nor are there leaders. it is just the idea, "dude move to PNW lmao"
Brody Hill
They try than with any group of Whites. They did it with anti immigration rallies, Trump rallies..
Gabriel Martin
I’m a student with a job to pay for school and I rent. Still don’t see any explanation from you on how you’re going to achieve your larp though
Even greater glory in overcoming it then, don’t be a faggot
Hey me too, and I'm still helping whites migrate. Giving advice, driving people, and showing your support is not hard. I wasn't aware that was larping.
You are impossible to convince, because you don't want to work. I hope you get your life sorted to the point where you think you can help, but I doubt that will ever happen.
Bentley Stewart
Just think about How Your family will benefit.
On a completly different subject. I would 5 kids with this girl STORM SEEKER
Daniel Diaz
So you want me to give advice in areas I haven’t even figured out for myself? Show support by doing what? Where are you finding these supposed migrants?
Ethan Turner
No need to leave it there, just strip it down. take the assets with you, leave the shells of the buildings. Having the assets is one thing, using them competently is another, just look at Zimbabwe as conclusive evidence of this
Isaac Wright
Just like in 1930's Germany, right?
Colton Gray
What ever happened to "Ludwig" or whoever? I heard he left as leader and then when I last talked to him he basically left politics because "there is no purpose with National Socialism due to there being no one with the will to act."
He's asking you very basic questions, mostly concerning the infrastructure of the group. Lets go step by step. I'll use myself as an example.
1) I work in healthcare and have $60k to buy a house right now with. What town/county do I move to? Specifics at least at that geographical level. 2) If I move to that place, will there be a group of other NWF/WNs waiting there to start networking and political action? 3) Will the addition of myself to this area have any positive impact on the movement besides giving you cheap rent? How is this impact measured and what are the criteria for its success? 4) When the feds/state (I assume the locals are either friendly or apathetic, not hostile) authorities come to enrich us with section 8 or arrest us for bad goy shit, what is the response? Is there a team currently in place to deal with such activities? 5) What are the avenues of recruitment to keep new blood constantly flowing into the movement so we don't end up like the numerous 60s and 70s hippie cults? 6) Finally, is there any NWF infrastructure to enhance group cohesion? Examples include schools/daycares, credit unions, stores, community centers, etc?
Jonathan Robinson
I can only speak for the New Awakening here.
I can give you general info like pic-related, but Zig Forums is not a good place to get into details about your life. That's why having some form of online organization is so important. Gives us a secure platform to talk. Our's is completely anonymous through Riot.
We would only tell that to members we have vetted.
Your impact is mostly up to you, but whites moving and starting families in the PNW is a victory in and of itself.
Since migration is an organic and independent process, governments and political organizations will have a difficult time preventing it. Our ability to resist intervention will be greatly enhanced with the control of local governments. Also, no section 8 nigger wants to live around a bunch of "nazis." If the government tried something of that nature, they would just be building free housing for poor white migrants.
Mainly Zig Forums at the moment, but as membership grows, more are people entering through personal referrals. We've tried different places, but the chans seem to be where the most non-degenerate National Socialists hang out.
We have meetups among members. This includes NA business, activism, or just recreation. We are only a year old. All the examples you listed are on our agenda.
That's rich coming from him. He didn't leave. We kicked him and his entourage a while ago for being degenerates.
Ryder Kelly
Reminder that good ideas are attacked relentlessly by shills and subversives, while bad ideas are left alone. None of these posts offer an alternative or a solution, their only goal is to accuse and disappear in an attempt to sway the opinion of lurkers. If you're skeptical, it takes 5 minutes to join the riot and ask what you need to of existing members.
the existing nonwhite populations of these areas are a problem, yes. But, this is something easily solved once migration begins. Once we have a large enough movement, these jews, spics, and niggers won't want to be within 1000 miles of us.
This information can be found by anyone wanting to move here How do you make the jump between online and anonymous and irl? It can’t all be anonymous, otherwise how do you know if the person you’re helping move is actually white? Is your goal to build up certain areas, or to disperse throughout the region to cover more ground? This is pretty important actually, if you are moving people into the same areas the vetting process will need to be even stricter. If I have a happy healthy homestead and someone is moved into the community who wasn’t well enough vetted and who wants to harm white nationalists that is a big problem. It’s a step in the right direction, but I worry that this is not enough and will cause complacency. There is a “plan” on your website, but I think you will need something more specific First, it’s not organic if you are actively bringing people in, second, you should not underestimate how much backlash you will get. Even if the feds don’t intervene, the second lefties catch wind of something like this they will likely react, maybe even show up at people’s houses. There will need to be things in place both to prevent and deal with these issues. How would the nigger know that the area is full of nazis unless they are openly nazis? And if they were you would have to deal with issues mentioned above Good I am also going to add I’m sure you’ve heard all the arguments about using or not using it, and while I wish we could use it, the reality is that it will hinder our cause. I think the best option for a symbol would be a rune of some sort, simple, easy to draw and remember. Say for example somewhere down the line a group of new awakening members are out with flags etc in public, people will be turned off by the swastica. That’s just reality. But, some nice blue/white/green flags with a rune on them is not going to have the same negative effect. The swastica also makes people think that there’s some kind of delusional intent to recreate the past, that shouldn’t be the goal because it’s not possible, the group should clearly be oriented toward the future. I’m not saying you aren’t, but aside from all the other optics, using the swastica makes you seem like larpers. It sucks, but that’s how it’s going to be perceived. The other symbol I have seen discussed is a sunflower, which is more complicated but something to consider
Parker Jackson
We completely anonymous online for obvious security reasons. When you get to know members, you arrange to meet them personally. There is no reason for a nonwhite to join, because as soon as someone ineviatably meets them, they would be kicked.
We are all over the PNW and we want to remain fairly decentralized at this point, so migrants have options.
Transitioning people out of internet activism does not happen overnight. It takes many esculating baby steps. Moving here is a milestone, because it shows commitment towards real world action.
Not exactly. Migrants are coming to take jobs and homes that already exist in the PNW. We may make moving easier for you, but you still have to be independent.
We are not scared of weak left coast liberals. We are so decentralized that they wouldn’t even know where our members live. If a migrant gets outed and loses their job, they can move to a different state.
The only people who will be open are those with the resources to be independent from the system. We also participate in activism that creates an unwelcoming atmosphere. Prominent NS locals combined with intensive activism similar to Patriot Front would give the PNW a bad reputation among libs and nonwhites.
The swastika is not the problem. The problem is feeling the need to win the public by marching around the street with flags. This is a poor strategy no matter what symbol you use.
In these early stages, we are not interested in the average person joining. It is neither desirable nor realistic. We are forming a political vanguard that leads by example.
We are National Socialists and we will stay true to National Socialism. If you promote racial values, you will be associated with the swastika. We have a shared fate.
Healthy white families living under the swastika changes minds more than any form of sunflower dog-whistling.
True Decentralization is good but there’s no guarantees The degree to which someone is “outed” could affect job prospects in other states too, it’s hard for “normal” whites to find work without being labeled as nazis (this comes back to the swastica issue) You think this will push away libs and niggers, but it will push away potential allies as well. Maybe you want to push them away because they’re not wn enough, but that doesn’t seem like a winning strategy The reaction to the symbol will be the same whether it’s being marched around or on someone’s house, or on a website. If all you want is to make a small tight knit group then go for it, but if your goal is to influence the region you have to make yourselves approachable to white normies Why? Is the point to recreate the third Reich or to create a community of white nationalists?
Jack Clark
Reminder: >NWF promoters are gigantic larpers who have written multiple fanfics ala red dawn but this time with a swastika (except not really because that would be bad (((optics)))…) Don't fall for the (((NWF))) jew. Covington just wanted to make money off of gullible huwite nationalist types and the whole "move to one area, revolution eventually(?)" is the epitome of putting all your eggs in one basket. ZOG would just hammer out the territory with no risk to their own well being since all the huwite revolutionaries would be isolated from the lemming cattle populace.