Basically it means that no banks can charge interest or give interest which is the main income of banks .
You may ask why ? Because these kekes believe it's Haram and it should not be practiced at any cost
The banks have to survive on other commission / fees type charges and therefore they don't survive there
And now these fucking kekes also believe to not to take any insurance policies and policies which includes charging or gaining any interest . Also in some of the select industries
Also to note here is these banks would go at any cost to earn money by winning over these kekes
Do you know any of such bizarre concepts that no one or very few know of ?
Islamic banking !!!
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Don't post here ever again.
I knew about this but I doubt it's actually practiced or enforced
There is another one, there are no loans so no debt at all, or even money, and you just allocate what you have.
Please post here again
Is this how Syrian banking currently operates?
There is nothing Islamic about these ideas.
christianity christianity also out lawed usury; its where the muslims got the idea
Don't be retarded. Banks over 'halal' loans which are just lawyerly ways around the prohibition
Let us know about the jiziya rate you would be charging from us kafirs.
in Islam, usury is called Riba and the prohibition on all forms of Riba was so important that Muhammad pbuh wrote the very last page of the Holy Quran about the punishment for Riba.
the punishment for usury is the death penalty, no exceptions. the Islamic concept of Riba extends far beyond what we usually think of as usury, i.e. interest rates. Riba includes assigning monetary values to anything that is not a tangible hard asset, such as farming produce or land or physical objects.
the doctrine of Riba is one of the very few things Islam got right, and i still wish ISIS had been more successful because they would have been the only live lab experiment to show the world whether a non-usury based economy could in fact succeed.
I'm already an esoteric woman (Male presenting transgender lesbian), might as well become an esoteric Muslim (believes Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and hold no opinions on Muhammad the ginger).
modern islamic banks cheat the prohibition on riba
the Sauds being jews doesn't help
i have heard from someone in the know 50% of all account holders of these kind of accounts aren't even muslims.
Mohammed was illiterate. Every retarded thing he gibbered was plagerism from jews and humans. He stole the ban on usury from the Christian doctrine that was already 600+ years old by the time he was fucking children and running in womanly fear from dogs.
I believe that it was part of the last remaining nations that didn't have a centralized kike banking system…OP IS FULL OF SHIT BTW…if all 'islamic nations' have a Rothschild Central Bank they get their pound of flesh by controlling and devaluing THE ENTIRE NATIONS CURRENCY
nations without kike banks as of 2000:
North Korea.
Notice anything?
Not only was he illiterate and a pedophile but the people who WROTE THE KORAN were Pharisee Kikes…so islamics are sort of like the modern christians who ALSO had pharisee kikes who wrote down all their 'holy scriptures'.
Also, just because Iran doesn't have a ROTHSCHILD BANK doesn't mean that they don't charge interest. The owners are kikes as well, just pharisee kikes.
This is true. I have an account with the Islamic Bank of Thailand. The way their term deposits work is that they invest your money into businesses of industries of your choosing and then you receive profits (or losses) in relation to your money's share. This makes them a riskier option but also more profitable.
Yes there is.
It's called zakat, which you give 2.5% of your yearly income and property to "goodwill and social tax". Don't know how much "unbelievers" have to pay.
Neel Kashkari tried to make the U.S. Banking system sharia compliant
This is a niggeriffic thread.
Maybe read about it in the Zig Forums gets a PhD in islam thread. There's a section about it there.
Does that mean forcing the non-muslims to pay the kharaj and jizya?
You failed your trips son. (((ISIS))). Got it?
Looks at pic. All buildings suck. Bank super pristine.