No the answer is gossiping! We need to discuss the latest news headlines from Reddit! Whenever they create new leaders or Boogeymen for us, we need to let out a sigh of relief at how we won't need to get our hands dirty, and then we need to play our role. If we don't, then the people we disagree with won't hate us more and go further into their beliefs!
We focus on small people with zero say in anything experiencing fifteen minutes of fame, because those fifteen minutes should be going to us instead! While we gossip, somebody is starving, being raped, being murdered, being stolen from, being exploited , and our enemies are getting stronger! So we need to keep staring at a wall so evil people win!
Dont even know why I bother coming here. You are all just a different brand of authoritarianism , ignorance, and barbarism. A bunch of man children jacking off to other people having sex. Wouldn't you all save time just buying People magazine and getting the latest scoop there?
There are two groups in the US. Authoritarian Left Leaning people who OCCASIONALLY have empathy, but it's always conditional . The condition is they will help you if you are their slave. These people simply battle for economic supremecy with the Psychopath Right, and are what people call Neo cons. George Bush is a plantation owner , but he is with the Authoritarian Left. This is because there is no left and right. The US allows freedom, but under conditions. Again , you have to be a good uncle Tom to get slave plus privileges.
I would rather have George Bush as a leader than Hitler or SADAAM Hussein. This is not an endorsement, but is highlighting how psychopathic and useless everyone who aligns with opinion right is.
Through history and even today we see barbaric leaders. They rape, steal, loot, destroy economies, destroy environments, and it never phases them. All of these people are surrounded by this cult like atmosphere, and their leaders are viewed as gods. Their magic books talk about helping people and not killing, even about how you shouldn't be a narcissist, and still a Pope emerges and becomes "THE SUPREME MOST HUMBLIST KING OF REALITY BUT ITS IN GODS NAME SO ITS OK"
These people are literally barbarians. The other type of leader, the Obama, is evil too. However the difference is these people leave out very clear instructions for how anyone regardless of sex race gender orientation spirituality can fit into their system. They still use violence but as a last resort. Their condition is still, you are their slave. Another difference is if you are speaking on behalf of yourself, not in a way to attempt to control everyone , these people will actually attempt to hear out your concerns. They may not do anything but they will acknowledge your pain unlike the psychopath right you resorts to playground bully tactics.
I'll keep it simple for what the psychopath right agenda is. This includes every single trump supporter. They are the last stand for rape, theft, murder , exploitation of others, being an asshole, and essentially just breaking everything they don't understand or own , or taking it, like literal children.
At least the neo cons have explanations for their actions. Not endorsing them by any means, but their agenda is so clear that anyone can view the events of the world and go "Wow, they did this because this". When a mental patient throws a tantrum and starts punching everybody and throwing their piss everywhere , there is no explanation. When some holy right religious leader rapes a kid, there is no exploitation. They want power for sake of power . They get high hurting other people. Libtards/neocons just actually believe their bullshit and really think they are pushing for a fair world .
Maybe an invasion of the middle East was necessary to prevent a more barbaric enemy from gaining power. Do we really want these goat fucker schizos gaining any power? Greater Israel is obviously an even worse barbaric enemy , another group of literal schizos, but that can be fought with propaganda. Are you aware that there are literally these dudes called muslims that wwnt to kill you or make you worship a statue six times a day? Fuck them. Fuck Russia, half of Russia is those checyhan muslims. They are just another brand of asshole christian / jew so they have the same agenda. All these fags are in the psychopath right , and if anyone has to die it shouldn't be people pushing for a fair peaceful world, it should be the beasts who just want to destroy.