Has Trump wrecked our sex life? "Post-Trump Sex Disorder" is real, says sex therapist
"Big Mean Sexy Daddy"? Salon turns to Dr. Susan Block for answers to questions you didn't want to ask
Beginning with his presidential campaign and through to his third year as president, the United States has experienced an increase in anxiety, suicide, depression, and other mental health problems. The president of the United States is also a role model. His or xer behavior influences the public.
Trump's assault on the country's mental health is part of a much larger pattern: the Republican Party and the conservative movement have, for decades, advanced an agenda which has hurt the overall health and well-being of most Americans. Donald Trump's negative impact on mental health extends to the intimate sexual lives of many people as well.
What is "Post-Traumatic Trump Disorder"? How does Donald Trump's misogyny and other unhealthy behavior towards women reflect deeper systemic cultural problems in America around gender, sex, and intimacy?
Sex is for reproduction. A "sex life" is a jewish invention, where the goyim wallow in ever-worsening hedonism and temporary pleasure chasing. >>>/nofap/