Trump is really feeling the heat


He tweeted out this boomer tier cringe video and stickied it to the top of his twitter.
He knows he fucked over America by signing the Amnesty-No-Wall-Spending-Bill and what is worse is that he knows his base knows.
The cracks are starting to show Trump-Niggers. You can still join us and repent for supporting this crypto-kike.

Tweet Archive:

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (644x720 7.74 MB, 38.17K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Can you post a webm of the video in question?

Its the second file.

Attached: DSC3691.jpg (760x507, 328.2K)


Attached: 59207916_p2_master1200.jpg (1050x745, 271.93K)

The second file is an mp4. My browser doesnt support that shit.
I do hope your thread is useful to someone else though.

/PTG/ when?

than fucking download it you lazy fag.

this is some pretty weak kikery schlomo

At least we get to laugh at people like you while everything else goes to shit.

Attached: 4D Smug Faggot.jpeg (228x255, 10.54K)

By the way. Is that video real? Never seen something more cringe. I am glad i am not American.

it wouldn't stop faggot from making shitty repeat threads, but it would give a place to this clutter to

If I did that you wouldnt be motivated to do things properly next time.

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This place was kiked to utter shit.
We must start thinking of segragation.
8ch is can be kiked so can 4 we need more places to run away from these kikes.

I am 25% Jew BUT I AM 75% WHITE, I dont want to be a Jew.
We must convert the White Jews While we still can

not my thread and it is your problem you use lame browser anyway.

tfw want to get fit for the day of happening but have permanent spinal injury and it hurts to even shower, or sit, or walk, or lie down, or do nothing at all

Attached: th.jpg (320x320, 28.66K)

I just checked his twitter. Its real and its pinned to the top of his timeline.

Attached: 28cd11e8fe699c63695c5d1f481b00ad572a04f7671a0fae2440259945f07341.jpg (576x972, 118.37K)

and bring on (more) redditors from cuckchan

What I love about America, stupid people demonstrating it in public

Did someone say /ptg/ general?

Attached: make-america-great-again-awoo-9331162.png (900x900 10.95 KB, 429.37K)

Hopefully you slid one of the other 6 gorillian muh drumpf threads you welfare niggers polute Zig Forums with daily

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No, I did not. Fuck you for co-opting my post.

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don't tell me you haven't noticed the stark decline in posting quality

r/the_donald called out Trump so they're now BASED and somebody from here keeps shilling for them to come aboard.

We should drive the point in that he gave Israel 28 billion dollars.

Kill yourself

Good work user. People must be reminded
that Trump is not their "god emperor" and only meant to lead them to the slaughter house. A mistake like Trump must never be repeated. Memes must be used responsibly.

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Excellent work user! Drumpf is finished now, we should move to impeach ASAP so we can get a real enemy of Isreal in office like AOC or Ilhan Omar! Orange man literally rekt lmao.

Bump. You can't hide the ZOG emperor's failures.


whoever did that should be shot
we need a final solution to the reddit problem

but you can hide good threads with a flood of shit ones, like this one

America america wooo hooo
MAGA 2020 we will make Honduras, Venezuela and Guatemala to pay for the wall

that's even worse.

Jesus Fucking Christ. This guy is president of USA. I realy hope we live in simulation. Trump commit political suicide this week.

How can anyone not see twitter is rigged when some random surgeons post are the top 12 replies on his twitter.

Attached: Firefox_Screenshot_2019-02-16T20-42-36.515Z.png (617x450, 49.99K)

Cuckchan has the same thread, but they are excited about it. Remember, things can always get worse.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (178x223, 38.49K)

Oh yes, like how they're claiming that AOC's video is some top shared video.

By Clubbing a Key Geological piece of terretory in south America we will not only cut off the lifeline of Niggers from africa "Making the trek" we will cut off everybody else who wants to cause harm to American Whites.
Cut the enemy off at its roots and secure the border.
You should all not be asking each other, ASK D.TRUMP

Uh, wrong. Eugene Wu is one of the stunning and brave leaders of anti-Trump resistance of the oppressed American people, second only to Ron Perlman and the Krassenstein brothers. They risk their lives for freedom so trannies and mexicans don't go into concentration camps.

I don't see how things can be worse, cuckchan is copy pasting their fucking threads here.
The fuck is good about that?

You aren't white, Chaim, and you never will be.

People posting on 8ch could be dick-riding trump like they do on 4chan. Thats how it could be worse.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (690x699, 1014.76K)

So leave if you want to make it better.

yes he fucking is. If Adolf Hitler allowed mischlings in his gov't it's not a big deal

No, he isn't, and you probably aren't either. ALL Jews must fucking hang.

I dare say you btfo donny kerplunk

Make Pogroms Great Again.

We all know Adolf was too soft on jews. We will not make same mistake. There is only one solution of Jewish Question.

Yea, Hitler didn't have 80 years of holocaust propaganda to look back on when he was making his judgements about the jews. He was way too soft. One drop is too much.

Shills in this thread are so easy to spot.

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what are we going to do about the MQ?

I will Stay.
You will remain White.
If I had totalitarian control. I would Jews Exactly what I said here.
I am 25% Jew. You can Leave Judaism and be the Catalyst to the destruction of this… This reason we are here Mostly to apose war but to Finally end the Grip of the Jews who want to kill Whites.

I am the worst posible thing that can hapten to Jew supremacy. Picture millions of Jews who Identify as Whites rebeling against war.

Kill yourself

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All jews go in the chipper.

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Your loss

>>>Zig Forums

Nothing of value.

this would be parody if it werent so pathetic

This is one of the faggots that is always the first post on Trump's tweets. Its very much rigged. The other one is called "Krassenstein".

Attached: Krassenstein.jpg (1343x3902, 2M)

Only 22 more months buffalo queers ;)

Its afraid.
Its afraid that we realise the pretend controls us with toilet paper.
Yellow Vests
Donald Trump

Yes there will be a fight but There are whites who have initiatiated You and we dont give a shit about Your shitty Toilet paper money.


Dude looks like a Chinese agent to me

What are you winning?

Come on. You are 25% jew. Still you call yourself jew. This is your fucking problem and this is why we don't trust you. Fuck judaism and fuck all jews. If you was ally, you wouldn't call yourself jew but white. Only based jew i know was Frame Game. I would let him live but force him to vasectomy. And same rule for every jew. Man or woman. Or bullet to head on spot.

Get the fuck off our board. We support our president here.

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There are no Trumpcucks here except you.

Drown yourself in semen.
oh wait, you're already doing that with Trump

25% jew. it means I am exactly that.
25% Jew. You can push this upon Jew White blond haired girls who are not 95iq Semite Jew/Muslim.

I am 75% White and 25% Jew, Push this upon the Masses and the Shit will hit the fan

Drown yourself in semen
Remember to report Kampfy for ban evasion.

Attached: Rach.png (477x568, 514.59K)

He's literally spent close to a year doing nothing while President

Attached: Screenshot_20190216-152127_Twitter.jpg (1080x583, 169.23K)

I was making fun of the Turk, it's going to be 22 more months not 4 years. Not a chance in hell anymore lol

Kill yourself

Give it a rest, Chaim. Your tricks don't work here.

TBH, if he denied he was Jewish, race realists would call him a subversive kike for saying it's not real. There's no escape for a kike, as there shouldn't be.

I'm fine with enforcement of expulsion of Jews; Hitler was too soft (holobunga is a myth)

What are you talking about?

If you see yourself as jew, you are jew. It is not my fault your religion see jews as god chosen people who should rule everyone else.

This is the commander in chief of the greatest firepower in the world.
Mankind is suffering in clownhell for 1945.

6 gorrillion kikes still cant figure out why they cannot control whites…. Goddamn it Amir?…

Not a Trump shill here because I'm one of the few real national socialists left that still comes to Zig Forums, and who actually believes in it rather than just LARPing over aesthetics.
Anyway, ethos aside, there are 52 weeks in a year and 2 weekend days, so that's 104 weekend days in a year. Times 4, that's 416 weekend days. Even if you say that he's only been president for 3 years, it's 312 days.
That's almost a year, and more days than you listed. Everyone takes days off, these arguments are retarded and don't hit on the real issues like: What has Trump done to curb demographics?

you should close the oven door behind you when this is all said and done

Do you think God is punishing humanity for essentially ruining Germany and defeating Hitler?

Yes. What are your thoughts user?

You said em

No, He would be punishing humanity for letting the victory turn them to even more vanity instead of to less.

NSDAP Germany could have taken over the whole world, basically. That was prevented because NSDAP Germany was not perfect - but this imperfection does not mean it was not virtuous. Vanity is the reason things are shit; AKA what is virtue signaling? So, also, is saying one is righteous because they oppose a supposed greater evil… You can see the psycho left justify pedophiles by saying they're victims of 'Nazis' in prison.

God's doing or logical outcome of collective stupidity and foolishness. No difference. Because old Creator is the truth.

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Whites Created White Society.
Whites Must Be Nicer to this generation of White woman.
Whites Men Must come back down and leave the internet and Persue White Woman.
Asian woman MGTOW thing was just a Show, that we will simply replace feminism with Asians who do not care.
Whites Must Survive, Men must become Men.

Were they not righteous? At the very least, righteous to their race? I would say yes

Pick one.

You're not mossing anything.

White women today are worshipped as Goddesses - that's the problem. Their rights must be stripped away. Anything else is a half-measure.

Have you heard the rumors that Barron Trump claims his father has been molesting him?

Global report. Sage.

Wow, look at all those subhumans in government…no wonder nothing works anymore…

Fuck off you stupid shitskin piece of shit. We Europeans don't want to live like you niggers.

but what about the ethnic food?

Hello fellow Whites Trump is a Kike

Trump is a kike though.

I miss when the board was commie free

I know for a FACT this site is a dumping ground for the butthurt Richard Spencer fags and stormfront half-breeds.

All “Trump is a Jew” posts should be ignored.

All “Trump is a Jew puppet” posts should be ignored.

All “Trump wore this yarmulke” posts should be ignored.

All “Trump didn’t go 100% full 1488” posts should be ignored.

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