Josh Campbell is an embedded agent for the FBI/CIA/Deep State apparatus and CNN is guilty of sedition and lying to the American people.
The true ENEMIES OF THE PEOPLE are right in front of you.
Josh Campbell is an embedded agent for the FBI/CIA/Deep State apparatus and CNN is guilty of sedition and lying to the American people.
The true ENEMIES OF THE PEOPLE are right in front of you.
is he a law enforcement analyst?
or former FBI ?
How much is Kushner paying you?
Comey and Josh work together
are shills now calling real posters "jews" now? is that the tactic?
I asked how much Kushner is paying you. Tell me before i gas you (i'll gas you anyway)
no jews here, I can type GOD
you motherfuckers can't, it's your little secret… go on.. type it out… G-O-D.
You can't. You type "G-D" like good little moron jews.
can you type the word GOD?
yes or no? DO IT.
looks like I scared you away with that "type GOD" trick
Go suck a dick schlomo
are you done yet?
you still havent typed it out faggot
type it out you jew rat
I'll break you yid
Oy VEY Greenblatt's were among the Very FIRST American Stock!
there we have it, exposed like the jew rat that you are.
why are you kike fucks pushing the "Jared Kushner hacked the election" meme so badly? How scared are you rat fucks?
How long can i have you kvetching? Reminder that the holocaust is fake
lmao 'unfair partisan attacks'
fucking lol
No fucking way is that legit. Go home, Jussie, you're drunk.
You're retarded if you won't even consider its validity. It's unfalsifiable, as it originated from deleted/destroyed FBI archive files that were hosted by a site that recovered them. The FBI will never confirm nor deny them.
Go fuck yourself. Not only is that syntactically nothing like a document from the 1930s, it happens to hit almost every possible button. It's a hoax and you know it, kike.
They use the term Deep State to mask the real ID of the culprits.
pic related
The Enemy Within
No, I don't - if I believe it is a hoax, it makes no difference. The only kike is one who won't protect its possibility while other races (Jews particularly) protect the possibility of every document that advances white genocide.
The biggest of big brained big boys.
wow you have defeated the jews, they can't type GOD, wow, they are surely defeated
GodsGodsGodsgods ,crizling