i havent been here in awhile but there are more shills here than users, and they are REALLY recognizable, all using the same garbage 1990s tactics. admins and volunteers seem disinterested in fighting actual garbage and only delete posts which are outright porn. but that just means that board loses focus and becomes /b/ with fewer swastikas.
More like absolute state of Trump. If you belive this crypto kike, your problem. We have enough of his bullshit.
Evan Williams
Boards will be of no use in Natsoc colony.
Nolan Moore
Don't whine about zognald spam, counter it. They will follow you to any board and post the same shit, might as well stay here, learn to lurk more and use the catalog.
Dominic Collins
we have to protect israel
Levi Carter
To be honest I actually find we have more common ground with Communists (old school ones, not the poz cultural marxist faggots) than civnats/wignats. Duginism/Nazbol it is lads.
Isaiah Smith
Admin doesn't give half a fuck, mods hate trump too. Fuck off and never return, trumpnigger
Michael Fisher
Get it into your fucking cucked Migger brain, Trump fucked us, and himself. He has no way back from it, start coping better.
Isaiah Cooper
You mean as recognizable as this thread? To think, some people actually believe you kikes have high pattern recognition and cognitive capability.
Just 'hide' the OP's user. No one but trump cucks go on them and once they are hidden you never have to look at them again.
The more people 'hide' these CivNat OP's the fewer comments on them, the fewer reasons for them to make OP's here; as far as I am concerned it is probably bug faggots or someone making the OP's anyway; if they were White, they would know that no one gives a shit about the politicians that rule over us
That faggot boomer with the 000000 ID is one of the worst.
Tyler Cook
Remember to ignore ALL Trump threads, both pro and against. They are all used by Hasbara to slide good threads and keep goyim occupied with mainstream politics.
>(((user))) creates a slide thread bitching about other slide threads. You could have easily bitched about this in another thread, faggot.
Bentley Fisher
no u
Michael Bennett
seems like a smooth ride
whoa hoa hoa check m8. dubs of the centry right there boy
Blake Fisher
I think many people, even normies, are starting to get sick of this forced meme
Liam Cruz
Outnumbered 6 million to 1 and these kikes get BTFO. The more (((they))) kvetch and attempt to subvert the easier it is for lurkers to recognize (((their))) bullshit.
All those threads are legitimate about legitimate events. And thats why you don't link directly to them in the catalog. You are just upset someone used an image of Trump that looks silly.
Pills from shills! Pills from shills! On these hills the fiasco thrills! Without the shills who’d tilt at windmills? We need our shills for pills, so please do let them pay their bills! Thus behold the wills of, uh, anthills!
Blake Miller
I haven't said anything other than that user is a shill, and by definition, he IS a shill, in that he's shilling on behalf of a politician.
Guess what user. I made every single one of those posts. Guess what else? I am going to keep making anti-trump threads until hes out of office. You know why? Same reason I hate the jews, because hes a fucking liar and I don't being lied to.
I have a whole fucking folder full of funny trump faces and every time Trump steps out of line I am going to call him out on his lies and post one of them. You are powerless. Get fucked Trump nigger.
Justin Perez
This is the first post in this thread, that is not a shill. /tok/