15 minutes ago, Trump just confirmed that we are indeed building the wall. Now all the discord trannies need to fuck off back to where they came from.
Yes, the tweet is real.
15 minutes ago, Trump just confirmed that we are indeed building the wall. Now all the discord trannies need to fuck off back to where they came from.
Yes, the tweet is real.
Other urls found in this thread:
gettin real tired of this shit Jewboy. kike-free first post.
No he is NOT
2020 will be a massacre if there is no wall, fyi.
Is he? Or is it just going to be stopped by the courts?
15 minutes ago, Trump just confirmed that we are indeed building the wall. Now all the discord trannies need to fuck off back to where they came from.
Yes, the tweet is real.
OMG. He will actualy build wall this time. OMG. TRUST THE PLAN. Q predicted this. Tired of winning?
Looks like he built a tweet.
They'll never leave, too addicted to attention. Regardless, first kikefree post.
Hes been saying that for 3 years now and hasn't built a single inch though.
Underrated post
Fun fact: no wall.
Shill, love America or get out, our system is fucked but it's Our AMERICA KIKE
Can confirm that a tweet has been erected along the northern border of donald trump's twitter feed.
Good banter there from Barry
May I remind all of you that that scumbag Barrack Obama deported more people in his entire political career than this (((Civic Nationalist))). I remember the day he won the elections I reveled in excitement like a child. American "democracy" is the puppet of Zionist Jewry that occupies western democracy with its appendages like a huge octopus. Democracy is not our friend, anons, its out to get us.
Unironically the best thread on 8ch right now.
Good ass bait.
This. America's not perfect but it's pretty damn great.
fucking retard
"building the wall" - like it's some sort of 'trigger' for masses of whites who know that "wall" is 55 ft
they'll just suddenly believe it's the whole thing
sad thing is, they might
He's been saying that for 2 years
pics or it didn't happen
look at that hideous bell-pepper nose
voting for trump in 2020
you may have trashed the board but you have subverted no one
silent majority ftw
Not news.
Who cares. All your presidents serve jews. Trump serve Israel. Everyone else hates him. Except MAGAtards who are obviously braindead.
So much indirectly said in that post. You're not American, you don't belong here, and you're just here to attack Trump.
And? I'm 'American' and nothing he said is untrue.
The only thing I panic about is the fact that you idiots are so gullible.
If only these assholes had realized they could demoralize the entire alt-right with a simple spending bill. This is why the right is fucked. What was your plan 2025 when Kamela stats jamming through legislation? shit yourself?
Keep in mind that the zog shills are not trying to convince young Americans of anything, they're trying to convince boomers to stay asleep by inventing fairy tales about 'winning'.
i think its frowned upon for shills to out themselves in threads, and giving us insight into how infested this board is. and giving us hope that our fellow brothers dont actually believe your shit.
go back to discord and regroup xer-moshe
He said this two years ago.
Why aren't hashtags working?
All of our problems are now solved
I really don't give a fuck. I live in California and I know how bad it really is. You're living in lala land and underestimate your enemy.
How many Trump threads do we need in the catalog?
you seem to really give a fuck
and we have not under estimated our enemies.
thats why we have elected trump and are continually ripping your safe space apart.
The meme won't force itself. You need cucks and shills to keep the other plebs busy to distract from how the elites are jewing them.
If all American Presidents serve Jews, and Trump is the least pozzed of all of them, doesn't it make more sense to support him so we can move in that direction? Whether Sanders, Booker, Biden, or Harris is President, they're going to serve Jews.
None of you faggots are actually national socialists. If you knew Hitler's history you'd know he didn't get shit accomplished in just one year. And German government was much easier to take control of than the US government.
The fact that the overton window has suddenly started to shift to the right, and populism is rising, while it's been doing the opposite for the last several decades, means you are the ones with your heads up your ass. Trump is a spark, faggots. If you extinguish that spark, the window is going to move to the left faster and harder than you can imagine.
2020 is two choices, Trump or a democrat. And they've gone so far to the left that if they do win, it's going to take a fucking miracle to ever get the overton window this far right again.
But no, you dumb fucks and shills think that we should just throw all of that away because we didn't get a wall in two years?
Look at the end result of who benefits from Trump not winning in 2020 the most and ask yourself what kind of people are going to be the ones pushing for it.
Fuck off kampfy no one cares
Obama was way less pozzed than Trump, are you retarded?
Meanwhile in the EU…
barry "My Cock In Her"
reddit is the other tab
This is great shilling, JIDF
Jews are leaving the EU in record pace meanwhile Trumps approval among the jewish community has never been higher
right, don't give a fuck (lala land)
are you actually on the spectrum? voting for the 'least evil' is always good, but your support STOPS when they cuck - you don't keep persisting in delusion
you cucked, all of you MAGA shits cucked way hard by falling for 'for/against us'
that's not how you hold a person's feet to the fire. Fact is, too many of you dumb fucks take the placating bait and protect it, even it's obvious yid sucking.
you had 2017 and 2018 to do shit - and did nothing.
Israel is tens of billions of dollars richer and the Trump name is now known worldwide and is one of the most bankable assets in the world, I wouldn't call that "nothing"
I’m with ya. THIS board is full of more shills than users at this point. Only traitors and pussies give up and do nothing. Trump is our man for now and 2020 regardless of the heavy shilling in every thread. Go cry Jews and edgy cringefags
Ohh. So only American can have opinion on moust important president on Earth?
Look at how many shills I captured! Almost half the pasta on here.
What does that have to do with the price of Tea in China?
Your Non-Sequitur Flow Chart…
Muh Trumps Taxes
Muh Russia
Muh Orange Man Bad
Wow he tweeted. Fucking based. Wonder how many meters of fence we'll get.
And by me I mean you burgers because I get to watch this shitshow from my own pile of problems and frankly it's entertaining.
Can we get 90 day bans for niggers who make threads based on tweets?
you mean like iran and the palestinians?
High Five!
There are no rules. There is no moderation.
No, we won’t be voting for jew puppets.
Yeah this is absolutely disgusting, a disgrace.
right because you just vote for jews.
thats what jews in kikeland do.
No. He is not bad like Bush Jr. But he is worse than nigger king Obama.
Hitler made visible changes in 3 years. In 5 years Germans was proud and rich. Trump didn't kill Assad like Bibi want. Nothing more. Maybe few tweets about wall make you happy but i it is not enough for me.
Trump is spark by accident. It was fake spark but we belive it. Now it is obvious he is just fraud.
I wouldn't vote for Trump in 2020 if i was American. He is placebo for boomers and white kids. Just actor. His loyal to Israel, not to America. You are blind if you don't see it.
There's definitely moderation. I've seen it. They were clearing up that tranny spam last night, but the thread quality keeps getting worse and worse. Biggest problems are recycling news from years ago, the low effort "everyone I disagree with is a shill" threads, and the "omg someone tweeted something about something" threads.
Butthurt Schlomo?
STFU already Stormtard. What have you done besides serve the Jews?
What that even mean?
I did lot for Europe. Even if would do nothing for rest of my life it would be more than moust of you did.
Vote for him if you want. I don't try to change your mind. But he is badchoice. You will not get angry people on street with him. Except antifa.
It means you're a larping retard.
How i larping if i tell Trump sending money to Israel instead building a wall?
You can have an opinion, but just understand that it is worth a little less than a nigger turd because you are a jewish faggot with AIDS
couldn't you faggots please go back to reddit?
they're all stormfags calling you stormfags
if you don't LARP supporting Trump, then you're 'doing nothing but LARPing as an activist'
really interesting how they use buzzwords with no meaning, these retards
the kikes used to call people "stormweenies" because of stormfront in the same way they used to say "the j000s" to consensus break people on forums, the trumpcucks itt are using it with suffix "tard" since that is more en vogue
Wait til the election season starts again.
Yeah, dogmatic socialists belong on reddit with the other drones.
donald trump is a fraud and a coward
We all expected more from Trump. He is not our saviour. If someone don't like my opinion about him, fine. But you should't give him another 4 years of easy cashgrab for Israel. Better vote for someone who actualy hate white people enough to make them angry. You can't vote out from white genocide.
What are you even on about?
He's been confirming it for two years. So what? It's either done, or it's not. I was promised a minimum of 1,000 walls of solid wall. Not a couple hundred replacement miles of really tall fence + a few dozen useless new miles that will mildly inconvenience beaners by making them use a little more truck gas to find a gap in the border.
attaching "tard" to the end of things is also GLP forum culture. GLP is the conspiracy forum where you aren't really allowed to talk about conspiracies.
Yes, vote for anti White racists.
Stormtards are political genius
You mean like "cuck"
no i mean part of the culture of that forum going back to before there probably was even a was a 4 chan let alone an 8 chan
You know Trump don't give a fuck about us. So he will be there for another 4 years. Than what? Democrats will be even more angry. At best he actualy build few miles of wall and call it victory. But you are obviously desperate enough to take it as victory too.
Trump is placebo for white nationalist. Majority of us already given up on him.