The key to ending White genocide is to prove to the Jews that the Holocaust didn't happen as stated and that Whites truthfully pose no threat to them currently as well. The race-mixing propaganda and forced replacement migration is, to them, a reactionary defensive measure to ensure their own survival as a tribe. Any and all Natsoc MUST not be let out into the open until this goal is completed and accepted, for it sparks in Jews a life-and-death reaction in that they believe the Holocaust did indeed happen to the extent in which they were propagandized.
Anti-Shemitism displayed here and in other places on the internet is furthering White genocide in that so long as the Jew feels threatened, then they will continue to wipe out opposition they deem harmful to their survival as a people.
The unmatched power and control over the institutions in which Jews hold in the West isn't going to lessen. Perhaps White men can ensure their survival with a partnership, stressing that if they go, then so will the Jewish people. AI and automation will not save them from the other races who aren't so empathetic and altruistic. A power vacuum WILL form and the seeds of class struggle have already been sown.
Cognitive dissonance is real and one admitting to himself that they have been complicit in their own genocide would definitely spark it, so take a step back and assess the situation before just calling me a "kike". Whites aren't winning; time to change.