CNN, MSNBC To Air New Version Of Anti-Nazi Ad Fox News Rejected
Is why user.
Oh shit, I recognise those uniforms. Is that the German-American Bund? Are they going to show off the Madison Square Rally and connect it to fucking Trump or something, or with footage of skull-mask fash youth?
You can watch it in the link. To sum it all up.
The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.
Their puppet in the WH just signed an open border amnesty bill and every spending bill Israel is robbing us out of billions but they're running ads like they're the victim.
also H R 672 passed UNANIMOUSLY in the house and senate, and was signed into law by Trump over the shutdown… AIPAC has the entire government by the balls
I forgot I was living in '20s Germany.
Wrong, and you can't provide evidence to back that up, shill.
How does one forget he's living in weimar on steroids? I want some.
You poor thing. You tried.
Section 224(a) prohibits the deportation of anyone who is sponsoring an “unaccompanied” minor illegal alien – or who says they might sponsor a UAC, or lives in a household with a UAC, or a household that potentially might sponsor a UAC.
So… not amnesty or open borders.
This has already been addressed and debunked in a thread on here.
There is no debunking it dumbass. Reread it a few times.
Mobilize people to openly demonstrate support for National socialism. There is no propaganda that can win against the will of the people.
I'll probably vote for Bernie.
so no one is going to talk about the unanimously pushed "COMBATING EUROPEAN ANTI-SEMITISM BILL" i mentioned? this board is more compromised than i thought
…either that, or you all are retards who can get derailed by a breeze
Do it. It will work like Man in High Castle. Leftist will jerk off about ebil nadzees. Rest of whites will admire national socialism.
You derailed your own thread.
Provides you an actual on topic response that can lead to discussion and then because of your comments this happens:
No (you's) for the accused.
Yes it can, either through same faggotry or shill on shill homosex.
They can try to combat anti-semitism but in the long run they always lose.
Accelerationism works a-ok huh?
All NatSoc content, both for or against works in our favor as it brings awareness to the alternative to the march of tyranny.
lol schlomo
Yes, that's because you kikes never learn.
And I can't wait.