Iran And India Ally to Rape Pakistan

reminder pakis and poos have nukes
Pakistan Faces India-Iran Anger Over Fidayeen Attacks on Forces

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Someone post the anti Pajeet pasta

Just nuke each other already and do the world a favour. Nuke Israel and China while you're at it.

infographic dude needs to fix his shit.

Dirty bomb my friend.

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Someone tell me why the fucking pajeets do this. It's not a typo for them; this is actually how they measure numbers.

No, it's correct.

I wish Civilization Ghandi was real.

on what planet is this not considered eye-rape?

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I would attempt to figure it out if I knew what number they were going for. 200k or 2M?



Found it; it's 200k. They're fucking retards.

Just read it like they'd pronounce it.

Tbh I like Hinduism and would rather the dirty mudslimes eat it.

poo in it

No problem. New Pakistan is already growing in UK.

pajeets put commas at 10000 instead of 1000.

This board is compromised by Jared Kushner spread it around
Proofs of threads deleted

I don't want to have to settle for a white roastie, so I hope they don't do that.

I'd be surprised if this drama doesn't peter out with not much more happening. I think India's bluster is empy, again.

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No shit. The stupid ones always dance hardest

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Hopefully the Nukes will work as well as their new high speed Train…
Besides Pakistan and India hate each other, maybe they will nuke the Kyber Pass…

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And even then, chinks are the lowest of all the orientals you could lust after bar possibly south koreans. The girl you posted isn't even a chink, she's a jap. You couldn't even find a chink that's not disgusting looking enough to shill racemixing with.

Wow, it's nothing. Pakis and poos blowing each other would just result in about a billion less people in the world. No one else has any reason to get involved.

No, but fanning the flames help

The problem is we can't really predict what lies beyond a world in which nuclear warfare and the death of billions overnight is a thing that happens sometimes.

Right now, India is a breeding ground for the superviruses that could sweep the globe and kill billions in places that would effect us directly.

Could India and Pakistan being 404 Country Not Found be better than a pandemic? Possibly. But could it also set our agenda back or even normalize a more aggressive phase of white genocide? Probably. The risks are considerable and the rewards are uncertain.

The original aryans will join to send them… paking

Underground what is now Pakistan is the leftovers of Aryan civilization. The Islamic government of Pakistan consistently destroys ancient artifacts and sites, I hope all those browns glass each other, I can't believe anyone of my genetics thought they'd make decent slaves to fuck around with.

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Yes, a radioactive cloud surrounding the Northern Hemisphere, limited nuclear winter and those in Burma, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam would suffer serious nuclear fallout.

If both counties used their arsenals.

Fuck off and die you disgusting race-mixing trash. I hate you cunts so fucking much.

What this guy said.

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They're both poos. Matter of fact, pakis street shit even more than Indians.

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just israel thank you very much

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this is semi important actually, China is supporting Pakistan logistically against india and the us is halfheartedly backing india.

Who's going to launch these nukes though? Indians can barely grasp the concept of an electrical grid, and Pakistan is stuck in the camel age. Even if one smart poo (Khan) leads a team to build the bomb, does anyone think it'll actually work? Who maintains their systems? Do they have enough engineers that understand the entirety of the system. If they had to launch, how long would it take for them to ready a missile.

Both nations have a working nuclear arsenal. The really bad news is they are likely to be more 'dirty' meaning far more radiation.

No. Both nations claim to have a working arsenal. They tested them once, what makes you think they still work? Even the United States has to ask that question, "will the bombs still work?" since many of the systems still being used were developed in the 60s. Don't get me wrong, I hope to god they do work perfectly and wipe each other out, but it's asking a lot from people who cannot grasp modern plumbing.

For the local wildlife, but there aren't many whites in that region.

I meant after they are lit up.

So advance we are!

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RIP in peace birbs

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A billion retards there does more damage to the climate than cars built in the 70s. Fuck. Kill them already.

Do you not care about outbreeding depression and the future of your children?

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Nukes are great for wildlife. It kills off the majority of humans. All the nukes on earth couldn't nuke even a small fraction of the land of Pakistan. Nukes are only useful against cities.

Stop making hapa fucks you ricemixing fucks
t. Actual Hapa

Fucking hell the word Mohammed gets around a lot, for nearly everything!!!

China sold Pakis nuke tech.

Good thing the Pakis have some of the largest hives on the planet.

Necromunda wasn't just one of Games Workshop's best games, it also accurately predicted the future.

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Hapa-makers are fucking disgusting. All race mixers will die, no exception. And you post stupid fucking meme hoping to sway us.

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Daily reminder that Israel and India cooperate in rocket and nuclear missiles researches.

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Fuck this tech is SO FUCKING OLD and these apes are still struggling to figure it out even when the US hands it to them on a platter. Meanwhile the US can't have any energy production because radiation is SCARY! OMG. I fucking hate this world.

So are you telling me if we stop the Chosen from nuking Iran, we may live to see the Designated nuke Pakistan?

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If we don't breed Hapas, who will patrol our THOTS?

pakis are telling hospitals to prepare for war

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More 'refugees' from shitholes, just great…

no. no more.

borders needs to become actual borders, meaning trespassers are shot on sight.

Right hand one is best cos shes got the white nose.

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You will.

Its not a highspeed train. Its slightly faster than their shitty overloaded WW1 era trains. Pajeets just call it highsped because they are butthurt everyone around them is building real highspeed trains.

Its runs at max 80mph. Thats barely higher than every fucking tram in Europe or a fucking Twingo and most people drive with their car on highways.

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*and slower than a Twingo