Vote Patrick Little in 2020!
Stop the Elite Globalists! Stop the thieves and cowards who steal and lie from the shadows!
Make America Truly Great!
P LIT 2020
Vote Patrick Little in 2020!
Stop the Elite Globalists! Stop the thieves and cowards who steal and lie from the shadows!
Make America Truly Great!
P LIT 2020
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Pat is the man.
And that photo doesn't scream glownigger to you? I am interested in Mr. Little for my own specific agenda, but common Zig Forums that is a glownig if I ever saw one.
Pay for an ad if you're going to shill.
fuck off moarpheus, dumbfuck shitskin
Patrick Little 2020.
Glowniggers arn't allowed to name the jew so I doubt it.
Also Trump has been a glownigger since atleast the 1980s, I didn't see anyone calling out that obvious fact.
Fuck off moshe.
I wish Patrick the best of luck in trying to primary Trump in 2020 for the GOP nomination
Who are you voting for in 2020 then?
Racial-jew-pretending-to-be-natsoc #445 runs a phony campaign he knows he will never win by inherent design.
It was made for shock value so people visit his site and become redpilled.
Okay, so you aren't voting. Why throw your only voice away?
As you can see, there is a certain segment of people who seem to not only dislike this guy, but hate this guy. You can probably guess why.
This was more in reaction to the Trump shill thread, but thinking about it now, for every Trump thread, I might just post a Little thread…
Rockwell and the ANP always did all kinds of stunts.
I like Patrick Little, but it's sad to see him cucking as hard as he is for Kike Enuch.
Even if you don't support voting, voting for a guy who explicitly names the Jew helps normalize our views to the public. In my congressional district, an unashamed and open national socialist ran for the seat and got over 24,000 votes.
This board is controlled by Jared Kushner
They deleted two threads last night from a Trump insider naming the Jews in the White House
If you believe that voting is just another opinion poll and the voting machine algos choose the winner anyway, you just need to get his name and views out there at the very least.
Change the conversation to what really matters, shift the overton window, and wake up America!
Kill Yourself kike if he was they'd be pushing him and not silencing him you retarded Heeb
That's an obvious LARP
We know Enoch is a kike fed, but Little can't get any platform to hear him. So he has to try and work with Enoch to get the listeners. A lot of the TRS guys over there are okay people. It's a shame Enoch is such a literal fucking kike.
The moar you guys shill against Moarpheus the more interested in meeting him I am…even if he is not a European (and not on Zig Forums any longer) I am quite curious why you all think I am him. Thank god you don't know my name or you faggots would run around accusing every stranger who displayed THE SLIGHTEST BIT OF COMMON SENSE as 'being me'. Anonymity has its rewards.
Several anons with WH clearance info including a Zig Forums mod confirmed what he said to be accurate with a series of questions. Show proof it's a LARP or I know it's you codemonkey, you Asian homosexual
PL threads get spammed to shit. I'm actually surprised they put so much effort to shill against him considering he doesn't have much of a chance in a country as philo-simetic as the USA.
I'm guessing they're mostly afraid of his videos going viral.
Did you also think Q was legit?
Agreed completely
Patrick called Mike a Jew in a recent live stream. Want a link?
Hey WTF man did the Bolsheviks really outlaw traditional marriage and whore out Christian wives like he said in the first two minutes? Does any astute user have a book or something that can confirm or deny this?
this guy
I think you meant to respond to this post
I have studied a lot of Soviet history, and the early Soviet days under Lenin were kiked and degenerate to the max. It sounds completely believable and makes a lot of sense. If Jews run the country completely, why wouldn't they exploit the women?
Did I tell you that I was interested in him for my own purposes or not? I am interested in him. I think he is a FLAMING FUCKING HOMOSEXUAL like this guy (pict; his friend and also ivy league GLOWFUCKINGNIGGER) also his yachting San Francisco FAGGOT LIKE lifestyle hasn't encouraged my confidence. I have to say that the only FUCKING THING I like about him is his Germanic roots (which he traded in for a name that seemed more American; how quaintly KIKE LIKE to be ashamed of your German roots) and his connection with certain people out of the Russian government, which is kept secret from you faggots who worship the feet of any fucking passer buyer without bothering to get to know them or their history at all.
Ok Zig Forums lets put 2 and 2 together, ivy league, lives on a yacht in SF, has friends like Sol Invictus, and is a rising star in the Alt-Kike scene?
All together now…? Who is he? And I am not even sharing 1/4 of the stuff I know about him, which you should have all known as well if you did your due diligence on the man…none of this is hidden or beyond your understanding.
I read those threads and he got a few of the Zig Forums guy's questions right (except the subway/mcdonalds one which is odd) which made me think he was on the level but some things like trump being 1/4 jewish and aliens ending humanity every 10,000 years made me think it was mostly larping.
But everything else he was going on about sounded right on the money.
I know quite a bit about Moarpheus…when I said I was curious to 'meet him', I didn't mean that I hadn't looked into who he was…but thanks :)
Yeah but if you've studied a lot of Soviet history and can neither confirm or deny this then where is he getting his source from? I'm genuinely curious. I need to know.
If Pat made the statement, then go ask him.
If Pat made the statement, then go ask him.
I think this is a bot.
Responds to the wrong post, then copy pasts my other post…
There are only two possibilities here: One is that the Q team has moved their target and algorithm to raid Zig Forums (the highest probability) and is worse 'fishing for autists'/entrapment.
Does he seem 'legitimate' to me? No. He seems like a LARP actually RUN BY THE KUSHNERITES.
It's a bit concerning that these aren't https sites.
That was fast Moarpheus.
While he is here, Morpheus' Parick Little expose' he put on his faggot wordpress completely discredited anything Moarpheus says for me. It is what made me realize he has an agenda against Little.
Looking at it from an unbiased perspective:
I looked into it and Moarpheus checked Patrick Little's domain registry and saw it was registered to Pat's old Florida number. But Pat Little no longer lives in Florida. The number now belongs to a Westley D. Parker. Wesley D. Parker is listed on a public search engine as being related to a Wesley R. Parker.
But public data aggregating sites do this. Often if a person has more than one middle or surname they will be shown as relatives. (i.e. Jim Acosta is listed as being related to Abilo Acosta and Abilo James. Yet they are all the same person. He has multiple names he used interchangeably when purchasing different properties and opening lines of credit.)
A search of Wesley R. Parker brings you to more than one completely different person with the same name, one of them, picked out of a hat is some fat jew looking kid with a marijuana charge and a Jew looking neck beard.
Thus Moarpheus believed the kid was Jewish, and had some kind of relation to Pat. Even though Parker is an English name and he is not even listed as a relative or associate to him.
That is the only info Moarpheus had. He did what you arent supposed to do; Tried to force the dox fit, and wound up with a mess. He didn't follow breadcrumbs he just made them up as he went along. Thats like someone saying "It walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, acts like a duck, but has white spots- ergo it's a cow."
That was his big AH HA moment. All he did was connect dots incorrectly, until he wound up researching in a circle, which is exactly what happens when you drop a sloppy dox. Except generally good doxers make sure they have the correct information. He thought he exposed Pat for being connected to kikes when in reality Moarpheus only exposed that he has an agenda which he let's it seep into his research.
Honest mistake? Or subversive D&C.. up to you to be the judge.
Call me a bit all you'd like. Would a bot tell you that AI is likely to be the downfall of humanity and that they would inevitably kill off humans as a preemptive measure to save the planet from nigger overpopulation?
All (neo-)fascists and (neo-)nazis are literally gay jews, that's a trait Miles Mathis has noticed for some time now (not that I'd exactly trust Mathis, but you know).
He kept saying Kushner controlled Trump and by extension the rest of the administration, which as possible as it seems, I'm not sure if I buy it. It sounds like something an israeli larper would wish were true.
And if it is true, then that means people like Pat Little are more important than ever.
TORFaggot, I told you I was interested in Little. But not because I am going to be his butt buddy cheerleader for free (like some people), I know who he is and I am interested in his connections and watching them pull strings for him behind the scenes. I want to have a realistic grasp of both the strengths and weaknesses of a candidate so that I know when to abandon them for something better. There is no loyalty among the parasitic class, and you are nothing but a goddamn retarded sheep waiting to be eaten if you sell yourself and your people into half nigger hands without investigating and then LOOKING OUT FOR YOUR OWN INTERESTS FIRST.
He apologized on Goy Talk, saying he was being "gaslit", even though the the pro-Enoch arguments - "don't trust your lying ears, goyim" and "we were always fine with people having jew wives" - are textbook gaslighting.
On the following show, one of the hosts sounded like he was going to break out into tears being reminded of the horrible things Patrick had said in the past about Enoch and other "good people".
Pat has his purpose. But he is only a weapon in other invested hands. Do you know whose hands? You should because your life might depend on it.
I would also like to meet that glownigger someday as well. I find the name Patrick Little ironic from an occult perspective (they say history repeats itself). Boy does it.
Yep, anytime I see a lot of homos I know that CIA is 'in the house'…it is completely repulsive honestly. I don't understand the fascination with anal sex among the pedo/homo/kikes.
I didn't know he said this. Do you have a timestamp? I don't doubt you, I just am at work and can't listen to the whole thing
Where is this royal breed today?
They don't seem to exist anylonger…they are too busy taking it up the ass participating in their own 'yellow vest' genocide to the laughter of the kikes.
"This royal throne of kings, this scepter'd isle,
This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars,
This other Eden, demi-paradise,
This fortress built by Nature for herself
Against infection and the hand of war,
This happy breed of men, this little world,
This precious stone set in the silver sea,
Which serves it in the office of a wall,
Or as a moat defensive to a house,
Against the envy of less happier lands,"
Are there any Europeans left on this goddamn planet? How many of you would burn a tranny clinic to the ground? After all, they are just mutilating and torturing people inside there… it's all good!
Are you that cheaply bought, that this Kardashian style kike politics is sufficient for you?
Are you a fan of Nick Fuentes?
Kek, The Gay Station :)
Does it relate to Malcolm Little or is there something else about the name? And is Little meant to be insulting?
Around 2:58:00. Not sure if he says Enoch by name, but he alludes to it.
Listening to where he's coming from, it does kind of make sense. It seems like he's throwing the baby out with the bathwater and putting the accusations against real subversives (like Enoch) in the same category as the "everybody's a shill" autism.
Truly BASED and REDPILLED action would be to post on Zig Forums and hope calling people niggers saves the west.
I almost wanted to make mention of hoping getting repeating digits will solve issues, but this board has lost all favor with the old gods and all its power with it.
I'm aware of him but have never listened to his stuff.
Not sure what you mean but the name makes sense to me in that "He's for the little guy"
I really want to know why he did that. Maybe he hopes Enoch will give him exposure to more people, but idk
If you listen to that starting at 2hr58min he explains his thinking, which is kind of understandable. Just goes to show you that the kind of autism put out there by people like Moarpheus ultimately results in actual kikes and shills being accepted.
Why invent elaborate conspiracies about Spencer being a crypto-jew and working for Dugin, when you have people like pic related giving the keynote speech a NPI 2015?
A 20 yo Hispanic. NEVER. Why don't you come out and back horse face ghetto mongrel Ocasio Psycortez who wants open borders for the entire USA?
Could we PLEEEEAZE get an ACTUAL European (I know it is asking a lot but maybe the hight of European DNA, a German, and not a muslim crypto kike spic) half nigger?
I don't require 'the masses' to enact my plans, Zig Forums…and unlike you, I am actively working on them every day. I haven't had a day off in well over a month and a half, except for the last two days…sun up to sundown I work on my own plan to save the European people. Tomorrow, I go back to work and I will work sun up to sun down, trying to save your ungrateful fucking asses and bring you into an era of peace and prosperity…the Fourth Reich, an everlasting government of goodness. So neener neener neener…that is 'doing more for Zig Forums' than holding up a sign. If only there were more people as dedicated to Europeans as I am the world would be straightened out quickly.
That quote, Jesus fucking Christ. Even if the Holocaust happened, they still deserved it and need a final one
Kill yourself morphaus.
The BIG fear the little
Another ZOG stooge of likely Jewish origin.
It is a Roman joke from a couple thousand years ago. I don't really want to sway people's opinion with that one…lets just say that one 'little' change means a lot in terms of the outcome of this 'round' of history and is the primary reason I keep an eye on him and watch what he and his sponsors are up to.
Oh fuck off. The Gas Station is right now one of the only non-kiked non-shill infiltrated outlets for our views and discussion.You yourself keep whining about muh glownigger boogeyman and then when an outlet free of it presents itself you drag its name through the mud.
He did some AMA thread and said he was going into politics without fearing for his life and after the synagogue shooting he was so concerned about the "target on his back" that he did not defend what he said at all and instead joined his opponents in condemning the people he was trying to get to support him.
A leader should not turn his back on his own words and should have defended his own actions. I don't know if he is legitimate or not but I do know that he is no leader.
I regret voting for this cringey piece of shit. Never falling for such a puerile psyop again.
"A leader can never openly change his mind on anything as a response to new circumstances"
Pretty much any political movement that isn't Demogoy or Republicuck is immediately blasted with informant shills who snoop around and blend in with the unhinged types, that's why you have to respect the ones who actually manage to not become controlled opposition or circus acts. I can understand his thinking because he really is surrounded by shills most of the time probably.
he should run in 2024. running in 2020 would be wasted effort
Yes, a spy could find out what's on his site.
You kikes…such kidders. Not Moarpheus…I have to wonder if it bothers you that there is moar than one of us out here in the world. lel
e-celebs…totally organic and where it is at in politics nowadays…you should go back to binge-watching and give up Zig Forums
Yeah, honestly his predecessor was the same way…sort of spineless. I thought maybe he would grow out of his faggotry but it may be too deeply ingrained in him. He is NOT NOBILITY in any way since NOBILITY doesn't apologize it just puts its shoulder into it and struggles forward with its burden. Essentially I judged him a materialist (without any sense of Virtue or higher reasoning) and not a serious contender. But I am watching him still for entertainment and to see what he does.
wait for Hitler
That isn't even the worst thing Faye has said, just the most damning in that he admits that there as been pro-jew/anti-revisionist at the "highest levels of certain nationalist movements".
And then Spencer makes a huge deal about him being the keynote speaker at NPI 2015, where nobody, not even KMac, named the jew…
He rescinded his condemnation of Bowers and was banned from Gabbai from it.
for it.
Ironybro cancer needs to die. Kill yourself kike.
user, Leaders are guided by HIGHER PRINCIPLES, these are things that you cannot 'change your mind about'…they don't have materialist mentality or the ability to flipflop because there is no 'change in ethics' once they are established. People who are true leaders do not operate at the same level you are referencing, life is not a kike 'production' or stylish opera for entertainment. They are bound by higher, immovable principles, not the stylish fuckery of the kike 'politics'. There is nothing to 'change' in a true leaders mind.
Trump needs to be challenged. He betrayed his base on all of his promises
That is a strange way to spell 'hung for treason'
So what is it exactly that you do for our cause if it isn't promoting something or other publically? Sorry if I attacked too strongly earlier.
And are you the fed from yesterday again?
Nothing of the sort, simply an isolated and interested party who watches people and politics. I collect and analyze data.
PL makes us look bad since he uses lies. The statistics he brings up about precivil war slave ownership rates are not backed up by facts. If PL sees something in a book he automatically believes it's true.
Prove it, kike.
he's been reading a lot since I last saw him.
This is why you should lurk two years. Little wouldn't have said it otherwise. Go read a book nigger. Not going along with the bolshevik cucking deviancy would cost you your life.
Not him, but
Either all statistics are faked to some degree or literally no one cares about objective truth anymore but only that which agrees with the agenda they're pushing.
Virtually everyone in America thinks slavers were all white non-jewish people who went chasing africans in the bush, so I don't see the issue in reciting statistics from actual books that suggest otherwise, which is actually closer to the truth in any case.
Now that I didn't know, but does it really matter after the damage is done? Mainstream media uses that tactic all the time, on purpose. It's hard to forgive when you see examples like Trump signing off on limiting border protection and releasing child traffickers when he was elected to do the opposite.
The longstanding effects of that shooting caused some tranny in California to get shot and called nazi by synagogue security recently. I would be interested if PL has said some reaction to it, I haven't been keeping up with him.
Yes, absolutely. It's mentioned and cited in Europa: The Last Battle, and even (((RationalWiki))) admits it.
Shut the fuck up Jamal.
Who do we vote for, shlomo?
Little 2020
Everybody get on the train!!!