I am looking to get myself educated in chemistry , don't want to pay 50 grand per year for (((university))) so that Moshe Goldmansteinowtizsky can lecture me about the beauties of communism and the evils of the white race so can any knowledgeable normie here propose books I as a virtual newbie can read in order to get a hang of the most absolute basic dogmas of the science ,after which more complicated material to build on top of a well carved foundation? Thanks before hand.
Request for my fellow Zig Forums bros
Other urls found in this thread:
"Chemistry" eh? ;-)
Here ya go lad.
College is not all that bad. It radicalizes you and it is because of college that I gradually learned to hate leftists and jews.
It is also where I met people who I know hate them as much as I do.
Its not just that friend, I don't have 3 years to waste.
Thank you!
Before I go to the library I need to know what I am looking for.
You are not as smart as you think you are Sarg'n.
Agreed. It's also kind of a waste of money tbh.
Far better to educate yourself.
Thanks for the meme, here some for you!
Could still look at a curriculum of a University and then look at the books they use. Of couse, if you're looking for dangerous things, asking is probably better. However, if one went the standard route, one would probably learn how to do those things anyways in the end.
Going to dump a bunch of minecraft chemisty guides and other PDFs in this thread.
You're beyond helping.
That escalated quickly.
I'm not doing this to cook up explosives if thats what youre hinting at. The reason why I asked Zig Forums is because most sciences have been kiked, obviously chemistry does not have great societal implications so it has been sphared by the kikes but I still do not know to what extent it is empirical and to what extent fictional jewish theories are accepted as fact thats why I look for educated Zig Forumsacks to make sure I dont bump into some politicised jew pseudo-science, chemistry's equivalent of organic matter evolves to suit it's enviroments needs for survival but all human races are the same.
repost these guides in the "serious thread"
Fuck off nigger, go to the library or jewgle a fucking chemistry book.
Youre not a National Socialist.
Khan academy and Coursera have university-style courses in just about everything.
Downside to learning online is that universities have access to equipment, materials, and chemicals that probably won't be as easy to get on your own.
Isnt the Khan academy hipster?!
Also, if you're looking to get a job in chemical engineering or something they might not let you without a degree.
Don't know. The courses seem good, if a bit slow. You can check'em yourself.
A resource
Pretty help full links going to bump
This thread is clearly a US Feds honeypot.
nah its just Zig Forums and /wrol/
Requesting similar content for biology
I absolutely recommend community college.
Was totally free for me. They put the real pozzing energy at State University.
OP While you are waiting to decide about getting educated in chemistry, get Gerard Judd's Chemistry Its Uses in Everyday Life. This guy wrote a manual for self education in chemisty for those of us who cannot go to school. Taught chemistry for 30 years. My copy was self published by Judd in 1997 and he was old back then.
the hell is this, all I'm finding on DDG is teeth articles
For books use libgen.io. For publications sci-hub.
Yeah, there's been lots of that as of late. I'm curious as to if I get in trouble just for replying to these threads, or if I have to, in this case, know anything about chemistry. I suppose it's sufficient to only claim expert knowlege and not actually provide OP with any information. Though their efforts seem very counterproductive all the while someone is actually distributing bomb manuals in this thread.
/r/equesting info on how to build atomic bombs ( asking for a korean friend )
Gerard Judd's Chemistry Its Uses in Everyday Life
I can't find this anywhere. You may one of the few copies. I know it's a pain but it would be nice if you made a copy. Even photos with a digital camera would be better than nothing.
It would be nice if we could get a copy of that as well. thx
I really enjoy Sal. I only use it as a supplement to my learning IRL though. Chemistry and Biology are a 'language' unto themselves and you need someone to 'speak them to you regularly' if you are going to learn to communicate and grasp the concepts. If you have class a couple hours a week, it is just not enough. It is better to have a couple hours a day of listening/learning if you want to absorb the material. I didn't do this as much and I was very disappointed that my first test was a 98% since there is NO ROOM FOR ERROR in what I am interested in. By inundating myself with Biology and Chemistry using things like Khan Academy I was able to pick up the next exam and got 100%…so that leaves me with a 99% because I wasn't as serious as I needed to be on the first exam (no way to fix that now) but in the future I will continue my technique and striving for perfection.
Nietzsche meme: funny. I am struggling with Nihilism as well but it has only brought out the more positive aspects of understanding in me. Far from causing me to crash and burn into depression or become destructive (to my own; subhumans don't count since they are parasites) it is causing me to consider the creation principle at its core level. Nihilo means nothing, the root of Nihilism; but far from thinking that this 'nothing' is something destructive I think of it as a place where things that are completely new on Earth can be realized. When you don't believe in the old chains, the new Age and civilization are waiting to be built…beckoning you forwards to come and construct something beautiful and beyond the imagination of all mankind in its current state. Nihilism is not something to be feared (mankind spends too much time 'fearing') it is the beginning of something new and wonderful. This is one of the problems with mankind's understanding now…that to think a new thought it almost impossible under any circumstances due to the horrific constraints that are saddled on all of us from inception. Nihilism means letting go of that and looking towards the NEW FUTURE. The 'body' has rigor mortis, it is not coming back alive anytime soon, let us look to our new civilization and to OUR PLANET.
Nihilism could only be 'morally wrong' when there was something left to salvage.
Cold War era chemistry experiment book for kids, some out-dated info (like thinking touching mercury is a good idea) but generally more comprehensive than any modern home chemistry book written for that level of difficulty:
Beauty user. Thank you to all the people who have contributed resources here and taken the time to share.