
In Weimar Germany, there were several societies, political and social clubs, that specialised in Nationalistic, Volkisch and Racial ideas. Many of you may be accustomed to the Thule Society, in which members included Anton Drexler, the original founder and chairman of the (NS)DAP, Rudolf Hess, Deputy Fuhrer of the NSDAP and Gottfried Feder, the NSDAP's economist. This organization founded the basis for National Socialist ideology, without it, Hitler would have not been drawn to the original DAP and thus the foundation of the ideology.

With the extreme division amongst nationalists and the way to go, perhaps Occultist, Racial and Volkisch societies like Thule is the way to go? Sure, we can continue to be members and supporters of already established organisations, but through like-minded brainstorms and conversations, we can create that 21st Century National Socialism that will unite intellectuals and the common people for the future?

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Secret societies are a great idea. A racist nationalist doctrineless (nonpozzed) version of the freemasons would be awesome and I'd join in a heartbeat.

watch out for spooks and other infiltrators

It was more of a Study Group, the Thule Societies slogan was "Study Group for Germanic Antiquity".

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Exactly. Broederbond ended up essentially ruling South Africa for many decades. They still exist, but their power has greatly diminished.

Thule society was a shining example of the occult in practice and pagan. They had a distinct and wide influence on ancient history and the secrecy of knowledge.

Destroyed and subverted by Jews after the war.

Think about it, we are in dire need of a new breed of intellectual thinkers. We have plenty of followers, but now we need LEADERS and IDEOLOGUES for people to strive toward. These intellectual mindstorm societies breed those things.

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Order of the Black Sun would be a cool ass name

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Would this organisation be international with "chapters" or would we have different societies for each nation?

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That's the only way. Create an occult society full of capable IQ120+ people who are well educated in certain matters, and have them infiltrate every other society. There is a reason why secret societies have ruled the world since the dawn of history. Our war is a metaphysical one as much as it is a material one. I'm all for creating a sort of Neo-Thule society or reviving the genuine Templars (not the existing groups controlled by Zionists, Jesuits and British services, their old adversaries)

Masonry actually has potential to be unpozzed. Basically, if you taught Freemasons the actual Masonry (instead of the poz that kikes are selling to them today), they would become NS instantly (except for the various nonwhite "brothers" lel) Hell, even they would appreciate it from impersonal perspective if sufficiently advanced (which is very unlikely, but might happen).

Mormons are another group that I find highly interesting, I even think that some of their religious doctrines hint at the NS politics and religious views of the NSDAP leadership.

How about SS-Kalki? The final legion.

As decentralized as possible, with ideological gestalt rather than easily identifiable leaders (initially at least). Have in mind that in most nations it would be either made illegal, or attacked from every possible angle.

But thats the problem, you see. How would we recruit?

How did you get recruited?

Personal connections, doxxing and vetting. If a person has as much as whiff of glowniggery or kikery to him, it's a no.

Order of the Black Sun.
I agree we need our own new-age society.

Makes sense, doesn't it? We literally live in Weimar 2.0 so let us treat it like Weimar.

The Thule Society was a little more open, they way I would do it is disguise it in such a way that only Fascists would understand its symbolism etc.

Personally go speak to all people we decide are actually alligned. Every mind with us is a mind without them.
Mass awakening has to be proceeded successfully.

Yes! This is what we are going to build.
We are past the stage of Political Solutions, and Accelerationism is for the Defeatist. We are Creators, and we will create something Great, and something new.

This will be the fulfillment of Volksgemeinschaft , the Aryan return to the land in the form of Mutual Aid communities online and offline.

We can start this movement online, by creating our own Tech Platforms, and by structuring the online platforms as Aryan Owned Co-Op's . We can also create our own form of Crypto currency, so as to replace the Ponzi scheme that is our modern currency system.

Once we have built several profitable online organizations, we can use a portion of the proceeds to build new Volk Communities, which will act as the foundation of our future Balkanization efforts.

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Hmm, well I've always been in favour of a more anti-materialist life style where money is the least of ones concern. But thats the great thing about this idea, we can discuss these matters and establish common ground.

There are many potential followers, but how can we give them peace of mind to know that they will not be Doxxed or placed in other potential harm?

As I see it, we might be wise to have various layers of abstraction in the groups.

The First layer might be a "Learn To Code" weekly meet-up, which invites all types of people, and which has a few recruiters looking to find our guys.Once one of our guys has been identified, he can be invited to higher up Meet Ups.

It is important that all that we do is Legal, and free from Illegal activities. We should be in the business of Building up our people, through productive creation and labor.

Perhaps also it can not only be an Intellectual club, but also a group dedicated to self improvement. Like a /sig/ meet up.

Yes, that's right. I've thought that we can have a rotation of meet up types. One week we have a coding camp, the next week a SIG discussion, or outdoor / sports type activity , another week we might have a Spiritual meet up to discuss comparative philosophy.. All in all it is an active group that has a decent sized group meet up regularly.

Whatever gets people motivated to make it to the meet up is Key.

One reason that I like the Coding meet up is that it can offer a way out for many people stuck in dead end jobs. The meet up group can have a Project that they are building each week, and when it is launched it can provide a small income or side money for the group members. So people can learn new skills, build new networks, and build something for their family, and future all at the same time

You Nazi fags are too scared to meet for coffee at a diner.

You libertarians are too cowardly to stop jacking off to loli.

Well I am not a Fag and I don't look at loli's or Jack off.

Where does that leave me?

I agree that we need to escape from the Mammonist world that we now live in. In our modern world, Money is the Ends and the Means, people are judged by their material success or failure, and status is generally assigned by size of bank account.

In our new Aryan societies, Money should be viewed exclusively as a Means to the higher end of protection and unification of the Aryan people. Status should be achieved through Effort towards the protection of our people, and Production for the same.

For these reasons I support a Co-Op solution to supplement Capitalism. Capitalism is all about Me,Me,Mine,My.. but our new economic model should be We,Ours, and Our.

Creators and Inventors should still be rewarded for their creation, but those who help them build should also own a share of the means of Production.

This model is best for the Aryan, and it is also necessary to defend from the coming AI-Jobocalypse

what a newfag