Trump Calls out the Media!


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Can we just have a Trump general? This is spam.

Trump is a cuck, buy stirring up hatred for the media is always a good thing. Hitler knew that and did it well.

How's those libel laws coming, opened up yet?

This. Fuck Trump also

Holler at us when he actually does something (like those libel laws)

JIDF on red alert

cuckchan pol proved that thread generals don't work, it's just an excuse to have a 24 hour rolling advertisement for shills to constantly bump in addition to all the other spam they post

I might have given a shit if he wasn't our enemy with more power than them. He chose to fuck us, crying at the JP isn't going to fool anyone but the most basic Migger.

Hello CNN.

Shills on suicide watch.


Just like bumpstocks?

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It's pretty much him trying to divert attention away from him signing the shit-filled spending bill, since him crying about it being so unconstitutional didn't work because he already fucking signed it.

Why are you on alert JIDF?

Is this fat fuck ever going to do something that doesn't involve him blaming somebody else for his lack of action? The media is his greatest weapon, but he didn't use them to fuck over Pelosi's amnesty bill.
Ordinary Democrats DO NOT WANT amnesty, he had the election in the palm of his hands, proof of both parties open border collusion. What does he do, NOTHING. HE DID FUCKING NOTHING. Utter scum


Low IQ faggot detected.

Youre gonna be on suicide watch when Kushner cancels Alamo/Prosper funding

What kind of a jackass does not read things he signs. This guy was a bussinessman???

The (((media))) is the enemy of the people!
**Anyone have the graphic with Elon Musk and the kikes kvetching over his twitter post?*

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You understand Trump is a Neo-Con just like "based" ben shaprio right?

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Did you hear Chuck Schumer assaulted him in the Oval office recently? Bystanders said they witnessed him kicking the President in the asshole as he turned away from him.

3 Billion dollars for Israel fell out.

Well come one user, he has led to the highest black unemployment rate in history… You can't say thats nothing! Also he has led the the rising of the star of Dinesh D'Souza. Demz r real nahtzees amrite?

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do you think the MAGA tards would ever figure out that by not being specific this tweet doesn't amount to a hill of beans ? It's just empty bullshit.

Yay. He did it again. Woohoo. Big fucking deal.
OP trolls for either:
Magatards, or
all those who can't stand Trump anymore.
you got me
I fucking can't stand trump anymore because he is a jew plant.

Based Ben, without him I would never have found out the dems were 2reelracist4me. Did you know the Democrats were the real slave owners?

It changes the social landscape and gives the people the go ahead to criticize the kike media. If you can't see how this effects the psychology of the normal populations then you have to go back.

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The media is owned by jews
Trump knows this
He's saying jews are the enemy of the people!

Wake me up when he actually does something about the Jew owned/controlled lying media that is attempting to depose him.

About similar happenings George Lincoln Rockwell said Thats why the John Birch society can't get anywhere! They keep saying how much they love Jews but how much they hate Communists! It's like saying you love to go swimming but you hate to get wet!


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"Trump said something I agree with! Wheeeeeeeeee!"

let me know when he stops being all hat and no cattle

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I still would


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id figured this empty tweet would be enough for you after 2.5 years

Yes, Rockwell was quite success story for both Jews and Blacks.

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We will live through this, ZOGs of the past have looked just as strong yet the kikes always sperg out in the final few meters before the messianic kingdom, give themselves away and are expelled. Its just the life-cycle of the Jewish parasite

If you name the jew openly in his position with all of the brainwashed faggots dressed in black. The nig nogs and spics thinking the white man is after him. With the power of celebrity to chimp out the normal faggot populations, not to mention the deep seated kikes in the government. Doesn't play out well, you have to build the foundation and climate before you can name the jew. Activate those almonds and stop capitalizing "jew".

thanks. I need reminders like this sometimes.

Do monkeys sexualise tits?

Thats based brown man Dinesh D'Souza you are thinking of. Could you believe it that that DemonKKKrat Andrew Jackson invented the social construct of whiteness?!?!?! Before that Whites had no awareness that they were distinct.

*Dinesh D'Souza describing his activity in Right Wing philosophy*

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He's not going to run in 2020. Hell he even might be looking at a lengthy prison term.

Remember when Trump said we would audit the fed?

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magatards never cease their mental gymnastics

so you mean to say tweeting about it is not?! Gee wiz!

You should not be using the NPC since all of your responses seem literally pre-programmed

The best part is the monkeys look like retards.

He has to run because when he loses he's going to be fucked by the Feds, on some small time bullshit as a warning. Cohens office raid will see to that.

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I volunteered with Downies as a teenager, they were fucking complete degenerates. Was pretty funny.

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Zig Forums meet up?

kampfy mod retreat tbf

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I James Holmes wasn't actually jewish. You had to be a kike to be a counselor at the jew camp, but not a volunteer. People (I think somebody affiliated w/ Mike Delaney, but it was a long time ago) contacted the camp to verify. Never give these nitpicking kikes a drop of ammunition.

are bumpstocks illegal? the place near me still sells them

WN's creepers as always.

no u

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fbiglowcoons are honing in on your location right now

Hey shill.


Don't forget to ask the discord trannies for voting suggestions in 2020.


Look mom, Trump did another tweet!

What a perfectly organic oldfag we have here, fellow cishet white males!

Do you have a list of board lingo to pick up from, tranny?


All the endless Trump spam on Zig Forums (even in completely unrelated threads) is making me want to vote for him, just to get back at the spammers.

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Can someone tell me where the wall is?

So kikes are framing trannies?

Don't know, what has been there recent shilling activity?

Ask Obama, he's the only one who built one. Trumps mending fences, 55 miles of pure slats

At least half of them ARE trannys.

Not sure, just saying it doesn't surprise me that the kikes are scapegoating on the "minority groups" they claim to protect.

Here's a clue

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More like farming them.

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you can tell straight away it's the imkampy bot when you see the anime face, like it's just pulling generic crap out of a database fitting in even less than if it posted without an image

Bumpstocks become illegal sometime in march. Less than a month.

Yes because everyone is imkampfy, the absolute state of jews. Looks like that schizophrenia is kicking in a little early, eh moshe?

No, you don't belong. Get out.

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Kikes farm children not mentally ill faggots.

Kushner team working overtime this weekend.

What do you guys think Kampfy is doing right now?
You think he hung himself?

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Zion Don talks a big game but like any kike his words are hollow and empty.

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Probably trying to help the trannies find a new haven to organize from.

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The people who run the media are the enemy. Just so happens they also run the Trump Administration.

don't you just love how my post that points out an obvious truth got 3 knee jerk replies that only really confirmed what I said in the first place

He'll probably follow a fellow Turks example and go out with a bang.

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