Pro-Nazi, Anti-Semitic General Hailed In The Streets

The so-called Lukov March is widely condemned

Bulgarian nationalists have marched through Sofia, the country's capital, to honor a World War II general known for his anti-Semitic and pro-Nazi activities, the AP reports. The annual Lukov March, staged by the far-right Bulgarian National Union, attracted hundreds of dark-clad supporters who walked through downtown Sofia holding torches and Bulgarian flags and chanting nationalist slogans. It came despite strong condemnation by human rights groups, political parties, and foreign embassies. The city mayor had banned the rally but organizers won a court order overturning the ban. A heavy police presence blocked any clashes between nationalists and their opponents.

Ahead of the march, the World Jewish Congress warned about the rise of far-right activities across Europe aimed at promoting anti-Semitism, hatred, xenophobia, and Nazi glorification among young people. "This is not just a problem of the Jewish communities, but of European citizens and governments at large," the organization's CEO Robert Singer said. In Sofia, the marchers praised Gen. Hristo Lukov, who had supported Germany during World War II and was killed by an anti-fascist resistance movement on Feb. 13, 1943. The general served as Bulgaria's war minister from 1935 to 1938, and led the pro-Nazi Germany Union of Bulgarian Legions from 1932 until 1943. Organizers deny that Lukov was an anti-Semitic fascist or that they are neo-fascists, but claim that the descendants of the murderers of Lukov are afraid of the event.

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Same event, Sofia Bulgaria, I believe it was 2017.

Attached: Sofia-Bulgaria.jpg (636x854, 68.3K)

Is this some kind of alternate timeline.

mfw anything is possible in this timeline!

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How many jews were in that anti-facist movement?

Not enough. Force them to take a side, and everybody can see what they are doing.

You already know I am on my side.


Austria, Italy, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech, and Poland teaming up on one side. France and Germany on the other. Once we unfuck those last two the family is almost back together again. Throw in Bulgaria and Romania, you know they want to…

Beautiful :)

I-Is this what heaven looks like?

is run by a cuck that was serving as the integration minister and who originally invited the rapefugees, but swtiched side to get the popular vote
is run by a literal gypsy who was welcoming refugees too before 2014, but then decided to do a 180 turn to stay in power and continue stealing Magyar money

1/3 of Hungarian youth is made of GYPSIES. Magyar ETHNOCIDE not even once

Also, gypsy Orban gives out Hungarian citizenship to chink, poojeets (not suprising given his indian origins lol) and levantine arabs like a candy
sandnigger, please. Salvini is a cuck that promoted nigger senator and whose party was the first to have half US nigger/half terrone mayor. LMAO "North Italian nationalism" my ass

yo raperoaches are not welcome in Slavic lands and never will be. Trst and Sudtirol are getting back to their owners and shitalian midgets are getting cleansed the fuck out the same way they were cleansed from Slavic lands in 1940s and 1990s in Slovenia/Croatia

Based Bulgarians.

Sadly, you're right. But Orbán's policies will help to make more Magyars. But eventually, there will need to be a proper successor to the Arrow Cross party over there.

is run by a cuck that was serving as the integration minister and who originally invited the rapefugees, but swtiched side to get the popular vote
is run by a literal gypsy who was welcoming refugees too before 2014, but then decided to do a 180 turn to stay in power and continue stealing Magyar money

1/3 of Hungarian youth is made of GYPSIES. Magyar ETHNOCIDE not even once

Also, gypsy Orban gives out Hungarian citizenship to chink, poojeets (not suprising given his indian origins lol) and levantine arabs like a candy
sandnigger, please. Salvini is a cuck that promoted nigger senator and whose party was the first to have half US nigger/half terrone mayor. LMAO "North Italian nationalism" my ass

yo raperoaches are not welcome in Slavic lands and never will be. Trst and Sudtirol are getting back to their owners and shitalian midgets are getting cleansed the fuck out the same way they were cleansed from Slavic lands in 1940s and 1990s in Slovenia/Croatia

Fuck NO. Actual Magyars are living the country or turning into a minority as the gypsy and jew scum breeds while arabic subhumans/viet monkeys that were brought during the (((communisto-socialist))) times and (((the EU membership period))) took over a good tenth of the small businesses like laundry, bakeries and corner shops in most major Magyar cities

Orban and all other corrupt politicians must go. He is the reason young Magyars are fleeing the country. There is only one party worth of note and it's Mi Hazank a shepardic-jew assasinated him

Great thread. I'm so happy to see the white pills through out /pol these days.

If only we had leaders like hitler.

fuck poland; romania, bulgaria, germany, and france are already in

Blessed image

Nationalist International WHEN

checking hitler dub dubs
this is great to see, it warms the heart on these cold winter mornings


Fake, gay and old. It's props for a movie.


Got proofs you negative nancy?
All image searches say "neo-nazi rally in sofia".

Attached: 100 GHETTO 100.jpg (922x847, 447.93K)

Is a gut standard issue?

>It came despite strong condemnation by (((human rights groups)))

Long Live Bulgaria.

Attached: Bulgarian Rose Festival.jpg (1280x720, 413.86K)

Jews will say this is fake


Is this true?

Let this be a lesson to anyone who wants to create an ethnostate without eliminating the jews.

Seems a tad over optimistic.

Attached: Bulgarian Woman in Bulgarian Dress.jpg (564x846, 93.23K)

kike negated

Lmfao oy vey

Not a cuck. A sociopath that wants power at any price. He simply doesn't give a shit about anything else. Can both be more dangerous and more useful.

/comfy pic

Must be honest. I shed a tear of joy here.

Attached: ghR57fmp.jpg (716x725, 77.78K)

I accidentally got devil trips just now, let's see if we can give them our energy. RAISE UP, IT'S TIME TO GIVE THEM OUR ENERGY!!!!

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