TRICKING WHITE WOMEN TO NOT BE WHORES, SO DON'T DELETE THIS THREAD "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for hapa children."
Tell white women you're planning to go to Asia to get married because you can now afford a nice house over there. Just watch her react and become a 14/88er like us.
That's how I met my Aryan conservative wife 5 years ago, now we have 5 children. I turn her from a 10/10 stacy to a 11/10 Aryan wife. Trust me, it works. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS CONSTANTLY COMPARE HER TO ASIAN CHICKS.
Hey I have a good way of keeping your girl from being a whore. Step 1) Be attractive. Step 2) Be mentally stable; exercise self control. Step 3) ‘’’Don't resort to acting like an insecure, scheming kike like OP’’’ Honestly you deserve to have mixed race children. Just fuck an Asian, you desperate fag.
Julian Evans
She is still cute
Luke Ward
Its so fucking simple. How did I not see this before?
People like you need to stay in your mom’s basement so you don’t taint the white gene pool with you inferior attitude. That MGTOW shit is poison. You’re a waste of sperm. Race mixing is a good way to cull inferior white people out of the gene pool. Only well adjusted whites should breed white. The rest of you should just racemix because obviously that’s the only way you can get someone to love you.
Please don't mock the Finns user, they're trying their best.
Bentley Williams
All four images are detestable.
Elijah Anderson
Go fuck an Asian, then. The White race doesn’t need you or your genetic lineage. You are not acceptable for white reproduction.
Hudson Lewis
KILL WHITE NATIONALISTS FOR TREASON They are the ones that help our enemies exterminate us. And they are the ones that destroyed Whites' ability to be tribal
John Fisher
yes yes Hitler killed 10 trillion people, remember to add tor to your filters ladies and gentlemen
Oliver Edwards
100% agree, my man. White tribalism is the only way. White nationalism is for alt-right e-begging cucks.
Cooper Cox
Fuck off nigger.
Dylan Evans
I found suitable aryan womyn in need of saving, lads. Man up and marry them.
Okay, we should trick white women into denouncing their citizenships in Papua New Guinea and have 10 white children.
Adrian Hill
He wants white men to be cucks.
Owen Edwards
My sides exploded
Logan Price
Hey faggot. You seem to be incapable of high-school level reading comprehension, so let me clarify this for you: Race mixers are not suitable for white reproduction.. They are either too stupid to resist social pressure or too inferior to be genuinely attractive. They are incapable of self control and fuck the first shitskin that looks in their direction. It’s a good thing, too. These people should not be breeding with proper white people. We need to be encouraging proper white people to breed more. You can just go fuck a shitskin if you’re not good enough to be white.
Adam Ross
These are average white women looking for a husband, user. Don't you want to marry them? I always hear how men that look for attractive Asian virgins are low tier, so I'm trying to help you high-tier men out by finding you aryan wives.
is this a raid? can someone tell me what the fuck is going on with the board? i have a weird feeling this board is about to go to shit so hard it'll be almost unusable. where is the bunker when this board becomes r the donald/4chan?
Matthew Powell
What about the mixed kids though? Nobody wanted the mixed children here.
Ryder Parker
Proper and white women do not go together. You should have spent more time in the roastie hate threads and zero time in the aryan woman worship threads.
Fascinating. How long have been collecting these anti-white images?
Samuel Scott
If you're against feminist women are you anti-white? If you're against being cucked by a whore are you anti-white?
Kek, are you that Canadian?
Charles Sanders
Oh yes.
Colton King
You honestly think that someone that grew up in such a strongly collectivist society would be only be interested and loyal to someone outside their shitty country?
I can't speak for all of the Asian girls in the world, but there's plenty that will love their man and submit to him like God commands.
Jace Diaz
You’re a fucking idiot, and you’ve been influenced by online predatory disinformation. The reality is that most white women want a cute white baby and a white family. You’ve just been locked in your room for so long that you only see the bad women. The good women are outside, in real life.
Elijah Morgan
Most white women don't want a baby until they're in their 30s, smoke pot, are alcoholics and have been convicted for being under the influence, have fucked a nigger once, and are in and out of college and meme careers "finding themselves".
Stop projecting your basement fantasies, user. Walk around in any city. Drive down any highway.
Ayden Reed
And none of them are virgins.
Jordan Young
Tits and GTFO back to >>>/tumblr/ femicunt. Divorce statistics (data that actually matters) proves you wrong.
Isaiah Gray
Wait… you didn't get cucked yourself, did ya?
Zachary Anderson
Cooper Lee
Angel Stewart
You people are too far gone. Too much propaganda. Just go racemix with Asians. Your seed is useless for the aryan race. Have fun with your lineage of bug-men.
Ethan Miller
Oh boy, user is having another sexual fantasy. Leave me out of it. That's between you and your aryan goddesses.