B'nai B'rth & the ADL - Bill Cooper

Simply too much info to process. Masonic ties, British takeover, Lincoln assasination, bankers, gangsters, human trafficking, false flags, espionage against US and more.

Bonus: Adnan Khashoggi was CIA and make sguest appearance.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-02-18 William Cooper - The UGLY Truth - B'nai B'rth the ADL - YouTube.png (818x611, 1.24M)

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so I think you left something out….like a video link?


Attached: here's how.JPG (1150x1493, 218.85K)

Link is up. Sorry.


That was too long of a link an the board won't recognize it…needs to be the short version.


Read the instructions I posted

hes the only non shill. ive researched everything ive heard from him, i have the book, i have read the congressional records ect. everything so far is true. ill even provide you solid proof of 2 things, one is from cooper the other is from my own research and not wanting to pay gay "taxes" that are really service charges.

paid family and medical leave communism opt out, for washington.

Nobody has debunked Bill to this day. His research was solid and his citizens research group was reminiscent of Zig Forums.

Khashoggi was killed by the Jews
The House of Saud is Jewish
The Mossad did it, which is why ZOGnald won't touch it

why would ZOG want us out of syria

I think youre talking about Jamal. Khashoggis were NWO assets in bed with CIA-DoD-Ziocons and most likely Mossad. Why would Trump ruin alliance with recently freed SA?

Read this please.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-02-18 Lunch With the Chairman.png (849x768, 117.16K)

Bill Cooper was the man Alex Jones compeletely plagerized

I'm shocked.

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ZOG wants all that oil below the Golan Heights, user.

Cooper lied all the time. There's a good book that came out recently, Pale Horse Rider, that's written by a kike a who's actually sympathetic to Cooper (because he was relatively kosher), and featured interviews with people like Doyel Shamley (they bonded over GG Allin), that does get into some of the general falsehoods.

And then there are other things, like him reading that fake "Legions of Satan" quote, implying that it was something he'd researched, when, as always, it was just him reading the work of others and putting his spin on it. In this case, it's LaRouch's The ugly Truth About the Anti-Defamation League.

Tom Metzger did a show with Jan from History Reviewed where he talked about them tracking funding to groups like the Simon Wiesenthal center to B'nai B'rith, specifically B'nai B'rith Canada. And now we have aut-kike figures like Faith Goldy meeting with them, and then Mike Enoch's wife was her B'nai B'rith Youth Chapter President, and it's safe guess to say someone with such a high position in the organization went on to join the regular B'nai B'rith.

The international Jew = Mystery Babylon = Freemasonry. They're all the same thing, and it doesn't have anything to do with torah Judaism.

About what?

All kinds of things. Have you read Behold a Pale Horse? So much of that book is completely made up.

In a lot of ways, he was almost like a proto-QLARPer, posing as an insider and trying to string together his own grand unified conspiracy. He even claimed to have Q clearance, which may have inspired the LARPer, or at least the interpretation of his chosen moniker.

He was definitely mistaken on AIDS. It was nigger level conspiracy theories.

If AIDS was manmade it has failed. AIDS is punishment from God.

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Money is a fiction. Bill cooper was a flop because he deviated from the basic truth that the existence of international finance is nothing more than a ruse to enforce and facilitate the sale of human beings. This is the most basic truth that will topple the house of lies, redeem the natsocs and allow people to universally return to the natural order

Lol du masons is one of the Jew's best smokescreen

Look up that cringe and obviously fake video where the "neo Nazi" calls in

first time I came to this website 2 or 3 years ago they were talking about Bill. It's great that he is known here, everyone should listen to his Mystery Babylon series and be familiar with the topics he covers.

A big chunk of Cooper's core audience is niggers. Behold a Pale Horse is one of the most popular books in the prison systems, one of the most stolen, and was popularized by nog rappers.

I got that book after listening to the Hour of The Time thoroughly and it isn't very great. His radio broadcasts about the mystery religions are fantastic though and he shouldn't be discredited because niggers listen to him.

Kill yourself.

I think Behold a Pale Horse jumps around too many subjects including pointless shit like UFOs which Bill himself admitted he had no idea about.

He later retracted it, but it wasn't made up. It was based on CIA giving him false leads.

That's nigger logic.

Some of the best.

Jews blame masons, masons blame Jews, there's a big conspiracy and a lot of moving parts here and competing factions.


no one blames the jews

It was based on him lying to get onto the UFO scene, then doing the same for the Patriotards.


and since then decades of lies have dribbled out of his mouth

"Alex Jones" is an embarassment to the government of the United States of America, TODAY more than ever

If you watch enough Bill Cooper he always gives disclaimers when he interviews people about UFOs. Im 100% sure ive also seen him say on video(CNN maybe?) he doesnt believe the documents he saw were legit but the visual contacts were.

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