11 Year Old Niglet Arrested for Refusing to Stand for Pledge of Allegiance
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this article has a picture of the mother/ landwhale nigress
Stuipid faggot. Florida should be nuked but not because of the African population there.
Oh, female and low-iq mixed-race, got it.
I never knew there was such a thing. 99% of niglets would be in jail for that alone.
Did you go to lefty faggot headline school OP? If you actually believe this litter nigger was arrested solely for not pledging allegiance to the flag you're a fucking retard.
gifted classes
some choice twitter salt
← Obligatory.
I can't find the arrest affidavit, but this source seems to confirm what suspicious twitter negro is saying
Don't get me fucking started about niggers in "gifted classes."
I was in those (((gate))) classes and later AP classes, and there was always one token negro. Usually it was a female though who didn't associate with other niggers. I do believe the "bullied" claim, other alpha niggers will inevitably harass the halfway intelligent beta nigger for being in these classes. There is always atleast one nigger on the smart end of the bell curve but it doesn't matter, they will diversify these classes in public school atleast, because if they didn't it would be a sea of white and asian. Surprisingly at least when I went through it was still a sea of white and asian. The diversification was only 1 or 2 negros.
I've remained amazed at how these gate classes have been allowed to operate, because they are essentially just segregating the classes. You go into a gate class, it's whites and asians, you go into a regular class, it's nothing but spic/nigger and the occasional retarded white person. There is a larger percentage of spic's in these gate classes than negro's, but it's still minimal compared to whites and asians.
The best part of the story by far:
Normal request.
Normal, perfectly healthy response.
Little niglet has been trained well.
Good ideas all around.
So, the punchline for this goblina accidentally speaking common sense in the presence of a future golem?
So, to sum it up:
>Teacher, who spent youth being indoctrinated by a different communist system and may not have all the talking points to operate in ours, says obviously true thing
America today.
F u c k T r u m p
I was in the same classes. "Gifted" is just a proxy for "not black," and it's one of the sneaky ways we've found around Brown v. Board of Education. The Jews are wise to it though, which is why gifted programs are being eliminated in New York and stuffed with nogs everyplace else. You should have seen my IB Algebra class in 9th grade.
It's probably slightly more than that. Spic's naturally hate niggers. The entire left is only held together by their shared indoctrination of "white man bad"
Kids on reduced lunch are allowed in with an iq of 115
You should be in your safe space then. Leave now.
You mean the jews are in it. Lots of noses in mine.
Not only that, but “concomitant characteristics” count, as well.
Sounds like a town ordinance, especially if he's 11. A ticket.
haha what the fuck
this is more blatant than regular kikery.
i would love to see the propaganda behind making this logical.
the jews that can't afford private school.
i don't remember a single jew being in any of my classes. come to think of it i can't remember interacting with a single jew in my entire public school time, they just weren't there.
Sadly for the school they're likely now facing a lawsuit.
t. lawfag
Our public schools were so well regarded it was very kosher.
niglet btfo aside it's probably for the best. i would rather there not be additional precedent for school's arresting students for political speech. it was used against a niglet this time but it will be used against white students 1000 times harder.
Implying an American institution needs practice or permission to fuck over whites. Out of your element, Tor.
Probably some idea that being gifted means the top 2% of every population group. This means that you’ll have kids that are 2 or more standard deviations apart in the same class. Those higher iq kids would be better off in a school without a gifted program, at all.
if they used this logic they would have to admit that some species are inherently smarter than others. maybe they get around this by claiming the IQ test itself is inherently biased against minorities as they have done in the past. It's not that minorities are dumber it's that the test just doesn't appropriately judge how amazingly intelligent they are and so they need bonus points to make up for the defect.
Right, right, the old “Iq tests are culturally loaded” argument. As in, students are expected to answer their own questions, not cheat, know how to read and write in English, etc…
They're closing the walls fucking fast now. Time to act.
Good. You fucking kike. (((they))) obviously want the focus to be on the nigger and not what he did. Who the fuck pledges allegiance to a non-representative ZOG?
Only niggers don't pledge allegiance to the ZOG. Only mudslimes are anti-semitic. You're not a nigger or a mudslime are you, dumb goy I mean, white man?
The police themselves are pressing charges. These would have been dropped immediately if he was just refusing to stand
This is bullshit. He's 11 and it's political speech. Even stupid opinions are protected by the 1st Amendment.
>“(((they))) brought me here.”
He knows.
Correct. It's coming straight from MSM so the story is obviously twisted in every which way. If you don't hear the other side, assume it's always a lie.
Exactly. Just more liberal bullshit to undermine to United States. You don't get arrested for refusing to stand. And you don't get charges that are currently dropped this day, not by the but by the police themselves, unless you did something stupid
Autocorrect ate my words
the reasoning for his arrest ie "fuck da police" "fuck you cracker ass principal" "fuck you spic as ho i beat yo ass" is clearly not being highlighted by MSM.
The sub's lulzy response to the niglet consisting of "you should go back to africa" was great though.
Unfortunately the vast majority of whites especially in the teaching profession would never even think about saying this, but since she was hispanic and an immigrant she either forgot to check her privilege or considered that her lack of privilege was on par with the negro's.
Imagine the MSM meltdown if the substitute had been white. She would have arrested for a hate crime.
Does the First Amendment also cover verbal threats of violence against school staff? Because that's why the niglet actually got arrested; he couldn't control the latent chimpout genes he carries.
Or did you just not read the article, TORfag?
She's our DACAryan
OY VEEEY White Nationalism for redpilling. It will work
He was arrested for chimping out. Go back to reddit and kill yourself
In this rare case the niglet literally did do nuffin. Fuck pledging allegiance to Israel.
Read the thread retard.
I'm of the opinion that large scale IQ stats/tests are bogus. It's kind of shit on a small scale as well. The school probably fudges the results…
He's right. This isn't his country. He shouldn't pledge allegiance to it.
Wow I guess they really do arrest niggers more, I did this all the time at school
Unless you're a kike it isn't yours either.
I'll happily do my part to pay for sending him back.
Yep. It's called Liberia.
I don't want to get Hands Up Don't Shoot bamboozled here, but the facts as presented in the OP have me on the nigger's side.
No one should be compelled to pledge allegiance to the fag-loving baby murdering american flag and the white genocide for which it stands.
I'm a bit incredulous though. I don't think you even can be arrested for this. "resisting arrest without violence?" Is that even a charge? If he actually was arrested it better have been because he started chimping out at a cop.
Both true. Good posts.
Exactly. Could it be that that’s because this is how they spun the story? Even you morons just eat this shit up like its real. I’d except you to know better.
But where's the br00fs? We're receptive to a counter narrative but there isn't anything other than BASTE MAGAPEDE GOBLINA DID IT! ASSIMILATE OR GIT OUT.
If I had a nigger and a civnat before me and a gun with but one round, I'd give it to the civnat.
Look at those little niglets with their revolutionary fists up. I'm going to teach my kids to sieg heil.
That's not funny. You knock that shit off right now or I will have you arrested for disrupting a redpill event.
This story is also posted on leftypol. They are creaming in their pants over this 11 yr old revolutionary. They think he's so based.
He did get a goblina to tell niggers to go back to Africa where they belong. That's much more baste than the goblina. Anyway is this a look into the future of America? Some jews writing stories about racist spics oppressing the unmanagable niglets they're in charge of while we, white men, look on and argue over who is more baste? Some th ink the goblina is more baste, some thinkk the niglet is baste, and some think the woke jews writing the stories are baste. This is what it's going to be like on the content farm where you have to source all your primary facts from the judenpresse.
We are gonna get to the point where spics are too white.
But the spics are gonna genocide the niggers, unlike the white.
There are barely any niggers in actual South America, it's all spics.
they don't enforce rules like that for gang-bangers or dancing thots. those rules only come into effect with one of the peasants is smart enough to be uppity. theres nothing a teacher hates more than an uppity drone.
It's a page out of the black panther comic book.
In California theyre stuffed with ESL spics that can barely read and still get a diploma after doing fuckall.