Druid/pol/ #0027: Spring Ascending edition

I bid you welcome, in the manner that has become sacred to our rite, to our most portentous viginti novem thread.
Now well into the new year, the cold & chill begins to fade and the nights draw shorter. Spring is nearly upon is as the cycle of seasons continues onward, its inexorable march unstoppable. From the cold death sprouts new life and just as we begin to see the crocus and snowdrops poke their petaled heads through the ground, so to will we see new ideas and memes sprout forth from the collective mind of our people. As globohomo crackdown continues let us hope for a spring of ideas to counter their machinations.

This thread's govering arcana is that of the VII card - The Chariot.
The Chariot tarot card depicts a figure astride a chariot pulled by a pair of black and white sphinxes. The cosmos is represented by the blue canopy adorned by white stars. On his shoulders, he carries the sign of the crescent moon, representing the spiritual influence under which he is guided. On his head sits a crown, meaning that he is enlightened, and that his will is pure. Emblazoned on his chest is a square, denoting the element of earth, of the material world, which grounds him and his actions.
The sphinxes are colored in black and white, a symbol of opposing forces that the charioteer must learn to control. Their colour indicates both polarity but also attraction & repulsion - forces pulling in opposite directions. Charioteers task is to guide these sphinxes towards a destination, one that is marked by the cosmic forces that he represents.
Upright the Chariot tarot card is all about overcoming challenges and gaining victory through maintaining control of your surroundings. The reversed Chariot signifies aggression, lack of willpower, lacking of focus, motivation or direction, & indication one may be warped by obsession & desire.
The Chariot is linked to the zodiac Cancer.


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Other urls found in this thread:


This was written by a Jew.

Just had a run down the countryside.

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Obligatory archive post

What a waste of the first post you septic mong.
Prove it.

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See anything nice lad?

It was a nature reserve, some nice woodland. I usually walk my dog there, and a tactic I do I letting the dog lead the way, its a great way of trekking new routes.

Don't have to. You calling me a septic mong considering my current circumstances does that for me.

Top job as always lad, just going to post a link to our official archive


Very nice lad, spent the last couple of days out and about with the chainsaw pruning apple trees and generally tidying up the place

Thanks lad. Also always good to have a link to the official archive up in the threads. Hope you are well anyway.

Yes you do, prove it or gtfo. Im open with my heritage every thread. Im a mostly Welsh/English mutt with a little bit of Danish viking on my fathers side.
Now back up your accusations with proof or kindly fornicate away elsewhere.

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Freemasonry is alive and well on Zig Forums. Quite disturbing indeed.

Good stuff lad. Cant beat crisp the air of nature filling ones lungs.

Fucking shills in the fist 100 posts every fucking time, I swear. Right….
Hunting lodge
Beaver LODGE
Woodland LODGE
Mountain LODGE
I LODGED my screwdriver down the back of the radiator.

Masons don't have a fucking monopoly on the word lodge you know. So stop being silly.

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Fresh Morgoth for a fresh thread
Thanks 40k


I'd suggest not holding off if at all practical, descendents are super important, particularly in the face of genocide.

Ill lodge my foot up your ass for these stupid fucking slide threads

non-shill bump

Beware the Black Cube

This site has a history of dark masonic affiliation, forgive me for being a tad paranoid.

Yes although I'm sure there is legitimate masons posting here.

Cheers lad.

Its not a fucking slide thread you prick its a long running general. Do you even know what a slide thread is?

The Saturnic black cube?

Fair enough. Theres nothing wrong with a healthy dose of skepticism, especially in this day and age. But we are not masons laddy, that I can assure you. Pagan revivalists, urban shamans & occultist practitioners - yes, but masons….no.

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Sorry lad, totally missed this post somehow else i'd have given the thread a different title revolving round the Goi-blot and Disablot festivals. Still, we shall celebrate them ITT as we do others so that should make up for it.

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The vile Cube is archetypical of Abrahamism and its poisons. Beware the Cube.

It is a very visible aspect of abrahamic worship, a past user though that the counter clockwise movements in association with the black cube was an attempt to banish Saturn's influence they thought that Saturn was fond of punishing them for their evil deeds.

Can someone remind me what these masturbatory dumbass threads are here for again? Is this where shills secretly communicate with each other in code?

I see the early thread shills are fucking around as per usual

Sleeping with the Far Right

In a bid to understand why extremist attitudes are rising throughout the Western world, broadcaster Alice Levine spends a week living with British nationalist Jack Sen and his family


EU Article 11 and 13 Internet Copyright Laws Finalized


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Read the threads and work it out for yourself you lazy mouthbreathing cocksucker

stealth brit/pol/ generals

It's not stealth, /shitpol/ went to Zig Forums where they have an endless christian circlejerk dominated by discord cliques to this day. Druid/pol/ are the remnants who weren't shitposting retards who soured all goodwill toward Anglos on the board by endlessly "trolling" with Bomber Harris memes et al.

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Pagan revivalism, Druidry, british nationalism, occultism, x/pol/ stuff etc. Topics that dont really fit anywhere else on outer Zig Forums tbh, and since most of the famous occultists were British (not all, but most of the contemporary ones) it is fitting that british nationalism and occultism share this unique general.
If thats not your thing, feel free to bugger off old boy but if you hang around (while being well mannered rather than standoffish) then you might actually learn something.

Of all the fucking people to pick….smh. Sen is certainly not representative of the UK "far right" and constantly makes a tit out of himself. Also theres lots of rumours floating round about him. I think hes one of those rare cases where Joe is actually right on the money with his spy/state actor insinuations.

Brilliant. Splits the lefts vote and damages liebour at the same time. Iv been on a high note since I heard this news this morning.
Also remember the berger woman had a young lad imprisoned just for calling her a "communist jewess".

Kek, what a moumental cunt homo-malteaserhead is.

Not that I give a fuck about MPs "bullying" other MPs but bercow has to go. Hes a stunted, odious little four-by-two and a cuck who wife puts it about very publically - and with wogs to boot.

Im ok with droning caliphateniggers and their hideous broodsows into smoking craters. And no you cant come back to the UK. Stay in the desert shithole where your kind belongs. Bethnal Green obviously wasnt good enough for the cunt. Shes made her bed, she can fucking well lie in it.
Its a distraction anyway as she is inconsequential in the grand scheme of things - lets deal with the 25k we already have here, roaming about willy nilly. Citizens pogrom when?

This is why I send my kids to a christan school. Far from perfect but mercifully free of all this genderbollocks.

Fucking hell, no shit sherlock!

Fuck sake Tojo, iv bought enough of your vidya in the past 3 decades, at lest let me countrymen keep their jobs. We did do a bang up job of that bridge over the river kwai job you wanted building after all…

Based Hyperborian Great White Brotherhood tbh.

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This. Well said lad. We remained loyal to 8/pol/ and wished to foster an atmosphere of co-operation (like those that existed during the brexit & trump campaigns respectively) They wanted to antagonise the rest of the board for childish and nihilistic shits & giggles. Im glad they fucked off and left us LOYALISTS to it tbh.

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Audibly chuckled

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…and forgot to observe those portentous numerals.
Also fresh iconoclast.

Shoot her.

Lets hope so lad.

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Well yeah, otherwise why would a jew reporter be invited to stay and and write an article.


Labour in tatters as Owens romps to Victory!



Great, more off-topic /fringe/ threads to shit up the catalog.


No one is forcing you to be here faggot.
Mundane pleb.

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Morning lads how are we today?

knackered tbh
really getting tired of hand-wringing, would like a mangle but don't have the space for it

Yeah must be a nighmare lad. No room for a cheap tumble dryer? I rent mine. That way if it buggers up, its on them to fix it

It's good excercise though

keek smh

if I got rid of the broken washing machine maybe
just can't really afford anything, have had to turn down offers of a proper fridge or a freezer or a space heater because of the electricity bills

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What scum would save and post gore?

Fucking shit when moneys tight. I know the feel lad. Not exactly swimming in "pocket money" myself at the moment (been really lax with the ebay shop the last couple of weeks smh. Gonna have to rectify that & get some stuff up on there. Also theres a shop in town that buys painted lead soldiers. Iv got some flames of war 10mm ww2 british infantry from an old commission that fell through a while back just sitting about so I might see what he will give me for them)
Regarding the washing machine, I managed to rent a 2 in 1 washer/dryer for about £5:50 a week which aint too bad and if you only use it once a week or so, it doesnt cost too much electric wise. Might be worth a thought if you can juggle finances round to fit it in.

(reluctantly observed)
What kind of scum would object to based goreposts of dead jihadis?
Seriously, do you even know where you are?

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The Raven's Wife

Not sure I posted this when it came out, Asha Logos started a new series on historical subversion

No lad, great find

Forgot to link the last thread in the archivepost lads. Easily rectified though:


There we go.

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I think this might be relevant to the thread. These videos deal more in uplifting and instilling hope and confidence, rather than pushing the observer to lash out and react in panic, as many videos produced by the right tend to.

Good stuff lad, iv thrown them a sub.
Aye makes a nice change as we do like our ragebait on the right don't we. I think there is something cathartic about it. Pic related.

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This thread and /SIG/ are the two really keep an eye out for anymore. Love seeing it.

He posted that in the last thread, good vid and a good channel

Cheers lad

Thanks lad. Very much appreciated.

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Is the British Movement any good?

Dont really know much about them tbh lad.

From what I can tell, they do all sorts of things like hiking, summer camps, festivals and even Christmas party's for your kids. I wanted to know if anyone here had experience with them.

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They have a podcast on youtube but I really don't know much about them at all. I've heard a few things about a Sun Wheel Festival but never found any information.

Sounds like good stuff lad and it looks they are going in the right direction. Are they the ones that do that "Sunwheel Festival"?
Cant speak for others here but personally, iv had no experience with them myself.

I think the Sunwheel Festival is just a campsite with ale and food where music is played by some bands.

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That's generally what a festival is yes

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Sounds good lad, sign me up. Do they need a resident Druid?
My only worry about these things is glow in the dark infiltration tbh. I tend to knock about with like minded groups of trusted mates and I post with the lads here but i'd be nervous to goto something like that in this clime purely because of the honeypot potential of these things. You say the wrong thing, some police agent is there taping it all and bang - you are up on a hatespeech charge or something. Thats not to suggest that these lads are compromised in any way or anything like that but the trepidation is there with me regardless.

Oh well. I'm fine with being an intellectually focused warrior anyway. Give me an axe and a rifle and I'm a happy man.

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BM has been around since the 60's, user. If they were a honeypot, they're really shit at being one.

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Hear hear lad

B.O.N.D neo-druids practice the path of self initiation then gather at the lodge. The anons here then decide who gets the title of Druid based on the anons knowledge, skills, personality, humour etc.
Its a good system - requires gumption on the part of the aspirant and has the potential for the formation of independent nexions all over the shop (kind of O9A style but with less edge)
Basically if you can provide some service to the lodge. It doesnt have to be stricly occult based either - could be history/archiving or even making good memes and propaganda ( although we do strongly encourage the practise of divination in some capacity as well as personal rites and festival celebrations)

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Fair enough lad. I wish them the best and if they are ever on the Isle of Wight, ill happily hook up with them.

The problem with that is that if you abandon the ancient traditions of druids….then you aren't fucking well druids then are you?
You might as well be those idiots walking around in linen robes following the 1700s romanticized version of druidry and calling themselves stupid names like "Arthur Pendragon"

News coming in that the frog faced thing that ran off to be an ISIS broodsow has had its UK citizenship revoked. Seems public mood won out on this one.
I know its a drop in the fucking ocean in the grand scheme of things and all, but if its true. small victories still taste good lads.
Source is vid.

Fucking good, never come back.

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….then you aren't fucking well druids then are you
No that why we call ourselves NEO-druids. Plus its a bit hard when the romans wiped them out and they had no written archives. They live on through our blood though and through the pagentry and tradition of things like the eisteddfod.
If you want to be pedantic you can say we emboy the spirit of the Druids rather than beings the exact same thing. Spiritual successors and all. And I can pretty much guarantee the B.O.N.D is the only modern neo-druidic group that actually comes close to embodying that particular druidic spirit.

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Portentous numerals there lad. Seems the Druids agree wholeheartedly (as do I)

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alright I can see things from that perspective a bit better. Makes a certain kind of sense.

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Glad we were able to come to this understanding lad.

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OP, what can you tell me about the hats in your first pic? Where does the style originate?

Garden gnomes.

But seriously lad, i dont know. The pic is a victorian representation of celtic druids so maybe that was their interpretation. Such a hat does remind one of gnomes and such though, at least in my case. Perhaps there is a name for it - i'll have to look into it more.

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ISIS bride Shamima Begum 'has UK citizenship revoked by British government'


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13th century moated manor house in Birmingham with its own drawbridge, paddock and octagonal summer house goes on the market for £1.25million


Garden gnomes are the manifestation of the druids spirit, few know this

city life is degenerate at a fundamental level

The [Cult of Pythagoras] is in my humble opinion very much like Druids+Freemasons. Perhaps the original sect that spawned all of this esotericism? In any case…I as a part of a very old order like very much you Druids. It feels the most like home so to speak. The old places that were well designed deserve to have their angry spirits put to rest as much as they deserve to be restored. You lot have more friends than you think, so take heart and take care of yourselves.

It could be a Phrygian or Aryan cap set straight rather than with the forward fold

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Other way around lad, the Phyrgian cap dates from antiquity and the "liberty" cap is a 19th century re-imagining.

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Assume Phrygian is connected to the musical scale so the word would be at least as old as written musical theory.

Some of the Tarim mummies as well as bog bodies have a similar cap but the most similar would be a Scythian cap.

Morning lads, hope all is well.

Fresh Simon
Hes doing some stuff with that folk musician Darkest Sky lad (he was on haggiswopyule - was pretty good guest tbh. I liked him)

Nice find lad. I knew someone here would be able to identify it.

Kek. They actually represent the "gnome earth elementals" (as envisioned by Paracelcus who also catalogued the other other elementals, being that of the sylphs (air), salamanders (fire) and the undines (water)
Over time, the concept of elemental and fae-folk seem to have merged in the case of the humble garden gnome but to this day they act as a symbolic guardian for ones garden. They probably served a purpose similar to gargoyles on churches (scare away evil spirits) but have become a thing that boomers put in their gardens because they look "cute".
Its amusing how something as innocuous and daft as the garden gnome has an occult connotation & history stretching way back.
The victorians had their own version of garden gnomes where the wealthy would literally pay some fellow to dress like a Druid and live on their land! Found an article about it here:

or archived if you dont want to give them clicks. Amusing article none the less.

Fucking sign me up lads! I found my calling!
Just need a fucking time machine

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…..aaaaand I forgot to embed the Simon video.
Here you go anyway.


That is legitimately interesting lad, thanks for sharing.

Keek, looks like we've found a possible job for punished druid

Wouldn't mind it tbh, it's quite similar the heritage sector and reenactment stuff I'd like to do.

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That's really cool, good to see a new musician on our side. Simon needs to get a better microphone though…

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Looks like a very spicy one

Vid's been taken down, wonder why

Videos down, very Indo European.


Bugger. I never got to watch it.

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He's said he's re-uploading it, so probably to make it slightly more professional. It was very spicy, he didn't outright attack the person he's responding to (although he deserves to be killed at the very least) but he did get quite heated at the sheer irresponsible idiocy of the "philosopher" parroting MSM propaganda.

OP proceeds to quote pointless Jew pseudo-esoterica of the Tarot, which is in turn literally based on the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet.

You can't outrun the Jew by Jewing, OP.

Ok TORpedo. Lets see you do better then.

No but you can turn the weapons of the enemy against him. The zulus had no compunction in picking up & using British rifles and it served them well (see Isandlwana)
Try and understand that not all viewpoints are going to align with yours but at the same time be willing to work with those whom you may disagree with while sharing a common & overarching goal.
And dont try and debate me on the merits of tarot lad, i'll blow you out of the fucking water son.

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In the same boat, though I just consider myself someone of Celtic blood and heritage trying to learn and re-connect with the true culture, religious practices, and traditions. The Celtic reconstructionsists and their organizations I've looked into are just as bad as wiccans and neopagans promote degeneracy, globalism, and the very shit that is killing our people. You however are alright user. May your hard work lead you to success in your endeavors.

They didn't just gain and hold meme status throughout hundreds of years for no reason. Legendary anecdoat has it that if you look for them hard enough you might actually see one. There's a reason the entire Celtic mythology revolves around their kingdom