Mixed race people are morally legitimate
This may be an unpopular viewpoint, but it should be discussed.
It is true: racial mixing can negatively impact a population genetically if mixing occurs with, say, a lower-IQ population. Whites mixing with low-IQ Blacks is obviously not okay. However, in terms of moral implications, race mixing is legitimate because all human beings outside of Africa are products of race mixing.
Race mixing has produced the most successful peoples in the world: the White race. When the Whites' African ancestors left Africa, they intermixed with Neanderthals. Later on, according to geneticist David Reich (you know he's based because his name is Reich), people from what is now Iran, the Fertile Crescent, Western Europe, and Eastern Europe, who were as different from each other as the East Asians are to today's Whites, intemixed to create today's White people.
Clearly, White people have a legitimate right to exist despite the status of Whites, and indeed all non-African peoples, as having roots in heavy miscegnation, including with other species! As a result, it follows that the race mixing today that happens within the Homo sapiens sapiens species is just as legitimate, if not more.
With both White and East Asian countries dropping in fertility rates, race mixing between the two might be necessary for the survival of a new, high-IQ human race.
An alternative viewpoint on race mixing
I'm mixed, but you need to stop with this bullshit nonsense. People should stay pure
You need to fuck off out of here.
What the fuck does morally legitimate even mean? Fucking niggers.
So we should get rid of everyone outside of Africa because they all have Neanderthal admixture?
Neanderthals were smart as fuck. Niggers aren't
If it means the final end of kikery for all time, perhaps it should be done. However, perhaps we should look at the parts that make white people white and look for what is being hidden. Then eliminate anything without that. You do not take a kike, have it fuck an ape, and produce a white man. It simply does not happen.
wtf am I reading?
Look, western civilization is already dead, okay? It isn’t democratic and it isn’t even competent at lying. Making the opposition look like psychotic racist losers isn’t a smear campaign, it’s a reminder that the two-faced aristicracy doesn’t have to put an effort in anymore.
Pretending race mixing is unpopular is just another reminder that nobody tells the truth here. :(
by your logic
neanderthals might be exploring space if left uncucked.
anyway. there is no reason to do that. iq is just a part of it. there are plenty of health related reasons not to.
it's simply…why do it, when you can not do it?
sorry if you're mixed. it's a painful situation. just don't be one of those guys who try to rationalize circumcision because their parents decided to mutilate them.
The ayyys would destroy the planet before they let that happen.
Funny how the jews only use this argument against White children.
No one tells China that they should become non-Chinese and be blended into extinction because "we're all a product of race-mixing"
No one tells Thailand that they should become non-Thai and be blended into extinction because "we're all a product of race-mixing"
And nobody other than a Naziracistwhowantstokillsixmillionjews dares tell the jews that they need to import millions of third worlders and be blended out of existence because "we're all the product of race-mixing"
ONLY White children are taught this.
ONLY White "leaders" demand this
ONLY White nations are attacked this way
Lel, this is some real low-IQ nonsense, OP, you dumb fuck.
So we should mix those successful people with single didgit iq niggers and create what?
fuck off
Question: Howmany years would congoid negroes have to live in scandinavia before they would evolve into fair nordic Europeans?
Awnser: youre racist white male die.
New possible progressive narrative: White europeans are infringing upon the right of african homo erectus to evolve into white people by occupying all the nordic european lands, die.
Calling it now.
And into the trash it goes. What a waste of a post.
Report it
There is a divinity inherent in white people they will never attain and if they cannot have it they would destroy it. White people raised the other races to their own folly. Look at many shitskin cultures around the world. Many of their "spirits" or gods are described as white people. They are jealous of the very people they made into their gods.
Capped just in case.
Your argument is disingenuous and you know it is disingenuous.
Firstly, race mixing isn't one-directional. When a White person marries a Chinese person, the child is no longer White, sure, but it is also no longer Chinese.
Secondly, there are no laws forbidding White people from going to Asia and turning Asia more White. Indeed, many White people are now immigrating to Asia as its economy improves.
Thirdly, people frequently accuse Jews of being behind trying to make Whites racially mixed, but it's the Jews who intermarry the most. If intermarriage is so bad and a genocidal conspiracy, then why would the conspirators try to genocide themselves?
Individuals are all morally legitimate in a spiritual sense. The truth is every single one of us is, from troglodyte or axe-murderer to the innocent toe-headed child, has a valid spirit. If you are seeking a reflection of legitimacy from the external world, you are looking for self-validation in the wrong place. Try this: set yourself in front of a mirror, and reflect on self-acceptance.
Race-mixing is anathema to Zig Forums because the white race is under constant attack by almost every other race, as inspired by slickest of Jews. Were Jews to cease their racially destructive antics, and were the other races to cease trying to bring down the white race, then Zig Forums's attitude would no doubt be less-focused on the unfairness of this race war.
…However, this racewar has nothing to do with how 'morally legitimate' or valid anyone is in the eyes of the Great Spirit. It's only a reflection of the racism of the Jews and others in our world.
If race mixing is a destructive Jewish plot, then why are Jews themselves the ones who do the most race mixing, leading to black Ethiopian Jews, yellow Kaifeng Jews, etc.? One would presume that the most powerful conspiracy in the world wouldn't destroy itself!
When some Jews start to believe their own propaganda, which happens frequently, they fail. Keep in mind, Jews and mixed-race people also have higher incidents of mental illness.
There is a core group of Jews who are not allowed to breed with anyone outside their ore group, by rabbinic law, just to keep their bloodlines pure. If you really want to study this, you might learn something.
Something doesn't add up. Maybe you are the one who has started to believe in propaganda.
Reality isn't explained in a soundbite, grasshopper.
stopped reading here, please just go back to reddit
How is that an alternative to anything?
I hope you choke on a pig's trotter.
Kikes and niggers cannot comprehend the suffering of others. You who are unaware of the depths of human suffering that is to be mixed, you should get the fuck out.
Matchmaker matchmaker make me a match.
Jews are simply inbred. Esp the orthodox Jews.
When did tolerating some race mixing become mixing people out of existence?
Decades ago.
When jews first evolved.
Because Tolerating is mixing people out of existence when it happens over a long enough period of time.
It is not insofar as non-mixed race marriages are also occurring and remain the majority of marriages
And when It became obvious that the average white is an easily manipulated idiot. Unfortunately it has always been the minority of whites that have led the others in science and the arts
1) They don't. You can even find tons of propaganda in Israel urging against race-mixing with non-Jews.
2) Where it is transpiring, it the result of collateral damage - media was put out to target the goyim for miscegenation, but some of the Jewish underclass have imbibed it as well and thus pursue those ends.
Your argument here is basically the implication that Jews would not target their own with these narratives, which is true, but the implication ignores the potential of unintended outcomes consequential from putting out these narratives in media.
Starting to sound like a thirsty gook wanting to blanda up because of that fucked up baby murdering policy screwing up the breeding demographics. kek
All mongrels should be cleansed to South America, North Africa and Southeast Asia where those mixed cucks belong.
We have a moral right to exist and banning some filth from entering our nations if perfectly fine
you are not entitled to live among our kind
It is.
At a reduced rate.
For how long?
You know the issues with this narrative.
The enemy will not stop at 'a small amount of race-mixing', and you are ignoring WHY they promote race-mixing as they do, which is to get Whites to do it.
White Europeans are a global minority, and Jews - also a global minority, which is extremely insular (else it wouldn't exist) - are urging them to race-mix, even as Jews urge their own NOT to race-mix.
Why? The intention is clear - the promotion of race-mixing by Jews is an attempt to urge White Europeans to eliminate themselves (or at VERY least, to dilute themselves and reduce their numbers) through miscegenation.
The fact that their efforts have no succeeded to the degree they would seek, at least not yet, is not indicative of an absence of the intention.
The 16th century
It's your run-of-the-mill kike shill rolling out the decades old, dilapidated "we are all mixed" music box.
Can you please use your brain? mixed race marriages may be 10% of the population. But different families each generation are race mixing. Not just the exact same ones. So over time the whole population will become mixed. You will get to a stage where every family has at least one mixed race union in its history.
Just how fucking dumb are you?
A subset of Jews have internalized the Jewish propaganda aimed at gentiles. Not hard to understand.
For ever.
However, over time some White-passing subhumans come to be (for example, Richard Spencer who is a literal one drop rule nigger). White Genocide is not mass migration and race mixing, it's the descendants of GENE THIEVES
like jews, southrons and colonial mongrels that can freely lurk among us and threaten our bloodlines.
I'd rather see Europe dying in a nuclear blast than see her "natives" scoring 99% European 0,2% subhuman apefrican 0,4% east asian 0,4% north african in the future
Why are you bumping this shit thread with your shitposting?
Why are you so fucking dumb?
You have already been debunked you dumb fuck
That still doesn't answer my question, and I don't know how I could be 'debunked'.
I'll ask you again:
Why are you bumping this shit thread with your shitposting?
why are you failing to even reply to my first reply?
The moderation here doesn't seem inclined to respond to reports for their own posts.