Have you guys noticed these correlations?

I was on LinkedIn today and someone had posted some statistics on various countries and life expectancies.

I noticed there is a little overlap between the average IQ of country and the average life expectancy in that country. There are a whole bunch of correlations that make a lot of sense when mapped out graphically so I will just lay this out. Please add a map.

Attached: freecountries.png (700x412 41.05 KB, 87.2K)

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Sounds about right

Generally smarter people who have more money and live in free countries are also much happier. I'm not sure how they calculate happiness. Probably surveys. Doesn't sound very objective but I will post it anyway.

Also generally speaking the higher IQ countries also have the most artificial lighting.

Attached: nasaligts.jpg (1484x733 534.44 KB, 103.58K)


Y-haplogroups (rough) world map.

Attached: world_haplogroups.png (1200x596, 248.77K)


Whites are superior linguistically.
Asians excel at visual eduction.

They are different types of intelligence.

Gengis Khan had help from the Tartars.

Did you know Tartaria was a country spanning an area of 4 million square miles? You know why you never heard of it. Russian's expansion under Ivan The Terrible was covered up and rewritten by communists Historians in the 20th century.

This was documented in the CIA factbook. Largest empire to exist in the known world history. Invaded, probably slaughtered, and pretty erased from the history books.

But it was little old Mongolia that was solely responsible for slaughtering 50% of Aryan people living in Nortwest Asia and Eastern Europe at the time. Really br0?

Attached: 02-Territory_Tart-Aria.Info_.jpg (600x400, 84.45K)

First pic
Nonjews are a commodity to Jews. Goys are cattle. To be used a slaughtered. Turn US into Chinese birth rates with unchecked immigration, and overpopulation and you can spend humans like money.

Second pic
Smart people are hard to kill. Collective groups are hard to kill. Whites are smart, but not collective. Browns are collective, in certain sizes. Niggers 1-10 groups. Spics can handle more. Jews are fairly smart, not any more so than whites, and are very collective. Almost globally. This is why they win many times.

Third pic
shows income i'm guessing, but let's play freedom. previous two show what the end result of USA is. To become a controlled country. Not from Jewish supremacist shadows, but in the open under socialist rule. USA as a slow burn into the USSR is the Jewish Supremacist goal. They want EU like control in the US.

Kys chink loving kike nigger

The correlations involving low-IQ peoples are interesting to make, indeed.

Attached: mapiuui.png (778x1626 176.33 KB, 739.02K)

Attached: Laughing_pidgeon.webm (853x480, 602.29K)

This is so true user. Hitler did nothing wrong. Except trying to fight Russia in the Winter time.

Attached: Hitler_38bdab_1194629.jpg (400x532, 48.96K)

Delete that kike image.

That's a seagull.

Muslims in Chechenya are killing gays every once in a while, you know.

Russia Paper: Chechnya Killed These 27 Men in Anti-Gay Purge
ww w.thedailybeast.com/russia-paper-chechnya-killed-these-27-men-in-anti-gay-purge

Wow user this is a really shocking relationship you have found here. I don't think this has ever been discussed at length here. Lurk for two years before posting again.

Attached: 36bea8bd0de183aba42a226c180e6bce30193f1decf47045694e0ef403578c9a.png (854x480, 350.88K)

that's not how it works. russians/slavs are called white niggers for a reason.

Yeah, the reason is "jews lie to you."

Chinks have a higher average but whites have more people at extreme upper levels.

Jews lie to everybody, even me, and they like me.

Whatever you do Jews never pay me in federal reserve notes. Can't break my record.

classic blunder.