Venezuelan Exodus?

Trump Demands Regime Change

Odd that he is making references to (((Exodus))) is it not?
Sounds like Trump wants an (((Exodus))) of brown people to swarm our southern states.

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Other urls found in this thread:

It's true

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2020 can't come soon enough. This piece of shit has done nothing but stab us in the back. Now he wants to create warzones on our continents?
Where does he think the Venezuelans are going to go if we start bombing them?

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Oh look, mommy let her stormtard son use dad's photoshop again.

What do you think the cope will be this time?

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The left became convinced of its identity as the Truly Honest and Not Hateful people. Therefore, they took down racism for real, including ending the covert ways it was supported. Thereafter it was discovered that former racists were people who leftists sincerely hated. The result has been the reinstitution of covert racism. This process proceeds via manipulation of forums like this and high-level gossip about what kinds of people believe in what kinds of things. There’s no conspiracy, just a salt of lies in a primitive social structure operating with very little ruling philosophy.

That’s why nobody can figure out how to help nations suffering hyper-inflationary collapse events, too. Sincerely nobody knows. Nor do I claim to know, myself.

What I have learned about money is this: when demand for money evaporates, hyperinflation happens. When demand for money skyrockets, hyperinflation happens. When people work very assiduously for small amounts of money, currencies are stable.

However, under such conditions it also seems that puffed-up scumbags float atop society…

So this piece of shit is more concerned by what's happening on other people's countries than citizens of his own?
The cryptokike should be executed.

You stop printing fiat trash and use currencies that are limited and based on the real world like gold and silver. Don't be a goofball.

I guess we should just vote harder in 2020?

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Give those people some "freedom" stat!

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Racism is a societal sorting function. It’s an abnormality which supposedly appeals to virtueless people. Therefore, identifying oneself as a racist is self-destructive, and claiming someone else is a racist is a profoundly other-destructive kind of lie. Furthermore, leftists attempted to use projective identification and tribal affiliatons to force racism. “I don’t know if he’s a racist, but the racists think he is,” is equally true whether abusive white losers glom onto someone or abusive black losers glom onto their opposition - and if someone is being threatened by abusive black losers, claiming “the racists think so” is spectacular cover, since black racists never think of themselves as “the racists” being referred to.

theres already been like 3 Venezuelan Exoduses, mostly to nearby countries like Peru, Ecuador and Colombia, with bad results so far

He's telling the kike to get the fuck into the desert where he belongs. kek

Meet the new boss…same as the old boss.

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As automatists in prior decades liked to point out in their propaganda (and still point out today albeit at some decline in rhetorical talent), there is nothing about a currency collapse which actually renders it impossible to do business. The people have the skills they had before; the land has the qualities it had before; the weather takes no notice. As financialists point out however, erratic future expectations and the sheer labor overhead of barter both preserve real advantages for currency as an innovation. It surprises me sometimes that people do not come together learning of one another’s skills and needs to share knowledge and retain thrmselves in reconstructive enterprise; therefore, I think it’s no accident that collapses take place in environments atomized by fear-of-the-other. When people treat all new individuals as likely threats and parasites, communities cannot recover in the wake of currency disruptions. Therefore, tolerance and forbearance have a very important role to play in prosperity’s bulwark.

Reported shareblue.





There is an link in the OP and a screenshot, but you think you can convince us that this is fake? Here is the unarchived URL. Take a look faggot. Its real.

beat me to it

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One of the reasons why I detest the war on drugs is that it serves to other people in communities, and it makes people self-other as well. The producers, distributors, and users are all placed beyond the community. There they adapt to roles beyond the community; they accept the predator’s revel in place of ordinary pleasures. Therefter they are not only unavailable to the support of their community in dangerous times, but serve even to exaggerate the hazards to that community!


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Every nation in hyperinflation is an example of a community of people failing one another. If people cease to promote bigotries and are kind to one another, these things do not need to happen. The mystery of hyperinflation is how to reknit a community as swiftly as would need to happen to abort it.

shareblue is really getting desperate.
All.they have left is shitty shoops.

(in process of which identifying themselves to everyone)

Sage in all fields.

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The shitty shops are all you need at this point. Its hilarious how you kikes get so ass-blasted by funny trump faces.

Shills call shill threads whenever anyone is kind enough to point out the things that truly rend civilization. Truth is merciful; step free of lies.

If we honestly work together, we can reach for higher truths and greater mercies. The wealth of the modern day has not been built on lies, but on the acknowledgment of causality. This acknowledgment has enabled tremendous kindnesses. That same acknowledgment of causality can make farmers the efficacious root of a community in crisis, but modern interdependency demands so much more… Be part if the pattern of progress. Help people be part of society.

Colombian here. Maduro did nothing wrong and anytime ZOG shills for regime change, they're doing it on behalf of Jewish interests. Marco Rubio is in my state right now as we speak shilling for regime change in Venezuela.

They can come to america, it's not like we're getting a wall anyway. all of america is now north america and every non-white gets gibs!

Across the Southern US border and into the US exactly where Trump and the Republicans failed to build a border wall. Keeping in mind that Trump's desire to build a border wall was clearly a campaign gimmick and Republicans never had any intentions of securing the Southern US border at anytime.

How come nobody has thought to bump off Juan Guaido?

So are these retarded Trump face posts all being done by a shill organization?

They still think its 2015 and le funny satire works.

Better get a tiny hands tiny dick Trump pic quick

despite the absurdity of this entire situation, it does seem that way, doesn't it…

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Just a huge wave of them both here and halfchan so clearly it is orchestrated. And the posts like this are always replied to by the most retarded anti-Trump posts. Seems they are trying to orchestrate hatred for him before the prelims begin.

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From what I gathered its just one user thats doing it. There was some back in forth in one of the threads where another user was calling it a massive shill operation and the user claiming responsibility said he was just tired of Trump lying and nobody ever calling it out. All in all, what I have seen is someone posting silly looking pictures of Trump, and then Trump's own words. I would hardly say thats "shilling". If Trump's words are all it takes to turn people against him, maybe turning against Trump is the right thing to do?

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I agree that trump is a zionist, like every other world leader today (damn near)
But these anti-trump threads/posters do just seem like idiots at this point. No solutions, or anything positive, just severe shit tier posting.

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But should we even bother stopping this effort? What would we gain from zion don part 2? At least part 1 shifted the overton window, but It's already shifted. There's nowhere else he could take us.

What solutions do you think Zig Forums is going to come up with to solve Neo-Cons going to war in Venezuela. The only thing that is going to solve that is if the public doesn't support it. Oddly enough, thats exactly what this thread seems to be trying to achieve.

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I don’t usually engage with the actual content of threads much, but I kinds want to point out that the shill who posted the OP is flagrantly wrong about something. The whole border wall emergency thing… Sigh, y’know? It was a naked effort to get a truthteller to point out the onvious, and here I am. Did I coat the spoon with enough poison first?

I know they’re a shill because literally all posters are shilling for a viewpoint; a rare few even decide to shill for their own. I used to take part in the fake-racism bullshit myself, but I lost patience for psychologically abusive methods of activism.

Get out
Get out
Get out.

Down a shot of arsenic, faggot.

Didn't he horribly mismanage the country's oil reserves or was that just Chavez. Either way, Maduro is Chavez' ideological successor.

Who gives a fuck what he did or didn't do. Theres no reason for the U.S. to invade the country.

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We know what needs to be done, it's just not that simple. Failing again could be the end of our white species.

Chavez was better, but it's mostly a myth. Venezuela and Iran would be way better off if it weren't for ZOG trade sanctions

Fair point. I just don't see anything in these threads doing anything productive. We already know Trump is a zionist, and his supporters predominantly are as well. We also already know that sending soldiers to fight in south america/cause another 'refugee crisis' is retarded. These threads just seem like republican/democrat bickering and it's pointless, and retarded.

You know hes grooming Ivanka right? Trump needs to be so completely hated by both the left and the right that Ivanka never gets a chance to make greater Israel real.

If you want to help the lonely, talk about how you value and sympathize with lonely people. ;)

If Guaido was smart, he would be aware that he's got a shelf life to the people who are pulling his strings and they care more about objectives than individuals.

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where is the wall?

Still being built, jew.

Can you show me some pictures of the big beautiful wall?

The same ones that keep being ignored?

He destroyed the economy and forced the people to eat the garage while he eat the foods in front of the live show.

Yea, eating expensive food is not a reason for the U.S. to invade.

Hello shill,

Why is it nessacary for you to encourage the people into fapping to emasculate them?

Yup but he would.

Race is genetic fact.
Racial differences are genetic. Those difference lead to many disparities in ability, including intelligence.
"Racism" is, in its most basic form, simply recognition of the genetic reality of race.
Race is real.
Hyperinflation has many possible causes, but the main one is parasitic finance. Usury is a huge portion of parasitic finance. Ban usury. Wealth must come from physical or mental WORK, not finance trickery.

Race is genetic fact.
Genetics is the foundation of everything living.
Get your head out of the sand.
Stop trying to rationalize the multicult diversity madness. It's all bullshit. Race is real.

Parasitic finance, tycoon capitalism, and globalism all seek to undercut self-sufficiency among the working people. They seek "efficiency" for "higher profits" and, in doing so, gut the robustness and resilience of the economy. They replace decentralized localism with centralized and "interconnected" globalism. They want dependent, consumerist serfs, not hardy yeomen. This makes the economy vulnerable to disruption. That's part of it, anyway.
No. What we need is monocultural, monoracial Volkism. Separation into racial and ethnic homelands with strict border control. Then each people can rise or fall in their own lands. Also, "diversity" is weakness that leads to society collapse.
Again, race is real. The world will never make sense until you recognize this fundamental and brutally obvious fact. Disparities in wealth between racial groups are mostly due to genetic differences in intelligence, work ethic, cooperation, and other such things. Not "discrimination" or "lack of resources."
"Racial equality" is not supported by the facts. It is not reality. The reality is that among each Volk there are bell curves representing abilities with regression to the mean. Every Volk has different bell curves, and the peak of the bell curves VARY WIDELY between groups.

The drugs couldn't get in easily if the border was sealed and all immigration was ended.
Build the wall, deport them all. Especially the latter.

Genetically stupid people cannot build a "first world" society. Most "spic" populations have a low IQ average.
Also, parasitic finance + globalism.

Yet you peddle lies.
Race is genetic fact.
No, it has mostly been built by White men. White men invented the vast majority of modern technology and industry.

They are his own words, are they not?


A false hope in RedZOG is not helpful.

Race is genetic fact.
Race denial is genocide.
You deny race.
You support genocide.

All dog breeds are much closer genetically than the human races.
Are dog breeds "equal" and "all the same" in terms of physical ability, mental ability, and behavior?

It is morally imperative for White people to oppose White genocide.

Doesn't matter. It is their country, not ours. They are not us.
Globalism is cancer.


Marxism is retarded. It turns the masses into chattel slaves of the government. The government then implements retarded economic policies and drives everything into the shit.
Insufficiently regulated capitalism is almost as bad, though.

Fence repairs don't count.

US sanctions did that more than anything

I hope America can become a normal country after everything moves to china. I just want all this bullshit to stop.

used golems are never returning back to their original state.
America will soon fall, and i hope something better jew-free comes from it

I think almost every thread at this point about trump, whether positive, negative, or neutral, is a shill. Same goes for any "mainstream" politician or theme that gets forcememed consistently.

(((DRUMPF))) needs to be impeached himself

You'll get better. This isn't a bad attempt for a newfag

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Oh, you really want to know?
Ok, well first off there, buddy, memes, how do they work? Also don't pile all those replys up. Break them up into 3-5 replies with images per post, imageboard hinthint

nobody is going to read all that shit, 1 post 1 reply

You should have been more careful

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The password for this post is BUMP

the password for this post is sage

Does this mean that I can get a Venezuelan woman?? A refugee romance!

Maybe. But you’ll also have to deal with Venezuelan men trying to murder you and rape your new prize.

Dup btfo

I don't mind venezuelan men as long as they are conservatives and sing our anthem.Take a look at cubans in Florida they all vote republican.

Rubio and Cruz both need to fuck off back to Cuba

Sick fuck to be honest.

It's not fake but i do think it's a shill thread though.
Saw this on /ebola/
Possibly relevant to the situation in Venezuela. The same plane that was specially designed to move Ebola patients from Africa to the United States recently flew from Israel to the US to Venezuela. It just left Venezuela and appears to be heading back to the US.

Attached: Ebola-Chan-Horseman.jpeg (1636x773, 389.45K)

Three letters :


photoshopped Trump face = shill thread

And what have you done, you passive-aggressive waste of oxygen?