AOCucks vs BernieBro's should be fun.
AOCucks vs BernieBro's should be fun.
Does it matter? The DNC will pick whoever they want like they did last time. It seems like people are scared shitless to point out they rigged it.
Will there be refunds this time?
He needs more contributions to go for his third vacation home in VT goys, remember to max out your student loans to donate to our fellow komrade!
At least he is anti-Zionist unlike Trump
I would love if a jew became president. Then we'd have jews front and center, no longer wisely controlling from the shadows. Makes our job easier.
When you carry in your mom's groceries it's you helping, but when people help and you make 120k a year instead of 121k they are evil socialists!
"Omg international Jewry enslaves us!"
"Haha that person is enslaved its their fault.
Yes, people need responsibility for actions. No, people dont need to live in 1930s conditions when society has improved 100fold. You just have a massive yet fragile ego and get off on being able to use buzzwords like socialist or libtard because other people just like you clap their hands in approval. It's a complicated issue you just either don't have the brain cells to enter actual debate , or you don't care.
The majority of you simply don't care about anyone but yourself. Selfish fucking assholes. Literal barbarians. Funny how when things aren't going your way though you cry for help. So you are selfish hypocritical assholes with only your interest in mind, yet you are trying to sell yourself as somebody with everyone's best interest in mind. Let me know how that works out for you.
It's like he thinks everyone forgot that he scammed thousands of people then just said seeya and bought a new beach house with the cash. This guy is an ethnic Jew isn't he???
Bernie is top pick for the accelerationists camp
ethnic replacement is a complicated issue you selfish assholes
He’s… too old… but fine. Maybe he’ll take a personal interest in life extdnsion. It’s not like Trump is a spring chicken. The password is… prob vote Bern.
He's as zionist as they come.
I don't want him taking guns away either or opening the borders worse than Trump.
it'll be moar fun to see some motivated individuals shoot these fucks dead
Dude I don’t have enough money to give a shit about anyone else. Most of the policies somebody like Bernie supports will undoubtedly raise my taxes, while at this time about 50% of my after tax income goes toward paying student loans.
Why would I want to pay more in taxes? I’d rather pay my own way in life, and not pay the education of some slob who only got into college because of affirmative action.
Being self interested isn’t inherently selfish either. I care a lot about society, just not the clown world society we currently live in
It's going to be a rigged Trumpslide like last time. They'll run some insane retards again that terrify remotely sentient people and tell everyone how close we are to WWIII. It's pretty open and shut, with or without any wall.
Good. He will never get picked by the establishment and just throw a wrench into their plans again. He doesn’t have a chance in hell but may give an entertaining schadenfreude.
Crazy Bernie will be 79 in 2020?
They'll probably orchestrate a few more shootings to push for full-blown gun confiscation.
They want it to be like post-revolution USSR.
Gun ownership was OK under the Czar.
Just remember that every starved for power soy boy will have a place in the communist government and they'll be allowed to have guns.
Bernie Sanders is like a long lost relative of John McCaines brain Tumor
Just leave the oval office empty. Enough is enough.
Confiscation is too extreme. They'll threaten and ban little things to keep everyone terrified and accepting of Trump as the lesser evil.
I think the only thing that would make them ban weapons is if people started shooting important families. Then it would be a 'ban' so nobody could get close to them without getting scanned or something. Or allow them to murder any would-be assassins in their own homes. No mass door-to-door stuff.
When the demographic replacement is sufficient, then we'll see the big corporations/families for what they really are when they start fielding their nigger paramilitaries in the first world. Instead of lies and propaganda and political bullshit it's straight up threats and murder.
I believe they want to crown themselves king with no bullshit enforcer and slave castes.
Trump, Sanders, Schultz, Harris, Booker – overloading the field with ultra-zionists just like 2016.
in, other words, the jewish choice
The bolshevik kike will win against the cuck-in-chief zognald if the dems are serious.
That image is wrong. It should say "at the college his wife bankrupted".
what college money? they already gave it away with no refunds
Not my image, but having something incorrect or inaccurate in the wrong direction makes for a perfect conversation starter when someone looks into it.
If a lefty "looks into it" all they will find is the MSM story that she dindu nuffin and it was all evil trump maga klansmen trying to ruin bernies career with lies.
Trump cannot win in 2020, by definition. Anyone they nominate will beat him.
No, Trump is. If a dem wins, people will still think "oh well if we had elected a republican everything would be fine". They need to see that electing a republican also destroy the country. When Trump does nothing for white people and keeps none of his promises, some of those white people will finally realize that voting will not work.
Would gladly take that offer.
He's a literal, actual kike.
Trump will win in 2020
Given the shitty fucking deal Trump got us on NAFTA (Including the fucking TPP language)
Am honestly starting to wonder if Barnie would have got us better fucking deals than Donnie.
Looks like we have a based & redpilled lifelong Republican here.
2015/16 Trump was about blaming Bush for 9/11, killing NAFTA (not just renaming it with a few more sales of shitty mercan dairy), muslim ban (deleted from campaign website 11/9/16), and pro-births tax plan (didn't happen).
They'll all back him, she can't run since she's not 35 and won't be for some time. It's in question whether she'll actually be qualified by 2024.
The real flame wars will be between Warrenfags and Bernouts. They'll split the progressive vote and Gabbard will dark horse the primary.
He's already done nothing for white people, everyone already gets the point we don't need 4 more years of proof. What needs to happen now is things need to accelerate quickly and that won't happen with a Trump reelection, it'll happen when a liberal gets elected and jacks up the debt so fast that the world loses confidence in the dollar and a mass economic collapse occurs. This will cause nigs and spics to riot in the streets since they won't be getting their gibs and the grounds will be perfect for a violent revolution.
You won't feel like that in 2020. The Dem will be so intolerable, that it won't feel like "yay accelerationism" to you. It will feel like impending death. You will be telling people to vote Trump.
It's just a Republic, that's all. And it's already been decided that Trump wins 2020.
Yes, that is the point. But until he's finished doing nothing, desperate hope will keep people spouting "56D backgammon!!111". Once he's out of office having done nothing but made things worse, people become disenfranchised and recognize that the system will never allow them to fix it within the system.
No, everyone doesn't, that's the problem.
Why not? How is importing millions of spics and destroying the US any different under Trump vs under some dem?
Yeah. right, and Bantu niggers are indigenous to the African cape too. Greeks have a more rightful claim to the Levant than the fucking sand niggers do.
Wrong shitskin, its Harris who's trying.
Indigenous just means "whoever got it stolen from them most recently".
Nope. Indigenous means whoever conquered it last.
If Hilldog runs will it literally just be 2016 + 4: Electric Boogaloo?
I don't remember political candidates announcing their bids for presidency this early in the game. We're only 2 months into the new year.
You aren't very good at this.
Reread the part I wrote about dems jacking up the debt. A total collapse of the gibs system is necessary for revolution.
Why do you think the jews would force an economic collapse under a dem?
I wonder how much Trump/Kushner paid Bernie to enter the race? Clearly the more clowns there are in the circus, the easier it will be to make them all look like fools. Truly sad that Trump will win in 2020 even though he is a useless obese moronic amphetamine-addicted kike puppet.
Someone on the left already said he needs to back off because he is
Top kek.
Also what happened to his slag wife and her money fraud issue? Memory holed?
No way ZOG lets Bernie win.
A Jewish, anti-White Communist as President?
That would justify every belief and action of the pro-White movement.
Bluepill: "Oh look, Bernie just Executive Ordered away White protections from hate crimes"
Redpill: "You know that Bernie is a Jew right? That's why he hates White people so much and why all his policies harm White people."
Bluepill: "oh really? what else do you know that I don't?"
Let's compare Bernie vs Trump
Why should we support a Jew when every, single Jew (without exception) in a position of power, authority or control is anti-White?
Is their any Democratic candidate is appeals to the Rust Belt/Midwest?
Ahahahahahah no
It's pointless here. Jews control this board to guarantee Trump's 2020 victory. Trump = Turbokike.
Israeli Mossad will guarantee he does
You cannot elect a non-jew so the difference is do you want pro-immigration Trump or you want anti-immigration Bernie
The purpose of democracy is to prevent change.
Choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil.
There are no pro-White Jews.
If Whites can't preserve our people via voting then we should look to other ways to preserve our people.
Well since he doesn't exist, that's not a real choice.
It'd happen anyways, Jews don't want to elect retarded dems like Bernie since he'd unintentionally collapse the economy and pave way for the revolution, why do you think they tried so hard to make sure he would lose to Hillary in the last primaries? Believe it or not Jews are not as politically cohesive as you'd think, they're all trying to subvert us but they don't necessarily agree on how to do it. When they push all this propaganda on whites to make them support diversity and open borders they will inevitably indoctrinate a lot of their own and create chaos.
Even if Sanders was anti-immigration, it wouldn't matter. Sander is a Jew. Therefore on that fact alone he is not to be trusted or supported.
Bernie should have won in 2016! His retarded commie economics would have crashed the US economy with no survivours and finally awoken the zombified bourgeouis which is willing to tolerate all humiliation and tyranny as long as they have a somewhat pleasing income. Then the (((system))) would have been taken down and replaced with a Pinochet style regime, free of kikes, commies, democrats and financial speculators.
Trump has pacified white America while doing nothing to solve their problems exactly as Morrakiu predicted.
Of course but who you think wants stronger government/police force/military to protect the state and the (((chosen))) people
If you want to overthrow the government, what you can do by voting is to vote for the candidate who makes sure that the system is weaker
I almost agree but Trump served one useful purpose: his failure is evidence to whites that it is not possible to save this country through democracy. If Bernie had won a lot of retards would be investing their time in political action, but if he wins this election everything you said will come true.
it'll be a long time before the DNC gets another candidate in office.
the loyalists will always try at the DNC in complete denial of the corruption afriad to join a 3rd party because that would hurt the DNC.
the DNC will be replaced by a 3rd party to win.
meanwhile the RNC is getting shanghai'd by the right wing and its out of the RNCs control at this point.
remember, people voted for trumps rhetoric. not trumps results. that momentum is still there in the RNC. local right wing candidates have won while running as republicans.
its only a matter of time before the RNC shifts as boomers die. meanwhile DNC will cling to their old ways and wait to be overtaken by a left wing 3rd party.
Because magic?
There is no such thing you retard. The fed and international banks decide when and if to collapse the economy and go into scavenge reset mode.
He wasn't in the primaries for real, he was a fake candidate to drum up youth support for Clinton. Don't you read?
They do indoctrinate a lot of their own. So what? That doesn't help us at all, and it has nothing to do with the discussion.
>Of course but who you think wants stronger government/police force/military to protect the state and the (((chosen))) people
Every candidate. When it comes down to it, even Sanders will choose Israel over the USA and the Jews over the White race/American people.
Then why are you promoting (((Sanders))) as the superior choice between him and Trump as if voting for him will bring forth some positive governmental policies for the White race?
I remember making this meme to mock those libtard still hoping for this old kike to run again in 2020 and there we are lol
I love in an open Primary state, so I can vote for a Dem in the primary.
I am legit voting for Warren the fake Indian. Reason being: Her wealth tax will soak the (((1%))) and she plans on using it to fund childcare.
The reason this is important is the people who PLAN their children "Whites" keep putting off having kids due to career. This will be a book to our demographics.
No thanks. You want burn, I have a lighter you can borrow.
Always look to the other angles as well, but don't neglect voting while you do it.
The last thing you want is to face the greater evil.
Accelerationism is why we are fucked. There IS no rock bottom.
That faggot left all mad.
So should we root for the Commie Jew this time around?! Because the political atmosphere now is different, completely different from the one in 2015!
Can boomer die a little bit quicker then?! Before we as a people die out…
Lad, we are burning under Trump too, just at a lower temperature.
Because the positive governmental policies for white people is to overthrow the government
Leftists hate police/military and let's be clear, Trump has always been pro-Israel and Israel overwhelmingly supports republicans/right-wing all over the world while Bernie says that he is against Netanyahu and current Israel regime. Trump also wants to bring in more immigrants for workforce unlike Bernie who tries to prevent this. You can say that they are both serve jewish interests but you have to admit that there is difference between how much right the police has/how strong is the military and so on
If you want to overthrow the government, there is no use of voting Trump
Trump is the greater evil
I am melting hearts over here at rate unprecedented in history.
Don't understand you friend
He's back in the race! Oy vey!
he actually is the same as Trump in that he pretends not to be Zionist for campaigns but in practice loves Israel
The real question re Bernie is how he will do against Tulsi. Will this undermine her campaign, or once things get underway and people compare the two, will she make Bernie seem like a sad Establishment joke? People are a lot more politicall aware than they were in 2015.
Btw he won't win since he's way to fucking old
Stopped reading there.
Tulsi has no chance, if we're going the right wing democrat angle we should of make Sam Hyde run as a democrat candidate for a "joke" and make republicans vote for him until he wins
psst, the 1% wont actually get taxed, they'll evade it and childcare won't apply to whites
Ignorance is a valid reason.
This time in 2015, nobody thought Bernie had a chance either. And a lot of people were left unhappy with all the bullshit that fucker pulled, like supporting Hillary and turning his back on numerous "progressive" candidates.
The Young Turks and other faggots will talk about Bernie, but they are dying. The better leftists it's relative like Jimmy Dore & Michael Tracey are already more behind Tulsi, plus her views have support among independents and Republicans in a way that Bernie never did. A lot of people are already talking about registering as Democrats just to vote for her in the primary. If that is pushed big on Twitter and social media, she has a very good chance.
wew, abort yourself.
Trump was always openly a Zionist you moron.
it does not matter, Bernie/Tulsi will be the same for US. Even Hillary is worse than the other two but still better than Trump.