This board, like all online discussion boards, is crawling with shills. Intelligence agencies, political parties, corporations, there are hundreds of different groups trying to control what we discuss and disrupt our ability to organize. The buildup for the election will begin in the next few months, so we need to plan now for our strategies to control the discussion for 2020. They have far more money and manpower than we do, so how do we counteract, incapacitate, and then assimilate them?
Let's begin by asking: what are our assets? We are much smarter than they are, we have meme magic, weaponized autism to do research, and we are highly motivated.
What are their vulnerabilities? They are stupid, cannot meme, poorly educated, use a highly predictable playbook, and have extremely poor motivation.
How best to exploit our advantages against their vulnerabilities? To begin with, we need to start throwing their playbook back in their faces. We already have a copy of one manual that gives a guide to most of their strategies:
Every time you see a shill using one of these, quote them the chapter and verse of what they are doing. This neutralizes them and allows newfags and lurkers to see what shilling looks like so they can start to tell the difference. It also makes the shills feel very bad, because they realize they are ineffective and incompetent.
Once we shut them down, we need to humiliate and permanently incapacitate them. Reinforce to them that they are bad at their job, their boss will be reprimanding them, they will be fired, no one will hire them after they leave, and their very existence is pathetic and meaningless. To incapacitate the operative, suggest quitting, finding a real job, sabotage, leaking, or violence against the employer. To assimilate the operative, remind them that their cause is hopeless, the red pills are true, and they should accept them and join us.
Assimilated operatives have skill at controlling online discussion that will be weaponized against our enemies. They can bring information and insight on plans of the enemy. And they will be extremely dedicated to their new cause.
The shills are already humiliated and ashamed simply by the nature of their work. We merely need to drive the wedge through their soul, break their spirit, and invite them to join us on the other side.
This is the best you could come up with? Trying to imply that I support DACA when the fucking text is right there for everyone to read how much of a worthless shill you are? Did you think we wouldn't see right through this and rip your pretty little ass to shreds?
You have one job, and it's hard to imagine failing any worse than you just did.
Luis Edwards
Wow, you're doing a great job of discrediting this with your scripted responses we've all heard a million times before. Totally believable IP flip.
Can you please send someone else who will actually try?
Jeremiah Stewart
Where do I apply for imageboard shilling jobs? I have a lot of free time and am down with shilling for anything, whoever will pay the most.
Gabriel Fisher
Gabriel Rivera
This is actually pretty good. Op knows the game.
Brandon Campbell
They aren't hard to beat if you know their plans.
Jackson Richardson
Join the NSA and help destroy the USA (Gov employees will be ok with their high paychecks they can afford to live in gated communities and have large armories)
REMOVE LARPING WHITE NATIONALIST/ALT-RIGHT COCKROACHES FROM THE GENE POOL THEY ARE THE REASON WHITES CANNOT BE TRIBAL AND NETWORK ANYMORE Doxing Whites as Nazis, Racists, etc. everytime Whites engage in anything political in their defense. Serving our enemies who are exterminating us.
Jackson Adams
Don't bother we're switching sides since the money ran out.
Thomas Sullivan
Fuck off reddit.
Oliver Hernandez
I've been banned for less. You're posting on a DoD server via (((Cuckflare))) you newfag. Even Qlarpers know that.
Zachary Perez
I think this guy is dead serious.
Liam Brooks
Are you new here?
Evan Hill
fuckoff kushner shill
Leo Brown
Does that shit work in Tel Aviv?
If this is the best you've got, you should kill yourself before your boss does it for you.
Lincoln Martinez
Do you ever feel ashamed when you realize how easy it is to beat you? Your fat girlfriend will tell you it's ok, but she's fucking a goy on the side. And he doesn't have to use condoms.
Lucas Campbell
How would you know?
Ethan Thompson
Thanks, nice.
Mason Sanders
Kushner shill? That's not even the terminology we use here. Lurk for 2 years applies to shills.
Ian Peterson
Die from GRIDS, faggot.
Anthony Robinson
You're not winning the argument.
Leo Baker
Jesus, you guys need to stop using bold red text every time. Its like a sign.
Caleb Diaz
know one knows what govkikes stand for anymore, other than the fact that they don't stand for European Americans and love to cuddle with subhuman trash. I'll pass on your offer of the government tit, even if the pay is good it would probably mean I would have to work with niggers, poo in the loo, bugs and spic trash.
Anyone who sits around and makes threads about "shills" is either kampfy or a faggot. Sometimes people are going to disagree with you online, you need to come to terms with that and stop calling everyone you disagree with a shill.
kek…my dog just floated an air turd that would knock out a wildebeest. I am not sure I want to know what the NSA smells like, could be worse, could be better…alas, they don't give tours so that people could find out their OTJ air biscuit-making potential.
Aiden Stewart
6. Hit and Run.
In any public forum, make a brief attack of your opponent or the opponent position and then scamper off before an answer can be fielded, or simply ignore any answer.
This works extremely well in Internet and letters-to-the-editor environments where a steady stream of new identities can be called upon without having to explain criticism reasoning — simply make an accusation or other attack, never discussing issues, and never answering any subsequent response, for that would dignify the opponent’s viewpoint.
Parker Jones
Alexander Ortiz
Zachary Myers
You actually sound like a reasonable and well educated person, TORfag. Ad hominem attacks are something I resort to often, I would be better off learning to fight without them.
James Gomez
You were supposed to say something shilly
Cameron Cooper
what about getting hacked logins for facebook, twitter,etc and posting exactly those things that would get the unsuspecting hijacked user banned? When these data breechs happen its 10s of millions of logins are leaked and something like 18% of the population uses skeleton key passwords. It would misdirect enemy forces and get them to focus their efforts where it is least productive and might even get a few converts…..after going through withdrawl.
Wyatt Kelly
Also I have been thinking that we need to devise a system of making memes as simple as possible. Like a browser plugin where you can right click any image you want and select create meme… thats drag and drop easy. The current state of meme production is on the order of 2 or 3 minutes if you have tech skills and photoshop. We need to lower the learning curve and and get the time investment down to 30 seconds or less for a mediium grade meme and it will be like going from muzzle loading rifles to bolt action. Alot of boomers would stop lurking and join the fight. Also the ability to very simply create .gif memes en mass would be DEVISTATING. Perhaps something you just feed in a youtube link and specify a time interval and you have a gif that can accept text. If we get meme production to near real time it would be the equivalent of a formal declaration of unrestricted meme warfare. Just imagine you have a web form that you point at a youtube video. you specify the a 5 second range to be conveted to gif for instance pelosi doing whatever it is she does with her dentures. Then add a caption that says "cocaine, its hell of a drug" and save file or copy to clip board. 30 seconds or less and done. before the speech your watching is even over.
Jason Martinez
Nag nag nag. Shills are great. Naziposters are fucking stale. Shills have an actual POV. I mean, I’m nobody, maybe people in other nations are so broken there really are nazis somewhere? But that’s awful. Ludicrously awful. Who would ever be that broken, and how does it happen? Why don’t people just step back from it?
Carson Jenkins
Modern nazi equavelent sdo exist just look at antifa. remember nazis are national socialists. Hitlers brown shirts were mostly queer. they are just too stupid to realize they are socialists calling people they hate socialists.
Benjamin Rodriguez
Good job you disproved shills and have proven every poster on Zig Forums Zig Forums is authentic, $10 has been deposited in your account.
Ethan Hill
Now's the time to start looking at infiltration tactics. The more time they spend responding to our shit, the less time we have to spend responding to theirs. And it's not 1:1 input/out. See: 1 post by this ID.
One of the most important ways to alter a forum is just being relentless. I presumably can’t substantively disrupt this forum, but it’s fun trying. It’s fun to make other people “fight back”. I wouldn’t do this to any forum other than one infested by lying “nazis”, but look what’s here! A zero integrity hunting ground. Anyone can post here, so maybe eventually it’ll become something other than what it is today.
Logan Russell
Case in point, notice how the shilling always comes in waves. There's always a huge, concerted effort to spread the same ideas at once. Look at the catalog now and look at it a few days ago. Everything was about Trump being a kike lover. Now it's back to having typical discussions and news, while (((coincidentally)) the Drumpfkike shilling has pretty much stopped and now the board is just getting flat out spammed with things that leftists think will piss of Zig Forums.
Adrian Jones
Good idea.
Alexander Young
Good idea. Can you do something like that?
Michael Reed
Top kek. 10 cents if they're feeling generous.
Asher Bailey
They're so predictable
Josiah Phillips
any of you two handy at coding? I code in everything except shitty interprited languages like perl ruby python etc. It would have to either be an app so java which i hate but am really good at or webapp so php which is also on my list. I'm more of a backend code type guy Can you guys do pretty css and UI work?
Cooper Hernandez
browser plugins are javascript? dont quote me on that. which i can do but I wont publicly admit to it…kinda like java
Easton Walker
No good at coding.
Jordan Lewis
Well after they implement the social credit score in the US i'm going to make damn sure to figure out how get all those leaked databases and post them on the chans for the sole purpose of destorying all the social credit scores by quoting the bible etc. I wonder if being told you are a russian bot and banned will wake up the boomers.
Austin Mitchell
High level strat is to go against things only kikes want to keep around. Such as the eternal baby torture called circumcision.
Luis Clark
the start most wars and finance both sides with central bank that also enslave us with constants depreciating debt money and your worried about your foreskin? …… Actually your right im totally cool with tranny 5 year olds and being genocided so long as they leave my foreskin alone.
Gabriel Garcia
Also the jews everyone hates arent even real jews…. they hate jews more than eveyone else. They do terrible things and the jews whom they hate get all the blow back. they funded the nazis who they knew were killings jews while they claimed to be jewish and they send lennin and his train full of gold to moscow and bankrolled him to go after jews too. Its a genious strategy of misdirection and projection and they trolled everyone including the actual jewish people in the process. Ever notice the last 4 letters of askanazi are nazi? hummm end of the jew isnt that interesting….
Charles Harris
Does it honestly matter? When we say "jews" we mean the prominent big money cabal who will get what's coming to them, no one cares about random literally who jewish individuals with zero influence.
John Adams
REMOVE LARPING WHITE NATIONALIST/ALT-RIGHT COCKROACHES FROM THE GENE POOL THEY ARE THE REASON WHITES CANNOT BE TRIBAL AND NETWORK ANYMORE Doxing Whites as Nazis, Racists, etc. everytime Whites engage in anything political in their defense. Serving our enemies who are exterminating us.
Many anons actually don't know this. They will insist it is Jews, all Jews, and only Jews.
Gabriel Green
4. Use a straw man. Find or create a seeming element of your opponent’s argument which you can easily knock down to make yourself look good and the opponent to look bad. Either make up an issue you may safely imply exists based on your interpretation of the opponent/opponent arguments/situation, or select the weakest aspect of the weakest charges. Amplify their significance and destroy them in a way which appears to debunk all the charges, real and fabricated alike, while actually avoiding discussion of the real issues.
Leo Harris
bump very educational OP thanks
Lucas Stewart
all jews are shitty. even the loser no power jews are revolting to be around.
James Price
Not important as targets.
Charles Stewart
No user, there needs to be a clean sweep of all parasites. PERIOD. No more parasitism should be allowed to survive in all humanity. Only productive contributors.
Connor Garcia
Who have you killed?
William Torres
This needs to be a concerted effort on the part of all humanity user. Everyone needs to be in agreement otherwise humanity will wipe itself out again, there is no question about that and without this agreement it might be the final time that human being walk this planet.
Liam Taylor
So, you're larping about Jewish genocide?
Jacob Garcia
If we can't agree to exterminate parasites, user there is no greater hope for humanity as a species. We need to carefully assess what we want (as Europeans we are the only REAL humans anyway) and make the correct, LOGICAL not emotional decisions to get us to the results we desire. This means that all parasites (and anyone who engages in parasitic behaviors in society; the rich and the poor, faggots, subhumans and kikes) need to be exterminated to make way for the only thing of value on the planet, the productive class who is capable of advancing humanity. That means Europeans/Whites only since there is no other race that capable of meeting these requirements.
Dominic Hill
Saged. Am I larping about jewish genocide? No, the entire race of jews are nothing but parasites (usury, homosexuality, torture, war, ritual human sacrifice…they are worse than nigger savages because they are smarter than niggers). There is not one good one in the bunch…just like all niggers, they would have to be exterminated.
Alexander Bennett
Fuck I didn't sage that.
Grayson Hernandez
Yes you are. Get there and DO IT or STFU Storm fag.
Ryder Bailey
Do you think I am the only person on the planet (that would make things simpler)? What part of "this has to be an eternal agreement between all humanity" (regarding the extermination of parasites and the practice of eugenics to build the best human beings possible) did you not understand?
Lucas Myers
So you want me to kill Jews but you won't do it yourself? Larper.
Ian Martinez
Have you killed any?
Landon Clark
Write out the name of God. Say that Jews killed Christ, you fucking larper.
David Moore
My strategy is to vote for any anti-war, anti-Israel candidate. At the moment, that's Gabbard.
Michael Bell
David Scott
I am not sure why you are having difficulty processing my words. Is English a second language for you? Jews are parasites on the human host. They need to be killed along with their subhuman 'brothers' or humanity will die of their interventions and INCOMPETENCE.
This is not 'rocket science' simply look LOGICALLY at who they are and what they do…look at all parasites who act in the same manner as the jews and other subhumans.
Why are you here if you are not European? This is a National Socialist board, not a bar mitzvah board. I didn't ask you personally to kill jews because I know that you are a fucking sheep and not a man. I know that it is not within your capacity to act like a HUMAN BEING and with logic and sound reasoning to make a HUMAN decision that works for the betterment of the planet and all humanity. Stop and apply your own shill filters.
Sebastian Morris
Larping Jewish shill. Stop your kikespeak.
Write out the name of God.
Say that Jews killed Christ.
Zachary Jenkins
This is all you have to say:
Jews killed Christ.
Jews cannot say those things, and it will prove you are not a larping Jewish shill.
Leo Butler
I will kill them user. I due time. It is not for hatred that they will be exterminated. I honestly feel nothing more for them than I do for any other noxious parasite that is destroying its environment. God is not here user, but I am here…IF I AM REQUIRED to do what God will not, then so be it. The Earth will be paradise whether the parasites who currently inhabit it right now like it or not.
I am learning genetic engineering so that we can rid ourselves of parasites, BUT if someone handed me the disease that would slaughter all the parasites in the world tomorrow I would gladly spread it over the entire Earth because it is time for a rest from the wicked and the evil. However, this will do me no good if humanity can't come to the agreement that parasites MUST be slaughtered WHEREVER and WHENEVER we find them in order for humanity to thrive and succeed. If we cannot acknowledge that parasites must be killed all we are doing is wash, rinse and repeat the immense suffering of the billion dead that the jews and the hundreds of millions who are tortured and slaughtered in subhumans hands as well. Parasites do not deserve to exist here on this planet user. It is special and worth preserving.
Do forget your rules user. This is your OP I am simply answering your personal questions. Also, I am not allowed to give testimony to things I didn't witness (that is illogical) and I didn't witness the death of Christ.
Henry Jones
You just proved you're a reformed Jewish larper. Your boss is going to have your ass when he finds out how badly you just failed. Are you even going to have a job on Monday?
Cooper Stewart
OP was on Tor you larping Mossad agent. Stop sucking baby dicks and kill yourself.
Aaron Brooks
I cannot give a testimony to what I did not witness user. That would make me a liar. I am not a liar. You are a liar because you are willing to give a HEARSAY testimony (gossip) about something that you didn't witness. THAT is the difference between you and me.
Nicholas Kelly
Kayden Carter
Yes because no one ever uses both Tor and clearnet to bump and/or shill their own shitty threads…
Carter Nguyen
Whoa…someone is having a meltdown. I cannot give testimony of something I did not witness user. I am not sure why this is bothering you so much…perhaps you could articulate a bit more than having a sort of robot meltdown or whatever is going on in your mind right now.
user, your extermination is not personal, nor do I have any ill will towards you personally, I am concerned for your victims, not for you. I am sorry that you are taking this so hard. There is simply no more room on the planet for parasitism.
Hudson Miller
Were you a witness, user? Do not lie and scapegoat something that didn't happen…it gives demons power.
Leo Davis
Look at you! You just betrayed your own fucking people because of pressure from some stranger on the internet! Do you have no honor? Don't you fear g-d? Calling for the execution of your people and betraying them just to make a shekel.
Angel Ross
John Ross
I do not fear God user. I love God. But you still will not go forward into the next Age because it is not for you but rather for the victims that you have enslaved, raped and murdered here on this planet.
;) It is almost like you don't understand that I know you and know who you are are user.